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Amazon Music UK: Adam Lambert answers your questions

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Anonymous said...

Those were some really interesting questions and ones I've never heard asked of Adam before! Hmmmm, wonder what Adam was referring to when he said his proudest moment was something very private with a special smile on his face ;) Adam looks great!


Anonymous said...

I love this..Adam is so well spoken..I could listen and watch this all day..have to go to work..

Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam looks & reminds me of a classic handsome movie star of the 50s/60s!!!
A mixture of Elvis, Fabian, Ricky Nelson at a glance like in a black & white movie!!!

Gorgeous, talented, charming as always & his VOICE!!!!

Anonymous said...

black and white interviews are very sexy. more please!

Anonymous said...

maybe in a past life he was a woman. Ava Lambert perhaps???

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww!! What a sweet look he gave us (or was it Sauli behind the camera??). I'm going crazy! I see new sides of Adam in almost every interview. He was soo relaxed here!

daydreamin said...

Where are you @JAK? Everything ok?

Adamluv said...

Adam is stunning in this video! So gorgeous and hot and yummy plus every other adjective denoting sheer perfection. OMG! ... Adamluv

funbunn40 said...

I wonder if Adam's proudest moment was when he realized Sauli truly loved him, deeply knowing he was worthy of that love. We will never know, as he's smart keeping important pieces of his life private and cherishing his special moments that should only belong to him. Great questions and I would love to see Adam share a video of him warming up before a performance.(Ideally,a complete day in the life..) He makes hitting those stratospheric notes look so easy, but in reality he works really hard preserving and getting the most out of his extraordinary instrument. It was fun seeing one of those exercises and the reason behind it. I have such respect for his dicipline and work ethics. I think the media and those unfamiliar with Adam don't realize how well trained and vocally accomplished he really is.

Anonymous said...

I like how Adam doesn't make up a bunch of pretend answers when he really doesn't know what to day. He just says "don't know." What he DOES say is genuine and from the heart. Loved the singing warm-up exercise!

V Camilleri said...

Very personal and from the heart. Adam is just enjoyable to listen to. I am just hooked. Well hook line and sinker. Love the natural look. Just stunning is right. colors my world that's for sure.

V Camilleri said...

Very personal and from the heart. Adam is just enjoyable to listen to. I am just hooked. Well hook line and sinker. Love the natural look. Just stunning is right. colors my world that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...

@ daydreamin.......I'm here, just not as often. I've been busy keeping my spouse "on the go". I'm having a proceedure Thursday that has had him following me around like a puppy for two weeks. Since they couldn't beat my B.P. into submission with meds, I'm having angioplasty and getting stents for renal stenosis, hopefully that will help. I'll only be in hosp. a few hours but both daughters are coming to keep him company...he needs propping up when I'm in jeopardy (as he sees it)! And this is a man who attacked an alligator with a golf club when it took an interest in his golf cart!
.......he's sweet! <3

Anonymous said...


I hope the proceedure would work and they fix your BP so you can be back to your normal live again soon,but they do not touch that BIG heart that you have and we all love.Take care good of you dear.Dusty,Marccelo and Adam will be waiting for you too;)


Anonymous said...

I have nothing to say but Oh how I do love Adam in black and white. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

mimi said...

I agree--he does look a lot like Elvis,----seen Jailhouse Rock in black and white? I do love Adam though and the less make up look; but the glam is great too. Every look he has is perfect--like how he changes things up, just based on how he feels----such a wonderful man from all sides!

Anonymous said...

I too love the fact that Adam does not "invent stuff to make himself look good" during interviews. He is incredibly honest and real and that's why he has such dedicated fans worldwide, not just in the US.

tess4ADAM said...

I just watched the movie Written on the Wind last week & the thought crossed my mind that if Rock Hudson had had a son ... he would look like ADAM!! To me there is such a striking resemblance between Rock & ADAM!! Both HUNKS!! ... JMO

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

funbunn40 said...

@Tess4Adam, I also watched Written on the Wind which I had seen so many times over the years. I've said on other sites that Adam would be the perfect man to play Rock Hudson if there ever was to be a film about him. I've also said that Rock had been very successful playing straight, leading men and although he was in the closet, he was a very effective actor. There's no reason for Adam to have any limitations in music or films. Hope we will get to see the many sides of Adam with the ultimate possibilities!

funbunn40 said...

@JAK,So sorry you have to go thru' these procedures, but so many are successfully done and hopefully these issues will be behind you and you will be able to have renewed vigor frolicking in Adamland and keeping us entertained! Before the procedures envision Adam's warm, comforting smile and all of us surrounding you with positive energy, cheering you on! I'll light my trusty white candle sending you healing white light and be thinking of you.

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK I'll be thinking of & praying for you too. My hubby had stents placed in his heart after he had a heart attack 4 years ago & Thank GOD/Universe he's OK now. Just think Positive thoughts & REST a lot. Listen to ADAM's soothing music ... nothing Wild & Wonderful ... for at least a few weeks ... there'll be plenty of time for that once you recover. Take care .. Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

tess4ADAM said...

@funbunn40 ... I agree with you about no reason for any limitations for ADAM in music or films. Take for example ... Matt Bomer ... he plays a playboy on White Collar & is always hugging & kissing the women. Now I read that he's going to sing on GLEE ... he's one of the main characters' brother ... I heard him sing at some ceremony in D.C. for a Broadway celebrity. He doesn't seem to be having any problems with his career ... so it should be for ADAM as well. I hope USA wakes up before some foreign country STEALS ADAM away from us. Heaven forbid!!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

@JAK, I was wondering if you were there behind the scenes. I am sending you well-wishes and prayers for a successful procedure. Come back and let us know how things went once you are feeling up to it.

On a hopeful sidenote, I sent a question to Amazon Music UK to ask Adam about coming up with the lyrics and am thinking that may have been my question!? Oh well, that would be really cool if it was though maybe some day (ha ha) he will tweet me back sometime! That way I will know for sure!

Anonymous said...

I'm not as confident as some of you that Adam would be accepted as a leading man opposite a woman! The men you have referred to began their careers closeted and in Hudson's case never really came out. Whispered rumors are easier to ignore than someone who just comes out and announces his orientation at the true beginning of his career as Adam did. It's like a neon sign over his head flashing gay-gay-gay. Rupert Everett has said he made a huge mistake by announcing his homosexuality before he became known. His roles have been limited and he is very bitter about it. Elton John wasn't openly gay for some time, he was in fact married and Freddie Mercury lived with a woman for years, audiences slowly became aware of their bisexuality.And, that was at a time when sexual experimentation and kinkiness was accepted. Not in our current hot bed (pardon the expression) of SUPER CHRISTIANITY. I would like to think that our country might progress to the point that we could have a love story like Adam and Sauli's on the big screen someday. It could be as charming as When Harry Met Sally. Unfortunately the "million mom" movement and Westboro Baptist Church and Rick Santorum and thousands of others are here to see that day never comes. I am not knocking conservatives, I'm knocking bigots. They come in all races, religions and political parties.
Adam has a heavy weight tied to him, we can only hope that he's a strong swimmer and can remain on the surface, the music industry is more accepting than the film industry. Broadway is the most accepting place for gay performers
in our culture today. But not Adam's choice at present.
I'm hoping for a turn around to come, in fact I'm praying for it.
Live and Let Live. Mind Your Own Business. Make Sure Your Own Soul is Safe. Be Kind One to Another.
Too much to ask?

Anonymous said...

JAK here...

Thanks for the pep talk from y'all.
I'm raring to go. Got all the prelim. done today. Found out I can watch...Yay! Talked with nurse who will assist...she's a beauty. Sela Ward 15 or more years ago!
I'll be talking to you soon.

@ 3:07 pm.......I second everything you said!