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Adam performing "Cuckoo" at an acoustic show in Portland on March 26th, 2012.

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

man, picking out my favorite song on this album is getting difficult.

Anonymous said...

his voice is just to die for. I'm ded. Thud.

Anonymous said...


If you happen to stop by - Here's the vid you wanted to see?

Bob Rivers KJR FM Seattle ADAM LAMBERT Interview 3-23-12
by Gale Chester Whittington

Guys, AT LEAST do your homework, geeesh!

GGD Gal, #!!/%#¤!

Anonymous said...

Oooops, above - sorry for the double tag... My Dark and Light Side...LOL

Anonymous said...

Have you guys been voting all you can for Adam on the MTV poll?I haven't figured it out yet but I think it is every two hours and then a cool down. Right now he is slowly going down. I swear this is my last poll.

Anonymous said...

vote for Adam at MTV march madness...he's neck and neck with Panic! at the now!!!!

Anonymous said...

Liked the interview with Bob Rivers...

Anonymous said...

Adam is driving me crazy with CUCKOO. I can't get that song out of my head. I don't know how he could sit and not get up and move while performing this song. Can't wait for TRESPASSING to be released to listen to all the studio versions of the songs altlhough I do like these acoustic versions too.

Anonymous said...

vote on MTV come on Adam is behind
March Madness

Anonymous said...

MTV March Madness . . James Durbin is going to win if we don't keep voting for Adam

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If Adam wins this bracket and James Durbin wins his....they will be up against each

Anonymous said...

voted too much . . they are giving me a kooling off period

Anonymous said...

will try again in 2 hours almost got Adam even with Panic need HELP

Anonymous said...

Going back in to vote for Green Day against Durbin

Anonymous said...

This was the best Cuckoo loved when he stopped for a second. Very funky, and want this so bad for single #2. Anyway been voting on March Madness for Adam and Green Day so Durbs does not have to go against Adam. What a fan war that would start sadly. I am in a cooling off period right now.

HK fan said...

@GGD gal
The Bob Rivers show is apparently mainly a talk show, and they didn't know they were going to interview Adam. He was actually in the building visiting another station which they heard about and went and asked him if he'd mind talking to them. Apart from the BFM track I thought they did really well for am impromptu interview, much better than a lot who supposedly have time to prepare...

glitzylady said...

I felt bad for the guys on the Bob Rivers Show on KJR (which for anyone who is familiar with radio in Seattle from "back in the day"..ahem...used to be the Top 40 station there for many years)..They are now an Oldies station in Seattle and they genuinely like and respect Adam and its unfortunate that they got off to a really awkward start..I think they were quite mortified in fact. It also shows that THAT album really did confuse those who are not very very familiar with Adam's music. (My son recently asked me if I wanted him to buy it for me because he saw it in Target, which was very sweet but I explained it to him, and he's a fan..) It did give Adam a chance to openly address the situation..As @HK fan said, the rest of the interview was good..They literally grabbed Adam in the hallway as he was leaving the KISS-FM interview just before that and Meet and Greet, because they heard he was in the building..Now why can't I just grab Adam in the hallway and have a nice chat! : ))

Anonymous said...

My Mom is very big fan of Adam. However, she asked me today"why Adam performs on these very small venues lately? I know, this is radio stations promotions. Does it worth it to perform in fornt of these people every day?" Be honest, I didn't have the answers on these quiestions:(

Anonymous said...

@9:57AM Bruno Mars did the same thing and look where he is now. I'm sure Adam's label knows more than commoners like you and me.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan and @glitzylady -
Sorry, I wasn’t here to ”defend” my opinion and why I wrote what I wrote (had to g to work) - was not trying to cause trouble or be negative. However, I do think these experienced and all grown up radiopersons should have and could have been more professional - even if they just ”crabbed crabbed him and forced him to talk”… One question, one quick phone call or text message to someone in the same halls (where Adam had been wandering…lol) or a shout-out to the fans swarming around the elevator: ”What is his most recent song we should be playing?” - and the whole embarassing start could have been easily avoided.
Just felt unease and awkward during this whole interview, a gut feeling I could not shake off (e.g. comments like ”maybe you should ACTUALLY go duck hunting” - and he definitely was not talking about the video game…and there were others, too) Just my honest opinion and reaction, nothing more.
Sorry about the ”cussing signs”, was trying to be funny, don’t even know the real ones…LOL.

GGD Gal, gone fishing… :):)

Anonymous said...

I don't get it why Adam is pimping Tommy so much. It is the root of the problem. Do you think Rihanna or Katy Perry would hire Tommy as their guitar player? I doubt it. Tommy's main job with Adam has been/is to look pretty.

Anonymous said...

Adam was like an old perv, not youthfully sexy, kissing Tommy in the beginning of Fever. Maybe it's the lyrics in Fever that made me dislike the Adommy kiss idk.

Anonymous said...

Also, the radio dj's must have been side eyeing Adam for taking Tommy along to the radio promo tour. I guess one dj was even a little sarcastic. I would have been too.

Anonymous said...

I mean the dj's do some research about the artist, before they chat with them.

glitzylady said...

You were definitely right that they should have done their homework for sure, although I would have to say that probably applied to about half of the other radio shows Adam did...Plenty of other faux pas along the radio trail. You have nothing you need to defend, because you were right! I do have to say that the radio people seem to be catching up more now with his music and career. Thank goodness..and I suppose the purpose of this promo tour is just that, to introduce Adam's Era 2 of music... And to stop bringing up the eyeliner questions..