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Adam Lambert at Mix 1041

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Better Than I Know Myself + Interview



Anonymous said...

My thoughts after hearing THAT FEVER version are ilegal in 49 states.The one state left is making the law right now.


Anonymous said...

OMG, SG what a GREAT comment!

So I guess I have to watch it now!!!

Anonymous said...

Jadam here.
Well leave it to the fans to ask the interesting questions. I loved the way he deflected the eyeliner question.He is so over it.
The performance of BTIKM was my favourite yet, so beautiful. Fever was fun, I think he really enjoyed it. He seemed to tailored it to that crowd, which to me he really bonded with.
The interviewers or DJs whoever, need to update their research, Im thinking.
Just bought and downloaded the BTIKM remixes for my grandson, am also going to get them for myself, I end up paying twice but who cares, its Adam.

Anonymous said...

I livestreamed this from work today and mentioned it to some non fans in my office. The next thing I knew was they were glued to my computer listening to bb speak. They couldn't tear themselves away. Made me SO happy!

Anonymous said...

Fun interview....Adam seemed to have a good time. I guess with all the interviews and promos he is doing, he had to change it up a bit by adding Fever this time around. I'd love to have a one on one converstaion with Adam. I think it would be so interesting and exciting just talking to him. I seem to know so much about him already since he has revealed a great to all of us through his interviews esp. the print ones. Can't wait for the release of TRESPASSING. We have heard three of the songs already if we watch the vids on this site and this album is going to be something else. I hope it is the one that gives Adam all the fame and success that he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

OMG The Man's On Fire. He certainly gave me a FEVER.

Anonymous said...

YEEEAH baby that Fever was FUNNN... you're right SG!! whew...

Anyone figure out what he said right at the beginning that he giggled about?

2 Radio stations in a row... he sure seemed to have fun here. Dumm-me I didn't think to check the website for livestream. Thank you 24/7 for always finding these great things FOR us...


Anonymous said...

Seems to me that the same video was posted twice. Where is Fever?

Anonymous said...


He said:

-We're taking Baby steps!!

He's really funny and HOT!!


Anonymous said...

@SG - LOL at your first comment!!!

I guess this is what the record company promised = HIGH IMPACTING... So much to listen & enjoy, so much to adore & admire...PHEEEWW!

GGD Gal - what a FEVER!

Anonymous said...

Someone said he proposed???? Did he or is people trying to stir up crap?

Anonymous said...

Another YT vid of this excellent, exciting, fever creating FEVER:

GGD Gal, feeling the fever...

Anonymous said...

Just turned on the radio here in the NYC area to hear WWFM. Then the dj mentioned that Adam had been in their studio 102.7 a short time back for a promo and what a cool, funny guy he was. Now all we need is to hear BTIKM on the station. Yes, Adam is cool, relaxed, and witty during all his promos. I hope all the energy and time he is spending on these visits brings him success when TRESPASSING is finally released.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching AI here on the east coast and I am reminded once again that there is nobody out there quite like Adam Lambert during season 8. He just set the bar so high during all of his performances that I keep on comparing the contestants from each season that followed to him. Adam just had the "IT" factor both in his vocal talent and stage presence. And as I watch all these vids from his promo visits and listen to the three news songs he did from TRESPASSING, I know all the reasons I am such a fan. I can't wait for the new album so I can listen to all the songs as completed in the studio. Adam does a great job as we can see from the vids shown here at those small private concerts, so the final numbers must be amaaaazing. "Mapril" can't come soon enough for me.

glitzylady said...

This is another FEVER vid, the one that was posted by the same person as the Trespassing one earlier today...I follow her on twitter.. Closer up and maybe better sound?? The other one is good too.

I watched this livestream today...He is INCREDIBLE and I think perhaps this is perhaps the best version of Fever EVER! Soo beautiful, fun and sexxxxaayy. Yikes!! And I loved his little mention of "Baby steps"..wondering if he decided to sing this spur of the moment after the discussion of the "love interest" and his reluctance to be too much in a hurry to be open about being gay in his music videos, because of the resistance of Americans to accept that at this point.. And I loved his comment about being "out" with his "love interest" on the Red Carpets..Adam is just doing everything perfectly and says just the right thing. He's just becoming more endearing every day..

Oh, the FEVER video... ; ))

glitzylady said...

Ooops! Sorry, I didn't notice that GGd had posted the other vid of Fever already..

Bears repeating tho, I'd say!! ; ))

I would have done it much earlier but I had to head out to work right after it was posted...and just finally got home..

Anonymous said...

SG,2:46. My thoughts exactly! Most of my thoughts of Adam run along those lines. Thank God no one can read my mind. He makes every performance so fresh and new. He makes it sound like he's singing if for the first time. His theater experience has really taught him how to deliver time after time.
So many good things happening! KISS 108, etc.
I sometimes think I couldn't love him more, but then I DO!
I LOVE the "family" feeling between him and his fans at these small performances. We have so much history with him, it's like we have our own GlamLanguage that outsiders don't understand. Just us and Adam.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:09 PM
A guy on the show proposed to his girlfriend (she said yes..)...Adam didn't propose to anyone! Assuming that's what you're asking...

glitzylady said...

@SC 2:46 PM
Amen sister!

daydreamin said...

Here's the video with the proposal:

Anonymous said...

Aaaahhhh Adam - same ol' boring questions - but he deals with them so well. I've tweeted different questions but none of them have been asked.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I'm sort of rushing here so I may not have read your post correctly - but he soundchecked Fever before that question was asked about his having a samesex love interest in a video etc. So, no, I don't think doing Fever was a reaction to that question. If you had your sound way up loud during stream (and I did as I was fortunate enough to be home, but was moving about trying to be productive while I waited :), you could barely hear the soundchecks, but you could and he warmed up Fever.

I am so glad that woman asked about America being ready for a samesex love interest in a mainstream music video, I've been wondering myself (too bad that Adam can't go there, just ridic); I liked his answer, it was thought out and intelligent. And then the "baby steps" comment in the beginning of Fever, he's so brill.

As to the performance of Fever itself... yeah, um, I can't even comment lest I get myself in trouble... but you can probably tell from my comments in earlier threads that - um, yeah, I liked it. ;). This guy, I try not to gush, but talent-wise, he's just beyond...


ps. don't have time to open links for addt'l vids of Fever, but if anyone gets a chance to watch the one from sort of a side view (as it was in the original live stream, WATCH IT... Adam gives such good face in that one, gah, he's just beyond)

Anonymous said...

Hi again glitzylady - oh, I see what you were saying! You meant if he slipped in the baby steps comment as result of question (not performing the song, which was obviously pre-set), I'd guess - YES.

in any event - I'm late getting out the door as per usual (damn you Adam Lambert) but just opened the Fever link - yes, there's that side view... Holy Hot Hell & JFC and mutha fricka - I CAN NOT EVEN DEAL. Maybe not something I should be watching at 8:30am in the morning. ALTHO, I'M OFF TO THE GYM BEFORE LIFE KICKS IN AND I'M QUITE SURE I GOT AN EXTRA MILE OR SO OF ENERGY IN ME FOR THAT TREADMILL AFTER WATCHING ;)!

I wish I could tie every music director and programmer in the U.S. into a chair and make them watch this... and then say - go ahead bitches, don't play him, egg's on your face! But, I stay optimistic, and full of light not dark about it, and lucky me, I live in Boston Suburbs, our stations are fairly supportive. This Fever - the talent demonstrated is otherworldly.

Shoutout to Cindy: I don't want to put too much on internet, but was totes gutted all day yesterday about not winning tix to any of the 3 events, as all 3 were sooooooo "reachable" to me. And this kiss concert, dang, gotta make sumthin happen, um, close!

Have good day peeps. Keep that Fever propelling you through your day, I know I will :).

In fact, is it wrong to say that If I were asked that age old question: if you were stranded on a dessert island, what one thing would you want with you... I would say this FEVER vid and a device to play it on!!! Well, 'ya know, if my one thing could be Adam ;)! Sorry family, LOL!!!!!!! jk.... well, kind of... :)

Anonymous said...

MGF, you are so clever with your words " Adam gives such good face" (in the FEVER video). Gotta love it! I too, had no luck with tickets. But, maybe with the Kiss concert, (which happens to be in my old home town) I will.


Anonymous said...

I think it was distasteful to ask about a samesex music video.
Would a hetero be asked this? no.

When Adam is ready, he'll be ready.
Why put him on the spot like that and ask a question like this.

He answered with class, because he is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

@March 15, 2012 11:09 AM: I see your point, but reality is reality, and "baby steps" will only be made by asking what some might see as distasteful questions.

You know what else, I would guess that at some point, if even only briefly or wistfully, it was bandied about by Adam and his team about the possibility of a mv with a male/male leading role love interest. Adam's answer was brilliant, indeed. But didn't you detect the hint of "... too bad aint it..." in his tone. My gut tells me he didn't mind the question one bit, and maybe, just maybe, even loved that one of his fans, intelligent lot that they are, had the balls to ask the question. I don't know the guy, but I'd make that guess.

Anonymous said...

After watching the FEVER video and looking at the side view of Adam while he sang, I just got an Elvis vibe with the curling of the lip, the smile and laugh inbetween and just the general look of Adam. There was just something so sexy and hot about Adam as he performed this song. I am sure Sauli was on his mind now, but wasn't when he first recorded and performed this song from FYE, am I right about this? WOW, is all I can add; it certainly gave me fever and a racing of the heart. How can anyone not like Adam Lambert ...such an amazing vocal talent and a charming, witty, confident, honest individual as we have seen in all the promos he has done lately. I am a fan for life.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why so many fans are so obsessed with Adams sex or love life.
Almost to a sickness or fetish.

Asking him a question like the one asked about him doing a lovelife mv is not right.
For this I feel bad for him.
In a boy-girl relationship, this would not be asked.
How can he possibly move forward in not being labeled when blatantly being asked things like this?
His life is normal, why make it not.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou glitzylady,
I was just curious who proposed. I watched that livestream and missed it. I don t care about Adam's sex life or personal life. Sorry if you guys took it that way cause that wasn't my intention. I also loved hearing Adam sing Fever again. I am excited to hear him perform on Idol again.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the questions that Adam is asked at these promos and interviews are intrusive, rude and just plain stupid. And yet, he maintains his dignity, self-respect and charm throughout. His personal life and any intimate details should remain private and Adam should not be put in an embarrassing situation by being asked those kind of questions. Let's focus on the music,his superb vocal talent and the impending release of TRESPASSING. It seems that he has told us so much about himself already that we don't need to pry deeper into his personal relationship and life.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........since I'm playing
catch up, I just saw the Fever performance. Whew! Just a few thoughts...

...........FEVER PITCH.............

Curling lip......... thrusting hip
Shoulder shrug...... full body hug
Defiant hair........ devil may care
Fans starry eyed.... desire denied
Blue eyes glint..... take the hint
All this fuss....... not for us
Heart's locked in... on the Finn
Former days of being prowly........
Are now filled with loving Sauli...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the question was about a samesex leading role scenario in A MUSIC VIDEO!! Not in his personal life. And the question was asking him, paraphrasing here but closely: DO YOU THINK AMERICA IS READY FOR....

It was asking an opinion really, when ones thinks of it further.

I get what some of you are saying, some intrusiveness into his personal life on these promos and such... definitely would rather we just live in a post-gay world, where it was "whatevs" and perfectly normal to live out your orientation day to day with no lack of normalcy... but we are living in the world we are living in today, and the question was a good one, not intrusive or personal imho. Jeepers, he wasn't asked if he would cast Sauli or something. Listen again, and then listen to Adam's ANSWER. I bet he was actually impressed with the question. geeeezzz