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Sony Music New Zealand Ready to Release New Music News!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 06, 2011


Anonymous said...

I love this new management,they pushing him with full support.

I had 1 question if Adam album is pop can he still play inrussian concert or no?

Anonymous said...

ok release it already.

Anonymous said...

@8:43 PM Sorry, can't understand your quiestion.
What does this mean "he still play inrussian consert or no?"?

Anonymous said...

@8:43 PM I would say, release it already, for God Sake!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good on yer NZ! Oz is right with yer!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how patient we are? NOT!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the new single will be released everywhere on the same date.

Anonymous said...

Actually not doing patient too well...have begun to chew fingernails and run to this blog the moment my eyes open each a.m.
Hoping to read "It's here"! I'm just pretending to be cool so family won't commit me!! ^o^


Anonymous said...


What are you doing posting at 5am!??Lol!! I hope your family is sleeping otherwise you'll be in serious trouble!!!LOL!!
BTW I'm pretending too, my friends don't get it....It's been soooo long since the last time I felt so happy that I don't care what anybody thinks!!!:))))


Anonymous said...

@ SG

Actually I had been up since 3:00 a.m.! I have a crazy sleep cycle. In my old age I've become a cat!
I sleep about three hours and then wide awake three or four hours, then sleep again. My life is a series of round the clock naps!
I don't mind except it's hard to schedule appointments and social engagements!

JAK :)

Anonymous said...


Hello Kitty!!:))
Well, at least they can't blame Adam for your night posting!!
About the appointments, if you fell sleep you can always say that you're not sleeping, just really concentrate!:)))


Anonymous said...

Waiting, waiting patiently. (NOT)
Jadam NZ

The Dark Side said...

We are being patient because we do not have any choice in this matter.

Anonymous said...

I agree...but it's like being 10 months pregnant!