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Picture of Adam Texting Backstage

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 20, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, November 20, 2011

Via @@Kathryn17


Anonymous said...

he looks so serious, thanks for the picture @Kathryn17 I love these kind of shots.

Anonymous said...

He is texting " get me the hell out of here"! "this show is boring the shit out of me"! " I need a cocktail"! Fast!

Anonymous said...

I saw that when it happened...I ran to my computer to see if he had just tweeted something, but he hadn't.

Anonymous said...

The show bored me. I fell asleep twice.

Anonymous said...

I liked the show, great sets and good variety of performers, and OMG that one guy who introduced One Republic. lol

Anonymous said...

I think he just got a text from that girl with the long brown hair and he his reading it.I can barely make it out but it looks like she wrote hubba hubba digging those pants on ya. lol

Anonymous said...

Love this pic.

Adam is looking so friggin' GORGEOUS in this outfit!!

Anonymous said...

no, I think he just texted everyone in the room and said positions everyone! 3-2-1 it's flash mob dance time!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has time to do texting backstage; doesn't quite add up, I'd say. Adam and Sauli look beautiful! The audience gave Adam a rousing welcome back. There was a hint of sarcasm from Adam. Why can't they let him perform, any song will do; look what he did with an old song...Show Must Go on. Let him perform FYE again in another stage-setting, if they genuinely want Adam back in the fold, as claimed.

Anonymous said...

Dear9:28 and dear9:39, at least you both gave me a good laugh!! Still not liking the AMA treatment of Adam. Good that they announce Adam's new album title, a point for that.

Anonymous said...

@8.51 you could be spot on with your comments! Ha!!! Let's face it the AMA's lacked talent, vocals, stage presence and charmisa..and all because the man who has ALL those qualities was sitting right in the audience! He belonged on that stage! Adam would have rocked that stage and brought the house down.
With all those so called stars not one conquered that stage tonight!

Anonymous said...

I have to be honest and say the night belonged to Adam (and Sauli) and was there anyone else really there? The show was same old, same old! dull and boring. The level in the music industry seems low right now with exception of a few greats and they didn't even perform tonight. Time to recognise a real international star called Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam is sending message to Sauli: "How did I look onstage? Hair well? Honey I love U!" xoxo Adam

Anonymous said...

These comments made me laugh out loud...sooo cute! Dear...851, 856, 928, 939 and 1135 ! LOL!
Laughing is good for the heart and mind, a joy ride, and distracts one from the immediate not so interesting issue. :)

Anonymous said...

Not only Adam is texting in that room all other people beside or behind him are texting too. LOL!

Steve Jobs, bless your soul for keeping everyone (including myself) glued to your products when we don't have anyone to talk to. No more starring at the ceiling when we are bored. We got our iPhones to save us from boredom.

Lily said...

I did not enjoy the performances except for Adam's of course. With gaga's absence made the whole show boring.

Anonymous said...

Dear1:15, you made me laugh so much, I'm wiping away tears as I'm typing now! LOL! This thread is amusing. :)

Anonymous said...

No, no. Adam is texting to Neil.
"I just found a "save" way out,you creat diversion (don't try to sing!), then get Sauli and tell Mom to be on the runaway car, engine on,at the south entrance.Copy that!?


Anonymous said...

@ Anon 1:15

Yes, let's give credit to where it's due. Jobs did create the iPhone - in the 21st century. It's a nifty, nice looking phone indeed. But the father of sms was a Finn called Matti Makkonen. He came up with the original idea of sms in the mid 80s.

So the two main things people seem to be using their iPhones for these days - texting and Angry Birds - both are Finnish inventions..

Sorry, couldn't resist :D


Anonymous said...

SG, I'm laughing like crazy! Yours even has a plot! I like the...don't try to sing!...and the runaway car at the south entrance!...very weird. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Elli, also Mike Markkula, who is of Finnish ancestry, invested in Apple in the beginning. I lived in a small village where his ancestors had left and some of his relatives still lived. He visited them in the 80's, and the relatives were amazed, because they didn't know much about him. I had moved out of the village by then, but there were articles that he came to visit them on his private jet. :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks!! I think I've seen TOO much movies!!....Lol!!