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Adam Lambert saw "The Hunger Games". Did You?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 25, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trailer for "The Hunger Games" movie below:


Anonymous said...

My daughter and her friends saw it and really liked it. What Adam said is true they took a lot of the gore out of it to make it more family friendly and probably not to give it an R rating. I read all three books and loved them. Will go in a couple weeks when it gets less crowded.Glad Adam got to see it. I remember back when he tweeted how good the books were.Also in sauli's blog he said he was reading them.

daydreamin said...

Anon 3:50 I also read them all but will also wait a couple of weeks.

Hey @Glitzylady, where are you in this line?:

Anonymous said...

We were going to go but will wait, it is a very long movie, we went to 21 Jump Sreet instead and enjoyed it.

Adamluv said...

Had the date for the Hunger Games marked on my calendar for over 6 months. Was to go Friday (opening day) but awoke feeling ill. So bummed! Cant wait to go see it this coming week. They begin filming this fall for the second book - Catching Fire! All 3 in the trilogy are wonderful books to read. A must for all young girls and women!!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Read the first book and really liked it. Saw the movie on Friday and really liked it, too! Theater was filled with tweens who hooted and cheered and had a ball.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

adam live in 42 minutes the bing lounge

coloforadam said...

The response around here has been so rabid, will wait a week to see it. LOVED the books and I would not have known of them if not for Adam's recommendation. We orbit around you and you never disappoint, Adamazing!!

Anonymous said...

just saw adam live ustream

Anonymous said...

OT just watched the livestream from Bing Lounge in Oregon. Adam sang BTIKM then Never Close Our Eyes. It was beautiful acoustically! That's how I love Adam's voice the most. Then dumb audience was given a choice of Cuckoo, Trespassing or WWFM. They mostly wanted WWFM so he sang that ugh. Like to hear the new music. He looked so handsome. Probably get video tomorrow or later tonight.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the Bing Lounge performance, too. They were so fabulous! And hearing NCOE was such a treat to hear it live for the first time! I hope it gets posted here for those who missed it.

Anonymous said...

OT: Just saw the Ustream of Adam's (Bing 95.5 live in Portland). He sang 3 songs. Great as always but Adam please, please LOSE that flowered shirt (it is really, really not becoming you on the screen -- is probably nice looking in person but NOT on the computer screen!) I noticed that Adam always looks better with casual clothes on (Ts and jeans)!! The songs were GREAT though.

Anonymous said...

@7:01 I think Adam dressed up a bit more for this appearance and I thought the shirt worked well with the vest. Yeah I like the jeans and t shirt but Adam can pull this look off. I remember Adam's Dad making fun of this shirt lol. Well he sounded beautiful though and I couldn't take my eyes off his handsome face for a second!Great to hear NCOE for the first time at a promo!

daydreamin said...

I saw the live Upstream as well. I only heard 2 songs. WWFM and NCOE. NCOE was absolutely beautiful acoustically! I should have know that when sung be someone else...not so much. When Adam sang it it was beyond beautiful.

What tallent! The dj recognized that for sure.

Anonymous said...

Adam in the Bing Lounge was so aweome..he was great and looked soooo gorgeous..NCOE was it

Anonymous said...

I think the shirt and vest were perfect ..He looked so good and sounded incredible

choons said...

OT I saw Behind The Scenes with Adam Lambert on MuchMusic tonight at 7pm - a whole hour of lovely flashbacks. I think they're going to give Adam's new album lots of coverage. We Canadians do love him so.

Anonymous said...

I just watched it with my teenage daughter and she loved it.

I was sad because of the children fighting for their survival and it hits me as a mom:(

Good story though...


Anonymous said...

choons, glad to hear they had that program on, I hope many watched and enjoyed it like I did.Thanks to Canada for all your Adam
support it doesnt go unnoticed

Anonymous said...

I remember about year ago when adam talked of the hunger games series,so of course I bought the whole series (love to read) and all of I could think of while reading the whole series this has to be be a movie someday! In short, adam has turned me on to music,movies (whose of afraid of virinia wolf was one, true blood another I just listen to Adam's taste (he tweets) and I go for it!


Anonymous said...

I remember about year ago when adam talked of the hunger games series,so of course I bought the whole series (love to read) and all of I could think of while reading the whole series this has to be be a movie someday! In short, adam has turned me on to music,movies (whose of afraid of virinia wolf was one, true blood another I just listen to Adam's taste (he tweets) and I go for it!


Anonymous said...

Adam the blue shirt looks great!
Love the change.