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Rolling Stone Playlist. #2 Favorite Song is "Better Than I Know Myself"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Via @Valress


Anonymous said...

whoa, RS really likes it. For selfish reasons I want this single to do so well, so I can quit worrying about Adam for awhile.I need a rest, this is exhausting. lol

Anonymous said...

What's number one? I adore BTIKM!!!
So happy for Adam. This is big.

Anonymous said...

Only the start Adam................

We will see more of this indeed...


Anonymous said...

Hooray hooray, it's come at last, my "I told you so day!"

My rocker daughter called me and said " I listened to Adam's new song today, I like it!" This after more than a year of coaxing. I crowed and said "I told you so"....she replied, "No, I told you so!" And darn it, she was right! When FYE came out, I loaned it to her and offered to
buy her an album...she said "No thanks, I only like one song. Mom he's a power ballad Time for Miracles with the rest of the album!"

One small step at a time, a new fan may be born...she actually said she would willingly listen to Trespassing when it was delivered into my grasping hands in March.

Little by little she's going to fall under his spell. I'm certain.

HAH ... another one bites the dust!


Anonymous said...

WOW this is really big for adam and this shows that hopefully his new album will be huge and it is just the start for him:)
Really looking forward to his album now.
Ireland xxx

Anonymous said...


Our girls are bending indeed!!!

My daughter as well she loves it!!!

YAY!! The power of love is really working indeed!!!


Anonymous said...

I sympathize with Anon at 6:36 PM. In fact I posted something like that not too long ago. It's three years now - hoping, waiting, hoping some more. Make it big, Baby, so I can get a life back - lol.

Anonymous said...

Do you know where I can buy this magazine?
Adam, this is deff "Time For Miracles" for you!!!!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

HAL you can get Rolling Stone magazine almost everywhere. Target, Walgreens, CVS. I don't ever remember seeing it at Walmart though.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:36 -- You can try all you want, but you WON'T be able to stay away, no matter what because there is always something new and exciting about our Adam. For instance, you know that show Extra with Mario Lopez?? Well, Adam is now featured every night in that part of the show that showcases huge music stars!! Check it out tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

7:30 this is 6:36 is that really true? Tell the others more but not me I won't be

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:36, you are so cute!!! I feel the same way. I think when the album comes out, and he starts doing videos and promo, watch out WORLD, never mind Keisha.

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stone has this special affinity to Adam; always potraying him in a good light. Wow No.2 on their playlist, a sure good indication. That Rolling Stone cover with the lithe little green snake hissing at you know what, was quite an eye-opener. Wonder if it all started with Adam singing Satisfaction and straight away their alarm went off and has never stopped! :)

Anonymous said...

Yep I agree, it is exhausting and time comsuming being an Adam Fan. But wouldnt change for the world.
I will have to work on my two daughters JAK.
This time around I have been trying to let things take
their course letting them hear it on the car radio etc and hoping they will say to me they love it, early days yet.
I am off on holiday but will have my laptop stashed away, so I dont miss anything.
Jadam. NZ

Anonymous said...

Got quite a nice glow from this whole thread...

JAK, as always, great read. Like that -->"power ballad rocker"!!! Love "Time for Miracles" SOO wish that would have been eligible for an Oscar... His vocals are AMAZING and certainly worthy.

We'll never stop worying about Adam and feeling pins & needles for him over every release, waiting for the rest of the world to hear and recognize his talent.

It's starting... the good news is tricling in. Cannot WAIT for the official P.R. blitz! More excited now for MORE... All good reactions, YAAAHOOOOO!!


Anonymous said...

Well in my book BTIKM is no. 1. Guys/Gals/People let's make it to no. 1 by calling and requesting it from our local top 40/HAC radios to play it. Go to this link to find out how:

Carlos said...

Rolling Stone has always been positive when it comes to Adam. It comes to no surprise since Adam gave them the best selling issue of 2009. I wish they'd let him be on the cover for March :<

Anonymous said...

I just came here for a quick visit and BOOM! What tremendous news!! Never a dull moment in the Glamdom. RS does like Adam. This is a MAJOR boost for Adam. Gives him the cred he deserves. When Trespassing hits the airwaves, it's gonna kick ASS!

Anonymous said...

@ Michelle from Ireland


someone wise once said "everyone has a place where their soul feels at home"...I felt that when I made my first trip to Ireland and landed at Shannon. I'd trade places with you if I were young...but now at this age I couldn't take the rain and chill!
I need eternal sunshine, hot sand, a warm pool and baking my achey bones on a polkadot raft!

But every few years I long for narrow mountain roads, the clffs of Moher, the race horses in Kildare, the traffic jams caused by sheep and wandering thru crumbling castles and warming up in a pub with a peat fire in Galway. So peaceful watching the Galway Hookers sail by......relax folks......they are BOATS!

Glad you joined our group!


Anonymous said...

Yea Carlos, very good idea about the March issue, in time with the release of Trespassing; and it'll be another sellout. I remember reading that it was the first time in their sales that the 2009 issue went completely out of stock; and some were desperately hunting for a copy. Hey Carlos, you got any connections with Rolling Stone people, give your brilliant idea a jab! Shoot them a hint! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Got my RS today. The title to this says: Our favorite songs, albums and videos right now.
For the curious #1 is Radiohead "the Daily Mail".

but the real imp stuff:
#2 "Better Than I Know Myself"

Glambert tears into a power-ballad chorus "If I wanted to leeeeeve, I would have left by now/ But you're the only one that knows me") over a sledgehammer Dr. Luke beat. Yo, Ke$ha! Watch your back, girl.

Love this!

Anonymous said...

just signed twitition for Adam to sing at Super Bowl. That was probably a done deal ages ago for someone but it was fun anyways.

Carlos said...

@Lam-my LOL no connections here with RS. I was just saying it'd be awesome. I hope RCA pushes for it cause it'd be good promo.

Anonymous said...

Seattle Top 40 station has Adam's BTIKM on its homepage website rolling banner. Give them some hits by listening to BTIKM:

Anonymous said...

Yes the chorus of BTIKM is indeed powerful stuff; and that last spectacular note on 'self' is really something else! I always wait for Adam to blow out that last draught of air like it really means a lot to him and it has taken his last drop of energy. The best part is he repeats this uplifting chorus over and over; well that's what young people like and older ones as well! LOL.

Anonymous said...

@JAK It takes time for people to appreciate Adam's artistic ability.

This is what Steve Jobs said about art:

"Art can be ugly at first but it becomes beautiful later.”

Anonymous said...

Q102 Philly played BTIKM tonight during their takeover hour. starting at 8:00 pm eastern each evening. You click the up arrow to rise Adam to #1 and he gets played. Click the down arrows of the above and below artists. Adam tweeted to the radio station and thanked them for the spin. Adam is the ultimate executive producer! Wonder if he was playing the takeover game with us haha!

Anonymous said...

Another review...from ?

"Romantic angst, "Glambert" style, that is -
a wind whipped mid tempo ballad designed to showcase Lambert's superhuman vocal range.

Song is formulaic, but just you wait for the money shot falsetto in the chorus!"

Sorry, only saw a snippet of the review quoted. But so nice!

JAK.....happy <3

glitzylady said...

This is the link to the Rolling Stone Song Review from Dec. 30th..I left a comment on there this AM because part of the review was a bit dismissive...

The Review: by Jody Rosen

"Romantic angst, "Glambert" style - that is, a wind-whipped mid-tempo ballad, produced by Claude Kelly and the inevitable Dr. Luke and designed to showcase Lambert's superhuman vocal range. It's formulaic pap, but just you wait for the money-shot falsetto in the chorus."

I took issue with the "formulaic pap" part, and the falsetto part as well...and posted a comment..In case anyone is remotely interested..Here's my response...

"First, I really have to say I LOVE this song..Have listened to it quite a bit since its release and find it quite beautiful and haunting at the same time.. Adam's vocals are impeccable as always.. So now, some comments: A review of the review:

Really. "Formulaic Pap". Hmm.. First, the definition of "pap": "An idea, talk, book, or the like, lacking substance or real value." I would strongly suspect Mr. Lambert (and many others, including myself) would perhaps differ with the reviewer on that thought..that the meaning, the "idea", behind this song "lacks value". Just a question, because I'm curious: When did the idea of romantic love and the musical expression of that love begin to "lack value"?? And when did heartfelt angst become "formulaic" or "predictable" or "pap" for that matter? Seems to be part of the human condition, and while perhaps a common theme in certain songs, particularly LOVE songs, it doesn't necessarily make it any less important, and certainly not to the point of being "drivel", which is another definition of "pap" taken a little more to the extreme. "Angst-y love" is a universal theme most can identify with, so why NOT sing about it?? I'm a fan of Adam Lambert, probably rather obvious : )), and proud to be one, but I don't think that takes away from, or automatically cancels out my ability to critique AND appreciate a beautifully sung and multilayered, vocally challenging song when I hear it, and when it happens to be Adam singing it. He has said that this new album, Trespassing, (March 20th) will be very personal and dark at times..and this song was chosen for a reason, no doubt, to express some of those darker and more insecure, fragile inner feelings, but at the same time expressing intense love for one particular person, and the fear that the love will disappear..It would seem that if it is dismissed as "formulaic pap", those personal inner feelings would be trivialized as well. I personally think its a beautiful song, with the multiple layerings of tracks all sung by Adam, and melded together to capture the perfect sound. As to the falsetto..well, many people have already said it..Adam has a classically trained voice that enables him to sing in the higher registers with full voice..There is a term for it, but it escapes me right now..It was discussed at length a while back in an article about Adam's voice training and technique, which also included opera. His ability to retain his more youthful higher octaves while also achieving his adult lower notes is one of the things that makes him rather amazing...and which was so perfectly referred to by the reviewer as his "super-human vocal range"...reportedly 5 octaves...I would hope the reviewer might rethink this review..or at least listen about ten or 20 more times..I'm thinking at least one more star could be added... : ) Because this song seeps into your pores and becomes firmly embedded in your heart. "

Read more:

Read more:

HK fan said...

I'm glad that RS have a small positive piece on Adam, but disagree that they have been supportive of him, (their review of BTIKM wasn't great). Since they did that amazing cover and article on him 2 years ago they have barely mentioned him at all, as far as I know, not one thing about his amazing almost sold out tour at a time when so many artists were cancelling. Lets hope this small piece is the start of RS getting back on the Adam bandwagon.

Love BTIKM, have just put it on a disc in my car, and I keep hitting reply. I liked it on first listen, now I really love it. i thought we would have heard of a first performance by now...getting all angsty!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 9:23 p.m. Steve Jobs was right!

It worked for me. First time I visited our local Salvador Dali museum, I was barely interested and now I go every 5 or 6 months.
We have an Egyptian Exhibit on loan to our Fine Arts Museum and I'm coaxing my sweetie to go (with breakfast at a French restaurant
as bait, that usually works) For a couple years in my youth I considered becoming an Egyptologist...then my teacher mentioned the snakes and I
rapidly lost interest!

I decided 5 year olds would be less dangerous! So I gave up Egypt!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Glitzylady for sharing your beautiful comment on RS. Loved other fans' comments as well. But yours topped them all.

@JAK Egypt has a rich history that affected the western culture and also being affected by Western culture later on. Check Wikipedia to learn more about it and check out external links for more information.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

I think Adam's voice was called a head voice, full range and not straining.

JAK Egypt

I never lost my interest in Egypt, have shelves of ref. books and take delight in wiping out any Egypt category on Jeopardy! :)
But I'm still a coward and will never find myself boating on the Nile or riding a camel!


Anonymous said...

@9:31PM Is that Q102 game on tomorrow night again? I read that Adam probably played it that's why he tweeted and thanked them for a spin of BTIKM. Also finally sort of promoting his single on twitter for other radio stations to play his single. Yes, Adam don't be shy to promote yourself.

Anonymous said...


Congrats for your daugther!! I mean,... that she likes Adam!!!LOL!!

Since I don't have any children, I've been "working" on my mom...and now she's ONE OF US!!!!ha ha ha!! so it can work bouth ways!!!:)))


Anonymous said...

HK fan
The fact that they "have barely mentioned" Adam at all since that RS stint 2 years ago, seems to indicate to me it could also be due to certain business management contraints; like Adam's management with RS management. Because Adam chalked up the best sales 2009, completely sold-out, highest in the recent history of RS sales...why would they suddenly lose interest in a money-making machine like him. So I wouldn't dismiss it so quickly as they are not as keen as before; more like management contraints. But now Adam has a lot more control over his business transactions like being executive producer etc. so probably, as a result, this reviving trend of RS interest in promoting Adam. Just my opinion. :)

funbunn40 said...

@HKfan,You echoed what I was about to write. RS gave Adam little attention since the RS cover which always perplexed me. I attributed it later to the "rock snobbery" that I've heard from time to time that "If you come from a reality show, you're not authentic." The glam persona also turned many off, some even comparing him to Liberace which really annoyed me. I think his new leather look and the Queen performance has caused some to give Adam another look. Adam has done a lot in the past year to establish credibility and respect from other artists and the music business. I also think some Glamberts actually turned a lot of radio stations off by being too aggressive and sometimes obnoxious, causing them to not have to contend with them, deciding to just not play him. I also believe the conservative right didn't want him played. I think the tide has finally turned and this album and the success of BTIKM will give him his long overdue recognition. Good blog, Glitzy. I also gave Jody @ RS my two cents worth a few times. Have to say this #2 fave song warmed my heart and maybe they are finally waking up!

daydreamin said...

In my local newspaper a couple of days ago the writer talked about Adele's music being 'in' for 2012 because of the meaningful lyrics and actual talent and that they thought Kesha was on her way 'out' in 2012. The writer really spoke to the issue of the many popular singers out there with little vocal ability. I would put Adam in the same league as Adele, if not higher up!

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@JAK 8.23
hah yes its always raining here, for the last three days it has rained non-stop and it has been so cold so i hope to move when i get older as i am still only 20 but Ireland will always be HOME fo me wherever i go to. i have always loved Adam's music since the very start and have looked at this site for a long time and just recently decided to join up to it:)
Irelaand xx

Anonymous said...

On Entertainment Tonight - last night- Their question was which former American Idol lived with Clay Aiken - Carrie Underwood, ADAM LAMBERT, or Kimberly Locke? The answer, Kimberly Locke. Adam is indeed everywhere! Finally!Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

RS does have a snobbery problem. Has for a long time. But it's a good sign that they put Adam right up there on their list. Adam simply cannot be ignored as a vocalist by any publicationj that takes itself seriously. And if BTIKM is pap, then I guess 99.9% of the music out there right now is pap. And much pappier than BTIKM. Most of the music by the top stars is vapid and formulaic. Nothing wrong with some of that, of course. But every now and then, someone like Adam comes along and sings deep as a river, and can make the most shallow-seeming song into a tour de force. His voice is so rich and deep-toned, even with high, sustained notes. No strain, total control. Qualities rare in pop/rock singers. It's taking a while, but FINALLY, some in the business are stepping up and voicing what we always knew. BTW, when I write my book on Adam, its title will be "We Always Knew." LOL.

Anonymous said...

See this RS mention as only a good thing. I personally wouldn't have left an even remotely "chastising" comment at RS for something Adam related that was basically okay publicity... maybe at one time, but at this point, I actually think it induces eye rolls at Adam Fans, which I think is not good for Adam himself, or his cred or career. Offering my opinion respectfully.

The quick blurb featured in this thread, really great when one thinks of it! Yay.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, fans did a great job of promoting Adam's single, BTIKM, on their local radio stations. Even Adam got involved by tweeting to Q102 and thanking them for spin of his song.

Let's do it again today. Just don't give up. We can work it out. Here is the link as how:

Anonymous said...

Just saw this in the twitterverse (Adam tweeting to Q102, and their reply):

You're welcome Adam! Hope to spin more of you soon! :) RT @adamlambert: @Q102Philly thanks for the spin y'all!! :)



Anonymous said...

@January 4, 2012 7:27 AM - I just posted a comment bout Q102 :). Also, I wanted to say if you are the one who posted that same link yesterday - THANK YOU!! I used it and it was helpful! I have my own routine for requesting to my local stations, but your link gave me two additional online methods that were quick and easy, thanks again!! I will be trying to reasonably request once per day to the 3 or 4 stations that I truly do listen to (that are Top 40 or Hot AC or AC).

Happy Wednesday y'all.


Anonymous said...

DRG...Good luck on your book! Nice title! :)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be so upset at formulaic used to describe the hit makers. Dr. Luke, Max Martin and Claude Kelly do have a formula for writing hits and many of them sound alike. And many of them are pap, pap sells. They weren't insulting Adam, he rises above the music and can make a mediocre song a hit. Pink didn't want to give her own song What a ya Want from Me a chance and then she heard what Adam did to it and copied his version. There has been lots of reviews for the past few years discussing formulaic hit makers.
We need a little restraint before we jump on reviewers. We have a reputation to live down. Zealots are not respected by reviewers, who are just giving their opinion, as many do here, over and over.

Anonymous said...

to Jan 4 8:02am, well said. agree.

Anonymous said...


Galway Hookers? Are you sure they are boats? Are there Galway Gigilos too?

Anonymous said...


haha yes they are boats i am from Ireland and have visited Galway a couple of times and there is loads of Galway Hookers(boats).
Ireland xx

Anonymous said...

Kesha would like the Glam one on her back alright;)) Adam better watch his when that Animal is around.

Anonymous said...

I think that once Adam is "over the hump" and gets past this critical breakthrough period, we fans will settle down somewhat. Right now, there is so much at stake with getting him past the Idol identity and making this second CD a hit, that we are all over-the-top anxious. It's looking like Adam won't have the "second album slump" like so many artists do. It's looking really good. Once this phase is over, maybe we can relax a little and not walk around with clenched hair.

I also cringe a little when some Glamberts get manic whenever there's a review that isn't over-the-top glowing. We have to be careful and try to downplay the crazy fan image that we have. And, no, it doesn't help Adam. It just irritates others and puts them off in their attitude toward Adam.

The RS comments were fine. Maybe a few readers will give Adam another chance due to their endorsement. From what I've been reading on various sites, it sounds like BTIKM is getting some great airplay! Can't wait for the real promo to begin!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Rolling Stone. You were doing fine until you mentioned Ke$ha in the same breath as Adam Lambert. She's not even in the same league, and to insinuate he is in competition with her vocally, lyrically, or musically is an insult.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with several here, the cray cray certainly doesn't help Adam in my humble opinion, not one bit. Even the not really cray, rather intelligently written/spoken etc. but still too OTT doesn't IMO.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, why did they even mention Kesha? Haha. I love BTIKM <3 Nice to see I'm not the only one!


Anonymous said...

Is this a Glambert only site because I have never been a Glambert, nor do I want to be. I'm just an Adam Lambert fan who is able to look at things in an objective way. I know what I like and what I don't like and I express that viewpoint. It's THAT simple. I bought his single to give him support, but I still haven't warmed up to it. It's okay to me, not awesome. I want him to be everything he is capable of being without selling out to formulaic drivel. I am anxiously awaiting the rest of his new album, hoping the rest of it isn't the same kind of music as BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

This radio list has BTIKM. Check BTIKM and four other songs. Total of 5 songs. Fill in your name, email, city, zip code, etc. Put in the box next to submit button the code and then click on submit.

Anonymous said...

On that radio form link, you can submit only one request each day. Check only BTIKM and other artists with less spin. More likely they'll play Adam's.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Ke$ha, please remember she has sold millions and millions of records(Tik Tok!)and kind of started with Adam. Also, she is Adam's friend and has remained a loyal one. Of course, no one (not even Adele in my book)is in Adam's league but I think the conversation about Ke$sha was regarding sales more than talent. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Put the following on search box:

"mediabase" AND "Better Than I Know Myself"

You'll notice bunch of radio forms that has BTIKM. Fill them up to 5 songs and submit. DO IT!

Anonymous said...

Make sure you Google search for the whole following statement with quotation and all:

"mediabase" AND "Better Than I Know Myself"

Anonymous said...

RS mentioned Ke$ha because Dr. Luke has a strong association with Ke$ha, that's all

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 10:55 for the mediabase link. I went there and voted. Easy to do! Let's put more votes there for radio play, Glams!

fanatapan said...

OT: this just posted by PressParty: "Adam Lambert, the superstar YOU voted as Pressparty's 2012 King & Queen, has given us a very exclusive interview and we want to share it with his devoted Glamberts around the world!

The 'For Your Entertainment' vocal powerhouse recently took some time out from launching the promotional campaign for his new album, 'Trespassing', to chat with Pressparty about his desire to take a more personal approach on his new record, how he hopes to continue inspiring people with both his philanthropy and activism, and his feelings on how the LGBT community is represented in the modern entertainment industry.

The full interview will be unveiled on our site on Friday, January 6."

I thought you all would like to know. :D

Anonymous said...

Yea, Thanks 10:55 for that mediabase google link. It was so easy to fill out those forms. Glamberts, let's do this radio request for BTIKM. 2012 here he comes, Adam Lambert/Trespassing FTW!

Anonymous said...

@fanatapan Thanks for letting us all know. We'll keep our eyes open to see that this Friday.

fanatapan said...

No probs @Anon 12:23, i rely on this blog for my fix so i thought it only fair i should reciprocate. that, and the fact that i was less than polite in my last post, (a bad day combined with a horrible headache meant that i was willing to lash out at anyone). anyway, i like helping people and that, along with Adam, always help me feel better :D (pouring my heart out but oh well!)

Adamluv said...

@HK and @funbunn40 - thanks for your comments about RS. They have NOT been supportive of Adam. After the cover and story and 1 photo from Dec. 2009 of Adam in Cabo, there has been no mentuion of him. Not 1 word nor photo from the GNT! They did mention him once during all this time while talking about Pink and WWFM and her version saying somethin to the effect of Adam trying to copy her! WTF? Very pleased to see them now starting to acknowledge his existance as with the Pharroll page a couple of months ago. But please dont say they have been big supporters of his. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Michelle from Ireland


The Galway Hookers were only one of the giggles I got on that first trip to Ireland....language differences would set our whole tour bus off. Our favorite was the solemn English tour guide who as we exited the bus at our night's destination would announce..."Now don't forget, the hall porter will be around at 7 A.M. to knock you up!" After we got a look at the porter we were up and having breakfast by 6:00! No one waited around to be "knocked up!


HK fan said...

the Galway Hookers reminds me of when my then 13/14 year old daughter played rugby and hockey. In hockey she played for the HK Haws(promounced whore) and was a hooker in rugby!!! a bit much for a young girl really...
have never been to Ireland, would love to go.

Anonymous said...

HK fan

If you have a chance...go!

I went once with a long time friend
and then 3 more times with my daughters, we each picked out a favorite place, Kilkenny, Galway and for me Cork....Blarney Castle.
It would seem I would have been the one to kiss the Blarney stone to receive the 'gift of gab' but I was too cowardly and too banged up to climb to the top of the castle.
My girls hung upside down over edge and were held while they leaned backward, gripped iron bar and kissed the stone...I personally don't think it's a great idea.I'm not at all brave.

But Ireland has magic.


Anonymous said...

i am glaad that you liked Cork that is were i live and i am about a twenty minute drive from Blarney which is a very nice place for tourists.
Ireland xx