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TMZ Video: Finland's Biggest Star Adam Lambert Returns After Fight

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Finland's biggest star, Adam Lambert, landed back in America after being arrested for getting into a BRUTAL fight with his boyfriend.


Anonymous said...

Well, once again, TMZ is true-to-form. They take something like an airport return and morph it into something ridiculous. So much for that earlier thread where we thought the pap was being sorta nice for a change. These people are just bottom feeders sucking the life out of other people's personal issues. Go to K-Mart (before it closes) and get a clue on blue light special.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I'm wondering! Can we find somehow, somewhere stupidity chart/scale? I think TMZ is gonna be on top ten on this chart or get 10 points on 1-10 stupidity scale!

Anonymous said...

Plus, I love how our guys had this "brutal" fight, with no punches thrown. Has anyone gone on the Yahoo article that accompanies Jennifer Hudson's article? There are some really mean people in the world. We are truly sheltered on here regarding what we feel about our guy, but the masses make me angry after reading some of those comments. We still have a LOT of "light and love" to spread out there.


Anonymous said...

Ya know? This thing is really over. These TMZ guys are really too late to make any of this funny. They pick on everybody, don't they? Not just Adam. At least he was on their radar. Hey, TMZ guys, your're soooo behind the times on this one. Go pick on someone else.

Anonymous said...

sycophants...kin to PH


Anonymous said...

Well, I think this one is not so bad; like softer, less provocative than the last one. But I sort of take a fancy to this shouty high- decibel voice and the way he purposely exaggerated Sauli's last name... Adam and Sauli look okay. :)

Anonymous said...

Please stop sending ridiculous news.

Adam no.5 on twitter who cares? Fan cares only .
Tmz said something about Adam ,who cares?

Adam with queen ,enough talking about it.

New news please.

Anonymous said...

if someone wrestled me to the ground, I certainly wouldn't be returning home with them.

Anonymous said...

In the first place, Adam is not Finland's star, Sauli would be, and in the second place, in a
BRUTAL fight I think Sauli would win. Have you seen his muscles?
Adam is not the athlete Sauli is.
In the third place the whole thing is ridiculous. In the fourth place, Jak is right, TMZ papz are a bunch of suck ups to get a few seconds of tv time.

Jessie M

Anonymous said...

TMZ people are making money whether it's true or not.....

Simply like morons indeed!!!!

Good or bad they are still morons!!!!:)))


Anonymous said...

The TMZ Report left out the second half of the equation because it didn't fit the story (the part about guilt and lesson learned.) They also ignored Adam's day-after tweet. Not telling the whole story and not nice.

HOWEVER, Harvey Levin is gay and he is obviously speaking from the heart on the issue of domestic violence. People who argue that violence is more acceptable if the couple is gay are effectively saying that LGBTQ relationships are less important than straight ones.

An important message to give (and obviously needed if the guys in Harvey's peanut gallery are anything to go by.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The two TMZ satires aren't any more ridiculous than the bar fight and arrest to begin with. I mean how much more cliche can you get than a gay tiff in a gay bar, followed by jail time in a drunk tank? Gain a sense of humor, people. Even Adam made fun of it himself.

Anonymous said...

@7:35 PM I wouldn't either. Thank you for your refreshing common sense. I don't see why so many fans think a relationship where people resort to physically fighting is healthy in any way. Neither is a relationship where there is excessive jealousy. That is so immature. This is sounding more like a case of twisted obsession than true love. And please, just because they posed for a cute pic right after the fight doesn't prove everything is just fine. There are obviously big problems. Fans just don't want to face reality because they've built Saulidam up in their minds into some epic story book romance. I hope Adam will have the common sense to get rid of Sauli and find himself someone who will truly treat him with respect and tenderness and who won't behave like a thug. Let me add the disclaimer that that 'someone' is NOT Tommy so people won't ask me that stupid question.

Anonymous said...

Totally off topic and gosh all the media and fans should get off this topic ha. On Q102 Philly there is a poll for the best performance ever at a jingle ball. Adam is ahead against Kelly Clarkson but she is gaining votes. I love Kelly too, but Adam is the best performer ever. If you feel like adding a few votes there it would be nice. Q102 philly is very supportive of Adam. BTIKM is on their request list already, so you can request once a day.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that whoever is the "administrator" of this site should have been ashamed of even putting such a trash article on the site. This particular site should be dedicated to Adam and his successes. He has already apologized and said it was wrong. What carry it on at this late date. Let's support Adam on this site.

Anonymous said...

I saw the video of Adam and Sauli arriving in LA from Finland. TMZ was trying to get an interview, and Adam told them that he was very tired and Merry Christmas. Therefore, I guess this is their response. Don't give us every interview that we want or we will persecute you. Slimy scum.

Anonymous said...

As far as Adam didn't perform in any 2011 Jingle Ball, including
Q102 Philly I don't care about any polls.
I don't see Adam's performances very often. And i don't care about Kelly. How can I vote for Adam's last year performance?

Anonymous said...

Try to like BTIKM. Listen it thousands times. Still can't get goosebumps. Adam, how about if you include "Soaked" in your new album and release it as single and music video?
I think it would bring you much more success than any other songs you released during last three years! Oh, I forgot to mention that it will bring you a lot of money.
It would be like JB's "Baby".
Except instead of few millions teenangels, there will hundreds of millions 14-100 years old women.
Don't lose you chance, "Baby":)
Many musicians include one or two favorite songs in new albums.

Anonymous said...

@8:49pm... I too worry about Adam's relationship with Sauli. And with the upcoming single/CD promotion and then another tour, I wonder how this will last? I would love to see Adam with a "Kris Allen type", someone more grounded, not a heavy drinker, more chill, but can still have crazy fun! The yin to his yang lol. And NO, I'm not a "kradam luvr"! Don't get me wrong, I luv me some wild & crazy Adam, but Adam + Sauli + heavy public boozing = possible mayhem, salivating paps, & a freaked out glambert...ME!

I know, I's really none of our business, as long as he's in a healthy, happy, stable relationship.
Fingers crossed! :)

Anonymous said...

"The star needs to be a brilliat singer or lovable", told L.A. to Chris Rene last night on the tv (we see serie about a week late here than you) - in my opinion Adam Lambert IS both!

Anonymous said...

Please, TMZ, come to Helsinki first! : )

Anonymous said...

@9:38PM I was also thinking about Soaked today. I think Adam should release Soaked as another single to help his FYE album get closer to platinum. Soaked also fits well with what happened last week.

ITA with the next anon. about Sauli is shifting Adam into a wrong direction. Sauli drinks and smokes a lot. Two substances that are really horrible for Adam's vocal chords. I don't even know if he speaks any English. Maybe Adam got frustrated because of lack of communication in English while he was in Finland.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion , Adam just doesn't want to be invited in another scandal. I am talking about his relationship with Sauli. If they will break-up now, it will be a lot of media responses, articles everywhere in every dirty magazine. I think it was a big mistake to take Sauli in all of these big events, as AI finale, AMA, etc. Adam isn't Sr. Elton John yet.
Adam got a lot of problems with the "Jalihouse" story. Does Adam get some kind of curse to put himself in such a sh..... just before new album release?

Anonymous said...

omg such drama and intrigue and you heard it first right here on 24/7 folks!!

Anonymous said...

There is this cute guy at MAC Cosmetic store in Santa Monica Promenade. I bought couple of MAC products from him. With first hello to him, immediately Adam came to my mind that if he saw him he would salivate with his tongue out. The guy is so Adam type. Much better looking than Sauli and he is an American. Adam if you read this comment go check him out at MAC store in Santa Monica Promenade.

Anonymous said...

gee, nothing like causing trouble for your local cosmetic guy on the internet.

HK fan said...

You all seriously need to read that article Adam tweeted out this morning.....

Anonymous said...

Gee, some of you people are as bad as TMZ. Now you're foreseeing a breakup between Adam and Sauli! Haven't any of you ever had an argument with your beloved other? No relationship is serene all the time, and these two have shown nothing but love for a whole year, until one night when alcohol and jetlag came into the picture. They quickly made up, and that's the test of their love. Let's drop this.

Anonymous said...

Is there one person repeating his/her opinions in this thread? Sounds like it.

daydreamin said...

@justpeachy where the heck have you been? So glad to hear from you! It has been ages!

Anonymous said...

11:10 it's the same troll that is on here day and night saying the same thing over and over.Lives on the internet and this site, probably food slopped all over their keyboard, eek I better quit I am making myself sick. lol

Anonymous said...

@11:21 PM If you think there is only 1 person out of the hundreds of fans who visit this site that doesn't like Sauli, you are an idiot. Not everyone likes Sauli and Adam dating and we don't have to. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 27, 2011 8:49 PM So that by changing a boyfriend, Adam gets rid of jealousy and domineering which are of course Sauli's fault although he had those problems before Sauli.

Anonymous said...

And I didn't make up those things. Adam has himself said that "I've noticed I get very intense when I'm really interested. It took a few guys pointing it out before I realised what I was doing. Apparently I get domineering and jealous, which are not good qualities if you want to be with someone. But I'm working on that."
According to eyewitnesses the dispute started when Adam got jealous when Sauli chatted with other men.

Anonymous said...

If couples were to break up just because of one drunk squabble, then there'll be really very few relationships left. Let Adam and Sauli work it out, instead of advocating they should part ways. I really didn't think I had to say something so fundamental as this. And being possessive can also mean Adam loves Sauli a lot. Eventually if they do call it quits so be it; they are both decent and kind guys and know what's best for themselves; at least they give it a chance. I still can't grasp why people wish others to break up; what's in it for them...strange.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing I'm the only one who finds this clip amusing .... not the Adam and Sauli "drama", just the video itself.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad all this bad press happened 'round the release of BTIKM with Trespassing not far away. I hope it doesn't impact adversely on sales but who knows? Adam may even fare better as a result of it.

melliemom said...

Adam and Sauli love each other ,it's very obvious.Can we all go back to loving them and accepting them without judgement. Just saying.
I don't believe I'm a relationship counselor ,I'm a fan of a remarkable singer and entertainer.. the rest is none of my business.

Anonymous said...

"I still can't grasp why people wish others to break up; what's in it for them...strange."

I agree, it's very strange. And pathetic too. Get a life of your own people!

faty-1999 said...

I think Adam is going too fast in his relationship, he is very happy but he does not see the consequences, I mean, 2012 is a year really responsible for it! I do not know if he has time to deal with his relationship or even Sauli! I think this is a test, like if the album is released and the tour is done, if they are still together, it will prove that nothing can separate them, if it does not last when it means that n was not made ​​for each other! And I say this as a very big fan of Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam can change boyfriends tomorrow but he has to change himself if he ever wants to have a truly happy, healthy relationship.

It's interesting that this story about a kiss upsetting Adam is circulating now because it fits in with a behaviour pattern of in the fandom involving the need for Adam to be perfect. That can only happen if all of Adam's fuck-ups are due to other people in his life. The truth is, if someone upsets you, you have many ways of handling it and resorting to violence is only one of them. IF Adam chose that route, you cannot blame anyone else for that. IF he didn't then why prolong the story by coming up with new scenarios for people to dwell on and fight about.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not a poster boy for any cause. He is also not a symbol. He is a human being just like the rest of us.
It would be nice to show him some love ,he has a lot on his plate.

Anonymous said...

Anon 28, 2011 4:34 AM What story? I have seen only one story of kissing and that was Adam kissing Niko and that was really a hilarious story by a troll.

Anonymous said...

Hey 5:39 - stories are curculating online. IMHO, no one can really know what happened and this is just mischief-making. Just wanted to stop the bad stuff being said here but I understand it's probably one or two trolls so no worries.

Anonymous said...

Their relationship is no different from millions of other romances, gay or straight. Relationships of all kinds are rocky at times. People often choose to stay together despite their imperfections. Gay or straight, no difference.

Anonymous said...

Jessie M 7:44 PM I don't think you have to be worry for Adam, Sauli is not a brutal fighter:

Anonymous said...

12:38 I am talking about our resident troll that doesn't like anything about Adam. I love Sauli but could really care who else does or doesn't.Nothing to get over.

Anonymous said...

LOL 8:07 Looks like Sauli is more of a runner than a fighter.

Anonymous said...

Since when do any of you know anything about Sauli or about Adam and his personal life??? I love the one who says Sauli is a bad influence because he smokes and drinks. And Adam doesn't???? Please. I know very little about Sauli except he's cute and he won Finland's Big Brother, which I don't even watch here with our version. What I think is that people in the limelight have a difficult time maintaining relationships because of their careers. It's going to be hectic for quite a while since Adam will be launching this new album and then touring. THAT will be the test of the strength of their commitment. But, you know, it's their business, not mine. I wish them well because they deserve happiness along with everyone else in the world. I don't pretend to know the intimate details of their lives I'm not behind closed doors with them, and neither are any of you.

Anonymous said...

I think that it's about time for this site to require people to register their nicknames if they want to write a comment.
The number of trolls on this presumably Adam Lambert fansite is scary.

Anonymous said...

9:51 and 10:18 Ditto and Ditto.

Anonymous said...

Wow 8:07...I have a whole new respect for Real World and Jersey Shore.

Anonymous said...

10:18, the comments from the trolls that aren't deleted are not that bad. The ones that are inappropriate are deleted and therefore, taken care of. Or is anything that's a different opinion from yours considered inappropriate to you? If the admin. didn't want ANY negative comments about Adam, there wouldn't be any allowed. Maybe it would would hurt potential advertisement? I don't know.

Carlos said...

Well.. It's TMZ after all.

glitzylady said...

I posted this a couple of days ago on the "Adam and Sauli Return From Finland" vid but it was at the end of the thread..and what I said there also applies here. I agree that it was unfortunate that TMZ ignored Adam's tweet about "violence not to be taken lightly" because they made it sound as if Adam didn't take it seriously, but just thought it was a big joke....The thing I felt was uncalled for was the reference to OJ Simpson and a knife... : ( Please don not associate Adam Lambert with OJ Simpson...light years apart.....

An aside: I have personally witnessed a situation where claims of domestic violence were false but were listened to in spite of evidence and testimony given by witnesses..and lives were affected permanently for the worse. I hope Adam can overcome the negativity associated with his name after this..I worry.......

My previous comment:

Adam and Sauli are the only ones who know what happened and they can work it out on their own without our advice. They had a quarrel, and as Adam said :

"Violence is not to be taken lightly. Embarrassed by drunkenness. No punches thrown, no injuries and no charges. Media always exaggerates."

Unsubstantiated rumors from tabloid blogs and one in particular, "He who shall not be named (PH)" [and now TMZ] gave rise to wild speculation and implications of "Adam beating up Sauli, Adam beating up bystanders, Adam going berserk," which ultimately was proved to be complete crap, according to the official Helsinki Police final report. No "violence" "no charges". Something obviously happened to cause Adam and Sauli to engage in some "drunk hugging" or "drunk wrestling" and no doubt words they wish they could take back.

I don't dismiss violence in any form but I would ask that people "consider the source" of the things they hear before condemning either Adam or Sauli as "violent". Seems to me they love each other very much and would not hurt each other intentionally, either emotionally or physically. That said, sometimes things do happen for a reason..this was likely an opportunity for both of them to reflect on their relationship and renew their commitment to each other. I choose to believe Adam is the good and loving man he seems to be.. I also sincerely hope this never happens again. I would assume that is the wish of Adam and Sauli as well. Life is a learning experience and sometimes those lessons are hard, and in the case of celebrities, very public.....Let me be clear: I don't think Adam is perfect: who is???, but I'm not presuming to give him advice either..I'm sure he's been giving himself enough of that....And kicking himself in the butt...We are usually our own biggest critics, and I'm guessing that would be true in his case as well.

Time to move on...Please...please...

Anonymous said...

Even tho they are lovers, their fights will be physical because they are both male and both have testosterone, unlike a male/female or female/female pair.

Anonymous said...

Before I move on...wasn't there a girl that got hit? Didn't she step in? If there were no punches thrown, how in the world did she get hit? Accidentily or not?

Also, physical violence includes a lot more than just hitting. I'm not saying that Adam is guilty of any of it, I'm just saying you can really hurt someone without throwing any punches.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sauli looks miffed.

Anonymous said...

Early reports suggested that a girl was hit but the final word has to be hers: in her statement to the police she said she wasn't hit.

Anonymous said...

We need to love Adam and his music, or not. Personal preference. But we have no right to judge his personal or love life. Would we like others to judge ours?

Anonymous said...

When Adam and Sauli were arguing, Adam was waving his arms around. When Nico's girlfriend tried to calm them down, she walked into Adam's arm, A bystander saw it and reported that a man hit a girl.
She called the police when she heard that rumor and explained the situation, no hitting involved, her mistake to interfere.No charges.

People see what they want to see sometimes or are just innocently mistaken.

Anonymous said...

TMZ will forever remain TMZ. They are just funny dudes.
TMZ Helzinki..with vikings, ect...come on. just being funny and ya gotta laugh.