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Adam Lambert: I want to go to South America

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 25, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, February 25, 2012


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Adam, everybody is waiting for you to visit them. How does it feel to be sooo loved! At the same time sooo.... must be surreal. But love always conquers.
Hey, by the way, are you going to be lowered from the stage ceiling or suspended by cables, wailing Another One Bites The Dust or Bohemian Rhapsody...Sonisphere. But the real deal is Trespassing, isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Adam, you're like a roving ambassador at large for world peace! Nice title, eh! You'll probably do a very good job because you talk followed by sing. No fighting! :)

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking that for awhile

International star . . our BB.

Anonymous said...

I want to go to South America too. It'd be awesome to be there at the same time as Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam all around the world!!! Go BB GO!!....except Barcelona....:((( Bruce Springsteen is gonna play here again...(maybe is his 20th time or more, I thing he lives here, next to El Mercat de la Boquería!! (One of the most famous fresh food market in Europe). But I want ADAM!!THE WORLD WANTS ADAM!!


Anonymous said...

So SG, have you recovered from your ecstasy? Everything ready, all set for devirginisation? LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm from Argentina & i'm very happy....South America loves Adam so much....

Anonymous said...


I can feel your excitement here....

For sure before u go to bed, you are counting until u fall asleep he!he!

We envy u girl!!!!

Don't forget to pack the most important u need to show for the worldberts indeed:)


Anonymous said...

Wow, you are from Argentina! Don't Cry For Me Argentina...Love this song. So most likely, Adam will visit Brazil, Argentina and other provinces in South America. Wonderful! BTIKM and Trespassing, lots of drum music for South America. :)

Anonymous said...

Yesss, Bruce ever come to Barcelona, he loves Barcelona. But you and I need Adam loves Barcelona. We need desperately a concert at the Camp Nou and unplugged at the Palau de la Música Catalana.

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...


Ecstasy is my middle name, baby!!LOL!!
About the "devirginistation", well, I'll be ready as soon as you give me "the talk", you had kids, so you know how to explain it, and I don't want the "flower&bee" version, I want the "wild" one!! ...just heard of it..;)


I'm waaaay more than exited!!I need to control my the adrenalin! or I'm not gonna make it!! Funny that you tell me not to forget anything, I already make a list of things that I'm gonna take!! I'm a little control freak...
Today I just booked the train tickets on the phone, with a really nice british gentleman.btw, my ears are not used to brith accent!!;))the"american english" is't much more easy!!LOL!!

HK Fan,

Thanks for everything!! You've been really helpfull!!See you in Knebworth!!WOW!!!


Anonymous said...

SG and HKfan
Are you sure you can meet each other; the crowd is 120,000! Maybe SG can have a huge hand-made silk crimson rose fixed to a pole and then strap it on. Then SG you can kill 2 birds with one stone; HKfan can see you and handsome Adam will blow you many kisses!! Good thinking, no? LOL! :)

Anonymous said...


hahah!! already making "IT"!Love the silk roses idea!!Maybe I can costumize my white cap with SG, on it with a rose of course!!
well, know there are some fans that know my real name, so maybe I should add it too!!LOL!!
Don't worry, we will meet outside the festival, much easy!!


Magiclady said...

Don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet,but March 2nd Entertainment Weekly has a small review On BTIKM vid and gave it a grade B!

Most of the other videos reviewed were B's, 1 A and 1 C.

Anonymous said...

Well, the BTIKM video is not a masterpiece, to be honest. Maybe the director should have been someone else. I like the song itself much more. It should get a lot of radio play.

glitzylady said...

First a comment on BTIKM music video...I think its really a great video...What we must remember is that Adam pays for the videos..And he doesn't yet have the huge budget that say, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, etc.., have for their music videos..Compared to a lot of lower budget vids, I think it was pretty fantastic! : )))

glitzylady said...

A NEW SINGLE coming soon???!!!

Saw this on Twitter a little while ago: Hmmmm.... sounds like things are coming along for the next single release..WooHoo!!! Adam said yesterday on the Saturday Night Online Chat that they have it narrowed down to 2 possibilities: Personally thinking "Cuckoo", which sounds like it'll be a huge hit, or "Trespassing" the title track which would make sense to introduce the album.....But guess we'll see soon enough!!! I'm leaning toward Cuckoo because it sounds like it'll be crazy fun..and a great dance song..

Let the speculation begin!!![ Remember that Shoshonna Stone is Adam's Uk management rep...]

@ms_julliette @shoshannastone thank you :) glamberts can't wait!! ))
(In reply to shoshanna stone)

@shoshannastone @ms_julliette will announce soon!
(In reply to Julia)

@ms_julliette@shoshannastone when @adamlambert's 2nd single will be released? other artists release single after single, only Adam does once in a century

Anonymous said...

is he obsessed with Paula and her cat????

Anonymous said...

Yes, BTIKM isn't Adam best music video. But, did you watch Adele's "music video"? This is just life performance! And they qualified these as video only because this is Adele!
There is gonna be Adele, GaGa, Beib, or Katy who get 5 or 6 awards in every award. Did GaGa get any awards this year on Grammy's? Do you know that Queen never got Grammy's or AMA?So, I don't care if Adam will get any nods or awards! He is international star!

Anonymous said...

From Barcelona

AMEN to that!!! Shaking already!!!and Adam would absolutely adore Palau de la Musica!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah that was my question to him!!!
Kelli Odessa Tx

Anonymous said...

New single, YAY! I hope it's Cuckoo, too. Sounds wild to me! He needs a wild, out-of-the-box song!

HK fan said...

you're welcome:)

daydreamin said...

Wow. I LOVE BTIKM! So thought provoking!