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Bruno Mars Tweets About Adam Lambert's Performance of "Never Close Our Eyes"

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, March 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 26, 2012

If you still haven't seen this performance, CHECK IT OUT BELOW! You will be blown away!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads-up to your followers, Bruno!

Anonymous said...

Over 10,000 views and very nice comments about Adam and Bruno! Hooligans and Glamberts uniting is a great thing IMO. I want Adam to get the recognition Bruno has and I feel he will with this album. No one's voice can compare to Adam's and it was very sweet of Bruno to tweet the video out. Bruno is a great songwriter,glad he gave this song to Adam!

Anonymous said...

Yea, Never Close Our Eyes, a very good and alert piece of advice. In another sense, I take it as not dismissing what is around us especially those that need our urgent attention in whatever small ways. Adam always lives up to what he sings and I guess that's why his songs are inspiring and they are evergreen, for a lifetime. And yes another potential hit is brewing on wings of song. Bruno Mars...excellent composition! :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful voice- beautiful man- plus he sa young elvis presly look alike. love him.

Anonymous said...

Stunning performance...first time performing? Incredible. Adam has such power and control and sings with such emotion that I'm left speechless each time. I love this song. Bruno Mars is an excellent song writer no doubt about it. Adam knew what he was doing to collaborate with him. I'm sure Bruno would sound great singing this song too but not in the same league with Adam when it comes to vocals. What a beautiful melody and what a beautiful message. I think it would get great radio play for sure.


Anonymous said...

Oh Tommy ♥__♥
And Adam's voice is just... ah. Awesome! ♥

Anonymous said...

I love the way Adam sings Cuckoo. He's in a league of his own.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how Adam's beautiful vocals could fill a theatre or arena when he belts out "eyes" on the chorus after the second verse? awesome

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Bruno Mars for tweeting this out. Bruno Mars has a really unique voice and is a great songwriter! Adam takes those lyrics to a whole new level! and Tommy is great too. I'm hoping this will be the next single,but I love BTIKM too. C'mon radio people play the song!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite so far (love them all though) Hope he performs this one on idol!

glitzylady said...

As I said on a previous thread, I was so lucky (and very very happy) to be in the audience in Portland at the Bing Lounge to hear Adam's beautiful and stunning acoustic "Never Close Our Eyes". The acoustics in the small, intimate (holds 180, some seated, some standing room) radio promo venue were amazing and to hear Adam's voice at full power coming from all directions in the sound system was pure, unadulterated heaven. And I'm not exaggerating. OMG!!! Pretty sure everyone there had goosebumps as he sang this song..And now it all comes back every time I listen to this..It was even more powerful live, if you can imagine! Of course, having Adam sitting a few feet in front of you definitely has a major impact as well!! I could do that every day of the year and still never tire of listening to him sing..I suspect this song will definitely be released as a single somewhere along the line..It would be a shame if it were not. And I can hardly wait for Adam's next tour, to be able to once again hear and see him sing in person, his voice booming out over the sound system...

And thanks to Bruno Mars for sharing this song with Adam. Adam is the one person who could do it justice, since he decided not to include it as a track on his own album..And thanks to Bruno for tweeting out this version. I'm sure Bruno is very excited that Adam has done such an amazing job with it..

And yes, Tommy did a great job on the guitar..

Anonymous said...

I want Cuckoo to be Adam's next single. I believe he wants it too. Maybe one of these radio stations can play it as a test. Z100 in NY has a lot young listeners. Maybe this station can play it over the weekend to test it out.

I'm still fine if RCA picks Never Close Our Eyes as next single. They have all the marketing data.

Alexandra said...

I want NCYE next single. I love it !!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, i also want NCYE as the next single. I absolutely love the melody, lyrics, and those vocals WOW! @Glitzylady; OMG how lucky for you to have experienced that LIVE- are you back to earth yet? LOL


Anonymous said...

The ONLY downside to Adam opting for this song to be his next single is that naysayers MAY say that he's not writing his own songs on Trespassing which we, his fans, know is absolutely false. I now think that he should definitely use a song that he wrote alone or in collaboration before releasing this one as a single.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:27 AM

I don't think normal people listening to the radio care about who actually wrote a song. Do they mention that on the radio anyhow?? I just think people react if they like a song or not. And NCOE is really good!

I personally think that the next single should be Cuckoo! Something for the dance floor!

tess4ADAM said...

If ADAM's "FEVER" was never released for the radio because of one little pronoun (there HE goes) how do you suppose ADAM's "CUCKOO" will be received by the radio 'suits' with a four letter expletive (you all know what it is)? They're just waiting for ADAM to do ANYthing questionable so they can say " not good for airplay" even tho' ANYone else can/has been able to. ADAM has to be the one to decide which songs will be acceptable for him to get played on the radio!! js

Now ... Back to VOTING .. PATD is catching up to ADAM "Big Time" at MTV MMM ... VOTE your butts off until 12 midnight EST PLEASE!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

glitzylady said...

I suppose that's true, to a point, but lots of songs with certain words, ones that start with F for instance, are simply bleeped out..He's already done that himself in at least one performance.I think it was Adam's decision to not release FEVER with the "he" bleeped out..because "he" is not a profanity, but describes a human being, and bleeping out a human being is not what Adam is all about, and at that point he knew it wasn't the time to release the song here. I suppose that a gay relationship is apparently considered worse than using the word F*** by some people. Sad. I LOVE that song, BTW, and really wish he could have released it..Because all things being equal (Equality??) I think it's a great song and could have done well.

Bottom line is, I don't think the word will be a problem in CUCKOO...

Anonymous said...

Honestly I have got to quit watching these videos. Adam just gets better and better looking and it Really detracts from his singing.

Anonymous said...

Brace yourselves, I'm going to say something semi nice about Tommy. His guitar skills are improving. Now, if he could just keep from yawning while Adam is being interviewed.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this has already been posted,but VH-1 wants to know which star we want to see being MORE featured on their website--ADAM,of course!!Go there & tell them please.

Anonymous said...

If you gave me a choice between electro dance or acoustic guitar on this particular song, I'd vote for acoustic with some strings tossed in HANDS DOWN!!!!! This performance was just SMASHING and I'm sorry it's the dance version that will be on the official CD. However, I think this is a GREAT song and am surprised to hear fans say it has "to grow on them." Really?!! Just shows you the wide-ranging tastes of Adam's fandom. Bruno Mars is a gifted songwriter and I'm thrilled to hear Adam's gifted vocals on this little gem. If this is what caused a little delay on the CD's release date, it is SOOOOOO WORTH IT!!!!


Anonymous said...

@ Glitzy ... you lucky lady you!!!
You were THERE for this!?? Holy.... wow. I can only imagine just how powerful this must have sounded live. You've Got right girl. Having been lucky enough to see Adam live I can relate to just how powerful and CLEAR his voice is. As good as a recording is, you just HAVE to hear Adam live to believe the difference. IIHY is a perfect example. That song live is SOO packed with power... the recording is great and fun, but live, wow--DYNOMITE. My mind is fuzzy realizing just how fabulous this performance was live. The power and clarity on 'EYES'... WOW!

Which brought me to explore around a bit and found the recorded version on yt!...(woohoo,didn't know it was out yet, what a great album this is going to be)) What a vibe, energy dancability, great fun... but no denying the power here. This performance was amazing. I think as fun as the recording is... I'm drawn to this one.

I'm a little befuddled... after listening blissfully happy a few times I can't tell what's who...

Does anyone know for sure...
IS Bruno actually singing on the recording??? I think I'm loosing it... can't believe I asked that question but I'll play Mickey the dunce and anyone with actual info, please fill me in? I thought Bruno wrote it and Adam was singing it... but I swear a few different words on the recording == I thought were Bruno--especially on "It's so haaaad"
Adam's pronounciation is 'HaRRRRD' with a noticable R...

Either way I love the song, If that IS both of them on the recording, damn, that's great, but my heart belongs to this accoustic version.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said at least 20 times that BRUNO DOES NOT SING ON THAT TRACK.

glitzylady said...

@Cindy 8:55 PM
Thanks!! yes, I was so thrilled to be there to hear Adam sing...I was given a ticket by someone I barely knew and I am eternally grateful, as you can imagine! Some other friends were also fortunate to win tickets so we made a weekend of it, I drove down to Portland from my home north of Seattle, and made a weekend of it. I spent 11 hours waiting in line starting at 7 am Sunday morning so as to get a seat close to the stage..and it was worth it..Adam is just looking so fabulously healthy and happy...And I think was especially so because Sauli was there the sound booth a few feet from where I was sitting..Adam's voice is just so perfect and I didn't want him to stop singing, but of course he did...Also had a very rushed picture and hello..and a hug! Yay!!

About the "Never Close Our Eyes" video you saw/heard on You Tube...there is a fan made video that is a "mash-up" of Adam and Bruno Mars, but is not the one Adam has on his CD of course..His CD track will be all Adam! That's probably why you were wondering "What the heck?"

And yes, the sound in the Bing Lounge was turned up to Concert level, and it was indeed WOW! I was 4th row center so was very close and could see really well. I would have been in the 1st row but there were sponsors, VIPs, radio people, etc. in the first 2 and a half rows..Oh well. I was just so thankful to be there at all!

The only problem is, it makes me want more...NOW!!

Anonymous said...


Anon @ 9:23 Thanks for your input. I'm not on twitter, check here when I can, but not up on every breath or sentence and the posted audios are VERY confusing.
Yes on Adam's official ALBUM it will be only him, but not on the posted audios I HEARD.

It's Adam's album cover, but damnit I KNOW that's Bruno's voice---even when I'm tired. Guess what I heard was Bruno's demo, AND a mixed mashup, So there must be the released audio of ONLY Adam somewhere, but I haven't hard that one yet.
Checking in here when tired can be very entertaining... AND confusing!

Whew, @ glitzy... um OMGomgOMG!!!
You got a picture AND hug!!!! Damn, I'm sooo happy for you. What a great trip that must have been. As always thanks so much for sharing our experience. Love reading all the details about how and who was where, etc. And thank you for the audio explanation... I started figuring that's what it must have been, but hearing it for the first time was very confusing, so wondered...

LOVNG this song in every version, but the live one, ... WOW

Anonymous said...


Anon @ 9:23 Thanks for your input. I'm not on twitter, check here when I can, but not up on every breath or sentence and the posted audios are VERY confusing.
Yes on Adam's official ALBUM it will be only him, but not on the posted audios I HEARD.

It's Adam's album cover, but damnit I KNOW that's Bruno's voice---even when I'm tired. Guess what I heard was Bruno's demo, AND a mixed mashup, So there must be the released audio of ONLY Adam somewhere, but I haven't hard that one yet.
Checking in here when tired can be very entertaining... AND confusing!

Whew, @ glitzy... um OMGomgOMG!!!
You got a picture AND hug!!!! Damn, I'm sooo happy for you. What a great trip that must have been. As always thanks so much for sharing our experience. Love reading all the details about how and who was where, etc. And thank you for the audio explanation... I started figuring that's what it must have been, but hearing it for the first time was very confusing, so wondered...

LOVNG this song in every version, but the live one, ... WOW

Anonymous said...

UGH... Sorry for the double post
and don't see how to delete it.

I hate the way this site works lately!
First the posting system changed, now
PREVIEWS come up in another place,

WHAT is with having to scroll all the way down to find previous threads... UGH!
I liked it WAY better when you could see them on the side. MCH easier to keep up with threads we're interested in. I only found the older threads by accident. Ssooo bummed that it's only the older "LABELs" to the right.
How can you even remember what a previous post was titled. Maybe SOME, but not all. Thought I was going to have to decipher those labels to GET to the previous threads that used to be on the side.

A lot of us can only check in here BRIEFLY-- I'ts getting harder to navigate.
LOVE the info and that the site is HERE for us, but not liking the way it works lately.

If anyone knows how to delete a post, plaese share???
Thanks, Cindy

funbunn40 said...

@Glitzylady, No x to say anything now but so thrilled you finally got your hello and hug! Yay!!! Daydreamin is next!!!