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Adam Lambert Performs for Star 94.1 FM

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, March 30, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 30, 2012

'What Do You Want From Me'

'Better Than I Know Myself'


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I like this DJ... finally one that is not so interested in the sound of his OWN voice... professional, knows why he is there, curteous... just NORMAL and interested in presenting visitng talent w/ at least a little respect, not more interested in his own voice!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam must have found this guy refreshing!

Anonymous said...

Yes, this DJ knew what he was doing. He respects Adam AND his fans. He seems to "get it." Adam was his usual charming, entertaining self. Love.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that a guy as charming, witty, and intelligent as Adam just has to fight so hard to have a hit record on the radio? He has the voice, we know that. And yet what I hear on the radio today is mostly from performers with very little talent, auto-tuned and lyrics that make absolutely no sense. I suppose if we look at the age of the demographic music buying public, that probably tells the answer. I am out of that loop and would much prefer Adam and Adele who have the best voices in the music business today. I hope that all these radio promo visits bring Adam's music to the public and it helps the sale of TRESPASSING.

Anonymous said...

Vote VH1 top 20

Anonymous said...

I smell fish. Is there something fishy about that Queen gig cancellation???????

Anonymous said...

BTIKM is such a great song. I can't get it out of my brain.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:24 PM
No. Several of the European Sonisphere festivals were canceled by the organizers. They cited weak economy. Nothing fishy, and had nothing to do with Queen/Adam.

Anonymous said...

Really liked the DJ. Hope Adam's next single gets tons of airplay. I like BTIKM acoustically but sorry guys I am not crazy about Dr. Luke's production of it. It's too bad cause it is a beautiful song. I still request daily and vote on VH1 no matter my opinion of the song.There will some great singles coming off this album just listening to those snippets!

Anonymous said...

Adam must be really exhausted. I don't see any other artist sing their songs every single day like Adam and sometimes even more than once a day for a whole month. And he always sounds great. Adam's true fans will always support him. I hope that he knows that. The real important people in the music industry think of Adam Lambert so highly and so do his fans. That's really all that matters.

choons said...

OT but I am confused about the new album - there will be a regular release and then there will be a deluxe edition, with extra songs. And I read somewhere that if you pre-ordered the regular release then you could upgrade to the deluxe. I guess my question is, will I be able to buy a deluxe edition without preordering, and will it be available at the same time as the regular release? And why have both, why not just the deluxe since we all want more Adam?
Also, will the deluxe be available on itunes?
Does anyone know? I'm feeling a bit out of it.

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam is working so hard,I so hope for the reconition he so deserves. Loved this dJ- different vibe to him completely than some of the others! As much as I love BTIKM, my faviorite is never close youir eyes- I just can't hear that song enough and that never happens to me except maybe some of the classics out there (stairway to heaven, I will always loe you, nights in white satin- oh god showing my age LOL. No really, I think adam has a massive hit with NCYE if they would only play it!! Along with BTIKM- (that would be a huge hit, if they would only play it! What does it take??

Anonymous said...

@9:04 I know I pre-ordered back in dec on amazon (Delux) (not knowing what it was but sounded good, apparently the delux has 4 more songs on it than the regular Cd. I think you had to order right there and then regular or delux whereas they were different prices. I never heard about an automatic upgrade unless you paid for it? Hope that helps.


Anonymous said...

The Last Ones by Adam

W.O.W. Takes you to another realm.

Anonymous said...

OT: anyone else get there FanClub tee shirt today? I really like it.That is my new concert shirt if he tours. It also came with a necklace with Adam's picture on it, fan clubish stuff. My sister and I are going to look rediculously cute (semi cheesy) when you us in the Cleveland area. lol It's all fun.

Anonymous said...

9:04 the last album had regular and deluxe on iTunes. They are entirely two different purchases both on Amazon, AO and iTunes. I am pretty sure you can order both after the album is released. AO may even have upgrades with posters or t-shirts or something going on soon.Some people don't have the money to buy the deluxe so just get the regular album.

lelani Aloha said...

Adam did it again!!! Amazing vocals so early in the morning too for him & Tommy:)

Very very nice, tranquil, relaxing & full of emotions!!!
love love love his VOICE!!!

choons said...

re deluxe album - thanks for the info glampeeps, I feel a bit better now -

daydreamin said...

FYI I emailed Admin about the missing links to the old blogs that used to be here. Hopefully she see's it and responds.

Here is one of some pictures I took of Adam leaving 106.5 on his way to the airport to San Diego yesterday afternoon:

daydreamin said...

@Minnie Mouse, do you know how @JAK is doing? We are worried about her.

Anonymous said...

thanks for those great pictures daydreamin!!

Anonymous said...

I prefer the studio version of BTIKM than the acoustic versions even though they are great. I play the studio version and the truly AWESOME clip a lot.

I hope we are eligible for an upgrade to the deluxe album on AO. Otherwise, I'll most certainly buy it.

Anonymous said...

Adam and the DJ were almost inaudible in the 1st clip even when I had the volume turned up to the max. :-( However thankfully, I could hear Adam sing and the sound in the 2nd clip while not perfect, I could just hear what they were saying.

Anonymous said...

VH unlimited voting

Anonymous said...

Besides the missing links, I can't get the videos to play. Is anyone else having this problem?

Very frustrating!!

Anonymous said...

I can't BELIEVE that BTIKM dropped to # 18,!!!I think we probably spent too much time on the March Madness..Come on,glamberts,we CAN get him higher next week,can't we??If we had him up to # 11,then you all know we can!!Let's try REAL Hard!!Poor Adam worked his tail off for weeks,so Let's do this.I wonder what song he'll sing @ the DoSomethingnow Awards?I wish he'd had more MAJOR TV exposure before now.

Anonymous said...

I forgot,VH-1 still plays BTIKM PRETTY often--twice yesterday on Jump no matter what happens,they do know he has tons of fans..What day of the week does the top 20 voting cut off for the next Sat?Anybody know?It used to be on Mon.morn before noon,but I don't know anymore.If Adam would just tweet for us to just VOTE,then people would lots more!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for "The Last Ones" link. Outstanding song! But, music is overpowering the vocals. I want to hear Adam VOICE more clearly.

Anonymous said...

@ daydreamin.......JAK here...

Thanks for concern...I'm hangin in...move from one medical mystery to another. My life is not dull!

NOW the 24/7 mystery is really a "threads" are listed on my title page, so I was lost for a couple days. Fortunately @GGD gal and HK fan were able to get me help. I have to perform several acrobatics to get here to comment and read threads, but it's worth it. WTF is going on? I guess some others are experiencing problems too. long as I can find y'all I'll be happy. It's amazing how much I miss this site when I can't get to it! SERIOUSLY ADDICTED

Anonymous said...

JAK here again..........since I've been lost a couple days, I just want to comment that Adam singing Never Close Our Eyes...makes my heart very happy. It's a beautiful showcase for the glory of his voice. Since I am "one of those" acoustic lovers, I'm hoping the album version is as lovely.
But, since I'm totally Adamized, even if it's "poppie" I'll still be a happy camper. I've come to terms with being a dinosaur living in a "POP" world! One must evolve!

Anonymous said...

BTIKM is #18 on VH1 Top 20. I knew that they don't care about our votes.

Anonymous said...

Adam deff needs to release new single and new music video. I don't think his new management smarter than priveous one. May be Adam needs to make his own decisions about new releases. What do you think?
BTIKM never will be in top 10 as single:(

Anonymous said...

My comment didn't post . . Adam was at 18 on VH1 . . . let's do better next week . . . Adam needs some one to help him in the morning with hair and outfits . . I know he is working hard . . . .I go to work everyday
and I manage to look presentable . . still love him . .

Anonymous said...

there has to be alot more that goes into that VH1 countdown than just votes and I sure can't figure it out. I'll just keep voting.I am sure they have to keep the list diverse, rotating ect.

Anonymous said...

8:26 how many times do you think you have to drill that into our heads in one lifetime?

Anonymous said...

@8:52AM What do you mean?I'm new on this blog.Started to read your comments, ladies,just two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

My comment of a few minutes ago didn't post either 8:28 am.


Toni said...

Hey guys Adam went from 12 to 18 on vh1's top 20.YOU GET 20 VOTES A day so please ,please don't forget to vote,vote,vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope he has a hit but beginning to wonder if it wasn't to much time between the 2 albums. Seems something is missing.If he wants hits he is gonna have to be a little more mainstream. I will buy the album but alot want because of some of the music on it. This BTIKM hasn't been a blockbuster. Seems the wrong songs gets picked or something. He sings beautiful.I would expect his label to get it right. Adam & Tommy have worked their butts off promoting this album. Wishing him the best.

Anonymous said...

@12:26PM Absolutely agree with you. HOwever, you have to be careful with this kind of comments. They will call you troll.

Anonymous said...

Believe me I'm no troll. I buy the albums, and go to concerts.Can't wait to he is back on tour. I just have opinions and every one has theirs. I really hope mine are wrong. Love Tommy Joe too, he is a sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

FYE was his first release last go round. It wasn't a hit. Second single WWFM was a hit. Let's hope the same pattern is in place for this album.

And, from what I read The Last Ones is not an Adam song. It is an Uh Huh Her song in whihc the pitch was adjusted. A fake post on youtube.

Anonymous said...

@12:54PM FYE was a big hit and I think this is the greatest music video which Adam ever released. However, FYE was unofficially forbidden after AMA. Sorry that I mentioned this event.
@12:44 PM I believe that you're not a troll. Everybody can have their own opinion. And sometimes it doesn't fit to most on Adam's fan comments on this blog.

glitzylady said...

Absolutely true that "The Last Ones" is not Adam, although I think it is a gorgeous song...I loved it even though it is not him..which too bad really...I even posted a comment on the video before I found out it wasn't him.. : /

Glad to see you found your way back!! I am one who hasn't had problems getting onto the blog. Wonder why some can and some can't. Have been busy so haven't had a lot of time to be on here tho...Still sort of reeling (happily) from being at the Bing Lounge and seeing and hearing Adam sing, especially "Never Close Our Eyes". That was the ultimate Adam moment for me, at least one of them..To be a few feet away from him and watch him, let alone, hear him sing that song for the first time publicly, was as Adam likes to say, "surreal"...Whether it becomes the next single, or Trespassing or Cuckoo, it is a gorgeous and vocally perfect song for Adam to sing, either acoustically or the album version. Once in a lifetime moment...Still up in the clouds somewhere....

Anonymous said...

1:28 why are you sorry you mentioned this event? You do it everytime you post.

Anonymous said...

what happened with the Queen gig? that would have been HOT.

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady.......JAK here...

I hope Admin. can correct this problem so many of us are having.
Until then I hope I can continue to sneak in by the back to speak. I try not to look upon my panic when I find myself "cut off" as an unhealthy obsession. :)

I wonder if you know how happy many of us were that you were able to finally have an up close and personal contact with Adam. You are one of his truest fans and a fairy godmother to all on the site with all the info and links you pass on to us. We do appreciate you and your sister fairy godmother, @ daydreamin for all the "extras" you two treat us to so frequently.

I can only imagine the pure joy you experienced sitting so close and hearing Never Close Our Eyes.
I absolutely love it, couldn't even hazard a guess at how many times I listened to it over and over again. Even after the album comes out I'm sure I'll still play this performance that I saved in my favorites. It's swoon-worthy!

tess4ADAM said...

Hi Glamberts!! Tess here ... I guess I'm just a hopeless ADAM groupie ... anything ADAM sings/releases ... acoustic ... pop .. opera .. country (remember RoF ... WOW!!) anything he does that makes HIM happy is ok with me. I'll do what little I can with my LIMITED mobility via computer .. watch TV .. buy his albums ... I'll even download songs although that's not my favorite way to go. Unfortunately I can't go to concerts or M&Gs ... too far away from everything I'm afraid ... so I live vicariously through the internet & all the fans experiences that you share here on 24/7. What I CAN DO is VOTE!!! And I found a way to vote multiple times on VH1 ... using both Twitter & Facebook & switching browsers & deleting cookies while on the VH1 countdown site .. I can vote more than 20x per browser ... more like 40-60 ... each time several times a day. So Back I go to VOTE!! JAK ... I will pray for you my dear ... have faith!! Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

@ tess4ADAM.......JAK here...

Thank you dear LAMBERT OUTLAW !

glitzylady said...

: )))) Thanks! That is so nice of you to say, although it's truly amazing to me how many really really devoted fans Adam has..Well, actually not amazing at all. When you get right down to it, he is a very very sweet, kind, and generous man who deserves so much and we as fans wish the best for him. And then there's that talent of course... I have never ever been so into the fandom of anyone. Seeing him in person to sing, with mainly just his voice and a guitar is just unreal because he sings SO WELL, and you literally don't want him to stop...I hope he will be singing to us for many many years to come. And he is so patient with all the fans who want to say hello and get a picture..And he's very generous with the hugs...I feel so lucky to have had that opportunity. The only problem being that you immediately want to do it again. And that's why we as fans keep coming back for his music, his words in interviews, his concerts, and to him personally ..because its never enough....

Anonymous said...

I'm very confused. It sounds that most of you still belive that Adam new video depends from out votes in top 20?!!!!Do you belive that Adele suddently moved on from top5 to #19 because of her fans votes? So, I think you're out of your mind and dont have any idea about US Music Industry Planet!!!! Do you know that Bohemian Rapsody Got the 2 world Awards as a best @20th century music video and song in whole entire world? It was qualified as a music jewel of the 20th centiry! It was Mona Lisa of 20th century because it's still a mystery what this lyrics and music was written about! As a Mona Lisa smile!!! And Freddie left us enjoyed and confused about this song!
However, we live in HOPHOBIC USA! And nobody care about world stars but every care about Justin B haircust & SNAKE!!!!! Forget about Adam nods and awards. Adam talks about his sexuality in every interview. For Queen it was enough to make just one music video.Yes, it was in 1984. Do you think that there were a lot of changes in American Music Industry? Adam can't change anything. Even in at 21st century.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@9:17PM Is it Haloween yet?

Anonymous said...

where is duct tape when you really need it? lol

Anonymous said...

and don't forget she is not a troll!! She has only been posting here for two weeks ladies.

Anonymous said...

I must have missed the announcement that this was now a Freddie Mercury site.

Anonymous said...

Oh ADAM can change the world!
Your lack of faith shows. Never
underestimate the power of Adam
Lambert. He is moving mountains!

Anonymous said...

Adam has helped and changed alot of things in the world . . . besides having one of the greatest
vocals in a longgggggggggggg time.

Anonymous said...

8:15 say no more, you first sentence says it all.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I am quite hophobic, never did care to much for those hoes ,still don't.

Anonymous said...
