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Adam Lambert's "Cuckoo" performance @ Mix 93.3 Kansas

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, March 24, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, March 24, 2012


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Whoa! Adam! That was superb Cuckoo. Hey you sound better than the real Cuckoo bird!! I bet you now the cuckoo clocks will go out of stock worldwide! LOL! Adam can act and dance sitting on a stool; goodness that rendition was energising, food for my mind and internal jogging as well! I like the lighting effects. :)

Anonymous said...

He is so darn cute in his actions.

Anonymous said...

I love these upbeat songs - my fav. His personality, charm and positiveness come through, especially in these intimate settings. Gorgeous man. He has never looked better.

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! Adam does it PUURRRRRFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's a toss between Cuckoo and Trespassing for the next single. Cuckoo makes a good environment theme song for the birdpark! LOL. And Trespassing has a dominant anti slant about it which may appear simple but beneath it lies a deep message, that of non-acceptance. Personally I like Trespassing a little more. I also like all the other songs so far that we've heard. There shouldn't be anymore procrastination, a Grammy award for Adam is in the horizon.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Adam should get a Grammy nomination,these songs are all so great! I think I am leaning toward Cuckoo because it makes me feel the happiest. I just dance like a fool and sing along. Can't wait to hear which one they pick for the next single. Till then I am fully supporting BTIKM by requesting and voting.

Anonymous said...

Adam can easily get 3 Grammy nominations by any standard: Best new artist, Best male vocal, Best song or album. :)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous Adam! Fantastic Cuckoo. What a voice, personality, charm, and SMILE! OMG! Those close-ups of his face with that smile left me speechless! I see so many expressions of Elvis in Adam's smile, profile,'s just amazing. Adam is perfect. There's nothing more to say.


daydreamin said...

Noticed how Adam bleeped out the F____ word. I wonder if there were kids in the audience. If so, that was very thoughtful.

I just saw a tweet that had a link to Adam's new song from Bruno Mars "Never Close Our Eyes" is going to be the next single in April?
Hmmm, don't believe it till I hear it from Adam.

I see where it says Sony 2012 below the video:

lorraine said...

Adam's flawless delivery of Cuckoo was mesmerizing.Who can make such a silly song so contagious? I'm finding myself reflecting back on my college days and the way my girlfriend and I felt on Friday nights after a week of arduous classes. Wow! this song is EXACTLY how we felt and what we needed to sing and keep our spirits happy and free. Thank you,Adam.

Anonymous said...

WOW WOW!!! Adam BB!! That was amazing!! It was just you, the stool and Tommy, right!?? well, and your magical,powerfull, sexy voice!!!Only with that he can really makes you feel the song message:Go party like crazy!!! That move he made ...rolling his hand over his head.....
That album is gonna be a JEWEL!!!

Lam-my....Good view of the Long longs!!


Anonymous said...

I wasn't paying so much attention to the LLs because he was moving and wriggling, like as though he might fall off the stool. LOL! Hey I see you are up and about again; I read that you conked out after watching the Fault photo-shoot. Wow the Fault cover photo of Adam is supremely out of this world! Can't blame you for zonking out! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

See, even I got so excited, forgot to address you. Above, for SG!

Anonymous said...

This was a great performance. The man is amazing. Looks, voice, personality. I feel a grammy coming. Great songs. From what I've seen, a brilliant album. Theme continues to celebrate being true to yourself- love it. Clever how he makes the crossover from heavy makeup to natural with the shadow dichotomy in BTIKM.
I agree this is more than grammy worthy. I hope his time his come. He deserves it and more.

Anonymous said...

No voice like his on this planet. I have never been amazed by a singer like this before. He's in a league of his own. And what a performer and nice guy. Rooting for this guy to shoot to the top of the talent world where he belongs.

fefa said...

OMG!! adam BB if u want it u could've just stand up and started dancing lol it wouldn't bother us at all xD i loved the little dance he made at "this crazy train is ready to go" (or something like that lol)
Also ahhhhhh that note he gaves at the bridge!!! oh my god!! why the snippit is over before that?? lol!!!
u took the words out of my mouth i couldnt stop watching the Long longs! (sigh) IDK how cyber mom avoided them lol i could barely look his face! (maybe its just me! i luv man legs lol)

PS is it wrong for a girl to think naughty ( im not talking like super naughty lol its just that i cant think of another word in english lol) about a man that doubles her in age?? cause if it is then well IDC! lol new suffering acute A2H syndrome! (A2H=adam's 2 HOT! lol)

Anonymous said...

I loved Cuckoo the first time I heard Adam perform it. Watch the Jezebel party vid from Atlanta where he really moves to the song. I don't know how he could sit during this performance. It just makes you want to get up and dance, let loose, have some fun, go crazy. I suppose he had to leave out the f....word for the audience and for radio play eventually. He looks great, sounds amazing and seems to be enjoying himself during these radio promo visits. Hopefully TRESPASSING will bring Adam all the success and accolades he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

Stunning stuff here! Such is the
work of an international superstar!
Love to see Tommy too.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon @ 11;28 about Adam having an Elvis vibe with the smile, side profile, dark hair. If Elvis had a son, he would probably look like Adam Lambert as we see him now. However, I think Adam has the better voice, the best talent in the music business today as far as I am concerned. Love Cuckoo and the other snippets from the new cd. Can't wait for its release in May and, of course, the next single, whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

I know why you are into LLs, the real reason...well it's up to you how you want to interpret it! Hey
A2H syndrome sounds really interesting; reminds me of a compound, maybe like 1 part Adam 2 parts hydrogen; no wonder he's so hot! And volatile! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Who else can sing like that with one quitar. I sure hope this is Adam's next single. I love it.

Anonymous said...

@8:46 I agree I want Cuckoo as the next single so bad! Not that I don't love the others but this seems so catchy and has top 40 hit written all over it. Please let it be and have him sing the you know what out of it on Idol!!!No one can sing like that with just a guitar. just no one!!

Anonymous said...

Should I pay more attention to Tommy? Is that what you want?

Anonymous said...

Now, everytime I see or hear a cuckoo clock, I will think of Adam and this song. It is so upbeat and fun, a great song to move and dance to. I can't wait to hear the final version on the cd although I do love this acoustic one. Adam looks and sounds terrific. I suppose he is at a place in his life and career where he is happy and content and it shows whenever he has done these radio promos and we get to see the vids. I can't get CUCKOO out of my head.

Anonymous said...

I am going to be very disappointed it Cuckoo isn't the next single. Really.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else trying to get on the Fan Club site? Seems to be down or something.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam invests in Tommy's career from his own pocket.

Anonymous said...

do a music video where hes in a nuthouse turns into a party

Anonymous said...

Yes, vampires going nuts..

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure this clip has been up on this site or not, but just in case..

Loved the story about the snake... :-)