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Adam Goes Tongue Diving! Makes Out With Two Lucky Fans!

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This video was posted yesterday but it definitely deserves its own thread! Adam got a little out of control last night, amazing sexy dance moves as usual, including kissing two fans in the crowd, one guy and one girl.

The first kiss, fast forward to around 4:12.
For the second kiss, fast forward to around 5:23.


Erica's Point of View!
Adam kisses Erica - VIDEO from Erica's POV

This was taken right before Adam kisses her! You can see him point at her and just get closer and closer..... then everything gets crazy!


Anonymous said...

Yay this got its own post....heh

Anonymous said...

Have absolutely no idea if this is legit...but think I read on Twitter that one fan was named Eric and the other Erica... kinda genius really :), unintentionally genius, or intentionally genius if they were from earlier Meet & Greet, :).

Someone in the know - please comment!!


ps. Why do I find it so hilarious that the administrator has put this up as a specific thread???? lol

Anonymous said...

MGF, is that true? Eric and Erica?????? LOOL~!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd say they're more like "Lucky" and "Luckier" !!!!

Just when you thought it couldn't get even better......

Love me some Lambert moxie.

Anonymous said...

Last nite I was reading tweets from the show and they said the audience went batsh.. crazy with this performance (meaning the kissing). One woman said she was next to the girl that Adam kissed! The floor activity in front of Monte was my favorite part. I started laughing (in a good way) screaming "I dont believe you're doing that Adam. I love it"!Does our boy know how to shake things up or what? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

OMG the Erica's POV video is so crazy!! You guys gotta watch it.

Anonymous said...

Have to ask both Eric and Erica how far of Adam's tongue swirl inside their mouth. He!He! Ppl, we all are one step closer to our Adam and wont be long our dream will become reality.
Still screaming on the other side of the globe.

Anonymous said...

MGF, in answer to your question - because she/he is one smart person who knows her/his audience! Yes, anon:10:18 I agree about the names. Also just when you thought it was "safe" to go to his concert, Adam outdoes himself! Being "safe" is sooooooo overrated, right glamsistas! This guy sure has balls or moxie as was stated above!!! And do I love him! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Saw the Erica's POV clip on YT this morning -
F R I C K I N' H I L A R I O U S

@Anon August 1810:14AM - IDK

@Anon August 18 10:18AM - RE: "Love me some Lambert moxie" - I LOVE THAT!

Hysterical to me that the blog adminisrator is giving us
fast forwarding assistance... that's okay 24/7 - I really don't mind watching the whole performance... HA HA

And Adamluv - I need that floor action gif on a chip implanted in my brain so that I can instantly call it up in my mind as desired... that's possible, right? :)


Anonymous said...

Damn it! I have a lunch date so have to go get ready but would so much rather stay here and talk to youse guys! How sad is that? Catch you all later . . . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I guess the question now is....How does he top that?

Answer: I don't know how, but I KNOW DAMN WELL HE WILL.

I have side by side 23" monitors at work: both are playing the two gifs (kissing and writhing) as my desktop; for three and a half hours now, and I'm still enthraled. Ain't no work gettin' done t'day!!!


Anonymous said...

I commented on the bottom of the first " kissing thread". Mind is still mush. I need to lie down or something..

Anonymous said...

@PRS/10:44 - no work getting done - I Know right??

the two gifs running side by side... I could't even deal with that - you're a stronger peep than I my friend. :)


Anonymous said...

lol, how very presumptuous of him. Just because you are Adam Lambert, that doesn't mean everybody wants to kiss you.

glitzylady said...

Okay....trying toWORK today...not good..Ijust keep telling everyone its just a hot concentration whatsoever....hopeless...back to the real world again...

Anonymous said...

Ok, you made me watch it again...and I do need meds or something....but he points first, and then kisses, both times. I can guess if you are in the front row holding out your hands, you probably won't object to a kiss from a Rock God anyway....just sayin'


Anonymous said...

Anon 11:07AM: wanting to touch someone, and wanting to kiss them are two different things, and since nobody actually expects him to just get down and kiss people, being in the front row does not automatically mean you should expect the possibility. I'm sure the two people loved it, I'm just saying, it's still presumptuous. Also, he grabbed the girl's camera and pushed it out of the way rather forcefully. I'd personally have felt a little violated.

Anonymous said...

OMFG!!!! Really, How is he going to TOP this one. He spoils us soooo much. I hope he KNOWS what he is doing to us and that we just want MORE and MORE SEXINESS from him.

I, for one, can't think straight since this morning and it's afternoon now. What to do?????
I am dreaing of Adam kISIN ME next time Isee him in concert. What's the add?
One in trllion!!!! But I am happy with all these videos.
Thank ou for Sus565 and all the others for feeding us and making our day. I love you guys.

Israeli fan.

Anonymous said...


Point taken...but gee, I think some of our husbands would even kiss Adam...thanking him for tha hot sex they get after this stuff. Ok, now I have lost all my dignity. I am signing off...maybe.


Anonymous said...

Anon 11:23, haha, I'm sure there are more people out there that would have switched places with them than are happy it wasn't them, but I just wanted to play devil's advocate and point out his presumption goes against the humility Adam has been portraying. Which is fine because it is only human nature, it is highly improbable Adam will forever stay the pre-American Idol Adam, and this show just demonstrates what has changed, and what we can probably expect to keep changing.

LIVA said...

I love you Adam but I have to agree with crmhaske's opinions. >.<

Anonymous said...

Can't say anything cuz I have nothing nice to say.

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious that he had appeared to be drinking throughout this show..finally gets tipsy or perhaps drunk and is able to kiss a chick...the stuff he endures to please us fans..yes I'm aware he kissed a guy as well..just saying about the girl kiss.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:43AM - Adam has admitted before in an interview that he's bi-curious. Also, it actually isn't uncommon for gay men to fool around with their girlfriends. I've made out with a gay friend of mine before, and another friend of mine has slept with one of her gay friends. Both men are still gay, just polyamorous.

ScorpioNicole said...

Hot damn, I can't get anything done today after all this excitement! I think I need a really cold shower but I doubt it will help. :) I hope he is this naughty at the Covington show that I'm going to on Aug 30 but if he kissed me I think I would faint and hopefully my husband who is going with me would not let me fall to the floor but he might b/c I think he's pretty sick of my Adam Addiction. Lol Anyone else going to the Covington show? I'm looking for some other addicts to ooh and ahh with. Gosh, Adam is just so rockin and fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Tongue surfing, take that Gaga! Was this crowd wild or was it WILD!!! He's lucky they only opened his shirt. I wouldn't suggest he try to body surfing, if he wants to keep his clothes on. Gotta love that he's upping it and upping it. Hang on folks, he will take us all for a ride!

Anonymous said...

To all the wives... On Twitter today...

I'm the last one (able) to make puns (you better make one yourself!) but can we say now that AFL became a (in)


Anonymous said...

All entertainers are "mad as snakes".....and didn't he say that they named that green snake (on the Rolling Stone cover) Adam, after him.

Adam is one fine snake, and he can bite me or slither through my grass anytime.

I have succumbed !!!!

Anonymous said...

According to a previous comment, it seems that Adam had been drinking throughout the show and maybe was a bit tipsy. I certainly hope not. It doesn't bode well for him so early in his career to have this label attached to his performances and to go in for all that tongue kissing with Tommy or a member of the audience. It should be about the music for him and not all that sideshow stuff that takes away from this talented, charasmatic man. I realize that Adam will not stay as the pre-Idol Adam, but he should also realize that the changes should be gradual and not so outrageous at times that it detracts from the songs he is performing. I know that Adam likes to change it up for these shows, but he should think more about what he is doing and is this where he wants his career to go.

Anonymous said...

What the heck..?

On Twitter today..

... LMAO Just found 2 baskets of laundry and a note on top from hubby that says: "Adam likes women who fold laundry - he thinks it's hot" ....


Anonymous said...

Hi crmhaske August 18 11:29AM - I totally appreciate your playing devil's advocate... I think most here like to hear opposing POV's (I know I do). About the presumption - I'm wondering if Adam had met these two recipients of his affection at a meet & greet earlier in the day??? And if so, if that interaction tipped him off in anyway to their potential for receiving his affection happily?? I have no idea about this, just thought I had picked that notion up somewhere in the last 24 hours somewhere?? Even if they hadn't previously met earlier in the day, my own personal POV is that it seemed quite apparent (at least appeared on the surface) that these young people were quite willing participants in this interaction... but again, I do love me a good debate (as long as it's friendly :)) and there are certainly valid arguments to be made about his not doing this sort of thing, on multiple levels. As far as your mention of Adam pre-American Idol - um, probably MORE wild child than anything we've seen post-AI right up until now IMHO... I bet less restrained, less concerned, more himself, in the professional arena than anything we've seen lately (and that is probably good, he's trying to appeal to a very wide audience now, that goes without saying). What do I know, nothing, I obviously know nothing about him that he does not want the public to know, only what I've read/heard/viewed, which is kind of a lot, lol, and I'd be willing to guess that his is him exercising a bit of his own human nature (how freeing for him if so, after the shackles of the past year, 'course societal shackles/rules are there for a reason, I get that too)... which, in my POV, still allows him to demonstrate humility, and a whole lot of those other positive attributes he exercises, seeminly on a daily basis... I don't think one thing negates the other. (ooh, am I sounding preachy, very sorry, sincerely, but don't feel like retyping!!! :)...bear with me sorry,). I am NOT one of those fans who thinks he can do no wrong btw, I just don't blog about my thoughts much in those arenas, LOL, but I enjoy when people do raise red flags of their own, always interesting,... and I really do love hearing various opinions in the blogosphere, thanks for yours.


Anonymous said...

@GLb - H I L A R I O U S


Anonymous said...

@Anon 12:19 PM
"I realize that Adam will not stay as the pre-Idol Adam, but he should also realize that the changes should be gradual and not so outrageous at times that it detracts from the songs he is performing."

What pre-Idol Adam are you talking about? Have you really seen his pre-Idol stuff.. with pictures and all..? As a performer, he's just getting back into his 'real' skin! As he said... he's doing what he always did only at a much bigger scale.


Anonymous said...

if you are 30 and older don't think he will kiss you
he like pretty girls and boys

Peace ~

Anonymous said...

So sorry to be a post/comment hog everyone - but to Anon 12:36pm - RE the not-under-30 crowd - we get that, okay, we're not stupid... but guess what, we have working parts too... sheesh 'though, we're not dumb. MGF.

Anonymous said...

12:36 PM:

That is so rude!!!! are you saying older and matured people cannot be pretty!!? How dare you!

Anonymous said...

MGF - thanks for your thought out response :)

I do agree that one thing does not negate the other, which is why I'm still very much an Adam Lambert fan - but it's all fun and games only until someone gets type-casted.

He may or may not have met them at a meet-and-greet, hell, it may have even been planned pre-show, who knows. But everything he does is creating his image, and hopefully it is the image he wants, and not one a drunk Adam Lambert (presumption on my part, who knows if he was drinking or not) is making for him.

We don't know if he knew the people before the show. We don't know if it was a planned publicity stunt. But if it was neither it was presumptuous and aggressive. At the end of the day I don't really care lol, I just love stirring up controversy by presenting the side of the story nobody wants to hear :P

Let us all also not forget that we have never met Adam when the limelight was turned off. We've seen him at meet-and-greets, during interviews, signing autographs, on stage, but never with the limelight off, so who we think he is, is just as much a presumption.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:36pm - you have no way to know what Adam does, and doesn't like, also, 30 is a pretty arbitrary number, no one person ages the same, also again, Adam is 28, in two years you going to find him unattractive?

Anonymous said...

Just read your post at 12:28 PM ... we are on the same page on many things :)

@Anon 12:36 PM
What, are you twelve? Only a tween would think that all women over 30 are out of their minds! You are totally humour-challenged.. little being.. which is worst that my language-challenged existance on this blog!


Anonymous said...

I loved the dance on the floor in front of Monte. The Kissing didn't bother me as much as the 2 comments about maybe Adam was tipsy and drinking...If that is true, I am really disappointed in him. If you want to stay in this biz a long time you can't start boozing it up before you go on stage! It's hurt or killed alot of careers. God gave Adam an amazing gift and it shouldn't be thrown away. I know he is young but he seems to be smarter than most and I really think that he should rethink some of his actions. MOM L. get after that son!!We want him around forever.
Also before I forget--Please someone to tell Adam to check out the series WHITE COLLAR w/Matt gosh what a pair they would make...He is awesome also.

Anonymous said...

@crmhaske August 18 12:45PM - good points, and I like your last paragraph in your 12:45 comments... that's why I often interject - "what do I know..." sorts of comments, lol, it's very true. And RE your comment "Adam is 28, in two years you going to find him unattractive?" - BRILLIANT response.

@GLb August 18 12:50PM - RE on same page - I thought the same thing when I read your post, LOL!

Now please - people - stop posting compelling, intriguing and provocative comments... I have so much frickin' work to do... oh well, I guess there is this little thing called "free will" that I could be exercising... need to shut down this site... the pull of BB is too strong 'though... RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!! Damn you Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

Mmm he said that in Details Magazine , He like to kiss only young and pretty women sometimes
and who didn't like my comment they are 30 and older xP

and i'm 22 Baby !

Peace ~

Anonymous said...

HA anom 11:43 getting tipsy and kissing a girl entry. I just watched this concert and I would say he was drunk, fired up and quite frisky. I love this side of Adam, however I wish others would refrain from saying he's a alcoholic everytime he does something that draws attention. Yes was sexy watching him kiss folks can only imagine how steamy it would be to see whatever pecking, groping, grinding he'd do at a party while dancing.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:09 PM
Good for you! You still need to grow up! And enjoy life in your 30s.. 40s.. 50s.. 60s... and more.. hopefully...

We DO know about the girl.. he met her at M&G. I put a link to her picture w Adam on a previous thread...
and there was a tall blond boy at M&G also!

@Anon 12:57 PM
NOW I remember what I've heard about America(ns) which I'll bet you are!... I don't understand you people! It's rock'n'roll not kindergarden musical!!


Anonymous said...

Anon 1:09pm - ahhhh ok.. so you are young enough to know everything ;) (for the record I'm only 24)

Anonymous said...

I actually Don't Care crmhaske ..

Peace ~

Anonymous said...

GLb, fair enough. Circumstances are always important, and if that's the case, that's the case.

Re your comment to Anon 12:57pm - I hate to stereotype but statistically speaking American teenagers/young adults to tend to be, on average, more discriminatory than Canadian teenagers/young adults. I am infinitely thankful I never had to go to highschool in the USA.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:19pm - I never said nor presumed you did, the record wasn't for your information, it was for everybody else because people seem to presume online I'm much older than I am so I wanted to set the record straight.

Also for the record, feeling the need to comment is caring about something ;)

Anonymous said...

The whole internet is talking about that TONGUE DIVING.

is this good PR???? Will they spin it like they did with the AMA controversy?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:23pm - I doubt it, Adam makes out with his bass player at every show, making out with an audience member isn't a huge stretch from there.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam needs anymore publicity like this though. Adam should let his followers/fans focus more on his huge talent and not stunts like this one.

Anonymous said...

Quibbling aside, on posts and twitter feeds from folks who were actually there last night, only one (anthrogeek) posited that he was drunk. A chorus of denials followed, by folks who were close enough to smell his breath when he tonguedived! Also note that his diction, stage moves and agility were as precise as ever -- you can't do and snap up from a backbend like that if you're drunk or even tipsy! Everyone is free to have their say, but it's not a good thing for our BB to have idle rumors wafting around online -- you know how such things blow up. Why isn't it enough that he was high on his music, his muse and the love of the audience? Let's not slag our BB; rather, let's support him and appreciate the fact that he performs his dionysiac ecstasies on our behalf!

Anonymous said...

In a recent interview, Adam was asked if he wanted to jump in the crowd 'ala Gaga' and he said he wanted to but would be accused of copying her. Soooo, my Adam friends, he came up with a new and DIFFERENT way to do it! Go Adam! Think that's what his twitter was all about! Tongue diving vs. stage diving. Ha! We can always count on him to do something unique -- and he did! I was not in any way offended - actually loved it! - but do hope he doesn't make a practice of it -- only because it would then no longer be unique and special. Just sayin' ...

Anonymous said...

@Anon Aug. 18th 1:23pm - Yeah, see a bit of that in blogosphere... that's what actually compelled me to give due cred to crmhaske on her/his reasonable comments and concerns upthread. (BTW, to crmhaske, your intelligence in concert with your age is refreshing). We shall see won't we?


Anonymous said...

@Anonymous August 18 1:29PM - I was thinking the same thing... about the diction, agility, etc.! MGF

Anonymous said...

...Sorry about stereotyping also, but my friends and I used to joke that if we were in US, we would have been commited into hospital for anti-alcoholic treatment.. just because we do like to 'taste' its liquid form...:)

I'm still enjoying a glass of white wine.. before going to bed or at the parties..

AND it was A PARTY in Providence people! Jesus all mighty!


Anonymous said...

Hold the phone ladies! Where the hell did this thread go off the rails? It started out so fun, and really took a nose-dive.

Here's a really good fact:
To all of you that are concerned about his presumptuous-ness, his possible bad career path (drinking, kissing), or the backlash or repercussion that he may receive.......All of you talking and arguing and posting about it only lends credibility to your points, thus making it a target of the mainstream media to pick up on and then turn it around and throw it in his face!

So how about everyone just quietly agrees to disagree, then post only really awesome, positive messages about him and move on. I get that WE ALL have opinions, but do we really need to put the negative ones out there at such a break-neck speed that it blows up on the internet and causes harm?

Personally, I think WE ARE ALL better than that.

Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...

Good point!

Anonymous said...

Its going to be an entitlement frenzy for some on the front row expecting it to be their turn for a kiss because they paid for that front row ticket.

Anonymous said...

Not on a GA venue, like last night venue was a GA. It's first come first serve.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:28pm - the show is part and parcel of the music, they come hand in hand. Live performances in this genre aren't just about the music. Classical music concerts are just about the music. Acoustic performers on stage with their guitar and their voice are just about the music. Pop and rock music, are not in any way just about the music. It's all about the show too, and Adam puts on a damn good one. If he wants to get drunk (though I doubt he was actually drunk, as a dancer myself I can definitely say some of those moves you just CAN'T do even after only a drink or two lol) and make out with his audience all the power to him as long as both are willing participants and his performance doesn't suffer for it. I drew issue with how forcefully he grabbed the girl's camera and thrust it aside like he was about to rape her or something. Trying to take his vest off was also a little too aggressive and disrespectful on part of the audience, but what can you do, thats what emotions and adrenaline do - Adam just needs to tread carefully lest he doesn't accidentally fall into territory he doesn't want to be in.

Anon 1:23pm - her ;) ... and thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I wasn't implying that it would be a bad thing if he'd bent the elbow a tad before a show -- geesh, he's not a bank teller; this IS Rock'n'Roll, after all -- just that in the homophobic US, it's all too easy for a negative meme to spring up -- Drunken AL preying on fans -- when actually it was in league with and even milder than MANY other musicians' performances, dating back to Tom Jones and Elvis and earlier. The concept of volition makes me laugh, esp. when thinking of all those eager arms reaching out to caress any AL body part in their vicinity! He'd met Erica and possibly the blond boy earlier that day and even pointed to them prior to the tongue dive. In the punk era c. late 1970s and early 80s, any of us in the front row knew we'd be in for surprises -- and a tonguedive is a pretty benign assault, if you ask me!

The US is a puritanical nation, and it'll take us a while to get our glam on in all respects, I reckon. And AL is leading the charge.

Anonymous said...

The kissing last night was great...but how sweet is it for the few people in the audience that has the nerves of steel to touch his "junk". I'd say they were the luckiest ones of the night!!!

Anonymous said...

PRS - I think the media has picked up on this already. The "incident" has already been posted on POPEATER (a very big entertainment site) and people have been criticizing Adam for this move :(

But Popeater readers aren't exactly Glamberts though. They hate everyone there.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody remember Engelbert Humperdick (or something) tongueDiving many years ago with girls in the audience??? In those times Tom Jones was a hit too. TongueDiving is not new, but Adam has reinvented it. He is a genious!!

Anonymous said...

"Its going to be an entitlement frenzy for some on the front row expecting it to be their turn for a kiss because they paid for that front row ticket."

I AGREE. I think a lot of fans are going to fight for this. Seriously. i wish Adam hadn't done this.....

Anonymous said...

To whomever said this (I copied it and forget to take note what time the post was made).

"post only really awesome, positive messages about him and move on" - a world in which people did only that is a world I have no interest in living in.

Anonymous said...

It's on CNN's headline news.

I think they're spinning it in a positive way. Good.

Anonymous said...

lol, I love the playful wording of the writer of that article!

Anonymous said...

@crmhaske 1:49 PM
You're right too!
And I feel like Solomon right now.. adjudicating.. :)
Hmm.. Are you Sasha's twin or something? She is a wise young dancer also... :)


Anonymous said...

I agree with crmhaske/1:49.

Anonymous said...

Ah, our boy is so in control -- Don't doubt it. He definitely knows how to drive the drama. Look at how we're all talking! He did it so that everyone who's ever close to him on stage will now think, "Maybe he'll kiss me!" It may never happen again, but he's stamped the image and idea into our souls, and we'll always be thinking about it.

Feel violated? I wish I COULD be violated by AFL. I agree; I don't think anyone in the front row would be pissed. As for the vest, it wasn't rude; bet he loves every minute of it. All this is part of stardom in the making. His star is rising, and this is what being a "rawk god" is all about.

And that note on the laundry basket made me laugh out loud.

From- a sexy Glambert over 30.

Anonymous said...

Its all Rock n Roll people, in the 80s this was nothing, some people are still so puritanical, we saw Adam on Idol, that was our introduction to him, but he was never really that performer. This is Adam now either you love him and accept him as he is, or just listen to thr CD and dont watch the videos.
As for the drinking thing, in one of the videos where he and Tommy clink their glasses together, I am sure I heard hinm laugh and say its only water, but I cant be sure of this. All this critisisim on the net has always gone on with all artists it is just we are so closely following our boy we are sensitive to it.

Anonymous said...

How many times have we all heard Adam say he is a perfectionist? And that he wants his audience to get the best performance he can give? Did he not gesture several times to the sound people while singing, pull the earpiece out and throw it over his back and when the song was done head right in their direction? When he, Tommy and Monte toasted each other, didn't he say it was water? Adam is a performer who wants longevity in this business. He wants to ACT as well and is showing us just how well he does it. He had most of you convinced he was drunk. He is a showman in the greatest sense of the word. I cannot believe that some on this thread are so naive as to think he would take a second stab at throwing away his career. He's a businessman and intelligent enough to learn from his mistakes. Plus, he has said that he plays to the crowd. And this was a wild, wild crowd from the get go. Give him some slack and a handshake for his ingenuity.

Anonymous said...

OMFG ADAM IM SO JEALOUS!!!!! anyone who goes to see adam live should exspect anything :)TONGUEDIVING! :) haha I LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Besides why would he be drinking during trying to sing? that will mess up his voice! Hes just Playing :) I WANT AN ADAM KISS :)

Anonymous said...

After reading all the posts, I went back to watch and what I saw was his modesty when trying to keep his shirt down and to re-button his vest... tipsy I think not! He did say it was only water! Adam as always said, 'ITS ONLY ROCKnROLL'!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HIM!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adamshenanigans (new word) dictionary meaning:

Causes uncontrollable emotional and physical hysteria. Fainting, screaming, inablity to walk, talk or type on 24/7 blog are common.

Should not drive while under this influence.

Adam Fantasy dreams may not start off that way but generally end up are X-rated. New HBO series may launch soon ....

Adam - you are making us all love feeling and acting crazy!!

Keep on surprising us!!


Anonymous said...

Help glamfellows!!!



Someone???? A-N-Y-O-N-E-!

Dawn here!

Help, please....come on!


That is it!! Thanks!

\____\__O% Oh, Glamgod, finally someone got to me!
___/ \_ I'm here on the floor for soooo long trying
that glamorgasmic move by sweet Adam,
my «21th Century Diamond Toy-Boy»!

Ohhh, thanks fellows for bringing me back on my feet on our old flat planet! That try fits soooo gooood on him, but was really mean to me!
So great sweet Adam is young enough to get fun on living dangerously but next time I'll leave it to him only and to his younger glamfans.
I guess I'm a bitch too old for this glamshit!
Ha ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

As I sorta said above - just my POV - one side of Adam Lambert does NOT NEGATE the many other sides... and isn't that exactly why we find him so compelling

"Hands uncuffed, take the leash off this animal" ... and not just for Adam

Gawd this guy is a dream come true


Anonymous said...

Why ppl still criticize the kisses, Adam dish all you 20th century audiences. All you need are those to ride with you in the 21st century fans. Or simply, just move to Canada or Europe. "Just saying". Wow, what you did is supertalented in all aspect. Adam I love you from another corner of the universe.

Anonymous said...

Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because
Those Who Mind Don't Matter
and Those Who Matter Don't Mind!
-- Dr. Seuss

Anonymous said...

Several people on the CNN website on this top posted a link to a video of Elvis singing love me tender - I only watched the first 45 seconds, but he kissed at least 7 people in that time, nobody seems to mind about that.
Haven't had much time to watch the videos, but will get the house to myself in a couple of hours so will be able to press reply to my hearts content...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

The show was outstanding as usual. I agree with what anon 3:18 said. The way some people were reacting the next day I wondered if I had seen the same show.Fun and entertainment at it's best.Adam,dancers,band and especially the audience having the time of our life and that was all evening long.Adam's fans are rated A++++

Anonymous said...

Adam is here for our entertainment!!!!!! <3 I wished I had been kissed!!

Anonymous said...

Wow so many comments n my eyes r teary now from reading (eyes get tired if u're using iPhone)!!

Ok I agree w/ the comments from crmhaske n some of Anons above that all this kissing, 'drunk', thing onstage is not good espcially when his career is peaking! Even if Adam's doing it purely for our entertainment or just trying to add some drama into his show, I still think it's not a good move. Don't forget that his audience comprise of people of all ages from kids as young as 5 to old grandma.. what if there was little kid in that audience yesterday when he did that toungue diving act? Wouldn't it be bad for a kid to experience that 'wild' scene. Also parents of teenagers will I think now think twice before allowing their teenage girls to attend his concert... all bevoz of that tongue diving act!!

Adam u r so talented n we all love u for ur superb vocals! Hope u won't tarnish ur image so soon w/ ur sometimes 'silly' action onstage!! We want to see u in the music industry for a long time!! Hope someone will tell him that he has to be mindful of what he's doing onstage so as not to offend some fans/audience. Just becoz he's Adam Lambert doesn't mean he can do anything he wants to anyone!! Sorry this is just my opinion.... I still love Adam coz he is so talented!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:58pm - it was just a kiss, and any parent who takes their toddler to a rock concert has no right to complain about what happens there - Adam isn't a babysitter. I think my point may have been misinterpreted by some. Apparently he had met them before, which is different than randomly throwing yourself at some strangers in the audience which is what I thought at first. Also, the way he grabbed her camera he could have broken it. At the end of the day though I don't really care, I just love making people think.

Anonymous said...

Google Kiss Me Quick Elvis Presley Kissing Women

Then tell me Adam did something wrong.

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

The women reached out to him inviting Presley in and he did it gently. It's very different than how aggressively Adam went about it. You can't make comparisons.

Also, nobody has said it was wrong. It isn't wrong, it was just inappropriately aggressive how he chose to go about it.

Anonymous said...

crmhaske: You just contradicted yourself. At 5:05 you said, "Apparently he had met them before..." and @5:08 you said, "how agressively Adam went about it." They knew what was going to happen. So apparently I can make comparisons if you can change your tune so quickly.

You are for me from now on, "The Great Contrarian."

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

crmhaske @5:05: At the end of the day, you love to piss people off.

Anonymous said...

That is a non sequitur argument. The two thoughts are unrelated. Whether or not they knew each other before hand is unrelated to the aggression involved. When new information was added that I did not know at first, that they knew each other, I integrated it into my position and dropped that it was violating. If they knew each other it can be supposed Adam knew they wouldn't find what he was about to do violating or offensive. That doesn't change that I thought the way he grabbed the camera and threw it out of the way was aggressive.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:58pm - no, I do not like to piss people off, but I do like to make them think. If that angers them that wasn't my intention, but for every person I piss off, there is another person that has an "oh" moment and discovers something about their own position that they didn't know before.

I do not intend to fight, I intend to discuss. Some people get angry, that is inevitable - you can't please everybody.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Adam backs up his play with the goods...that seriously impossible full-throttle note that he hits at 5:34...? nuff said.

Anonymous said...

Adam can never be controlled! Deal with that!

Anonymous said...

and by "play", I mean playfulness.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kit @ 6:03pm - I found another vid on YT where the audio on the vocal is pretty good... it's weired, you can't necessarily hear the music awesomely over the screaming, but you can hear Adam's VOICE pretty darn well (yay) ... think the videographer was fairly far back??, away from amps maybe???, but anyway, kinda cool, check it out if you have any interest... that 5:34 note sounds great


Anonymous said...

When I read the article in CNN I thought OMG, it's GROSS!
And then I saw this video. Adam, you comliment youself if you call it tonguediving! You probably never watched Italian of French movies:) But it was stagediving. I suprised Adam is still alive after this jump in the crowd of GLAMBERT family!
Love you, Adam. Actually, I am over 30 or 40 years old:). So what?! Adam is fantstic singer,charming person,sexy and hot man! It was great, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Really. Is a kiss that big of deal? no

Anonymous said...

Lady Gaga did this a few weeks ago. I don't think what Adam did was anything different or worst. Adam is a rock star and he knows his fans love that.

I Love it. I would do anything to kiss Adam.

glitzylady said...

Gosh, lots of comments...Just want to say that I think Adam was fabulous last night, he put on a great show for those luckier than hell people in Providence, those two who got the kisses are still probably the happiest (and stunned..) people alive right now, and it looked like Adam was just having such a wonderful time entertaining all of us...which is what he loves to do and and we love him right back...He does it ALL for the fans, and if we didn't respond in the wildly appreciative way that most of us do, then he'd do something different...Must have been one sizzling HOT audience in Providence....Idol was merely a means to get out there,to be recognized for the great entertainer (not just singer) that he is, and he is now moving on...He never really was that "Idol" boy, the throttled down version of who he really is as an entertainer...anyone who has seen the Zodiac Show vids knows that, and its time we get used to it...He will continue to "change it up" and surprise us: remember during his Idol audition he said just that...He is just testing the waters now: what works, what doesn't.....In my opinion he did nothing wrong last night: there are a whole lot worse things than kissing someone....and acting like HE is the happiest man on don't have to be drunk to be happy!!! Every time Adam Lambert sneezes someone somewhere finds something to criticize him about, and I suppose that will continue to happen at least for awhile....He has certainly made a few errors in judgement but don't we all??? I do want him to be careful though, with the diving into the audience, one wrong move and down he'll go, and come up missing God knows what!!!! And oh yeah, the comments about front row seat holders maybe now feeling somewhat "entitled" to be recipients of one of those wildly hot kisses....well, I happen to be one of those lucky people( still can't believe it...) and while I don't hold out much hope for a whole multitude of reasons (LOL!!!) , one of them being that I am somewhat over 30 and therefore over the hill in the opinion of someone above, you never know....Adam always says "no matter who you love, no matter how old you are, etc., etc....we can all party together " ...and now that he is kissing girls, well, us slightly older ladies might have a thing or two to teach young Adam (as if that will ever happen in reality...really not deluded here....)...Although he looks like he's got it down...will keep you posted....

Anonymous said...

hey crmhaske,i cannot work you out do you love adam or not..if you love adam then accept him and stop fucking moaning all the time!you sure have brought a downer to this thread,you are are bossy little bitch!just shut the fuck up!

Anonymous said...

Link to juneau/xena on their Lupos experience. Some pix. Interesting to some maybe:


Anonymous said...

Anon 8:30pm - I'm a multifaceted person that doesn't exist at the extremes of positions. Do you want to know what I think of Adam?

Read this:

and then read this:

That is what I think of Adam. How you interpret what I write is your prerogative, but you have it all wrong. I am entitled to my viewpoint, and you are entitled not to agree with it. Just because I think a great deal of someone as an artist that doesn't mean I am going to be absolutely in love with everything that person creates.

I don't wear rose coloured glasses, and what I choose to write isn't filtered through them either.

Anonymous said...

WATCH ELVIS LOVE ME TENDER! Just saw it in CNN. Why they never say anything about Adam's achivements!Also, how all press got this video? It's just one by Sue526.

Anonymous said...

crmhaske re I am entitled to my viewpoint,yes and so is everyone else who comes to this site,without having to listen to you rant on and on about what you like and don't like about adam,leave the guy alone he was having a great time and the two lucky peeps who were kissed by adam are no doubt far from complaining,but in adam heaven wonderland right now!

Anonymous said...

I've never ranted, I've responded to the comments directed at me. Ranting is continuing to post my viewpoint when no one has directly addressed me. I have only responded when I have been directly addressed. It would have ended at my very first comment, but people continued to respond to what I wrote.

I have never told anybody they are wrong. I have never told anybody they are not entitled to their POV. I have merely defended myself when personally attacked, something of which I have not done to anyone here, and clarified my view point when it was misunderstood.

Stop attacking me, and I'll have no reason to respond.

Anonymous said...

Juneau & Xena’s Salon recap of Lupo’s concert

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link :)

I teared up when I read this "he has inspired them to not be ashamed of themselves."

Anonymous said...

crmhaske.... why don't you just come clean and admit that you're trying to drum up viewers for your "psycho babble" blog and then move on to the next site.

We get it: You have an opinion and you have a vocabulary, BFD.

Anonymous said...

lol, I'm not trying to drum viewers, I already have viewers. I've always posted with my wordpress username because I don't believe in being anonymous, and that is the only option I have to verify my identity because I don't have any of the other options in the "select profile" list.

I've never advertised my blog except for twice - once when asked about my real views on Adam, which I've written about so I shared it, and once when I was asked what I wrote.

Annoying people is not how you secure readers, if I were trying to get readers, this is not how I would do it.

Anonymous said...

OH PLEASE! Those that think Adam has changed from pre AI. This is ROCK AND ROLL!!!
If you are afraid of a rock GOD's kiss, then go to a Barry Manilow concert.
Adam's just getting a little rock and roll frisky!

Anonymous said...


I thank you for the links. I now have far more insite regarding you and I hope for your sake that you succeed in your endeavor to attain a PhD specializing in personality disorders. Because if any one on this site has one it would be you. Prior to reading your wordpress blogs, I was certain you were bi-polar. I know now that you have what interests you most: a personality disorder which presents with feeling everyone is out of step but you. You are also a chubby girl who dances but cannot do lifts (by your own admission) with "thyroid disease." Ya right. I have thyroid disease, too, and I'm 5'5" 120 pounds at 53 years of age. "I have thyroid disease, that's why I'm chubby," is the biggest copout in the world. That you would use this excuse shocks me, you being as cerebral as you are.

It would seem that you don't get out too much, therefore have the time to study which makes you think you are smarter than everyone else, which you express often and with such ease. You have in a few weeks insulted many of the people on this site. However, you have managed to pull it off with your great skill in sarcasm. You'll soon learn that type of banter gets real old real soon. Perhaps someday you will learn a few minor social skills as well.

I have a 23 year old daughter who is in her last year of med school. She's not the wordsmith that you are, but I'll put her intelligence, humility, sense of humor and grace up against you anytime because she also has been gifted with common sense and the ability to say "I'm sorry" when she has made a mistake because SHE REALIZES she has made one. Unfortunately, they do not teach common sense in school.

Back to that doctorate: Earning a PhD will not make you a physician, so all I can say to you is Doctor, heal thyself.

I have remained annonymous until now.

Gail Simmons, MD

Anonymous said...

Gail Simmons, MD @9:53

I think she's paranoid, but I'm not a doctor.


Anonymous said...

How does she KNOW Adam pulled the camera out of that girl's hand? Was she there? Did she see it?

Anonymous said...

Wow! My eyes are bugging out from all the posts here. Ok, for my two cents. I have a subscription to Rolling Stone Magazine. I have just paged through the last 3 copies. No mention of our Rock God. (By the way, check out the newest cover with True Blood cast...OMG) Anyway, back to my point. Adam met people before this show, pointed to them before he kissed etc. and Twittered what he just "invented". That's how you get attention. I have been to concerts and Vegas shows where the audience members are kissed by the singer. We get all nervous because we don't want him to go too far. We want to see him on TV! We want to see him in the movies! We don't want him to just be a super nova that burns out too we are afraid he might be drinking. ( For being drunk, he sure was concerned about the audio etc.) This was a publicity stunt and it worked...perfectly.

(Just my opinion of course).

Anonymous said...

You know absolutely nothing about me, don't fool yourself into thinking reading my About Me means you have the down-lo on who I am.

I have not once personally attacked anyone here, and I'm not going to apologize for having a less popular point of view. I'm sorry that I may have offended some people here, but I'm not going to censor myself because it is unsettling to some people. I'm also not going to sit here like a rag doll and take the abuse without defending myself, or attempting to clarify a misunderstanding.

I've never written with sarcasm. Written communication is exceptionally flawed. It lacks the body mannerisms, and tone of voice that are more important to meaning than are the actual words chosen.

Writing MD next to your name means nothing on the Internet.

Justin said...

Umm I'm a straight guy (just saying). was a fan of Adam on American Idol. Still is, I bought the album.

But I think Adam doesn't need these stunts to grab headline news. He has his voice. C'mon.

Not saying he did this for attention.

Anonymous said...

What kind of posts so strange!! Why the drama? I supposed people will be really happy to see this. I'd like Adam grab my camera and kiss me all,if he wants take my clothes out I won't feel violeted any way,I would oficially die with a smile in my face.

To see this is no strange for me many artist like Robbie Williams had made this with fans, like he said it made feel more conected with his fans feel the love of them and in some way give it back to them. I prefer a million times he kisses the audience than he kisses Tommy, more opportunities to get a kiss for any of us in a first row, I hope he continues doing this all the tickets of Glamnation Tour will be sold more fast I'm really sure.
I'm sad you judge him, many of you still see him like the alumn of American Idol, but mostly this showed his spectacular voice and that his talent for singing, but people this Adam is what he really is and was since the years of "Citizen Vein" or "Zodiac Show" like or not, so sexy, nusty and out of control a real ROCKSTAR.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we stop using her wordpress user name, will she just go away?

Anonymous said...

Hey Doc: You diagnosed her symptoms perfectly.


glitzylady said...

@lmb 10:16pm

Have that copy of RS (True Blood) not sure they can put that one out a the grocery stores!!!!! Like the show though but ,wow, that cover...!!! And yes, I did the same thing, have been perusing them , and no Adam....They seem to be ignoring him....not sure why....

Anonymous said...

OOh, MY eyeballs, brain and feelings hurt! I'm over 30, and the thought that I won't ever be kissed by Adam is such a shock! lol The Details mag that I have, left out the word "only", when Adam stated he liked to kiss _pretty boys and girls. The hubby and the laundry basket made me feel much better! Hilarious! I don't believe Adam was drunk for several reasons which were mentioned above. He's a pro and not a stupid kid and I think to state it as a fact is unfair and could be damaging. I think he had a natural high of love from the audience that really hit home. He's more relaxed and secure now with the success of the GNT and was giving back that love and excitement to the fans. I think he finally gets the dedication and people traveling and camping out in blistering heat. He seems so happy and maybe feels he can finally be more of his true self on stage and wants his fans to feel that appreciation. He's lucky his nipple rings didn't get ripped out accidentally. He knew we would be going nuts over this! I love his spontaneiety and sense of fun and more relaxed banter with the audience. I also don't believe he aggressively ripped the camera away from the fan. Probably the fan wanted it away to have more skin contact. I would have wanted both hands free. I also think it was probably just a kiss without the tongue action. He needs to consider Aids and other things with strangers, so think it was a harmless smack and his reference to tongue diving is just for effect. I also like different opinions, but am not fond of controversy just for controversys sake to stir up ill will or just for the love of arguing. Loved every bit of him tonight! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Love this discussion! I noticed that Adam does clearly point at the folks before he slowly moves in to kiss them –I guess that could be considered notice to pucker up or duck! It’s not as if the whole world doesn’t know Adam’s rep for kissing when the mood takes him… As for Adam’s drinking, wildness or whatever—I’m sure what we are seeing now if quite tame compared to when Adam performed as some of LA’s independent clubs--I'm sure Adam has had the better part of 10 years practice performing a little sh@tfaced or not.

glitzylady said...


Just wanted to say that I read the girl's account of her Adam encounter...and there WAS tongue involved :-) She was totally excited and for those that thought she was "violated" it sure didn't sound like SHE thought so!!!!! And I agree with you, he is just one happy man with all of the love the fans give to him...He's just giving it back...If he wants to plant a big sloppy tongue-involved one on me, I'm ready (I also realize I'm dreaming.......) Big LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

holy bucket of f**kn luv! Man, wish I could be this "erica"b**ch for one night! WTF....Anyone knows how we can get such service at the GNT? I need answer pronto!!!
I need a shower now...FYI, he is so bendy LOL that back of his is dayummmmmmmmm!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW, I found everything wild after 6days esp these 2 only problem is WTF is August 18, 2010 11:01 AM AKA crmhaske? so annoying....Adam should use ur tongue to polish his boots after every show, but still u'd be lucky to lick my BB's boots...pls do us all a fav and get lost in to ur dull world. WTF!
The rest of my peeps LOL @ all of u, adamluv,MGF you guys rock my world!


Anonymous said...

OMG glizylady @August 19 6:00AM - where did you read the account from Erica/Kissed-Girl??

I've been popping on here quite a bit, and doing a little bit of perusing the web, but haven't put the time into really looking into this (Real Life :)) - do you have a link??? I'm a little embarrassed to admit it - but I want to read what she had to say!!!! And at the risk of further embarrassment and being totally goofy fangirl - tongue involved, oh man, the stuff of my dreams :). While working around the house here and there, I have listened to just the vocal of this 20CB on my iTouch, and it rocks my world alone, w/ no visual, his vocals always rock my world, but I have to say - BB is so friggin' sexy and I just can't seem to keep his sensual self outta my brain...but I don't think he'd really mind that :). BB's all that and a bag of chips aint' he, as Mia Michael's would say - "he's everything"...yep, that's it, "he's everything". Whooo, went a little cray cray there...sorry... Anyway, you got a link friend???

Anonymous said...

Oh ZZ - hi there... I gave you a shout out on a previous thread before I came to this one. Glad you're back. Thought we might have lost you like we may have lost Poland Loves Adam cuz of some of the seriousness on here lately. Seriousness is okay I suppose, I've certainly posted quite seriously before, and to each his own I guess...but I think that I'm gonna take my cues from the 20thCB straightforward, not too complex, not overly deep lyrics and the fact that I think Adam is singing them for a reason! MGF.

Glitz and sparkles said...

Adam is being Adam...spontaneous and in the moment. When I saw Erica's meet and greet photo...I said aloud she was adorable and totally captured the glamness.

And the male-blond...he was interesting, having almost a Tommy like quality.

IMO believe there was some special undefined inner-connections.

Yay for them...think we're being a little critical and analytical of this whole 'event'.

Let's just "K.I.S.S."....

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:06...

Were you in my dream last night, cuz you took my thoughts and my words right out of my mouth.

I think I have to love you now.

Have a BEAUTIFUL Thursday everyone.

Anonymous said...

Smoke and mirrors people that's all it was! "That's Entertaiment" Nothing has changed! It is about the music with a little side bar of fun. No booze in the cup...his voice coach say NO and he would not do anything to hurt that instrument "His voice" What a showman!! Enough said!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I'm late:( If only I had known something so intruiging has happened! IMHO - I thought it was AWESOME! I just watched it and was totally freaking out - my two roommates thinking I was getting slaughtered or something! My mouth hurts cause I was opening it so wide;) I'm not objective though - I love Adam way too much than is normal and tolerate and adore almost everything he does (except for some fashion choices which are just too campy and kitchy for my taste, and the hair choices). I guess it's good he didn't want to kiss somebody who would've felt threatened - Have to say that did not come to mind. It goes without saying that I think everybody would want some Adam-action. Nevertheless, I don't mind if he's even drunk on stage - SEX, BOOZE and ROCK&ROLL BABY!!!
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting again, Poland! Ok Glitzylady, thanks for the fan tongue update! Now I'm ready to see Erica's link so I can vicariously live thru' her experience and pretend it was me! Imagination is such a good thing!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OH Poland Loves Adam - I've missed you so



Anonymous said...

Good lord, why is it that every time I'm away from the computer for a couple days, a crap storm hits? For those who claim he was drinking on stage (or before)..SHAME ON YOU. You claim to "love Adam" but you spread this kind of garbage. Tongue-diving...if Adam kissed me like that, I bet I could hit some of those notes he does LOL!! Glitzy L: a joy as always. You, too funbunn. Oh, and "Doc", something tells me you're right on with your assessment of what's-her-name who wants us to read about her. MMPI, anyone? Anyway, no more time for you tonight, my lovlies. I must catch up on the latest posts. Sweet (hot, wet) dreams!!

Anonymous said...

so pleased for Erica....Loved your made me cry with Delight for Lucky Lucky Lucky Erica....and Eric

The UK needs Adam Lambert
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...