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AdamOfficial Q&A 3:

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 1, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, March 01, 2012

"If Adam were the star in a movie, what song would be playing when his character is introduced?"


funbunn40 said...

Adam's choice brought to mind John Travolta walking down the street carrying paint cans strutting to the song Stayin Alive. I could see him playing in a movie as a struggling artist facing all types of adversity only to triumph,strutting his stuff, spirit unbroken.

Anonymous said...

good choice Adam.

funbunn40 said...

Forgot to say, wearing his Rick Owen medgies and long black coat, carrying a Platinum album award on the way to the bank with his million dollar royalty check!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....No, sorry folks....

He would be wearing a 1940's tux, give his coat to hat check girl at Ciro's and walk to a small table where Ava Gardner would be waiting for him (this is my fantasy remember?). Nat King Cole would be seated at a piano singing.....

You stepped out of a dream
You are too wonderful
To be what you seem.
Could there be eyes like yours
Could there be lips like yours
Could there be smiles like yours
Honest and truly?

You stepped out of a cloud
I want to take you away
Away from the crowd
And have you all to myself
Alone and apart
Out of a dream
Safe into my heart.

......SIGH......okay, you can take me away now and lock me up in a satin cell for the hopelessly romantic!

Anonymous said...

JAK, You nailed it!

Anonymous said...

JAK again.......tho funbunn40, you have given me a delightful new image to beddance to when I next play my movie score cd from Saturday Night Fever. BeeGees and Adam, here I come! In fact I think I may turn in early tonight!
I've just programmed tonight's dream!

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, Haha sweet dreams! I actually lived part of your fantasy. As a freshman in highschool I went to the senior prom and afterwards we had dinner at a very famous nightclub in Chicago at the time, the Chez Paree. Nat King Cole was our entertainment as we dined, just a few feet from us, filling the huge room with his velvet voice. Those were the days!

funbunn40 said...

@ JAK, I definitely can picture Adam in old Hollywood when it was the glamour capitol of the world. We always had Photoplay, Modern Screen and all the latest Hollywood gossip at hand. My mother was a huge movie fan and was quite glamorous herself,very much a Vivien Leigh look alike. Adam would easily have blended in with the handsome debonaire men of Hollywood, but unfortunately being out of the closet would have destroyed any career at that time.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can see Adam strutting his stuff to his song "Strut" in a movie. Bring it on, baby! :D

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

JAK're so right about Adam fitting in with the debonaire old Hollywood stars.... in more ways than one. Right off the top of my head I can think of at least 10 of the top box office stars who were bi or homosexual. In those days quiet whispers didn't destroy careers. A bold announcement would have.

Plus in the 40s and 50s Nat King Cole, Lena Horne, Dorothy Dandrige and other black talent could entertain in nightclubs....but they couldn't sit at a table or be served. Well, some progress has been made but the years stretch ahead and I doubt I'll be around to see true and equal civil rights for all in this country. Maybe my grandson will see those days.

Anonymous said...

Good choise Adam!! Love STRUT and your strut too!!LOL!!
BUT I'm betwwen Staying Alive with THE PANTS and CASABLANCA....Play it again we need a movie too!!poor BB, we really can't get enough!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Adam dressed in a really hot retro look. Actually, he's done a few photo shoots that look like that. The fedora, the slicked-back hair, etc. But other eras would be good, too. He can look hot in anything from any time period. What movie potential he has! Hope some producer somewhere wakes up to it!