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Adam Lambert Interview by Ray Styles on HOT 103.5 FM in Sacramento, California. (3-30-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 31, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, March 31, 2012


Anonymous said...

Japan has CD and you can listen to songs on YouTube . . . at least some of the songs

Anonymous said...

I think that by requiring the fans to be on twitter or facebook has really hurt Adam's votes.My hubby doesn't want me to be on either.I did & still do,vote on that other link( where we voted when the other link was down) I don't know if the votes count there,but they seem to be,& there are new comments on there all the hope they count.

Anonymous said...

Please vote on VH1-every 24 can vote 20 X. I guess the overkill voting on MM, left no energy for VH1. BTIKM was 18 this week. On its way out if we don't vote. Please vote.

Anonymous said...


There was a post here before saying that the link you are referring to was only temporary. Someone spoke to Vh1 & they said those votes are no longer counted so i stopped using it. If you want to be sure maybe it's best to vote on both links? That's what I did for about a week then just went back to only voting on the regular one.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 8:59. I just found out BTIKM fell to 18. I don't twitter, but I did join facebook. The other thing that makes me sad is that he is going around the country promoting himself with the radio stations and yet his song is still not played enough on the radio. I ran into the room the other night thinking it was on the radio that was playing in the other room, but it was just a song that sounded similar in the beginning. I don't have the radio on as much as I used to, but I have NEVER heard it played. I hope his next single rocks....truth is, I really like this one..and the vid.


Anonymous said...

I'm confused. What other way is there to vote other than VH1 Top 20 Count down?

Also...I hope someone can help me with another fan problem I have,PLEASE. I'm slowly losing the
Adam Lambert 24/7 website. First, the features, videos and news shown on the extreme right hand side of the page could not be seen unless I hit the back arrow. Now that doesn't work either. And now viewer comments have disappeared. I'm getting panicky. Please HELP. HELP. HELP. I hope it's not my PC. Fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

I am on Twitter solely to vote for Adam on polls, etc. I don't use it for anything else. I'm not on Facebook. Might be eventually. Get on Twitter if you can, just to vote for ADAM.

Anonymous said...

I joined Twitter solely to vote for Adam on polls. It's very easy to join Twitter and very easy to vote on the Vh1 Top 20 Countdown using Twitter. I'm very disappointed that BTIKM was #18 this week :(((
I'll keep voting on 2 browsers daily. Are there any other suggestions from anyone what else we can all do?

Also, I'm also losing the sidebar info, news, older thread titles etc. which I really miss. Admin. could you please try to fix this?
Thank you.


Anonymous said...

I also am on twitter solely for adam, have FB- but never use it(mainly because I'm not to familar with it) I love the adam twitter search (you get all kinds of info and links)Adm- we are missing the older postS- what happened?


@Jak- good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

What is going on???? Are we loosing previous post????? Oh No!!!!

Guys stick together and please Administrator do something here... EEEKKKK


tess4ADAM said...

Here's what I do & I get to vote as often as I want to on VH1 Top 20 Countdown ... I vote under Twitter ... 20x ... go to Tools .. then ... Internet Options ... then delete ... again delete ... when it stops ... click Cancel ... return to Vh1 again ... don't click on anything else except ADAM's pic ... vote on Twitter again .. 20x ... and keep repeating until it says I can't anymore. Switch browsers & do the same thing again ... this time on facebook ... also vote on the website that has unlimited voting just in case the votes DO count ..

I keep going back and forth between browsers with Twitter & Facebook ... alternating with the browsers ... when all else fails ... I clean my cookies & restart my computer ... I'm able to vote a lot using this method .. hope this works for all my fellow Glamberts ... ADAM needs all the help we can give him. BTIKM is LEAGUES AHEAD of the other top 17 on this weeks countdown ... IMO
Good Luck Glamberts ... LET's VOTE!! ~~thanx~~


Anonymous said...

We kind of dropped the ball on VH1 for a while because of March Madness. Now is the time to get going again and get the vote up for BTIKM. There's no reason why we can't get it up there again!

Anonymous said...

@Tess4ADAM wow you know what you are doing girl! I use my daughters facebook and click off the post box so it won't show up on her facebook page. Adam's video is great and has so much more meaning than the others.

glitzylady said...

I really don't understand why the reluctance/ concerns about being on twitter..It is absolutely easy to do and there is really no risk as far as I know...You really don't have to follow anyone, or have any followers. I would guess that those who have concerns about it don't understand it...There is no need to give out personal information, names, etc..Facebook is a little trickier but as long as you don't post personal info, have your security settings set to private, its also safe. Both are useful for different things..I Love being on twitter and enjoy Facebook even though I don't post much on it..I use both for information gathering about things I'm interested in, and keeping up with friends...and Adam.. EVERYTHING is on twitter and facebook these days and I personally feel I would be at a disadvantage NOT to be on at lease one of them..Just wanted to say that for those who aren't sure about it..

Anonymous said...

I truly can't understand anyone not being on twitter. Go to Adam's google page and it says follow Adam on twitter and sign up. I was going to only follow Adam but follow 8o people now. Adam Sauli all of the band Eber tons of xidols on and on. It took me awhile to sign up too because I thought you needed a special phone or something and I just needed my dinky computer. Warning, it's addicting.

HK fan said...

I'm with usual.
I'm on facebook, but I don't use it for facebook incase my page shows up somewhere, I use FB everyday to keep up with, post photos etc.
But I was never on twitter, but I set up an account just so I could vote on VH1, its really easy to set up and you don't need to use your real name anywhere,. I registered as admfaninhk. I only follow Adam, but I never use it or check it, I don;t even have a phone that I can tweet on, literally just use it for voting.

HK fan said...

oops. that should read 'I don;t use it for voting, not I don't use it for facebook.....
Wish there was an edit function on this site...

Anonymous said...

HK fan don't forget to give Adam a #FF every Friday on Twitter. Thanks!