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Liam McEwan's brother Aidan McEwan's Bedroom

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 15, 2011

@AidanMcEwan: "Have "Updated" my Adam Lambert room! Hope you guys like it! =D"


Anonymous said...

Cool! A few (?) years ago this was what my bedroom looked like.
Except the guy was Peter Frampton and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band posters covered every wall and the ceiling. My how time does fly by!

Hi hi said...

His room is overwhelmingly beautiful.

Anonymous said...

like it? I love it.

Anonymous said...

JustJared posted bunch of other pictures of Katy Perry's BD party. There are two close up pictures of Adam:

Anonymous said...

ha, ha he is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Lovely room! My daughter has also Adam`s big poster and GNT poster on her room wall here in Finland : )

funbunn40 said...

Aww, great room and hope Adam sees it! What a great brother Aidan has in Liam! Two cool guys!Peter Frampton was on my daughter's wall and one of her boyfriends looked just like him, huge hair and all! Donnie Osmond and MJ had their wall space time when they were younger too.

Bing said...

OMG how i wish i could do that to my room but i'm afraid that would be the end of my married life LOL!

I'm so envious and my only consolation is that i don't see my most favorite photos of Adam in those walls hahaha. My taste is so different from his.

That is one exciting boy's room there.

Anonymous said...

How old is this "boy"?

Anonymous said...

OT: So hoping adam would of made people mag "sexiest man alive" Nope, I guess cohan obrien and prince harry are more sexier. Right! guess I won't be buying that issue.

Anonymous said...

The most inspiring bedroom!!!

Adamluv said...

How I would love to sleep in that room! My office is covered with Adam pictures but this guy has me beat! Dont remember as a teenager being obsessed with anyone enuf to have pictures of them all over? But now . . . . . Guess it's never too late!

Anonymous said...

My wall had fan photos of Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter and many many of Montgomery Clift. Though unaware at the time, I guess I knew even then that some of the best things in life were gay!:)


Anonymous said...

Didn't see pic of the Advocate Cover ... wonder if he'd seen it!