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Nile Rodgers: Adam Lambert is Talented and Nice

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, January 18, 2012


tess4ADAM said...

THANX!! Nile ... WE LOVE ADAM too!! He's the "Creme de la Creme" .. IMO

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

RED ALERT Glamberts! Adam/BTIKM are dropping FAST right now on the Sophie's Challenge poll from his hometown of San Diego. After Adam's STELLAR performance of BTIKM on Leno last night, we can't let that happen today. PLEASE vote RIGHT NOW and KEEP VOTING until we build up a comfortable lead. IGNORE the notice saying they have counted your vote. It means nothing. Just keep voting. Poll closes TONIGHT. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

LOOK AT THAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good God almighty is there any man sexier then he? (except for my gorgeous husband of course) but he is such a freaking turn on!!!!!!!
And Nile, you are sexy too.

Anonymous said...

Love it how Nile just can't stop singing the praises of Adam!
Something magical happened when these two met, can't wait to hear that riff on Trespassing!!!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

We got distracted from voting because of the Leno show. We can bring him up again before Ellen tomorrow! Vote!

Anonymous said...


I agree with DRG, we did get distracted with all the excitement over Adam's appearance on Jay Leno, I forgot all about this poll. I'm voting over and over now! His #s right now are 52.88% Dropping fast! Please vote.


Anonymous said...

Love how Adam gets so much respect from many in the music industry who matter and work with him. Niles has also worked with the best of them, and he's in a position to tell who's real and not in the business. Thanks, Niles, for your kind words. Though Adam is always giving his fans credit, ultimately it's his core strength that we fans gravitate so much to him, "thick and thin" we'll be there for him. Can't wait to hear your collaboration with Adam when March 20 comes (my cd is already ordered). My best wishes to you both.

Anonymous said...

He sure got that right. ADAM is a beautiful person and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know this man. Adam is pure class.

Anonymous said...

Nile Rodgers is a great artist and producer. He has worked with the best of the best and is friends with the Legendary Duran Duran (yes I am a duranie). Adam Lambert should have these types of people in his corner for longevity. Nile knows what he is talking about. I bet their collaboration is great.

Anonymous said...

Nile Rodgers know Superstar talent when he sees it!

Adamluv said...

Wonderful PR for him when respected artists have such positive things to say about Adam. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Adam is dropping like a ROCK againon the Sophie's Challenge poll. Only a short while now until the poll closes tonight. PLEASE HELP. Vote and keep voting. IGNORE the message that says they have counted your vote. It means nothing. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Thank Heavens! They just closed the poll. Adam won! Yaaaay!