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Ellen Promo with ADAM LAMBERT for 1-19-12

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thanks GaleWhittington!


Arta Arias said...

I was one of the people who thought this song was too mediocre for Adam.

I don't take back my words, because now I love that he chose a mediocre song to play god with it in his live performances.

God is a power, an energy that blows life and soul into a lifeless being. That's why we call Adam a rock god...

Anonymous said...

I feel you Arta Arias. And again, remember, as for the recorded version for radio, IT'S FOR JUST THAT, RADIO, and Adam is giving them no good reason to not play the song with it recorded for radio release the way he did it! It's extremely radio friendly and user friendly. He needs charting!


fanatapan said...

my 2 fave celebs! that mug bit was hilarious, so excited for the full Ellen clip :)

Anonymous said...

Hoping for some conversation with Ellen and Adam.....

choons said...

PETITION PEOPLE MAGAZINE - come on Glamberts! - send an email to get Adam on the cover this year for SEXIEST MAN ALIVE. Here is the address: Be sure to include his new photo!!

Arta Arias said...

Exactly LM. You're completely right.

It's just as I said before, we the Glamberts who are more passionate about his voice and art want everything the way we want and the way we think reflects his full potential without foreseeing the factor that as a relevant recording artist he needs to appeal to masses.

At this point I think I've figured that Adam likes to keep it in a balance between his love for his music and his mass appealing (fame) factor. He's not either doing his thing just to do solely what he likes, as the likes of 30 Seconds To Mars or Adele, or doing it only to attract attention and sales as the likes of today's mass recording artists. It's just a rational balance right now which doesn't necessarily reflect my taste as a hardcore fan, but doesn't drive my interest away from him either.

With this assumption in mind I believe you are completely right and he's doing one hell of a job. As long as he's doing his 'out of this world' live versions of the songs... ;)

So happy for him, and thankful for what he's giving us. I wish he'll be rewarded deservingly for his efforts, hard work and idealism in every single way he wishes for. Music really needed him... and will forever do.

choons said...

Here's a few links with great Adam reviews:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing him on Ellen. Maybe he'll wear a white suit with a black shirt. Woooooo! (Brings to mind when he sang "Feeling Good" on AI.) Hope he keeps this cool, sexy, toned down look like we saw on Leno. Hope Ellen chats with him some too before, or after, he sings.

Anonymous said...

Hope he doesn't get cut off like he did on leno.. Leno went overtime and I didn't get his performance all the way on DVR" Stupid ads took up his time lol

Anonymous said...

Found this link that so far is the best of adam's performance IMO Is in sync with his words

Anonymous said...

forgot to leave tag


tess4ADAM said...

Hey Glamberts!! I'm all for flailing about ADAM's performance on Leno but in the meantime Jon McLaughlin/Sara Boreilles are catching up to ADAM at Sophies Challenge 103.7 San Diego ... ADAM has been the Champ 12x in a row so if we want BTIKM to keep getting spins even if only once or twice a day ... we NEED to get over there & VOTE 4 ADAM!! ~~thanx~~

PLEASE!! Don't quit now ... we're almost there ... another Hall of Fame 4 ADAM so PLEASE VOTE!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I bet they could auction off that mug for a good amount..

daydreamin said...

Thanks anon 11:58! I loved this from that link!:

"At first, something made me think the whole thing was going to be somewhat understated — maybe it was the fact that this was the first time we were hearing the slick pop jam in a live setting. But then Adam hauled out his powerhouse vocals toward the end, and the audience's knickers collectively dropped to the floor."

daydreamin said...

Adamluv and others from 24/7 here that went...where are you? Tell us of your experience seeing Adam yesterday on Leno please!!

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - commented about the show on the "Fan Made Cover" thread. Thanks for asking. ...Adamluv