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More Pictures From The Katy Perry Party

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Anonymous said...

good pics,ok where did Adam's left forearm go in the first pic? maybe I am looking at it wrong.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping next time I saw him, his temples would be covered----
but this is extreme! Guess I'm just one of those picky fans! lol
Actually I think he looks fab!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, mmmm, mmm! What a couple of hotties! Damn, Sauli, your pants revealing! Just lovely to look at, quite enjoyable, thank you very much!

Looks like the party was a ho-down, LOL!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ 10:26 PM

Severely wounded in battle?

Anonymous said...

Sauli's pants are in a tug of war with gravity. I'm rooting for gravity!

glitzylady said...

Close up enlarged pic of Adam and Sauli: via @ADAMGASMIC

Anonymous said...

I looked at all of the pictures that JustJared posted and I'm glad that Adam wasn't half naked. I like it when Adam shows a little skin here and there on his performances. Like in Ring of Fire. To me celeb. men that show up half naked are kind of tacky. Adam is like Versace colorful, classy and over the top but never tacky.

funbunn40 said...

Think Sauli has it over Adam with costume this time! Sexy little devil! Glad to see them out having a good time!

daydreamin said...

I posted a couple of threads down that IIHY has almost 25 millions views and WWFM has almost 24 million views on Youtube!!

Also, I found this interview with Camilla Gray (Adam's keyboardist) from this website:

JN: Are you still doing stuff with Adam Lambert?

A: (Camila Grey) I am.

JN: I know he has new music coming out. Are you going around on that tour also?

A: (Camila Grey) I don't know yet. We have spoken a little bit since he has been working on his writing and I have been on the road. I don't know how my little body is going to handle it yet. I will be involved in it some way or another.

JN: Well, you need to rest up and get well.

A: (Camila Grey) I know. I need a break.

daydreamin said...

Oh, the interviewer in above is Jerry Nunn.

daydreamin said...

Found this on twitter:

RyanJL Ryan Love
Just sat with Adam Lambert while he played a selection of tracks from his new album. Insanely great. Good luck to whoever picks singles!
8 Nov Favorite Retweet Reply

Anonymous said...

They both look fantastic! So wonderful to see Adam so happy.

Anonymous said...

nice...... any pics of birthday girl and hubby.....

Anonymous said...

Great photos of 2 FIERCE Indians.

Urethra_Franklin said...

That poncho never looked so good.

Anonymous said...

the feathers actually look like hair.

Anonymous said...

the Lambert eyes always taking center stage.

Anonymous said...

The guys are beautiful. Always loved that poncho. The mask idea is cool, but I would have loved to see Adam's real face! Great commments from Camilla.

Anonymous said...

I think they are holding hands on Adam's back...warm up for the "home-batlle"...ha ha ha


shayna said...

They have TOO much fun lol!!! I never get tired of seeing Adam and Friends having fun... I can look at them ALl day.

Now you know with Sauli,Adam and Katy all in one area...It was at least 130 degrees!!!! You wanna talk about a tasty combo...That would make the mouth of the straightest guy and girl,water!!! lol!!! Keep posting tasty pics;)

Anonymous said...

Sauli is hot!! That chiseled face of his, etc. What a gorgeous couple. Their costumes were perfect -- the Sun and the Moon. :-)

shayna said...

lol question is...who's idea was it?hmmmm....

shayna said...

sauli is pretty tasty himself...They are perfect for eachother. But yes as a girl... I am SO jealous of Sauli. In all honesty.

LP said...

Adam looks very possessive in first pic. He doesn't want any mistakes as to who Sauli belongs to. That's a definite look on his face (HANDS OFF, HE'S MINE).
Actually there are several pics of Sauli when he was in BB, with low riders. I think it's the way most clothes fit him. Just one of his many charms, and I don't think Adam is complaining LOL

LP said...

I guess from Sauli's blog he will be going to NY with Adam. Prolly left last night or today. Sounded like they were having a busy weekend. Hope some fun is being squeezed in there.

Anonymous said...

Saw some group pix from this party on another site. Looks like most of the costumes were pretty tame compared to Adam's and Sauli's. But then, they're used to going to more (ahem) "alternative" parties. The whole group looked like they were having a great time. A&S are the most beautiful of men.

Anonymous said...

Adam better watch out! With Sauli looking like that, every gay cowboy in LA (and a few straight ones) will be "circling the wagons".

LP said...

@ anon 11:04
You have a good sense of humor, your comment made me laugh. I got the mental pic of that happening.

Anonymous said...

Others may circle their wagons around Sauli, but I think Sauli will stick with The Chief.

glitzylady said...

Off topic:

Apparently the unauthorized BFM single is turning up on radio stations worldwide. This is some thoughtful and calm advice offered by @Izla_zandz on how to most effectively approach a station with out risking them being turned off to Adam's REAL new music when it comes out early next year:

"What to do if BFM turns up on your radio station?"
by Izla Zandz

"Hey guys, just running a few ideas past you. Please add your thoughts and ideas (in replies) and let's see if we can come up with some sort of guide for ourselves re BFM and radio. That way we can help out fans reeling at the shock of hearing BFM played on their radio! We had this happen in NZ recently. The DJs had NO idea BFM was not Adam's release. They responded well to our tweets and even said something about it on air. But not all DJs are going to be as responsive.

My suggestions for a guide:

1. Let local people deal with local stations. Local people know their DJs, know what might push their buttons, know the best way to approach them.

2. Angry or indignant voices tend to get a negative response. Try to be light-heartedly informative.

3. Try not to sling off at BFM.i.e. calling the producer 'lowlife' or 'bottom-feeders'. It's unlikely to get DJs on side and in fact could make some of them want to tease or take the mickey out of 'glamberts' by PLAYING BFM!

4. Try to sound like you're just passing on some info - not telling them how to do their job. Informal language is good with DJs.

5. Let DJs know Adam's new single is out in January, and album in March or thereabouts. Maybe do it in a "can't wait for it" way.

6. Promote the station. Mention other music they are playing. Try to sound like a fan of music, not just Adam. i.e.

7. Use Adam's last name.


"Hey guys, Lambert's new single/album isn't out till 2012. Dammit!That BFM album is retro pre-idol stuff. BTW LOVE the new Rhianna!"

is more likely to get a good response from DJs than

"That BFM album is NOT Adam's album. It's one put out by asshole bottomfeeders trying to USE HIM to make money!"

Just a few thoughts. Please add your own. Then maybe we can get some effective strategies for combatting BFM on radio."

The Dark Side said...

Like these pictures better than the staged ones, probably because Adam and Sauli smiling and being themselves. Looks like a great party! Happy Birthday Katy!

Anonymous said...

Cam is team pretty Kitty, not Tommy. Practically that means team Adommy. I don't like Cam, I think she is going to be the next trouble for Adam after Monte.

Anonymous said...

Cam was pushing her song to Adam's next album. I hope Adam doesn't include it just because it's hard for him to say no to a friend. See what I mean..

Anonymous said...

There was no Under Pressure. It wouldn't be possible to cut it off from a live performance.

Anonymous said...

Oops, my comment @2:34 was meant to the EMA's thread.

Anonymous said...

Adam's eyes are different colours in these pics?? (or am I seeing things?)

LP said...

Adam and Sauli have both worn lenses when they were vampires. My guess is that Adam has several different colors for any occasion. I have suspected for a long time that he wears contact lenses.Some of his dark glasses might be perscription glasses. Adam takes good care of himself, which is very smart of him. Way to go Adam

Anonymous said...


I don't know who Izla Zandz is, but she should be working for USA as a diplomat. Very canny advice!

Glad my eyes are working again. I wouldn't have wanted to miss the one little, two not so little indians!


Anonymous said...

Also, I don't like Leisha, Cam's gf. I hope she finds another gf..

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam and Sauli have already had highs and lows in their relationship, it's normal. I just think some Adam's tweets to Cam and Tommy gives some timeline of the lows.

Anonymous said...

These guys are a constant source of JOY and EYE CANDY!!
Sauli is in character (dressed like an indian), and nothing tacky about showing a gorgeous body, pheeeww!!

So many excellent, upbeat & funny comments, I thank you all!
(I keep hearing the words of the 3 Queen EMA songs in my head ALL the time, have listened Adam w Queen XYZ times…)

GGD Gal, ugh!!

Anonymous said...

What??? No outlaws of love?

Anonymous said...

Love the "Native American-ized" Jewish star on Adam's forehead. You go, guy!