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"Better Than I Know Myself" - Just days away!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, December 12, 2011

Posted at : Monday, December 12, 2011

DECEMBER 18th! (This Sunday!)


Anonymous said...

And Adam will be in Shanghai, or is that a rumor.

LvAdam said...

It's been "days away" for DAYS!!!!!! I can't take it anymore!

Anonymous said...

I'll believe it when I hear it!! lol

Anonymous said...

DAMN, that is the day I am giving a family Christmas party. None of them want to hear Adams name mentioned. Will it be on you tube or I think they said on Adam Official.

Anonymous said...

DAMN, that is the day I am giving a family Christmas party. None of them want to hear Adams name mentioned. Will it be on you tube or I think they said on Adam Official.

Anonymous said...

This is the single he is dedicating to Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Has Adam actually tweeted this info, or is it still a rumor?

tess4ADAM said...

Maybe Liam McEwan from NZ will include it in his ADAM LAMBERT HOUR podcast ... he's one of the DJ's who 'tweeted' about its release last week. Then I can listen to it over & over ... I hope ... I hope ... I HOPE!! NOW ... it's time for me to VOTE 4 ADAM at the polls ... anyone else want to join me?? ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

He is prolly gonna announce on the 18th when the single will be released

Anonymous said...

When it is finally released doesnt that mean it will go straight to itunes?
I think NZ is a day or so later with itunes not sure, I know that it will go to the internet the minute it is released.

Anonymous said...

What does this mean "Days away"? 5 days, 6 days, 10 days or maybe 50 or 60 or 100 days?
Also, when is new CD gonna be released? Spring 2012 or spring 2013?

Anonymous said...

@8:36 AAH- I can't mentioned adam's name anymore either, are you sure we are not related with he same family lol

Anonymous said...

I'm sure once this song is released the (18th) we will hear it everywhere on out favorite adam sites and there are many! We get everythng else don't we?

Anonymous said...

My family pretends to not want to hear about him but I am almost positive they got me some Adam stuff on Ebay for Christmas. Can't fool me.

Anonymous said...

Watch it iTunes,I think it's gone a explode the sales.I wish he make good sales for he's single and album.$6million more maybe

funbunn40 said...

The eyerolls are getting more frequent when I mention Adam to family along with polite nods!I've resorted to discussing Adam's attributes with telephone clerks taking my Christmas orders! Wouldn't it be great if there was an Adam Lambert retirement home? The kids could commit me and I would be with other Glambert addicts still flailing, all of us never tiring of sharing what's going on in Adamland! Hope this cd drops before I get too old and senile to know what it is!lol

Anonymous said...

Hi funbunn40, please let us know when and where you are building this retirement home. With Adam's music playing every day and his DVDs on at the home 24/7; and with a diamond nurse taking care of all our coughs and colds, hyperventilation, hypertension, other hypers etc, we'll be reluctant to 'go'. LOL. :)

Anonymous said...

sign me up for the retirement home..I also have a family of eye rollers when I just cannot help myself and mention grandson's father got remarried and his new wife's mother is an Adam fan and I so want to meet grandson said she is a really cool person like it is all good..all my family does say Adam has a great voice

Anonymous said...

What shall I do hmmmmmmmm???

When my guests arrive on X-mas day, I will turn on Adams song right away indeed ha!ha!


Anonymous said...

yes play any song Adam sings..I love them all..

Anonymous said...

My family is ready to commit me to the Adam Lambert retirement home. At our house I have to refer to Adam as "The Singer Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned"!


Anonymous said...

I read on Adamtopia that a DJ said ten days from this past Saturday the 10th. So it would drop on the 20th. Not sure how accurate, but it is coming! Just trying to be a little more patient and focus on Christmas stuff. Then I can spend a few days before Christmas with my full attention listening to Adam's voice!!!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!! For that Adam Lambert Retiremend Home.
I think each room should be name afther one of Adam's song, for our own security, let me explain:
Ex: Doctor's office: FEVER
The Gym: STRUT
The Bank office: What do you want from me?
The shower's room: SOAKED
and the recovery room: TIME FOR MIRACLES.
SEE!? That way nobody get lost!!:)


I'm sure there will be plenty of "ist" nurses to take care of our "hyper" episodes.:))

I want to go there NOW!!


Anonymous said...

Hey SG, you really cracked me up with the various names of rooms!!LOL!! The one that made me laugh loudest is the Time For Miracles room. I'll pray really really hard not to be admitted to that room! You are young and hyper so you'll probably need the OCD and ADHD rooms most...obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactive disorder. These rooms will see the longest queues for Adam addiction. Room AA!

Anonymous said...

Hey SG, have you gone to work already? Do you know why Room AA is the most crowded room? The temporary cure for Adam addiction is a free ticket to Adam's Trespassing concert!! Whoa!! See I'm partially cured already. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, you're healthy, so you ain't gonna need TFM room!:))
young...well...forthy...little..:))so I'm gonna need the Room AA a lot or should I add something to, the "OCALD room."Obsessive Compulsive Adam Lambert Desorder!!Lol!!
BUT..nex sunday we all be like AAAHHHHHH!!!! so maybe the TFM room will be overbooked!!!! LOL!!

SHHHH I'm at work already...sshhh
WOW !! TICKETS!! YEAH!! lE's get sick!!!!!


Anonymous said...

To all those people who PRETEND not to like Adam Lambert and his music, we all KNOW that when nobody's around, you're blasting his music in your cars and trucks, seeking out his videos on youtube and hope to even have 1/10 of his sex appeal!!

We love you for loving Adam Lambert's music and his incredible stage presence.

Anonymous said...

To all those people who PRETEND not to like Adam Lambert and his music, we all KNOW that when nobody's around, you're blasting his music in your cars and trucks, seeking out his videos on youtube and hope to even have 1/10 of his sex appeal!!

We love you for loving Adam Lambert's music and his incredible stage presence.

Anonymous said...

Count me in. I sure has hell dont mention Adam to my husband. Every now and then he will say "Whats happened to your mate, he seems to have dropped out of the limelight?"
Little does he know, but I cant enlighten him with out ggiving myself away. My daughters nod and smile and think Mum is mad.
Though they all admit he can sing.
But whio cares I can come here and say what I like as often as I like.

The Dark Side said...

Let me count the days! Can't been too many, but I am being patient. Expecting greatness, so the wait is worth it.

Anonymous said...

Word is - Adam will "introduce" BTIKM at his Amway concert in Shanghai on Sun Dec 18. Then it will be officially "released" on Tues Dec 20 and be on I-Tunes. This sounds good to me. Hope it's correct.