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Adam Lambert Compared To Michael Jackson

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 23, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 23, 2012


Anonymous said...

a dash of MJ, a pinch of QUEEN and a healthy dose of ADAM!!!!

Alexandra said...

A huge comparation!
Maybe he is not as popular as Michael and he doesn't have the best known songs, but his voice is superb! Adam is very very talented

Anonymous said...

I say he's Pure Adam Lambert !

Thats all I need in my glass.

Anonymous said...

Where? Are you talking about the tweet?. This is so ridiculous title. Why do people these days only focus on bubbling everything to degrade its original meaning?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has a better voice than Michael Jackson. MJ grabbed his crotch and that was very disturbing. I never got it and never will.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert-michael jackson-freddie mercury -david bowie -elvis presley-and ma donna same chinese zodiac sign has a good voice gifted. now u know.(different birthyear but same birthsign and gifted(voice)

Anonymous said...

Please anyone who can tell me the best way to send something to ADAM?
It is quite urgent that the message gets to ADAM himself.
It is about the release date of Trespassing which is May 15, which is a very bad timing astrologically speaking.
I know ADAM is into astrology.
It is NOT a good date. It should be earlier from April 15 to 1st week of May.
I already emailed the Direct Management Group, the one managing him.
But if there's any other way, to let ADAM know ASAP, I would appreciate it.
This message needs to reach ADAM as soon as possible.
I am not an astrologer just someone interested and I want to send ADAM this book I got which is not available for sale anywhere which is a great help for him the whole 2012.
It spells S-U-C-C-E-S-S !!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has a MUCH BETTER VOICE than Michael Jackson.

Anonymous said...

2:07 - ADAM ACTUALLY RE-TWEETED this tweet so he obviously thought it was worth repeating. Not to mention that he re-tweeted Just Jared's applause tweet for Trespassing with the link to that song only. I think Adam may secretly want this song for the single. It's a game-changing song and he's a game-changer.