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Adam Lambert Goes Shopping at Whole Foods in Hollywood, Jan 21

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 21, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, January 21, 2012

Source: (Go to this site for higher quality versions!)

Thanks to GlitzGlam!


Anonymous said...

paper or plastic oh my god

Anonymous said...

How is any human that beautiful just going grocery shopping?

Anonymous said...

He just loves that store, it is probably a stress reliever for him. We have a store in Cleveland area called Heinen's I feel the same way about. Is that Mummy to be Alisan looking good too?

Anonymous said...

Alisan is going to be an adorable little roly poly mommy to be.

And, much as I hate vegetables, I'm going to start gagging down green gook. It seems to work miracles and I need one or two.

What a face!


donnaw said...

OMFG!!! What GORGEOUS pictures of Adam these are!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!

He looks absolutely incredible without make up.....i LOVE that look!!!!

I think i'd die if i ever ran into him at a grocery store!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would hate to not even be able to pick up some groceries without someone with a camera or phone in my face. I know people say it's the price of fame, but do people have no sense of privacy? Ok, never mind, the answer is obviously "NO".

Anonymous said...

I would not take pictures . . but I know I would stare . . . sorry he's just too beautiful. . . and that smile . . OMG

Anonymous said...

These photos are YUM!! Adam is wearing makeup but it's very subtle.

Anonymous said...

If Adam knows he's being photographed, he seems quite at ease with it which is great because he doesn't want to upset the paps when he has a new song out and a new album on the way.

glitzylady said...

Okay, these pictures have inspired twitter peeps to trend


Right now, which is trending Worldwide at #4 at this moment!

The point is to replace a line from an Adam Lambert song with the word "juice"....


Anonymous said...

Okay enough of this for me right now!!!:)) I need a break from my computer for just 5 minutes he!he!

Adam why are you such a gorgeous and lovable person ha?????

We are all loosing it because of your whole package indeed:))))))))Grrrrrrr


Anonymous said...

Adam looks delicious!

Anonymous said...

there's glam godfather and glammama. they are cute together. you would think they were a couple with baby on board. that is adorable.

glamitup said...

Oh those eyes........

Anonymous said...

Adams shops with his girls and boy. He is busy little bee lately. Keeps that Whole Foods on their toes.

Anonymous said...

Whenever Adam does a big grocery shop, a big dinner isn't very far behind. I wonder if a he's planning a little birthday party for himself and Riff before he leaves on his European promo tour. Hope they all have a terrific time!

Anonymous said...

it seems like all that juicing would keep the toilet working in overdrive. no foods just juice. a major stomach upset.

Anonymous said...

OOOH. Check out the whisker burn in the closeup.

Anne Marie said...

Check out pic #8. Is he giving his opinion about the papps being there. Left hand.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady

"if I had juice, that would be the only thing I'd ever need"


Anonymous said...

Meant right hand LOL

Anonymous said...

7:51 I noticed the whisker burn, too. I'd love to feel some of his whisker burn on my cheek. How can one man be so beautiful? JAK, love your "if I had juice.." Glad to have you back!

Anonymous said...

whisker burns on the inside of the thighs.... ouch!

Anonymous said...

whose rubbin there fuzz underneath the neck of the glam one??????????

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:44 PM
You were SOOO right! Looks like Adam and Sauli are hosting a party tonight: so far three very cute pics of Riff Cherry....with hints of Adam and Sauli...

From Alisan Porter's Twitter tonight:

@alisanporter Alisan Porter
1 hour ago

@alisanporter Alisan Porter
Riff serving fash with his new jacket.
1 hour ago

@alisanporter Alisan Porter
Riffy Gparent Party
1 hour ago

Anonymous said...

Just read on my twitter that BTIKM is hit #1 on Belorussian radiostation for two weeks

glitzylady said...

@JAK 8:02 PM
Good one! LOL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's shades. Wish I can wear this kinds of sunglasses.

Anonymous said...

How does Adam keep getting more gorgeous!!! Looks so happy and relaxed, I would faint if I saw him in a store!

Anonymous said...

THE most incredibly good looking and good natured person in the world. I love the look because you can see the real
Adam and that is a face that is perfect naturally. Luv him.

Anonymous said...

Does a clerk @ Whole Paycheck have the paparazzi on speed dial?

Adam, get cloth bags.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so gorgeous and Alisan is looking very well.

Please send well wishes to an ill Glambert named Christine whose best friend posted a video on YT with BTIKM as the background music.

Anonymous said...

SonyMusicBE Sony Music Belgium
#AdamLambert is coming to #QSnowcase ! Win your tickets cc @QMusic_be @AdamLambert

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine being the cashier to wait on Adam at Whole Foods?! I'd be a blubbering mess! Can you imagine shopping in Whole Foods n spotting Adam!? I'd forget why I'm there n just follow him around in a lovesick trance(peeking around corners lol)!

I swear he's getting even more handsome and sexy! Must be that "juicing"?! I need to move to Hollywood 'cause I shop at Whole Foods in SA, and I ain't never seen anything this yummy there!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

glitzylady said...

Lots of celebs shop there at Whole Foods in Hollywood/LA...and just like anywhere else that celebs tend to hang out, paparazzi are waiting...I've seen other pics of other stars coming out of Whole Foods too..not just Adam..

He does look really good : ) I suppose he can't just rush off to the grocery store looking anything less than perfect, knowing that he might have pics appearing everywhere. And it keeps him in the public eye, and in this case looking particularly awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Could that pic of somebody sitting on the floor with Riff be Adam?I see black nail polish & his new tat on his rt hand...hmmmmmmm..Riff is lucky to have so many loving him,& what a cutie!

daydreamin said...

@JAK-that was a great one!

Better than I know my juuuuice...

I just got a response from Sandy Stec who interviewed Adam on my Facebook. Here is what she said when I asked her about the interview:

"It was Thursday evening at a conference room in SF, 6ish. He'd just come back from Google. I'm so glad you liked it! He is wonderful and has a completely infectious, positive energy. Wish we could bottle that up and take it with us places. Thanks so much for the support! "

She was amazed at how her video went viral so quickly once the Glamberts got ahold of her interview.

HK fan said...

Wholefoods should give Adam his shopping for free for all the advertising he's giving them!

Can't believe how gorgeous he looks in these pics, I mean, who looks like that when they go shopping?

Cute that him and Riff are having a little get together to celebrate their early birthdays. Riff is just the cutest thing, he' always got the biggest smile in every photo.

Anonymous said...

When does Adam leave on his European tour and where is he going to apart from Belgium and the UK(?).

Anonymous said...

I think the secret of Adam with vegetables is:

"It's juice vooddoo,vooddoo,voodoo.."


P.S Monday 1st thing,buy tons of vegetables! I want that face too!!

Anonymous said...

...........One Week Away...........

Balloons and cupcakes too..........
Hugs and presents just for you.....
Blow out the candle
And prepare to make merry..........
Celebrate with Riff Maxwell Cherry.


-----------HAPPY 30th--------------

Happy Birthday Adam Dear...made it thru another year.
A long long time of endless waiting
impatiently anticipating.
You've been busy at creating
all your talents operating.
We've peeked in as you've romanced
and your life has been enhanced.
Watched your heart as it began spinning...Saw your eyes as they claimed Koskinen.
Outlaws of Love made your intentions clear...I'm sure that more than one of us shed a tear.
Now the treat of a new song...
and more to come in not too long.
New admirers are joining our line
of those who recognize Super Fine!
No doubt 2012 will be your year...
So Happy Birthday Adam dear..:)


Anonymous said...

@ 10:38 PM

The speed dial is a possibility!
My grandson is the VIP go-to guy at very posh hotel. Tabloids approach for arrivals info. No sale! Good Boy! We know not to pry. I did ask him if Adam's booked, could he buy the pillowcase next day! He said "No" and he was shocked! Good Boy!


Anonymous said...

In the 1st photo where there's a close-up of Adam's face, I can see the little boy in him as we've seen in that much publicised photo of him when he was a wee tot. The eyes have it. He is such a delicious man. :<3

Anonymous said...

Juiced to the bone

Anonymous said...

Adam has had some dermatologist work done on his scarring it appears. Good for him, less makeup necessary, he looks much younger and happier. His skin problems never bothered his fans
but he's gotten some nasty cracks from vicious haters.

Anonymous said...

Godpa and Godma strolling to their car
Heaped with abundant goodies to stock up their bar
Juices and vegetables, high on the health list by far
Demure Alison and her new bundle of joy and our superstar
Flashing his six-million-dollar smile, oooh-la-la
Grocery shopping with Adam is an event
He's the new king on the block, cameras circumvent
Sending paparazzi scrambling to a rave and rant
Trespassing is certainly gaining momentum and strength
Making its debut in the year of the dragon
A supposedly auspicious lunar application
Let's see what the wise sages predict comes to fruition
WorldBerts be alert to trend and get your satisfaction


Anonymous said...

why is this news?

Anonymous said...

Love it that Adam shops for his parties . . wonder if he and Sauli are developing some culinary skills between juicing.

Anonymous said...

Keep smiling BB. . . . no fighting with paps

Anonymous said...

Great way to wake up on a Sunday morning: Adam's face and body. I don't need any Red Bull!!!!

Anonymous said...

How could one person get any better looking, but Adam Lambert certainly does. Must be all that juicing and jogging and living a healthier lifestyle. I love this new look on him...clean, fresh, casual and looking so happy. He is a great "poster boy" for Whole Foods although I don't think they need the publicity. The one here in NJ(Bergen County) does very well. It has been great to see Adam performing his new single on tv and listening to all the interviews he has done recently. As always, he is articulate, sincere, witty and excited about life and his new music. This year should be a great one for Adam both professionally and personally.

Anonymous said...

Ok How about:

**What Do You Want From Juice
**Juiced Again
**Mad Juice
**Sure Fire Juice
**Loaded Juice
**Juice You Up
**JuiceWalker or SleepJuicer
**Time for Juicing

We could create a whole new album.

Anonymous said...


OOOOlala!!Great poem about our superstar!!LOL!!

One question,this year, according to China, is the year of the Dragon, can you explain to me what does mean? I mean,I know each animal has a meaning in terms of good luck,, what the year of the Dragon means?
Thank you in advance!!


Anonymous said...

20th century juicer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

juice fever

Anonymous said...

voodoo juice

Anonymous said...

outlaws of juice

Anonymous said...

better then I know my juice

Anonymous said...

OK I think we are all juiced out...

Anonymous said...

Anon 8.00 am


That's what I call squeeze the juice!!
I can picture Adam sayin to Sauli:

-Hey Baby!! Time for juicing, so Loaded juice 'cause I'm gonna Juice you up!!

I'm just talking about juice!!!...;)


Anonymous said...

he has nice long legs. nice long legs with boots are sexy.

Anonymous said...

BTIKMJ* Better than I know my JUICE or KISS AND JUICE*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can someone please repost the link to the radio request. I will save it this time.

Anonymous said...

cashier: are you Adam Lambert? Adam: why of course! cashier: can you grab your melons so I can ring them up for you:) Adam: but of course:) cashier: hand me that cucumber as well:) Adam: Yeah:)

Anonymous said...

OMG. . .veggie sex

Anonymous said...

My question . . reading on juicing . . how much potty time . .
I mean if you work from 9 to 5 . . is juicing a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget..

Master juicer


Down the rabbit juice!


Anonymous said...

@8:35 Not a good idea for us (as in my case) 8 to 5ers.....would probably have to take vacation time or give up the weekend.

Anonymous said...

Why is this news, my dear, you ask?
WorldBerts must here take you to task,
When we must juice or cart the Whole Foods,
They do not happen, we're in the woods.
Adam goes off to do the same,
And it's with limelight, love, and fame.
The sights and sounds, his every fluff,
Are precious few, never enough.
Should these be news of great fanfare,
Does anybody even care?
LOL, OMG, how could you not,
It's Adam Lambert, hot to trot.
(atm operating w/o poetic license).

Anonymous said...

The juices here are spreading like wild fire!! This will be decreed...Juicing The Juice Thread! My contribution...I'm running out of juice! LOL! :)

Regarding Year of the's considered the most powerful, auspicious and intelligent of the 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals. There are different dragons; 2012 is the year of the Black Water Dragon. For Chinese, water represents wealth/money. Supposed to rake in a lot of prosperity especially dealing in finances; so it seems it's good for starting a business. Trespassing will soar! For example, in Cantonese, if a relative says he has no water, it means most likely he needs some money. LOL. But something particularly attracted my attention...Year of the Dragon is exactly beneficial to Adam because it says, it brings success to good, honest people and people with great talent. The Dragon being considered the most intelligent of the 12 Zodiac Animals. Also, good for the establishment of family and new projects. Take it with a pinch of salt! Or maybe several pinches! LOL! Koong Hei Fatt Choy!!! Everyone!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You simply continued from where I left off and with great depth too, answering someone's question with pomp...that definitely has to take one with a poetic license all right! This is going to be my Black Water Dragon present from you!! Black Water Dragon has started making its rounds! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Seems like a crowded thread here and all positive. May I remind you all to request your radio stations to spin BTIKM. Go to the following link for more info.:

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the information!!WOW!!It's so good to be connected to people all around the world!! What a GREAT YEAR is gonna be!!!Adam is gonna be a SUPE-MEGA STAR!!! and I hope The Black Water Year Dragon also works for everybody !:DD


glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:31 AM
: ))))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Next Sunday will be his 30th Happy JuiceDay! Happy JuiceDay Adam!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family this would be. Adam, Alisan and baby on the way.

Anonymous said...

Soooo funny and sexy. You should continue with other fruit and vegetables...banana, rambutans, pea...LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, I have gone completely BANANAS for Adam Lambert. Lovin' all these clever posts! Fruit salad extrordinaire!

Anonymous said...

so cute they are sharing the green cup drink!

Anonymous said...

SG...In my excitement amidst all the juicings, I forgot to thank you. Thanks!! :)

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my

You know how I love new words...
thank you...I now know what a rambutan is!

Except for occasional bumps in the road this blog can be a sweet ride.
Now that we've sucked atm in with us, our poetry corner is expanding.



Anonymous said...

I say Crawl thru Juice and Beg for Juice.

Anonymous said...

cashier: you can put your rutabagas over near my mangos if you wish:) Adam: well of course I will:)))

Anonymous said...

I need some Pick U Up Juice. it can pick u up whenever you need it.

Anonymous said...

how bout some Get over it Juice. it can help you get over whatever is bothering u.

Anonymous said...

cashier: hey there Mr. can you hole my honeydews? Adam: YES MAM now hold my eggplant for a second:))))

Anonymous said...

attention all shoppers there is veggie sex going on in the produce section courtesy of yours truly.

Anonymous said...


I haven't spoken to you, but I wanted you to know I hunt the threads for your posts. It sounds silly but I use you as an imaginary grandmother. I don't think you'd only speak to me to tell me I'm going to hell, as mine does. For the last year I'm holding on by reading over and over the It Gets Better messages.
I needed help and told my family I was pretty certain I was gay. That ended all family life. This site has been my lifeline. I'm tough and will stick it out, but 17
is kind of young to be cut off, I've found a college to go to where they have a LGBT org. so I do expect my life to get better in a few months. Until then, I'm borrowing you. Okay?
Jessie Lynn

Anonymous said...

cashier: hey there Mr. can you hold onto these honeydews? Adam: YES MAM now hold onto my eggplant would Ya????? hehehehehehe

The Dark Side said...

Whole Foods must be the new favorite place for the paps to hang out. Makes sense, most celebrities have to eat! Can anyone shop there or do you have to be drop dead gorgeous? Maybe he and Sauli are fixing lunch of Alisan who is eating for two now. Good food, good friends, Sunday afternoon. Probably not much football. LOL

Anonymous said...

@ 8:02
Very funny I think you are right, the look on his face speaks volumes. He has to be careful of course, pic #8 is priceless.

glitzylady said...

@The Dark Side
Adam had a party last night with Riff Alisan said: "Riffy Gparent party"... Alisan sent pics out on Twitter..See my post at 8:54 PM . Guessing early Birthday party for Riff and Adam..both on the 29th, and Adam will be in Europe: Austria on that day, singing at a festival. Oh, to be in Austria on that day!

Adamluv said...

What an awesome spokesperson Adam has become for Whole Foods. Yes, @HK - they should pay him for the great advertising of their stores. @Jessie Lynn - hope @JAK comes back and reads your comment since I'm sure she would be honored to be your "gramma". So sorry your biological family isnt supporting who you are. You will just have to find friends to be your new enlightened family. Keep coming to this site as most of us here respect your right to just be! And hope college is the beginning of a wonderful chapter in your life. A hug from me! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Jessie Lynn A hug from me to you. Keep your chin up love and be strong. Be your own person, you will find new friends who will accept you for who you are.Meantime come here to this site as often as you like we will be hwere in cyberspace for you.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

@ Jessie Lynn

I am not JAK, but I did want to let you know that you are perfect just as you are. I would proudly have you as my grand daughter. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are courageous and you are perfect. It will get better. I know. Because, although older, I also came out. There are people who love you for who you are and you will have a wonderful life. Listening to "Aftermath" helped me a lot.

Thank you for the courage to share with JAK. I don't think you could have picked a better substitute grandmother. :)

Hugs to you Jessie Lynn.

It does get better.


daydreamin said...

Jessie Lynn you have a family here. Please feel free to talk here. We will be here to support you. My heart breaks for you. I will pray that in time your family comes around. I am sure it is a shock for them and it will take time. May I ask how old you are? I have 2 teenage boys that are 18 & 19. Adam has opened many eyes and softened hearts just because he has that magic within him. I wish you well in college. Stay focused in college even though it will be difficult. It is great there is a LGBT group there!

Anonymous said...

customer behind Adam: hey big boy why don't you come and squeeze my lemons????;);) Adam: Well Well I have my hands full with melons at the moment:) hahahahahahah

daydreamin said...

Deb your words also remind me of Pink's song f------g Perfect. I love that song too.

glitzylady said...

@Jessie Lynn
Welcome here : ) This is a safe place.. JAK is a great surrogate Grandma for sure. Her heart is big and most likely has room for at least one more!!! (I think she's already "adopted" Adam into her flock of grandkids, so a very good place to be!!) I'm so sorry that your family is not there for you...It makes me very sad. As @Adamluv said, almost everyone who comes here is open and accepting, whether they are GLBTQ or straight. We have a wonderful PFLAG Chapter President , @lmb, who comes here as well who might be able to help to give you some additional info re GLBT organizations..both now and when you go to college, which BTW, will surely be a whole new world for you. I am soooo happy that the "It Gets Better" Champaign has been so helpful to you. Here in Seattle, all of the professional Sports teams made an "It Gets Better" commercial that airs here frequently, which I love! And of course, Adam's message is awesome. A long distance hug from me too!

Anonymous said...

I wanna lick him from head to toe!!! I swear ive never had such a lewd sexual attraction to a celebrity like this. And im a straight chick!!

Anonymous said...

@Jessy Lynn

Families sometimes, are really hard to understand, believe me, I know, but I can tell you this, you should follow your live by your own,you're strong and you can do it! Go to College and you'll find people who will be disposed to help you and undestand you.Never have any doubt that it GETS BETTER!
Meanwhile,you can "talk" to us whenever you need.I really hope JAK will read your comment, she's a very special person and I'm sure she would encorage you as you need.


Anonymous said...

Can't Let You Juice

Oh Adam your juice too good to be true. I see your pictures and I juice stop and stare

I want a life, but that can't be, because your juice too sexy for me

I want to read your every word and juice can't get anything done

If I could be on your payroll that would be great, I juice could sit around and stare

I'd never have to use the computer, I could juice keep working on your juicer

Lemons, limes, peaches, and kale,
juice think of all the mail

Fans throughout the world would tweet, I want you juice to be
happy my sweet


Anonymous said...

Out of subject!
You can pre-order and send "Tresspassing" to "1n10" This is LGBTQ Youth service organization. THey are absolutely crazy about Adam.
Here is the address
2700 N.3rd. st #2011
Phoenix, AZ 95004


Anonymous said...

Sorry, my mistake!!!!The xip cod is85004

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my mistake! The zip code is 85004

glitzylady said...


Especially this line:
"I'd never have to use the computer, I could juice keep working on your juicer"

As Adam says: "Woah!!!" I think you made me blush..although I may be misreading your intent.. ; )))

Urethra_Franklin said...

2;25 welcome to my world of hagdom. it can get lonely at times...but when that happens just grab a gaggle and go dancing. ;)

Anonymous said...

Complete UK review of Trespassing album to-date. Great read:

Anonymous said...

2.25 Wellcome to the Club!;)


Anonymous said...

@Jessie Lynn
i don't know exactly how your feeling but i have some kind off ideea because my best friend since we were 5 has just recently come out to his parents after a long time and theyy are in complete support him and said that they love him and all they want is for him to be happy which i believe all parents should be like when their child comes out to them. its was a tough few years for him and i was the first person who he camee out tow when he was 16 and obviously i was so happy that he was being true to himself, were are now 19 and he so happy that he is now out to everyone that he knows and not one of our friends have stopped talking to him or anything like that. Just know that you will always have people who lovee you and the most important thing is thatyou are happy with who you are annd that there will always be support out there for you. i will alays be here if you need some to talk to as i have seen how my friend struggled over a few yeas but he is finally happy with who he is and i truly hope you feel like that also someday.
Ireland xxx

Anonymous said...

@ Jessica Lynn
Welcome! U r a brave person and b true 2 who U r. U will find lots of friends here! B proud of who u r and B Happy!!

Love 2 U,

Anonymous said...

He is just beyond words beautiful but i see something in that smile that says id like to take my boot off n beat that pap in the face with it :)

Anonymous said...

From: Adam Lambert Fan club on facebook

Via @RequestAdam: ADAM FANS! Updated list of stations playing BTIKM (yay Boston Top 40!), 1 Last Vote & BTIKM #42 on HAC (screencap)!
Updated Stations Playing List, 1 Last Vote + BTIKM #42
Posted on January 22, 2012.
More than 100 stations have now played BTIKM at least 1x! See updated list ( Huge Top 40 station WXKS in Boston played BTIKM for the first time Saturday!
Voting one LAST time! We have finally outlasted Radio Sophie in San Diego … the poll ending Monday night at approximatley 6 PM PST /9 PM EST is the last one; BTIKM will be retired win or lose! Adam is going for win #15! Let’s VOTE hard ( to make sure Adam goes out a winner!
BTIKM has reached #42 on the HAC Mediabase (radio play) chart!
In the one-week period, the song gained 51 spins and finished with 187 spins in total! BTIKM’s official impact (or adds) date for HAC is January 23. The Top 4o/pop impact date is January 24. You can keep track of the adds here (!

Anonymous said...

HAC Radios will add BTIKM tomorrow and Top 40 radios will add BTIKM on Tuesday. Which means we have to be on full force to request radios to play BTIKM. Fill out radios mediabase forms. I leave the link to request:

Anonymous said...

Soooo happy you know what rambutans are, don't they fit the bill for you know what...complete with hairs on the juicy fruit.
Yea atm is a really good find. You're right, our poetry corner sure is expanding...Cuckoo Poetry Corner...CPC. LOL. Thanks JAK!! Koong Hei Fatt Choy!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Jessie Lynn

First of all - welcome!

I know that being gay you sometimes have to deal with really shitty attitudes and all sort of ugliness. But don't let it get to you. It could be that with time your family will come round and see that you're still the same Jessie Lynn they've always loved and accept you for who you are. And if they don't... I've found that being part of a group of friends can often feel just like being part of a family. And what's best about it is that you can choose with whom you want to be friends. Unfortunately you can't choose your family.

Today I voted in the Finnish presidential elections for an openly gay candidate. I was thinking what a fantastic thing it was that one of the parties had actually chosen this man to represent them. I didn't dare to hope for him to get many votes. Imagine my surprise when 18,8 per cent of all the votes went to him. He came in second place in the first round, and will be one of two candidates to compete in the second round in a couple of weeks.

So, being gay doesn't have to be a hindrance in anything you choose to pursue in life. Hold your head up high and be proud to be you.


HK fan said...

KUNG HEI FAT CHOI to everyone here at 24/7.

@sg, my daughter was born in 1988, the Year of the Golden Dragon I believe, a very lucky year, with a big population boom...

@jessie Lynn
((((((hugs)))))) to you

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you should get a job at this particular Whole Foods store. You are good at delaying tactics, lol, always asking Adam to hold all the appropriate juicy succulent fruit. Now I think his hands are really full! Is there a t-shirt section, another good opportunity for applying your wonderful delaying tactics like...Would you not rather have the turquoise one, matches your Miami beach shorts, you know the sexy shorts, you fought in with the pap...Then he'll have to remove the t-shirt he's wearing and don't blink, because he does everything very fast! LOL! :)

Anne Marie said...

I guess Adam will be heading for Europe this week. They were expecting him in the UK this January, but I havent heard anything. Maybe some radio and TV interviews. I know he has a concert in Austria.

Anonymous said...

Jessie Lynn,

Good choice indeed!!! JAK is one of the people I admire and respect here and she's like a mother to us here.

You will be safe here my dear as long as you encounter the real fans that understand your situation indeed...

Just be strong and heads up all the time:)))


Anonymous said...

who can live off juices? I would feel like I was drowning in my own juice. need solid food in the gut.

Anonymous said...

AL needs his own hag post where all the straight ladies can go hang out.

Anonymous said...

I hope there is a looloo (my slang for toilet) nearby at all times all those juices can take a toll on a colon.:(((

Anonymous said...

@Jessie Lynn Welcome at 24/7, darling! We love you.


Anonymous said...

Nicest, kindest, smartest and most beautiful person in the entertainment world - Mr. Adam Lambert. He has the best fans because he is the best. Humble, thoughtful, dreamy.

Anonymous said...

Lots & lots of juice to you all .... Adam's juice. <33

Anonymous said...

@ Jessie Lynn

I'm flattered that you would consider claiming me and since I only have one grandchild to love, I'm always on the lookout for others. I have no experience in counseling LGBT youth, but it seems you are a pretty smart, strong girl. Knowing you need to find a school to go to with a community of others who have or are handling a similar situation is a wise step. Strength in numbers. Since I read the posts following yours, I see that the warm arms of Adam's congregation
are already wrapping around you. There are a lot of extremely nice people here and a sprinkling of flakes. As you know.

I'm going to be gone a few days but you see the welcome you've been given, so there is no shortage of loving Moms, Grandmas,big sisters or Aunts who would be willing to listen.

Remember though, the fact that your family didn't take your news well doesn't mean they stopped loving you...they don't know what to do and they are probably afraid for you... That this realization on your part is going to make your life harder in every way. You need to examine the possibilities of life and so do they. Your grandmother has been brainwashed a lot of years and may be slow to come around, if she was ever a loving grandmother, the love is still there, just shocked into silence, don't give up. She's parroting what she was taught.

I look forward to talking with you again soon and hearing from you.

JAK <3

lorraine said...

@Jessie Lynn, Always know you are valued and precious just because you EXIST. There is a special role in this world for you and it is your task -and joy to claim it. So many are waiting with open arms to embrace you and please accept all the love and understanding that is there for you-not only in the LBGT community but in the world community at large. I don't know what it is like to be gay-but I do remember vividly what it was like to be a 17 year old girl/woman and to feel all the deep insecurities within. Looking back at photographs from that time I can't believe how someone so lovely could feel so isolated and anything but beautiful. SOOO-I'm telling you now -you are BEAUTIFUL-your honesty,willingness to share and be true to yourself-as Adam has always emphasized in his personal journey are qualities that come from a beautiful person,inside and out. We are all hear for you,Dear One.

lorraine said...

@Jessie Lynn-Sorry for the incorrect spelling of the homonym. Of course I meant "We are all here for you." More importantly, as JAK says-please give your family some time to grasp all that you have shared and know that many loving arms surround you.

Anonymous said...

Juices are sloshing and frothing
People here are wildly pulsating
Squashing, squeezing, pressing, lamenting
Celebrating, mouthing, drinking, augmenting
All the Adam songs have been thrown into a master juicer
Out comes a healthy vitamin-loaded smoother
That will temporarily inject an enlivening booster
On the down-trodden, enabling them to feel a lot cooler
So not to worry too much, the horizon will open up
Follow Adam and Trespass on him and touch
Take a cue from his transcendent, juicy cup of love
Worldberts are close at hand if you need that nudge


Anonymous said...

Kuong hyi kuong hyi everyone, special wink to my talented-lovely-sister Lam-my!

One of the perks of being half-blood: on 31 déc I got red enveloppe and on 23 jan I got one too, whoohooo! = more money to buy many copies of what we all eagerly wait for :o)


Anonymous said...

Kung Hei Fatt Choy!!! Shimayo!! It's an honour to be your talented lovely sister!! How come you can still get hoong-pau; the tradition says once you are married you give hoong-pau but not receive them; but only from your parents because they always regard you as their child. Thank you and I feel really happy to be regarded as your sister!! This is even better than any hoong-pau! You've made my Chinese New Year Day that much more meaningful!! :)

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady- Glsd you like my sense of humor.haha Always love your posts!
@Jessie Lynn - So sorry to hear what you are going through. You sound very brave and courageous! Adam would be so proud of you for keeping it real. Please feel free to vent to the glamily whenever you feel the need. We all care deeply for you and wish you the best at college where you can start a great new life!

To all Adam Fans who have health issues, please be strong and get better fast. I know for a fact that miracles can happen. Hang in there knowing that you are in the prayers of the glamily. Our faith helped Adam realize his dream and it can help all of you as well. I pray each and every one of you makes a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

@ Lam-my lol! Why I still get huong pau, It's because my mother-in-law and her daughter live with us and I'm the cook in the family, so, If they know what's good for!

It should be me to feel honoured that you allowed me to be your talented-lovely-sister, zhen lah!


Anonymous said...

LOL! That's really great! Hey so you must be a terrific cook. I always appreciate people who cook for others; it's basically an act of love and giving, zhen ter. :)

Anonymous said...

@ Jessie Lynn: stay strong, you are not alone.

@ Lam-my, If it's ok! with you, I'll give you my personnal contact, you just tell me how to do. I haven't facebook nor twitter account, just e-mail adress.


Anonymous said...

I don't mind taking anybody's email address; my problem is I'm so busy writing here and also writing Adam poetry, even if I have your email, I'd probably not be emailing. But sure you can give me your email. The other person who has given me her email is SG. Thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my, lol, we have the same issue concerning email. And internet connection is so sloooow in my area, sometimes It took me 2 hours to download 9 minutes of Adam's interview, most of the time I just give up. Sometimes you can't even send your email, so I don't email that much, but once I do, expect to having a novel length message;)


ps: hope you corrected yourself the meaning of my earlier post, I meant: It should be me to feel honoured that you allowed me to be the sister of the talented-lovely-you. It's you the talented and lovely one, not me.\o/

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, beautiful, looking healthy and happy!!! What a man!! Gaaaah <3

Anonymous said...

That clearing up shows you are a very careful, rspectful person. I don't have an email problem, its very fast, just seconds and my email will have the message, Sent. My problem is I'm too hooked up writing Adam poetry and also writing to the lovely people here, like you and many others; we have become a glamily really and that is so endearing to me that I actually may not be so inclined to email. :)

Anonymous said...

Jessie lynn,

Lorraine's post @ January 22, 2012 10:25 PM


- Abby

Anonymous said...


Hi!! you're right, you are very bad "e.mail-sister"...ha ha ha!!but a very good poetry one!!LOL!!


Anonymous said...

Hey "bad email sister" is soooo cute. Like Adam always says, I'm responsible for my 'bad behaviour'. SG, I don't know why, every time you appear, I laugh!LOL! :)

Anonymous said...


SSSHHHHHhhhhhh,........I'm at work...they could hear you laughing....


Anonymous said...

LOL! LOL! LOL! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Shiggles said...

If I can't juice you

Juiced to the bone

Better than I juice myself

I just love juice

Tracks of my juice

A juice is gonna come

Ring of juice

Is anybody juicing

I can't make juice love me

Gotta get through juice

Dust in the juice

Juice in the wind

Crawl through the juice


JESSIE LYNN - We can't pick our relatives but we can pick our friends. JAK will be a wonderful "grandmother" for you and the rest of us will help you in anyway we can.

In an earlier thread JAK told a nasty troll to call her "Jessie Lynn." I think it's a tribute to JAK that you chose that name for yourself here at 24/7. It shows me that you've been here before and that you find this a safe place to open your heart.

My best to you and please know that you are welcomed here by all of us.

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh

I am the one who told off the troll! Not JAK. And I am Jessie Lynn! I don't think JAK even knew about it! It just made me mad when the troll made a crack about JAK, any idiot should have recognized JAK was joking cause she missed theEllen Show. And then they gave a lecture about using tag, URL. Such a dumb remark, JAK ID's herself, but the troll never does! Nasty people making nasty remarks do hide under bridges!

Since I was making a nasty remark myself I wanted to be sure and OWN my statement--You can call me Jessie Lynn!

I've been here quite a while, JAK seems like so much fun and has a loving family. I love her family stories, her adventures are like hearing a Little House on the Prairie episode! NOT that she's THAT OLD! But she was 17 fiftynine years ago but she's so funny and up-to-date. She must be one of those people who stayed young inside. Thanx for being so nice!
Jessie Lynn

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie Lynn
Just my 0ne cent worth: I've read about the monumentous problem you are dealing with. You are making the right decisions. There is one thing though; you want a group backing of LGBT people, absolutely the right start. But I want you to think about this and hopefully put it into practice. This monumentous uphill struggle you are now facing has to get its strength from within you first, not from an outside source. Once you have this inner power and determination to face whatever onslaught, from within your mind, heart and soul, it will steer you through your difficult times and you will emerge with great peace, happiness and confidence, like Adam. Adam's inner strength against the odds he was facing, was achieved through his special God-gifted talent. He said time and time again, he felt left-out but found solace and self worth in theatre and his whoa! singing. If you can too, Pray. That's what I do in my dire times of need. Helped me through a lot. Peace be with you. :)