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Adam Lambert Reveals Something About "Never Close Our Eyes"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 26, 2012

And two new pictures!

@kelsi_niece “Me and Keegs with Adam at Urban Farmer"

@1051_The_Buzz: Yay! Adam Lambert was amazing! Video SOON!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Adam. I sort of always had the impression he had a duet with Sam Sparro on Trespassing, hope so.

Anonymous said...

All these DJ's and radio personalities that keep saying how amazing Adam Lambert is/was when he stops by (like, duh, of course he was ;)) should do everything they can do to get those damn radio suits to play BTIKM. I don't think even they have much pull, but maybe so a little bit with the on-site music directors (if not the NOT-PRESENT suits) and I hope they do what they can. BTIKM is very very radio friendly, I really don't get it. I know Adam is not going to get instant play like some, even Madonna's (sub par) tracks haven't gotten huge spins, but I did think BTIKM would be getting some more spins by now. HOWEVER, with that said, I don't think BTIKM is dead, not at all. Especially in AC and HAC markets.

Anonymous said...

@3:45 BTIKM was #3 on 102.9KDMX Dallas top 5 at 5 countdown. It was #5 this past Friday. They started playing it about 2 weeks ago finally. Goes to show if people hear it they will request it. I don't think its dead on HAC but I do wish it was moving up faster. Here's hoping Adam's next single goes straight to top 40 stations and gets spun like crazy. Lots of great song with an unbelievable voice to sing them!!!

Anonymous said...

Please lend your support with March Madness voting. Every 2 hours for about 4 min. of voting. Adam is worth it. Vote! Vote !
AND don't forget Vh1.


Anonymous said...

Oh Bruno Mars tweeted out the Adam You Tube acoustic NCOE performance from the Bing Lounge. That was super nice of Bruno. Good to see another artist supporting Adam. Of course Bruno wrote it but man can Adam sing it with so much emotion!

Anonymous said...

I think BTIKM is dead and keep ruining Adam's reputation, branding him boring singer. It's totally understandable that Radio don't play this song which nobody buy except small group of his fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam sang Cuckoo at Z100Portland and the crowd loved it. It is a catchy tune but so is Trespassing. Now, it's a question of which new markets Adam wants to get. Bruno's backing of NCOE would probabaly open the latin countries to Adam. The UK would probably prefer Trespassing or Cuckoo. Good luck Adam! I think YOU should choose the one you prefer singing and dancing to.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tweet about NCOE makes me think that he is probably not aware than fans have merged his and Bruno's voices together in a YT video (at that's the vid I think I heard on YT). Adam was only referring to his CD version in his tweet. But fans' reactions proves that Adam and Bruno should duet!!! Would be a mega hit either way however.

Anonymous said...

First single failure means the half-dead of the entire album to a relatively new singer if he/she is not Bieber. I don't know whether the 2nd single can save 'trespassing' from hitting the rock-bottom....but it's needed immediatly.

Anonymous said...

So much negativity on this thread! BTIKM is NOT dead. I absolutely love it and so do my friends who've never been huge fans of Adam's music 'til now.

I wonder if Never Close Our Eyes will be the next single. It doesn't grab me but Adam's acoustic version of it was sublime.

Anonymous said...

Justin Bieber? Give us a break! He appeals to the tweenies and teenies whereas Adam's music appeals to those who are older and much more astute when it comes to music.

Anonymous said...

@6:41' reactions prove what? Yeah...maybe some fans want duet but mash-up video just for fun not "fans' reactions proving something". Personally, I am a fan and I don't want duet with BM. Don't speak for me.

Anonymous said...

Never Close Your Eyes is okay but I much prefer the other new songs.

Anonymous said...

Working hard is a very respectable thing. I admire Adam for that. I just hope that RCA dosen't make him work his ass-off for nothing ,like he is doing with BTINM.

Anonymous said...

Why do the same people troll on here day in and day out? lol

Anonymous said...

I just voted on MTV poll and it was neck and neck and I mean neck and neck, so don't forget to vote yall.

Anonymous said...

I think there are many potential smash hits on the Trespassing cd. Adam is in for a bumper crop harvest. If NCOE is to be the next single, it'll be another smash hit and so will Trespassing and Cuckoo. Bruno Mars is indeed a very talented composer/writer. I have a fondness for Trespassing because though it has an underlying deep message, Adam presents it in a quirky upbeat manner and with a special operatic slant in his voice. I smile a lot when I watch his Trespassing video because he is almost acting out the song, gesturing, pointing and his facial expressions, quite funny.

Anonymous said...

I always had the belief that the song was WRITTEN by Bruno but not a collab or duet with Adam. This seems to be true. Trespassing is such a powerful song! Cuckoo is great, but is it a market-friendly? NCOE is radio-friendly and safe? It's the same old dilemma: just who is Adam's fanbase, anyway? Not really teens, but some young fans. Twenties and up. I want whatever song will please the most fans and potential fans. Adam and his management will decide and we'll live with it.

Adam has hinted that there IS a duet on the new CD. HMMM. Sam Sparro? I like Sam. He's funny and smart and really likes Adam.

So, who is this "trollin' in the deep" poster here? Go away.


Anonymous said...

It's nice that Bruno tweeted about the song. Kinds wish he'd said, "Great job!" or something. Guess I'm greedy.

Anonymous said...

On the MTV M MADNESS,Adam did go up a little,but it's very close.he's a little over a percentage point ahead.I heard J Durbin's fans were voting against Adam.JD is bairly beating Green Day now.Whoever wins this round..could be( Adam vs JD next,I think)I think the VH-1 top 20 voting is the most important,but when I have
voted my daily limit on there,I'll go to the MTV poll.

Anonymous said...

Try to ignore the Troll,people.SHE JUST WANTS to upset the fans,Don't let her.

Anonymous said...

Be honest, I'm agree with 6:19PM Releasing BTIKM as a first single from new album wasn't a great idea. So, as far as Bruno Mars recently is one of the most popular musician in US it would be a great idea to release NCOE as second single. This is ballad but much more radio freindly that BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

An idea: How about fans to show Adam a whole lotta love at his hometown last radio live performances (San Diego radios 94.1 & 103.7 on 3/30 and L.A. radio 104.3 on 4/2) by showing up in front of the radio stations just like when he did a home visit on Idol Top 3 and there were hundreds of fans outside of radio stations in San Diego. I think this is a great appreciation of fans to Adam for his hard work to promote his album and his music for the past month or so.

glitzylady said...

@anon 6:19 PM and 6:45 PM
Your statements are ridiculous. I realize I should ignore you but I can't. The radio promo I just went to in Portland (Bing Lounge..sponsored by a local station..) was a huge success and Adam was in top form. In addition to Adam's hard core and adoring fans (for there were many there who were "casual fans"...Your implication that Adam's new album won't be successful is pure BS. I strongly suspect you are not a fan at all. If you are indeed a fan, then I hope you realize you are not being much of one..and if you are not a fan, then go find someone that you are a fan of, and hang out there...I cannot listen to you without comment, in spite of the suggestions to ignore you. Especially after meeting Adam yesterday and being treated to amazing live performances of three songs. The only reason he would not be successful would be if the world were filled with negative people like you. Thankfully that isn't the case. I am not often this critical, and am willing to listen to more than one point of view, but you brought out the worst in me this time...I would suggest to you that his new album WILL be successful and you might as well get used to the idea.

Sorry. I'm still on my "Adam high" and can't listen to such drivel. Grrr!!!

HK fan said...

@anon 9.34pm
NCOE is not a ballad, the album version is a dance track with a great beat.

Anonymous said...

Right on glitzylady

some people would make a preacher curse!

Anonymous said...

Let's not be so quick to label people "trolls" for holding a slightly contrary opinion. You can be a fan of someone, and support them while still being objective enough to see when they might not be doing so well in certain areas. The fact is BTIKM is not exactly lighting up the charts in America (I cannot speak for other countries but I imagine because he is a US based artist that he and label would like him to do well in the States). Because of that, he wont be getting much play on the more popular radio stations until this single or the next gains a more significant place on the charts. That's not a condemnation of Adam or any attempt to belittle his success. It's because I want Adam to succeed that I take note of what isn't working at the moment and try to suggest ways that he might do better in the future. Sure, I personally like BTIKM, but it's been pretty stagnant popularity-wise since it debuted with people outside his immediate fan-base and because of that I have to say it has not been a success in regards to commercial success here in the US and that's not my opinion, it's reflected by the numbers. Here's hoping that his next single will come out ASAP and it be just the attention grabber he needs to hit the ground running when his album drops.

Anonymous said...

All of Adam's radio promotion events are going to be successful because he's a good interview, a talented live performer and has dedicated fans who will fill up the station and pretty much do anything else to further his career. That DOESN'T get his music played on the radio, though. I live in the Houston area, and although he had a super visit here at one station (I did not attend), his actual on-air exposure was about 5-10 minutes at 8 a.m. He sang BTIKM live but I haven't heard his single played once since then, not even THAT DAY! If anyone heard it here, I'll gladly eat my words. WWFM was never my favorite, but I remember it took 3 to 4 months before I ever heard it in these parts. So, I'm not saying BTIKM is dead but it's not going ANYWHERE on radio if it never gets heard! DJs and listener requests have little influence on this, apparently, from a link you guys posted on the dirty little secrets of the radio industry and Adam's subtle but realistic references to "politics". However, I'd like to add, that I have sons ranging in age from 16 to early 20s and NONE of them listen to the radio at all! They find out about music on the internet and download songs to their Ipods. Money talks! It's sales that will keep Adam's career afloat and ultimately force radio to play his music!


glitzylady said...

Just to be clear: Please do not jump to the conclusion that anyone (for instance, me..) is labeling ANYONE a "troll" for not liking a song or stating the obvious that BTIKM hasn't done well. I personally do not use the term "troll".. Everyone has their favorites, for different reasons obviously. What I DO object to is the implication that because BTIKM has not gotten a lot of radio play yet that Trespassing, the album will tank, as stated by @Anon 6:45 PM: "First single failure means the half-dead of the entire album to a relatively new singer if he/she is not Bieber. I don't know whether the 2nd single can save 'trespassing' from hitting the rock-bottom....but it's needed immediatly.." or the comment by @Anon 6:19 that "BTIKM is dead and keep ruining Adam's reputation, branding him boring singer. It's totally understandable that Radio don't play this song which nobody buy except small group of his fans"

While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I am also entitled to mine. I have to disagree with both comments, although more power to them to express their opinions. One of the main reasons that BTIKM hasn't made a big impact yet on radio is because radio doesn't play it much, which I find to be both frustrating and sad, and puzzling...So as a result most radio listeners who are not staunch Adam Lambert fans have never heard it, and therefore won't buy it on iTunes. Radio spin counts and music downloads, in this case, are what count to make a song a success or a "failure". It hasn't been given a chance to be a success. Radio controls WHO is played and WHAT is played. The artist has very little control over much of it..

While I agree that the song hasn't done as well as we, or Adam most probably, would like, to use it as an example of why Trespassing, the Album, will not be a success, is something I have to disagree with. Strongly. Its a beautiful song and has not yet gotten a fair chance to be heard, in my opinion. I honestly believe it was released as the first single for an important reason, to introduce the "theme" of the new album, which is "light" and "dark" and the video illustrated that very well.. Adam will be releasing a new song, and his album soon. Let's remain positive and not predict doom and gloom based on one song. I firmly believe that TRESPASSING, THE ALBUM, will be amazing and very successful..

tess4ADAM said...

@glitzylady ... Thanx for sticking up for ADAM's BTIKM& TRESPASSING .. the album. Seems to me that there are those here who come here to stir the 'pot of controversey)just to rile the fans, Don't know if they are 'fair weather' fans or just trouble makers but WHY should THEY be allowed to voice THEIR opinions while WE who don't agree with them have to remain silent?? WE are entitled to speak out AGAINST them if we wish. I'm getting pretty fed up with 'biting my tongue' or stepping on 'eggshells' with MY comments so as not to seem too harsh!! BULLS***T!! I wish these ppl would just GO AWAY & write their comments on TOILET PAPER!! You know where they'll end up!! ENOUGH is ENOUGH!! So There!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert may never be the mega superstar that many of us would like him to be, but I believe he will have longevity in the music business. Maybe BTIKM hasn't done as well as was expected(esp. with that great video), but not being played on the radio on a regular basis is not Adam's fault. He has done all these promos(and so well) and yet those stations do not play his song at all. It is frustrating and disheartening for us. Imagine how Adam must feel. Go figure it out. I certainly hope that whatever song is selected for the next single will be radio friendly and make it a hit. Adam is so enthustiastic about TRESPASSING and the songs in it, that it would be so frustrating if it did not achieve the numbers that would make it successful in today's market. He is so amazingly talented in a field of performers today who really can't sing and lack intelligence, charm, wit, and humility. I have been an Adam Lambert fan since his first appearance on AI and will continue to support him no matter what he does in his career.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that once the world sees Adam perform as the front man with Queen this will ignite a whole "new" wave of fans. The EMA's I believe gave the AMA's a wakeup call.

They at least allowed Adam to present an award - insisting they did not BAN him which was a huge lie.

Adam's path to mega stardom will come to pass, but he will have to continue to break down walls of controversy and bias and he is prepared to do it.

We as Adam's fanbase need to always have his "back" and do whatever we can to get radio airplay, vote, and buy multiple copies of his new Trespassing CD.

I believe that having Bruno Mars now as a composer and supporter of his music is certainly a huge step too in gaining recognition of the immense talent Adam has.

Adam is a self proclaimed perfectionist. The next single chosen will be a SMART choice by Adam and his team. The reaction to the songs Adam has been singing at these radio station promo's was the litmus test.

I believe Trespassing will be hugely successful for Adam!!
