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More Adam Lambert 'StarfishLA' PhotoShoot

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 10, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, March 10, 2012


Anonymous said...

What in the hell does he have on?
Awful. Worst photoshoot I've ever seen of Adam. Makeup, poses, lighting and bloomers. It's all wrong. No no go away!

Adamluv said...

Think these are all very unflattering pictures of Adam. You must really try hard to take photos this bad. And no, he doesnt need to look "perfect" for me to like his photo. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

LAPD mug shots?

Anonymous said...

Just dropping this on newest thread. **To Massachusetts fans (AG/Cindy...). Adam making appearance in Milford, MA through WXLO, contest for tix - see link:


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that administrion put these photos on the blog!They are terrible. Please, Adam, take away the pictures from your photo library. Hopefully, nobody saw them yet.

Anonymous said...

no worries,

he is still the most handsome guy on this planet and no amount of bad lighting can spoil his good looks...

Anne Marie said...

I think They got him up at some un- godly hour before noon, and his smile hadn't woken up yet. Also he had not had his juice yet.Poor guy, he was in his dark mood, and we love his smile best.

Anonymous said...

Adam, everyone knows you love seafood, but in the future please stay away from starfish...very far away. Not good at all even though these are proofs and would be touched up...still

Let's all chant - We want Cherry, We want Cherry, We want Cherry

Anonymous said...

MGF, thanks for the info and I actually have relatives in that town. But, I have a tax appt. that night which I already had to re-schedule. Ugh!

Boy, it seems like Adam is doing up MA just fine. He will be all over the place. Good luck to all the MA fans trying for those tickets.


Anonymous said...

This caption could be put under all these pics, " No I don't want my pic taken, and I wont smile, so there"

Anonymous said...

Note to self: Never, never sit in a metal papa-san chair.

Anonymous said...

Ever heard "nobody's perfect"?? Not very supportive comments from you guys.

Anonymous said...

Back in high school days a friend had really bad acne and was never asked out on dates because of it. Her doctor prescribed a regimin of antibiotics and in three months every boy wanted to date her. She never had trouble with her skin after.

Anonymous said...

Just look at his eyes, they're amazing!!!

Why care about the lighting!!!

choons said...

These pics are very poor resolution that's why they are grainy and unflattering. Hopefully professional quality versions will appear soon.
He's still a lovely guy though.

Anonymous said...

These may not be the most flattering pictures of Adam, but we should realize that he is not a perfect human being although we would like him to be. Every photo shoot he does will not be to everyone's liking just as every song he sings, outfit he wears, hairstyle he has or friends he hangs out with will be criticized by someone out there to some extent. Do you like the way you look everyday or see yourself in a photo? Did your last haircut/style make you happy? What about that outfit you bought but don't wear at all once you saw yourself in it? Give the guy a break and hopefully these pictures won't go anywhere for publication. Adam has even said that he has seen pictures of himself from the past few years and wondered what was he thinking having dressed as he did. He is still a handsome person in my eyes and the most talented individual in the music business today. Now let's just move on with positive thoughts about TRESPASSING.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think the problem with the photos is the resolution (I'm no photographer) since isn't that what makes a picture grainy and fuzzy? Adam is gorgeous no matter what. The chair thing doesn't bother me at all but I'm trying to figure out the pants over pants situation???


Anonymous said...

@AG, well okay lady - wish me luck then :). I too have relatives in that town!

Anonymous said...

At the risk of being attacked and stomped into the ground, I am going to say that I hope Adam has considered laser treatment on his skin. They have so many different things now that can treat acne and acne scars. He has the money. That being said, the photos look really rough and grainy as if they are proofs instead of finals.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:22 PM

Relax, we're not making fun of or disapproving of Adam. Just the photos and we're having a joke about them in friendly fun. His friends are probably doing so with him. My friends have laughed hysterically at some of my outfits and we always laugh at our horrible family photos and cherish some of the worst ones. I think Adam would say "No big deal"

This thread is about the photos you notice, not about music. So we're talking about the photos.

Anonymous said...

We are also not talking about his skin. He has had skin problems since puberty, he had very attentive parents whom I'm sure got him the best skin care. Some people have these problems throughout their life. Of course, he's tried every treatment available at any cost. Wouldn't you? Let it rest. He has had enough to accept about his life and seems to be an upbeat person. He's Adam, as has been pointed out, nobody's perfect.
I don't appreciate being told I really should lose some weight cause "you have such a pretty face". Stating the obvious can be really rude.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said that he looked into laser treatments, but his skin is so fair, that it might do more harm than good. He is doing a fine job under the cicumstances. He is also not happy with his height, hence the medges. I think Sauli has got him over his freckles, he always covered up or stayed out of the sun. But Sauli has freckles too, and lays out in the sun. He recently said about his skin that he still has breakouts, which is common for redheads. My hubby had hair like Adams natural color, and he had breakouts also all his life, on the back, not so much on the face. But I loved him any way. If you love someone you don't even see the flaws.

Anonymous said...

My son in law has the same type of skin problems and he too wears a foundation to try to mask it somewhat. Since he's a doctor I'm pretty sure he's up to date on every treatment and none have worked. We look past it and see his brown eyes with gold flecks and long curly eyelashes and think he's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Photo #1

"I said you're in time-out and I mean it, don't leave that corner till I say so!"

Anonymous said...

Are these the photos that were taken for a Japanese magazine? Maybe they have a different taste in photos and this is what they like. The photographer was trying to satisfy what his client wanted. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Hey, MGF maybe we're related!

And yes, good luck in getting any of those tickets. Pretty exciting!


Anonymous said...

These pictures of Adam proves that he embrace what he has....

His skin is not perfect like us and no matter what people think he is beautiful in and out.:)

If he isn't comfortable with the outcome, for sure they will do something about this result.

He is real and has flaws like anyone else indeed.


Anonymous said...

OMG... thank yo so much!!! Didn't know that. Flipped out happy that he'll be at Kiss 108 Boston which is closer to me, doing the announcement party AND Kiss Concert... Wooohooooooo!
Good luck, hope you get to go. Hope we BOTH win each one and can compare notes here!

On topic. eh... not crazy about these photos either, kinda harsh

Anonymous said...

Hey people, choons @1:51 and CT @3:34 are absolutely right: these photos are extremely grainy because they are low resolution. When you look carefully, you can see that everything looks rough textured, from Adam's face, to the fabric of his clothes, to the background. My photographer husband would describe these images as very "pixel-lated", meaning the dpi or resolution is very low. Grainy, low resolution photos will make anyone's skin look terrible. The problem is the poor quality of the images, not the beauty of the subject!


daydreamin said...

Any of you 24/7er's going to see Adam better come back and post here afterwards and hopefully with pics or video!!

Anonymous said...

Even though these photos are not the most flattering, let's be thankful for all the thousands of fabulous photos we've seen of Adam. I know I have myriads of photos of him stored away in my computer, adding to them almost daily. Nearly every day, there are gorgeous photos of him to be found on the internet, and I am so grateful that I can save them and look at them at leisure when I possible.

Anonymous said...

^Whoops! That should read 'when possible' not 'when I possible'.

Anonymous said...

Adam has said in interview that he'd like to be taller. Why? He's 6'1" and a mighty fine height from where I'm standing. He's fortunate he's as tall as he is. I bet there are many, many thousands of men (and probably a whole lot more) who would love to be as tall as he is.

Anonymous said...

6:22 a.m. men would love to be that tall & look just a portion as good as Adam does & have a smile that nice & body & personality does that take care of it oh & eyes & hair as good as him & A VOICE AS GOOD AS HIS. LOVE ADAM!