Pictures Update!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, March 24, 2012
Posted at : Saturday, March 24, 2012
Adam Lambert with Alex Garcia from last night (March 24)

@jbonz: @adamlambert I ran into #Americanidol -- eighth season - runner-up #AdamLambert #ponyseattle #trespassing Seattle WA 3-23-12.

@jewish_sex: Me and Adam Lambert ♥ @ The Lobby Bar in Seattle WA 3-23-12 Where the Wild Things Are Event. Gay Bar.

@jbonz: @naxxeeyy #adamlambert at the Lobby Bar in Seattle WA 3-23-12. #gheybar #wherethewildthingsare event

@jbonz: @adamlambert I ran into #Americanidol -- eighth season - runner-up #AdamLambert #ponyseattle #trespassing Seattle WA 3-23-12.
@jewish_sex: Me and Adam Lambert ♥ @ The Lobby Bar in Seattle WA 3-23-12 Where the Wild Things Are Event. Gay Bar.
@jbonz: @naxxeeyy #adamlambert at the Lobby Bar in Seattle WA 3-23-12. #gheybar #wherethewildthingsare event
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Sorry, but out of curiosity.Does Adam visit any others bars that gay bars?Does he enjoy to have all of these
i don't get what you mean....? You mean, does he go to straight bars?? I'm sure he does. He likes to have fun.
It looks like everyone is having a good time--the pictures of Adam (even the close-ups) are beautiful.His smile is to die for!! Why the comment about gay bars--he probably feels more comfortable there.
It looks like everyone is having a good time--the pictures of Adam (even the close-ups) are beautiful.His smile is to die for!! Why the comment about gay bars--he probably feels more comfortable there.
If Adam is a gay man he goes to gay bars. If one is straight, do they go to gay bars? It's up to them as it is also up to Adam. Not our business.
Everyone wants their picture taken with Adam and he is kind enough to oblige. Just my opinion.
OMG. I live in Seattle...and didn't even realize he was in town. Stabbing myself in the eye with a pencil now!!!! D'oh! Big time fail!
Well, at least I got to breathe the same air as Adam, unwittingly, for a few hours. *sob!*
Um, 11:12, I hate to be the one to break it to you - but (are you sitting down?) - Adam is GAY! Sorry to burst your bubble, but he probably hangs out in lots of gay bars. Deal.
- Adam Fix
Well it didnt take long - 1st post so that's a record - before someone had to make some crack about a "gay" bar. Yes, Adam is gay and he goes to gay bars. Big friggen' deal!!!!! After working all day at these radio stations performing and Q&A time, the boy needs to relax, unwind and have some fun! Go for it, Adam!!!!! ... Adamluv
Listen to this relaxing remix of BTIKM:
I just posted this on the previous thread, but thought I would post here too. I don't know if it's true or not, but saw a tweet with a link to Adam's supposed new single coming in April which is Never Close Our Eyes from Bruno Mars. Underneath the video it says: © 2012 Sony Music Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.
New Single, April 2012!
(Radio Rip).
So I don't know if it's really legit. Will wait to hear from Adam. Here's that link. See for yourself:
I think the women would just go crazy if he showed up in a "straight" bar---probably be all over him--it would be insane. This is just my opinion ---of course, don't know if it is any different at a "gay" bar--the guys all seem to want their pictures taken with him. I would too, but like someone else said, this is a "promo" tour, so he is out promoting himself AND having fun! Love you Adam--
@11:45PM If they pick any one of those snippets I would say it'll be a big hit. NCOE is another radio friendly song and it's much safer than other ones. Still beautiful. Still my no. one pick is Cuckoo. Trespassing will be fabulous outside of U.S. I love Naked Love a lot too.
Lost on these comments. When will people respect Adam for being who he is, a beautiful 'gay' man who yes, does go to 'gay bars'. Get real!
Adam does indeed visit 'staight' bars sometimes..but, i agree, i'm sure he feels more comfortable at gay bars..since he knows that people will want to photograph guess us that he just rolls with the flow..and we get to drool over the pics..
Adam is allowed to have fun & he is having a good time in gay or straight bars in Seattle where he's visiting & doing his promos!!!
Give him a break! & yes he Happy & Gay!
So happy to see him HAPPY!!!
Yay!!! Mega smiles from Adam!
Why is it peoples opinion that "Trespassing will only be a hit outside the U.S.A. and that others are more radio friendly? Have you listened to some of the lyrics to songs on the radio now.
I hope it's not NCOE because it's my least favourite of the four, though I like it. It also has the least number of plays on the Hit Indicator (as of last night, anyway.) It was running slghtly behind Cuckoo and Naked Love. Trespassing had 4 times the number of plays as the others.
daydreamin @ 11:45
I did see that, also. But, why does it sound mostly like Bruno Mars singing?
All I can say to those people who are still questioning Adams life style, what place are living in right now ha????? Gosh!!!! Would u like to start all over again?????? Are u still in nursery school ha??????
See yah!!!!
I'm in SHOCK!!! OMG!! Adam is Gay and go to Gay Bars!!Unbelieveble!!
Being in a place with other Gay ppl! How he dare to do such a thing!?
I'm straight and I only goes to Bars or any other places that have a BIG sign saying: Straight Bar, or Straight movie theatre.LOL!! Come on!!!
It sounds like Bruno Mars singing because that's the style of the song - the voice is flattened out. I hope there aren't any demos of Bruno singing this. I can just hear the BM fans now...
Please, no more hand-wringing about Adam going to a gay bar. If you're one of those who can't seem to accept him doing this, then maybe Adam isn't the guy for you. He'll be going to gay bars for a long time. Get over it, please.
We shouldn't even have to comment on what "kind" of bar he goes to
Wonder what the next single will be? NCOE is the most generic-sounding to me, too. BUT, because it's a Bruno song, it may get more airplay. The other songs are more Adam-edgy, which is what I like better. Hope no one thinks that Adam has to use a Bruno song in order to get a hit (as if his own songs aren't good enough.) I LOVE Tres., Cuckoo, and esp. Naked Love, which I think has an incredible hook, great melody, and sexy lyrics (which, by the way, Adam says are NOT necessarily about literal "nakedness.") Whichever song it is, I just hope it does well.
DRG (voting!)
Either you are with him or not . . you don't have to like everything he does . . . after all didn't Bruno have a "coke" charge last year just before the Grammys, Chris Brown and that whole deal . . lay off BB . . he has to compromise enough. . . . his voice and personality is what I love.
Great photos - love seeing pics of Adam with guys.
I'm european and I think Trespassing is very American tune. Maybe British like it?
In the 4th pic, looks like Sauli standing there. He was with Adam this weekend. Hope they both had fun.
Adam has been invited to visit many gay clubs in his career,& has been paid to do so many times also.It brings in lots of business...He'd prob rather just go to bed after a long tiring day & week.No big deal one way or the other..yes,those customers wanted their pix taken with what?
@Anon 8:05
You're European?! HAH. You don't even seem to know what that means...
Southern California fans:
Fill in this form to attend Adam's mini acoustic private concert on stage of 104.3MYfm radio station on Monday 4/2/12:
8:29, what do Europeans think about Trespassing song? The message shouts U.S.A and also A.M.A.
Oh! Dear!!!!!!
Here we go EUROPEANS!!!!
I'm not an expert but Europeans are more
open than Americans????? In General....
I respect all the AMERICAN FRIENDS here of course.:)))) who believes in acceptance of who we are as individuals.
Don't curse me:))))
Referring to the Trespassing song, it depends on what Adam wants to conquer..
Sorry, I should have said "achieve"..
People on this site -- and on all Adam fan sites -- need to read NoAngel's Sunday Sermon!
Compromising Art or The Art of Compromise
3/25/2012 by NoAngel
Read more:
I totally support your WISE, WISE WORDS! Thank You for your ANGELIC mind, NoAngel!
I know Adam is gay, no problem.He looks great without all that makeup.Should be saving a ton of money since Sutan isn't doing it.I think the cover of his album is much better this time. Love his voice. Now whether mainstream America is going for alot of the songs on it remains to be seen. The best song on the last album was Fever and couldn't get air time. Who knows why Sleepwalker wasn't a single.
After the smack of that 1st comment (11:12pm), makes you wonder why Adam would ever go to any other type of bar. They look relaxed, fun, uninhibited and welcoming. Isn't that how any of us choose a bar after a week of rat race?
I don't know do gay couples go to straight bars?
I wish he would spread his horizons too and visit clubs that arent gay.
We all love you Adam, so spread your wings and start going to other clubs too.
I remember reading an article a while back, that he stopped going to gay clubs at one point because it was the same ole shit more or less.
Hope to see some pics of Adam in clubs that arent just gay clubs.
He once said, he is comfortable in gay bars, cuz the sista's dont get all googoo over him.
He'd walk into a straight bar and the flail would begin, he wouldnt be able to enjoy his time, I guess.
To bad they have to be distinguished as gay or straight.
Why cant everyone go into the same damm bars and have a great time.
@Anon 3:53 - no, I dont think he goes to "gay" bars "since he knows people will want to photogragh him" (in your words). I would bet he'd rather not be constantly being asked to pose. I think he knows he will be in a safe environment without having to deal with homophobic straight guys! A no-brainer IMO. ... Adamluv
Adam is gay? Oh yes, he is a Happy guy, isnt he?
It's better that Adam hides Sauli. I see and also sense hidden anger, not just from Tommyberts but also from Glamberts occasionally.
I'm european, and I don't get the Trespassing song either. Very 70s or Motown or something. But maybe the kids like that now, it's kind of retro, and I'm just too old (40?, LOL!). I feel like I've heard it before and it's not my cup of tea.
The other songs I love so far! But it would be nice with a song in which Adam could show his voice capacity. That's what is so special about him.
I m european too. I love all the new songs, but Trespassing isn't my taste. Naked love or never clode your eyes will be a hit here. Friday I was listening NCYE and my desk mate fall in love with this song.
I like Cucko the best , but here will not be a huge hit
A good song is timeless. I still listen to some 70's disco. Europeans like dance music. Ibiza has been the source for decades. Acoustic Trespassing, and all acoustic performances, are too hippie-ish for my taste.
where's the chicks at? I know there is some chicks lurking about somewhere. does he ever frequent titty bars? I bet TJR will get him in one soon.
Are you people Cuckoo? Adam is working !! Sauli is in town for the weekend to celebrate his birthday. Adam and Sauli went to the club together. Adam made a short speech to introduce his upcoming album and then the DJ played a few tunes from the album. Adam and Sauli hit the dance floor briefly, had a quick drink and then left. It's called PROMOTION.
Tommy Joe is hiding his girlfriend and goes to gay bars with Adam. That makes the crays happy.
Adam will be safe where ever he goes. People love him. How can you not? He's such a doll and likable guy. Love his music.
1 38 man, stalking! You seem to have the schedule.
Since Seattle has a large gay community it's not surprising Adam dropped by two gay clubs. And the bsc female fans don't seem to know where to draw the line when they know ahead of time what club Adam will be at.
It was on twitter where Adam was and he was thanked on twitter by a club owner so 1:38 likely wasn't stalking.
I wish you trolls would go back to your bridge. I don't come to your fansites and stir things up. Find something else to do to entertain yourself. Let people enjoy this site.
@anon 8.29
I take it your comment was about 'The European' @ 8.05 poster implying that 'British' was not European... I'm sure they know it is. BUT also as a Brit myself I can tell you we never refer to ourselves as European, Europe is the 'mainland', i.e. the rest of Europe, Great Britain stands alone!
@Anon 1:47 your "Adam will be safe anywhere he goes" statement is very naive. You must get out more or read more. Just the other day a man was attacked in West Hollywood for being gay and if you didnt know, W. Hollywood has a hugh gay population and is very gay friendly. And in my previous comment when I referred to a safe environment I was mainly talking about verbal attacks. ... Adamluv
5 12 well why dont you just put the fear right in him, which he doesnt have any.
Adam will go where he darn well pleases. So get over it.
Free country, he's been in clubs for most of his adult life.
Enjoy your life Adam!
I hope you know that not a lot of gay boys dig Adam.
He's promoting in the clubs to gain fandom.
Most of Adams Glamberts are female.
So if he wants to get the pretty boys on board, so be it.
6;14 - go fuck yourself.
Forgot to sign above comment ... Adamluv
6:58 7:01 seems to me thats what you need to do. Maybe achieving a big "O" will get rid of that anger , you call yourself adamluv
I dont think so, you're a loonie biotch.
You stand for nothing Adam speaks of.
@adamluv- just love your posts- didn't get too far and had to comment before I forgot- you crack me up and always agree with you. Are you an aries?Just curious?
I didn't get through all the comments- too late, but all I can say gay, straight, alien, ADAM Lambert is gorgeous inside and out!! I look at all these 50 sexy guys in the world mag, ect and all I can think of is HOW no ones compares to adam- his looks, eyes, body Yes adam don't be lurking) ect are just beyond the male dream we all dream about iMO!!! P.S. Has anyone of dreamed of adam, before and you can finally sleep?
I dont know how someone can love nasty posts.
Thats the way of the world.
Its to bad, things have to get so ugly to tell someone to go pluck themselves because of anothers comments.
Should be ashamed.
Adams fans can be a mean bunch at times.
He needs to say, shew flies!!
To much hate. Not enough love.
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