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NEW Adam Lambert SONG! - Get Over It (Demo Snippet)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 28, 2011

Posted at : Monday, November 28, 2011

The song was written by Adam Lambert, Rune Westberg, and Zac Maloy
Thanks to everybodypees!

Your Views on "Get Over It" DEMO
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It's okay
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Anonymous said...

Not sure if this would get on the album given the new direction Adam has been going in.He said more funky,but good to hear his voice in a new song. I'll take the 30 seconds of it!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does this remind me of WWFM? I think Adam is releasing this as the first single because of the success of WWFM. He knows the radio loves this type of songs by him.

I think it's okay. Haven't voted yet though.

Anonymous said...

@10:55 No this is not his first single. Adam told us it is called Better than I Know Myself. This sounds almost like his older Citizen Vein stuff, not WWFM. It's probably not on the album since the album will be more funky electro pop, new!

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam had already decided to release "Better than I know myself" as the first single..( wish we could hear BB sing a little of that also)Adam needs more VOTES on the AIOTM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ also need voting for the flecking"of the year" awards Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!,11:01AM,we must have been posting @ about the same time.

glitzylady said...

This is a originally came from a Sony site..someone found it and posted it. Nothing else is known about it..chances are, not on the album at all..its basically a "rough draft"...Guess we'll see.

By the way, Rune Westberg, co-writer and producer of this song, also wrote "Outlaws of Love" which we know will be on the Album.

Its nice to hear Adam singing, even a snippet!

Anonymous said...

Nobody ever said this was his next single. It's not, but I kinda like it. Catchy.

Anonymous said...

@Glitzlady So if it came from a Sony site don't think they want leaks, so probably not on the album. It is nice just to hear Adam singing. Hope by January Better Than I know Myself gets released!

fanatapan said...

I agree with 11:21, probs not on the album, or else a bonus like Can't Let You Go, Down the Rabbit Hole etc. i do like it tho, it's quite catchy and seems to be well written. its got me itching for more - then i'll get all sad and impatient waiting for new stuff... :(

glitzylady said...

This song was on a list of songs published in August..that someone found of BC Jean songs. singer/songwriter associated with Adam, one of which is this song, in addition to "Outlaws of Love", and two others "Who I Am" and "Burning the Pages" all of which have Adam Lambert writing credit as well. The last two have Adam listed first as writer...

New Zealand blogger, and Adam fan, Steve Grey, published this list on his blog in August. It includes many other songs, unrelated to Adam. Who knows which song, other than "Outlaws Of Love" might be on the album...No clue yet! Just FYI...

fanatapan said...

thanks for the info Glitzylady, i thought i remembered something bout a list a while ago... u always seem to have the info when we need it - like a glittery pearl of wisdom-giver!

Anonymous said...

I know this is only a demo but I like it. It sounds sort of like 80s music. Hope it'll make it as a bonus track. Gotta go listen to it again!

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, you are like Adam's super fan. you know everything about him. Nice work. Love reading your comments here! always knowledgeable and relevant info.

As for the song, i lURVE it! It should be on the album!

fanatapan said...

wow, just listened to it again and its already grown on me SO much... agreed, i really want it to make the album in some way, shape or form :D (that might just be the relief talking from actually hearing some new music from him tho :p)

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you are a treasure on this site. I usually know all the stuff you do, but dont recall it till I read what you have written
my memory is pretty bad.
You are great, thanks so much.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the info.! You are very helpful in sorting out all the "rumors" etc. we hear about.

So Rune Westberg wrote "Outlaws of Love"? I thought when Adam announced the song at St. Agathe this summer he introduced it by saying he had written this song? Did he mean he was a co-writer? I think it is a truly wonderful song and it probably will be on the 2nd album (at least I hope so).

I liked "Get Over It" even tho I know it's a demo because it is catchy and would be radio friendly. It's def pop but not funky or electro as Adam stated most tracks on 2nd album would be.


Anonymous said...

@CT Adam co wrote Outlaws of Love. Adam seems to really like collaborations which is great. I think it was written with BC Jean. Glitzlady, correct if I am wrong.

fanatapan said...

OT: while I'm here, does anyone know of the most successful way of getting fan mail/a message to Adam? didn't really wanna tweet coz that never seems to get noticed, so thought someone on here MUST know! thanks, Scottish Glambert :D

Anonymous said...

I love the first Get Over It he sings. It's like you idiot Get Over It and open up your mind cause we ain't going anywhere...stop. Love it!

glitzylady said...

@CT and @Anon 12:06 PM
According to the Song List that was originally posted of BC Jean songs (anything with her writing credit on them).

Adam was apparently the main writer on "Outlaws of Love", as his name is listed first on the writing credits..Listed in this order:

Adam Lambert, Rune Westberg, BC Jean.

Incidentally, the writing credits for "Get Over It" lists this way:

BC Jean, Adam Lambert, Rune Westberg

Anonymous said...

He is seriesly pushing his sexuality on ppl. This song will bring nothing but hate from the public. he should have made it look like a happy song or love song cuz it has a great melody and it could be a hit. not songs that tells everybody that he is gay and everybody should get over it. seriesly gr8 song but dumb lyrics.
he should understand that and respect it!!!

Anonymous said...

12.25. Are you serious? Why does every word he utters have to be about his sexuality. I t could be talking of the end of a love affair or the end of anything really how can you tell from a snippet.

Anonymous said...

dont get me wrong i love adam so much. its about the other people. u know how they think. its pretty obvious for them that he is singing about this topic even if he is not actually. i kind of feel that these lyrics are kind of troublesome. thats all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzylady for the clarification on Adam's writing credits....I appreciate it.

@anon 12:45pm

Sorry, I don't agree with you. He could be singing about any relationship problem. Let's agree to disagree :)


Hater said...

This could be a message to the fans who don't like the adommy stagegay. :/

Anonymous said...

@1:19 Get Over It! Thanksgiving was so last week! If you know what I mean! Adommy is so last season. Adam gets bored of doing the same thing. That was a fan service FYE. Trespassing is all about music.

Hater said...

1:26 I look at this pic and I already feel better..

The Dark Side said...

I like this song, but I like everything Adam sings. Starved for new music. Anyone who will give a bad critique to a 30 second sound bite is not a real fan.

Anonymous said...

The album is about relationship problems, S&M, abusing. I'd call it vampire music. That's why Adam want Tommy in the band.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:48 P.M,

Don't be childish my dear..... That's why we have our own opinion but it doesn't mean that people who disagree is not a fan:)

As long as it's not below the belt it's fine....

For me, this song isn't my type that's all..... I'm just gonna wait for the rest indeed:)


glitzylady said...

One more perhaps definitive bit of info..This song was discovered on a Sony website as a Demo..with Adam singing. It may very well be offered to another singer, much the same as Adam was offered "WWFM" which was written by Pink and "Fever" that was written by Lady Gaga. Those were songs that didn't make it to their albums.., although Pink has since then "covered" WWFM.

Link to the "Get Over It" Demo's from Sony Music Publishing, several by the same name, different writers. The one that Adam sings, 30 second Demo, is at the bottom of the list. with Westberg listed as the writer,others not shown including Adam...You can listen to it, and see its the same one..

So perhaps we won't hear the song on TRESPASSING..but even 30 seconds of hearing Adam sing ANYTHING NEW is fabulous!

Anyone who is dying to download the 30 second snippet, here's a link.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info!You're really good on this, you should work for a secret agency finding dark secrets about....o.k..ok..I need to stop!!Lol!!


Hater said...

And some of us may need new teeth after listening to the album..

@adamlambert is about to kick bitches teeth in with the new album. #justsayin #werkmary #sickening #ruling #proud #watchout

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the lyrics. To me it seems blatantly obvious what they're about, but I respect the fact that everyone has a right to their own interpretation.


Anonymous said...

I'm dying dying dying for the new music. As for this "Get Over It" snippet, some people are saying it pushes his sexuality? I guess Lady Gaga can sing "Born This Way" and that's ok? The new CD will be a range of music, not all pushing sexuality. Love Sutan's tweet! The songs sound edgy and sexy and killer!

Anonymous said...

I liked the snippet. Although I really want to hear more!!! Is it january yet!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I kind of like the song and the lyrics. I just think it's too over produced and processed, as many songs today are. I don't like hearing fuzzy music in the background.

Anonymous said...

Def sounds like a demo and needs refinement. Music is overpowering his voice. Like the lyrics though. Don't hear the electro sounds he is talking about but it is Catchy.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get the lyrics at all. Cause during last 15 second of this songs I just hear"Get Over It...Get Over It......."
I am very confused. Adam rejected to release "Take One" and "Bet For Mercy" because he didn't want to disappoint his fans.
But this song is close to the songs from BFM. Don't see any difference. May be voice sounds more mature. Personally, I am very disappointed about this song. Hopefully, Adam will not include it in new album. Yes, I now, most of us love to listen any Adam's song. But it's doesn't mean that all of these songs are great.

Bing said...

Now i understand why Adam seems to be just so proud and enthusiastic about his latest project. I really hope that he includes GOI in his 2nd album because this danceable and catchy song will definitely make a lot of young people enjoy the dance floor.

It is Adam's song so i don't have any problem with the lyrics because it represents what he stands for, acceptance and equality, ergo a relevant song for me. I get the message clearly and it's fine with me. And the title could attract a lot of attention as well.

I have this feeling that just like FYE, TRESPASSING will also have songs that different kinds of people could relate with. BTIKM has grown on me fast and i'm anxious to hear Adam's final version of it. I'm certainly happy with this GOI snippet and i want mooooore please!

Anonymous said...

The last words of song are "get over it, let go of it or we ain't going anywhere life"

I like the lyrics, it;s def a message song. A message a lot of people on this blog need to hear.

Let go of Adommy, let go of the state of Adam's love life, let go of disapproving of his hair, wardrobe, friends, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if he did write some of the lyrics.

The snippet does sound rough and fuzzy, music overpowering voice.
That's what demos sound like. If it's on his album it won't sound like this.

It will be cleaned up, polished up and recorded properly for sale.

Not like Take One or Beg For Mercy.
Much, much better.

Anonymous said...

the new single has to stand out from everything else on top 40 radio. he needs a song that will appeal to the masses. I think an uptempo would be a good introduction to TRESPASSING.

Anonymous said...

This song is amhazzzing but i dont likke the voculs that much :((

Anonymous said...

A song that everyone can relate to would be a great first single choice. Something that can get me up on the dance floor.:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


All I have to say is - Get over it!

Anonymous said...

Hater 1.33pm

What has a photo of Robbie Williams and Kelly Rowland got to do with anything related to Adam? If you want to discuss them, do it on their blogs, not Adam's.


This song does NOT remind me of WWFM - it's completely different.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like homage to our recent LGBT social revolution within the past 2 years.....he said he wanted some things for the brothers and sisters......

Anonymous said...

SONY Australia are now talking about the "SMASH HIT" of ADAMs new single, from the album! Way to go SONY...look after an international treasure.
Not that Oz needed telling, they are already loving Adam with a passion beyond measure! Oh sweet and utter bloody joy!

Urethra_Franklin said...

I refuse to listen. I will not let anything ruin the first time listen of his new album. It shall be an experience.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I love this song! I hope we are able to hear it in its entirety at some stage in the not too distant future.

Anonymous said...

The more I listen to this snippet the more I like it!

Anonymous said...

I like it a lot. Anxious to hear the entire song. His voice is great as usual but why is the music so loud. Nice beat.

Anonymous said...

It's possible this song may have been one of those left out of the first album FYE. It sounds much like the Pick Me Up or If I Had You type of songs. I want to hear completely new music along the type of "The Show Must Go On" or "Whole Lotta Love" or a bit more rock than pop.

Anonymous said...

I actually love adam's ballads the best!! OLL in particular. that's the beauty of adam, he can do it all- something for everyone!!!

Anonymous said...

Gay platform OverKill !!!!!
2 songs already, gay gay gay.
I was hoping this album would be the hit of the year, not going this way, it wont be.
I am pro gay, but you all must know this about his music.
Keep it about music Adam.

Anonymous said...

Glad this song isnt on the album, sounds like old old stuff to me.

Anonymous said...

At Glitzylady, I have to say from reading comments on this site for some time now, you are a lady with class. No matter what the comment subject is, positive or negative, you write thoughts in an appropriate mature adult manner.
Even when you are being lashed out at, you have a wonderful way of replying.
Adams sexuality comments, you seem to arbitrate in a kind way.
In fact I would almost think you are a close friend or family member of Adams. You are a fan of his own beliefs, love sweet love.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Most of you think this song will be radio friendly, unfortunatley when most dj's and young listeners associate the lyrics with the singer, it wont get much spun time.
Hope Adam realizes this and gets into some serious thought on this.
I want him to go up on the charts not degress.

Anonymous said...

12:45 get real. Seems like a revolultion to me and many others.
Do you think OOL is not about being gay?
I'm getting worried about his success. Makes some music, not protests.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady are you Leila? Seriously I love you, I'm beginning to be a fan of yours.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:33 AM and @Anon 12:06 PM
Thanks! I'm just a fan, an admirer of Adam Lambert for so many reasons. I have no family ties with him, etc..I've not met Adam or any of his family officially. (I've had some very close and unexpected encounters tho). All lovely human beings who were the best possible family for Adam to have as he was growing up. Leila is such a beautiful lady on so many levels: I'd love to be her..but nope,

Some Adam Lambert Words of Wisdom:

"Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. Love has no orientation. All is love."

Anonymous said...

I think it's pretty obvious what the lyrics are about and what the message is. Don Henley wrote and performed a song of the same title, also with a message, though not the same message exactly.

Anonymous said...

New video from Clevver Music..

Adam Lambert: Sex Music on New Album

Anonymous said...

Who chooses what songs pop up after the Get Over It demo snippet?
One of them is the fake Dreamer that Adam says is def not him and the other Runaway is from the Beg For Mercy album Adam has tried to stop being sold. These should not be on this thread. Again, who chooses them?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:33 PM
To answer your question: This is a You Tube clip that the Administrator of the blog embedded here. Those are the videos that are on the same page as the snippet. You Tube chose them and "bundled' them on the same page. Guessing they are random. They have a slightly new format so they show up on the "screen" after the video is finished. Nothing that can be done about it. Just close the thread and they'll go away. : )

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