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Adam Lambert stopped by to talk to Brett Andrews at the Z100 Portland Studio

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

So detailed always, and attractive as usual. You came across so sexy. With that voice and the look . We love you Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

love to hear Adam talk and goes without saying sing..also walk,beathe you name it

Anonymous said...

wonder if he would date a widdle bi-lady????

Anonymous said...

good gaawwd he's sexy. Smart, sexy, smart, good looking, smart, quick, gaaad... how are we not supposed to love him? As if the voice and the talent alone isn't enough to kill us dead. Death by Adam for sure!

Anonymous said...

Okay, on the next thread where he's singing, I'll comment on the voice (I mean, duh, perfection, what else is there to say anyway)... on this thread, the visual, well here's my comment on that: he looks a little sleepy, a little just outta bed... dayum (glayuum :)) I can just picture waking up and looking at that sleepy heavy-eye-lid-ded look. Dayum.

Anonymous said...

Whew! Sleepy or not, that is one veerrryyy sexy, good-looking man.Thud.

Oh yeah, sexy talking, sexy glances, sexy breathing, sexy moving, sexy singing (not necessarily in that order LOL!)


Anonymous said...

a widdle bi lady? he'd do that, he'd date a widdle straight lady too, ha
there'd have to be a connection first.

Anonymous said...

OT and yet NOT...
Here the latest from this very sexyyyy man's Twitter:

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Ugh my fav!! 20yrs since the fabulousness that is @EnVogueMusic #FunkyDivas courtesy of @xolondon & @idolator”

YAY, En Vogue and the album Funky Divas - one of my alltime favorites, too!

GGD Gal - Free your mind...and the rest will follow!

Anonymous said...

Vote vote vote or James Durbin will win at the end....

Anonymous said...

I'm voting...hit refresh button and vote again....I need HELP...Panic is ahead

Anonymous said...

Wow Adam looks and sounded gorgeous in this interview. Love hearing him talk almost as much as singing! Been voting in March Madness in a cooling period right now.

Anonymous said...

MTV March Madness is in a dead heat - needs votes. Somebody publish this on the website please

Anonymous said...

the only people I will vote against will be TH other than that I only vote for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is now slightly ahead in the MM poll. VOTE! We can do this! Also vote for Green Day! Now! There's not much time left!
Exclamation marks!

tess4ADAM said...

Looks like it'll be ADAM vs. Green Day in the next round. Could it be ADAM vs. TH in the final round? Stay tuned Glamberts ... the best is yet to come so start voting seriously from here on ... every 20 votes or so like at the faxo polls every 20 min. or so ... that way there may not be any cooling off for 2 hrs. I have only been given one cooling off period since I started voting this way!! Hope it works for you all!!
Back to the polls I go ... ttyl

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

God, Adam is sexy! Damn.

God, that dj was anoying! Damn.

Hey - YOU are not the guest. You're the dj. You can hear yourself talk any old day. When you have a guest in the studio, let THEM talk, dude! Plus, that dj knew squat about Adam. You could tell he didn't know what he was talking about, and was being extra-vague.

Adam is so patient. You can see his "WTF-ever" look at the end of the interview, after being interrupted 37 times while trying to answer questions.


- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix,
my thoughts are exactly the same, thank you for your post.
Listening to Adam (and watching him) speak is such a treat, whatever he is talking about.


Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE VOTE! Adam's percentage for the fourth round against GD is dropping fast. This poll is very important. If Adam wins MTV will play his BTIKM mv for some time. Please vote here:

Vote until you get a message for a cooling-off period. I believe you can vote 50 or more times until you get a message.