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Video Preview of ADAM LAMBERT on ET Canada

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, January 21, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, January 21, 2012

Untitled from Lulu2365 on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Canada for showing Adam off.

Anonymous said...

That's it? Well hells bells. You don't think I am stupid enough to put my name on this? LOL

Anonymous said...

That's great! Adam's mv will be previewed on ET Canada. Hope ET US will follow suite! Will Trespassing be released in other parts of the world earlier than March 20th? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Also, on Monday that lady from AcessHollywood will interview Adam. Here is her tweet:

Laura Saltman
Ok thinking caps on guys. I'll be interviewing @adamlambert on Monday. Ive got my questions. But what do his fans really want to know???

Anonymous said...

ADAM LAMBERT ENTERS SOUND OFF HALL OF FAME WITH ‘BETTER THAN I KNOW MYSELF’. Click on the link below to read more about it:

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Admits He's In Love! Read more about it here:

Anonymous said...

International fans are doing fabulous job of promoting Adam. Notice this on twitter:

104.5 Toronto just played BTIKM and said its the most requested song on their station, tweets from all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to request BTIKM. Click on anyone of the links below to find your local radio stations and fill out their mediabase forms to request:

US Radios - Top 40
US Radios - HAC
US Radios - National
Canada Radios - Top 40
Canada Radios - HAC
Int'l Radios

Anonymous said...

The Canadians have SUCH good taste in music! LOL! So great to see the promo. Glad to hear he'll be covered on AccessHollywood, too. The press for Trespassing has been virtually all positive. Makes me jump with anticipation. It won't be long now! In the meantime, I'm tryingn to request the song when I can. Don't forget! It's in our hands.

Anonymous said...


Thanks and people here in Canada are diverse.... We are crazy in love with Mr. Adam Lambert indeed.... Our Canadian son:))))


Anonymous said...

This is the Nickie Menaj video Adam tweeted about only to compliment the mv art work and congrats SkinGraft. Just look at the comment section of this video the likes and dislikes of this video are flying like every 1/2 a second. It already has over 3.1 million views in one day. Ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Lucky Canada!!
Adam dear, Canada is a great place and people with good taste in music, also is close to your home but when you're finnish there, please, could you stay in Europe for a while? Just saying....I don't have any kind of particular interest.....


Anonymous said...

@5:11PM Unfortunately this is not ridicoulos. Because Menaj got a lots of noms and awards. And for millions of her fans she is the big talent.
And the age of her fans from 10 to 30. Now tell me, who is making the market and bringing fame and popularity to artists how deff don't deserve it?
After all, welcome to reality!

Anonymous said...

I have a great idea! Adam will move to Canada and become American Sensation. Same as Beib move to US as Canadian sensation!

Anonymous said...


Warning!!Be carefull when you open the link, hope it works.
Sorry for Adam always with paps, but this one I couldn't help it!!


Anonymous said...

@2:00 PM

Trespassing will be released in Australia on 16 March 2011.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of bothered by yesterday Ryan's interview with Adam. I thought about it a lot why he was so negative towards Adam. I came up with a conspiracy theory. Here it is:

The only Idol who is successful off of AI in pop genre is Clarkson. She was in season one when S. Cowell and Ryan were just hired employees of AI. After that season these two guys made it huge around the world with their T.V. exposures. Ryan invested his made fortune into his production company and I bet he has vested interest with Clear Channel, ofcourse we would never know. Cowell was in law suit with Fuller because he created XF similar to Idol in UK. I don't doubt one way or the other Ryan has some sour issues with Fuller but he covers it very well and he stays PC. But why Idol can't have another pop icon? I'll say Ryan is the gate. He keeps it closed in however way he can for Idols not to get spins on radios. I sensed this right after when he premiered FYE on KIIS but the song got no spins whatsoever. Why all radios overseas are going BSC over all of Adam's songs? Cause Ryan can't have control over all radios around the globe. Sad thing is Ryan is moving his organization to UK. I have no idea what type of influence he has over there but I hope it won't effect Adam's promotion in UK. Cause all we hear from DJs and PDs and music reviewers over there they love Trespassing. Adam first premiered his song BTIKM in Canada with two of its biggest radio stations and they are embracing it. Yesterday, Ryan's interview with Adam got posted all over most of Clear Channel radio stations. Adam had his promotion with radios that are CBS affiliated stations. None are Clear Channel. Just check them.

What bugged me the most was Ryan's comment at the end when Adam hung up the phone saying "by the way he is very smart that Lambert very smart very clever". I think Ryan was trying to ridicule Adam with fan base age and Finland incident but Adam was too quick to catch him with his response. One thing I know is that we as his devoted fans have to support him. Otherwise, corporate greed will take him and us down.

Anonymous said...

5:47 why don't you move their first and start a homestead for all of us. ha, ha you are a joke. Take 5:45 with you. get a life, sad sack.

Anonymous said...

That Nicki Minaj song (if you can call it a song) is horrible.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:16 PM

Interesting comment. I know nothing about Ryan Seacrest or his background and businesses...BUT...when I heard this recent interview I felt like Ryan was speaking to Adam in a condescending manner.It puzzled me.


Anonymous said...

I didn't like that sarcastic comment of Ryan's about Adam being smart either. I thought Adam handled Ryan's comments extremely well.

Love the photo of Adam shopping at Whole Foods - gorgeous. I wonder if that's Alisan Porter behind him?

Anonymous said...

So Ryan Seacrest is moving to the UK? Will he still be hosting American Idol?

Anonymous said...

Well, poop! I thought this was a preview of the new music video. Oh well. Hope to see this entirety on this site Monday.

Anonymous said...

@6:53PM Ryan isn't moving to UK but his production company RSP is. I hope he don't have any influence on UK's radios the way he has with Clear Channel. My comment was just a conspiracy theory cause we don't see the whole picture or behind the curtain of music industry. I'm sure Adam knows something that his first promotion of BTIKM was with Canadian top notch radios and his promotional team is working hard in UK. If you read the posted link on prior thread about the UK listening party they are all gushing about Trespassing. I hope Ryan won't have any influence in UK. As his devoted fans we have to give him all the support he needs. Buy his album and gift it to others and request radios. He has to break the US market with his album or if he does great internationally US market doesn't have any other choice but playing his music. BB is working really hard to push his album and we have to support him.

Anonymous said...

Seems that the U.S. radio listeners have zero, I repeat, zero knowledge or interest in quality songs and voices. Period. Somehow, other countries seem to get it and embrace the talent of Adam more willingly. I, too, feel that Ryan was rather condescending to Adam. Don't know what his problem is. Trespassing should do great in the world market. Don't know about the U.S. specificially. We must do our best!

Anonymous said...

To all American friends here, don't you worry we know that you are fighting so hard to make Adams music surface around your country. The international fans are always here to support Adam and we all gonna be there for him indeed....


Anonymous said...

Nicki Minaj video is annoying, stupid, and crazy. But it's kind of funny. I was laughing really hard that I had to watch it couple of times. It's like a joke. Liked the SkinGraft white jacket on her. People are commenting about it every nano-second. Numbers for dislikes is more than likes. I clicked on like cause it was entertaining and funny. It is a viral music video.

Anonymous said...

@Canadian Yes, please international fans save us from musics like Minaj, and others. Music is turning out to be a joke here in US.

Anonymous said...

@Canadian we are running into walls (Ryan's gates) and we can't get out. We are sleepwalkers here in US. Help us to become Sure Fire Winners!

Anonymous said...

BTIKM is #1 for two weeks in Belorussian radiostations

Anonymous said...

I agree about Ryan Seacrest. Of all the radio interviews I listened to with Adam, his was the worst. Sounded snarky and condescending. The radio guys/girls from San Fran were great! I wish Carson Daly from The Voice would interview him, he's all about the music,and not about himself!!

Can't help it, I luv The Voice! After AI S8 (the year of Lambert!), AI will never be the same. There will never be anyone compared to him...he broke that show!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

Just curious. If he were starting out today, do you think Frank Sinatra would have even gotten a contract? Singing well isn't particularly valued.

Anonymous said...

9:38 PM,

Ryan is just jealous of Adams experience in life!!!! :)))

Kissing girls and males are freaking Ryan big time indeed he!he! he!

He's not Adams type and his really freaking out ha!ha!ha!...

Too bad Ryan:))) Folks just my opinion :))


daydreamin said...

@5:45 don't forget the age group that catapulted Susan Boyle and how quickly that happened. That momentum would keep going if she continues to please that fan base which I am not sure is happening at the moment. It's a tricky business. Honestly, I don't know what radio stations play her music.

Anonymous said...

@10:20AM For some reason there were 9,000,000 people around the world who catapulted Susan B. Do you think that most of them are middle age women? Alsom Susan B. has a lot of male fans.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anon. 6:45 comment about the NM song. That's music? I don't like it at all. Really don't like the lyrics. I think it's horrible!

Anonymous said...

Couldnt stand to watch Nickis video for more than 10 seconds, so sad this is so popular, it sure isnt about how well one can sing, its that whole beat visual package that the kids love. Some of these singers can actually sing but produce this type of music, to do well in the market today. Thak God Adam doesnt. He will be okay, slowly but surely.
If he chose to sing covers as Susan Boyle does he would also do very well, but for him that is not what it is all about.
I love Adam singing songs from musical theatre best, but I love every thing he does anyway. For me it is all about the voice.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Adam likes NM "Stupid Hoe" for real. Does he has such a bad taste or he just wanted to complement NM?
Does she deserve this complement?

HK fan said...

@anon 10.56am
I don't think Susan Boyle has a lot of male fans.....I think she has a lot of people like my husband who thought that it would be a good christmas present for their wife....who had never, ever mentioned even the remote possibility that she would like to listen to the aforementioned person, seeing as she has a penchant for a tall, gay rather good looking guy with a killer voice rather than a short, dumpy women with frizzy hair and large eyebrows.....
So there it sits in the drawer, never to be played, I'm sure there are many, many more out there just like me....

Anonymous said...

HK fan, too funny!!

Anonymous said...

Sure, NM music video isn't good but in two days it got over 6 million views. Most people dislike the video. From marketing point of view, she made something to make a buzz before release of her album and she succeeded with it. It's a matter of time to know if this marketing strategy will be a big pay off for her album which will be released in Feb., I think. I believe this is a kind of approach labels are using now to sell millions of albums. First, make a buzz, throw the name out there then put out the album.

Adam said he has some surprises on BTIKM mv. Let's hope it'll create a ton of buzz for him (good/bad) by the time he releases his album in March. With this type of strategy, he will succeed to throw his name out there and hopefully he'll have a big sale of his album. Guys, a lot of things changes over the years because of technology whether we like it or not we have to accept it and embrace it.

daydreamin said...

Anon10:56 pretty sure they aren't teens and twenty somethings buying her music. But hey I could be surprised.

Anonymous said...

HK fan

Hilaroius!! Besides, to compare Adam vs. ...anybody!!!He's the ONE!!


Anonymous said...

SB sells well because she is so utterly generic. Nice voice, don't get me wrong. Challenges no one's sensibilities. Sings nice covers. Asexual. Non-threatening. Good background music. I don't think I dislike her. I just don't think about her at all. Her music is the kind you can buy for anyone and you know you won't offend them. Whoever her audience is, enjoy! Wish her well.

I prefer a rockier road, fraught with goose bumps and a racing heart. I prefer a sweatier, muskier atmosphere, one with smoldering blue eyes, long slim legs that crouch and strut, and hair I wish I could grab in both fists. I guess I like things more difficult but way more exciting!