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Adam Lambert's Norway Interview (17th February 2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, February 19, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, February 19, 2012


Anonymous said...

I was watching a music channel just there of this weeks top 20 Most Tweeted and wasn't better than I know myself was number 1. I was actually so happy to see this and that channel has been playing his song non stop since it came out:)
Ireland xxxx

Anonymous said...

JAK here...@ Michelle

I'm wondering, do your friends like Adam? Are you a lone fan or are there a lot of people in your circle who appreciate our boy? I'm so glad he's getting radio play.......and hello to you and your lovely isle.

Anonymous said...

@ Michelle....again

I wrote this 30 years ago on my first trip. It's silly but true!

I've seen 10,000 spotted cows
Blank of face and full of udder
I don't admire their beauty much
But I sure do like their butter!

Kerry Gold.....heavenly! (JAK)

Anonymous said...

unfortunitly i am the only one of my friends who really like him but one of them thinks his new song is quiet good and my sister really likes the new song and is starting to like him now cause i play his cd non stop during the day so she is used to hearing his songs so she is starting to like him now:) and my nephew who is 7 months always starts dancing and kicking his legs and smiling when i am listen to adam so i think we have a new young fan of his:) hope your doing well yourself anyway?
Ireland xxx

Anonymous said...

haha yes that is a very good thing to say and yes it is very true:)
Ireland xxx

Anonymous said...

This is Jessie Lynn

I like the spotted cow poem too.
JAK------I'm copying you. I love the poem on the Japanese photo shoot thread, you are always so funny. I have started writing my own poems, just for me. Your work seems to flow with an easy rhythm, I guess I should say meter. I get the meter going in my mind and then the words come. Is that how you do it? I wonder if the lyrics come first for Adam and then a melody is written around them? I know he writes lyrics, does he write music too?

Anonymous said...

his eyes are sexy

Anonymous said...

Adam is stunning, absolutely stunning in this interiew.

Anonymous said...

I think if Adam would release the singles more often like Nicki M or Bruno Mars or Katty perry, it would help him a lot. Releasing new single once in 12-18 months doesn't bring a lot of success.

Anonymous said...

I think if Trespassing is as successful as we (and others) all predict, we WILL see more singles more often. Got to keep the excitement at a high level!

Liked this interview. Adam got really introspective about himself. He hardly hides a thing about himself. It's why we love him.

Anonymous said...

8:03 you do like to repeat yourself don't you? carry on.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes i think american people are "over postive". I mean you have to bee happy all the time but thats impossible.

Anonymous said...

@ Jessie Lynn......JAK here

Every poet has a different way of writing. Mine comes with a line that pops into my brain and won't leave me alone until I surround it with others. Sometimes the whole poem comes at once in a furious rush. Then I shuffle the meter around to fit. I have one line that has haunted me for years and I've never been able to find a fit for it. I've given up.....I'll give it you, maybe you can use it.
"slip into a river of memories" Perhaps it's more suited to an older person than you though.

Don't stop writing, it's wonderful therapy,some of mine are dreadfully sad and "poor me". You don't have to share them if you don't want to, but keep them for yourself.....I started saving mine when I was 11 ! Happy composing!