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Adam Lambert at The Russian Lady by radio stationTIC 96.5 in Hartford CT

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Questions & BTIKM



Anonymous said...

Adam you simply have to learn, Belfast is in Ireland, not Scotland. You flew from England to Ireland. lol

daydreamin said...

I love when these DJ's gush over Adam!

Anonymous said...

Scotland! LOL! What a globetrotter. Sauli should learn Adam some European geographics.

Anonymous said...

Correction: Belfast is in Northern Ireland, UK.

Anonymous said...

The Russian Lady (my old stomping grounds). I tried to win a ticket ,but no luck. Adam is very popular in this area . I hope I get to see him someday at a meet and greet. This looked like such fun!

Anonymous said...

Why do these clips keep buffering?!?! So damn annoying!! Maybe it's my computer having a big O every few seconds at the sight of Adam. lol

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam doesn't get sick of singing BTIKM by the time his concert tour starts and not include it in his song set. That would be really disappointing.

Anonymous said...

I think I heard Adam say he will continue performing Strut and Fever in the future. I don't get it. He never performs his best songs and if he does, only acoustic. It's weird.

Anonymous said...

@ March 14, 2012 7:26 AM

I take it you mean Strut and Fever instead of WWFM? I'm looking forward to hearing Adam perform with his full band rather than acoustic. Maybe I've watched too many acoustic performances lately. I watch them all such that I'm longing to hear BTIKM sung similarly to the recorded version.

Anonymous said...

7:37, yes.

Anonymous said...

No way is Adam going to stop singing BTIKM, esp. on tour. It's a great song and fans love it. I'm sure his tour will include a lot of the new stuff and great selection of FYE songs. The next tour will be so FABULOUS! This was a good interview. Love how the DJ said that Adam is a real pro!

Anonymous said...

Any talk show host that doesn't have Adam on is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

So, Adam is promoting his new album today by perfoming Fever with Tommy. A kiss perhaps? He's crazy..

Anonymous said...

1:09 Please tell me how Sauli is going to "learn" Adam "geographics." I think maybe Sauli could teach Adam some geography if it wasn't just a slip of the tounge by Adam.

YeaaMoe~ said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If it was a slip of the tongue, he's made it in 3 different interviews. Scotland Scotland Scotland