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NEW Adam Lambert Photoshoot Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 9, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 09, 2012


Thanks to Adam Lambert Fan Club!


Anonymous said...

This chair looks strange!LOL

Anonymous said...

The whole picture looks strange

Anonymous said...

Adam does fantastic things just using a simple chair, stool, small staircase or a low table, very mundane props. That must have been part of his theatre 'tricks'. He doesn't need grand things but when he does use grand things, oh that's a whole different story altogether. I guess the main and most effective prop is himself, as demonstrated in this photo. :)

Anonymous said...

I forgot, another ubiquitous prop Adam uses very effectively; microphone, with or without stand! LOL! :)

HK fan said...

mmm, not sure about this one, face looks great but the pose and the seat...dare I say it, it kinda looks like he's sitting on the loo!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that's the look when he said:

Sauli BB, today we're going to run, yes, but with style.Sweating& exercising doen't mean you can wearing anything!!Paps are everywear!! So I decided to put my sport pants over my regular pants!!See!? Fits perfecly!!Besides that also give you more power/energy that's why Superman used to wear his red underwear over his blue tights!!Come on! Let's run!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but this photo should be buried deep and never see the light again!

Anonymous said...

He has on my grannies swim shorts.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks as though he's sitting on the throne ... but which throne?! lol

Anonymous said...

This photo makes Adam's face look harsh. Yep, I'm with @2:44am, bury it please.

Anonymous said...

Mapril is the cruellest month.

No, I think T.S Eliot wrote, April is the cruellest month. Whatever, I'm dying here. Tell Adam I tried to wait but my strength gave out March-ish. :(

Anonymous said...

I think you mean Maypril!

Anonymous said...

I LIKE THIS PICTURE! And, yes, Mapril has now become Maypril.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Just kill me now.
Maypril????????????? >-->O

Anonymous said...

Can I say just welcome to the new World of ADAMASTC!!!!!

Ready or not he is coming to get yah!!!:)

So watch out guys, anything you say it makes him more powerful indeed!!:))))



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I've seen much better photos of Adam, but no matter what he is very photogenic. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with his new song Trespassing, I just can't seem to get into it, I love Cuckoo & Chokehold, I'm looking forward to hearing his other new songs, I still think the best song I've heard Adam sing is Sleepwalker, it showcases his voice so well, hope he has something similar on the flip side of his album.

Anonymous said...

Hey other 4:15 - this is the other 4:15... Apparently HMV has just listed Trespassing's release date as April 16th!!!! Just heard this. It's April - a regular month that's actually on the calendar. YAY!

Anonymous said...

@6:29 APRIL 16, a real month!!Hope this is true and final because I don't think I can wait much longer. His new songs are sooooo good!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Are you kidding? It's actually a real date? April 16? Hope there's an official announcement from Adam very soon!

BTW, this new pic of Adam is nice, but he is sitting a little funny. Maybe the last juicing? LOL

Please vote on VH1 and the PopCrush poll. They're both important ones!

Anonymous said...

BTIKM VH1 countdown today #15 up from #17 last week! Keep voting everyone and it's increasing spins on the radio. Please keep requesting, very important!

Anonymous said...

BTIKM is @ no.15 on the Vh-1 top 20 countdown today..Let's try hard to get him into the top 10,@ least,next week..Going up 2 spots is better than it going down,that's for sure.Two new videos were introduced today on there.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....This is dedicated to
.............The Mapril Moaner


All thru the long and empty days
Our minds wandered in an endless maze...
We knew that songs were being born
But as time dragged on we became forlorn...
When expectation was running low
A bright spark of hope began to glow...
Word came out and quickly spread
Throughout the blog from thread to thread...
"The dates been set, hooray hooray,
March 20th will be the day" !!!
The Glamily wept, danced and sang
Metaphoric church bells rang...
"Albums coming, spread the word"
Best news in ages that we'd heard..
We just have to wait a few weeks.
Most took it graciously, a few made grumpy squeaks...
Outlaws of Love would see us thru,
Then Better Than I Know Myself,
that made two...
Lots of interviews fed our heart
Then the word was uttered that gave us a start..MAPRIL!!
What the heck did that mean?
Not March 20th, April instead or somewhere in between...
Hearts raced wildly in a panic
Calm down, we musn't be frantic...
We trust Adam and on reflection
Realize he's seeking perfection...
And then a further blow was struck
Maybe Mapril meant MAYPRIL..WTF?
5 songs now, our toes are tapping
Ready for Album II unwrapping...
If we have to wait till May
Some of us may wither away...
There's only one solution methinks
"Okay barkeep, set up the drinks...
Keep 'em comin, make 'em strong
Cause we've been waitin for so long"
Sober me up when MAYPRIL appears
You'll find me in a puddle of boozy tears!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

April 16 ? I'll believe when the album is in my hands!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

AO has the other pics in this shoot. There are four, I think.

Donnaw said...

DON'T LIKE IT........

Anonymous said...

JAK, you are a master! You've said it all! The word "Mapril" will forever be in my heart as a word that elicits both a laugh and a tear. All I know is when the big day come, I'll be here flailing my butt off and singing my head off. Adam's worth it!
DRG (the butt-less and head-less)

Anonymous said...

keep voting like mad on VH1 and give Adam's BTIKM hits on Vevo.Picture is ok it looks as if they were just trying out different poses.

Anne Marie said...

That poem was great.
Adam looks like someone forgot to bring the motorcycle, so he posed without it, and hoped no one would notice. :)))

Anonymous said...

I will believe the April 16th date when Adam actually announces it. Until then we all have to wait. We've been fooled several times before.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that I don't like that pic of BB either.Besides looking harsh,he's leaning into the camera in a not so flattering position.We need Lee Cherry to take all of Adam's photoshoots,don't we?

mimi said...

It is not my favorite picture of Adam either, but I think I like it better than the "over-retouched" covers of Advocate and Fault---although I did purchase both! I'm sure that he has no control on the retouching of the covers though! I read there are other shots from this photo shoot---like to see those. I think some people are too critical--Adam (to me) always looks good! Now--going to VH1 to vote some more.

The Dark Side said...

I like the straight on, here's looking at you kid, picture. Now whose magazine are these going to appear in. Probably not US as they just paid a small fortune for Snookie's baby news. Guess, nothing is sacred these days? This should be joyous news not going to the highest bidder. But read where she wanted to be like the Kardashians, who sell any and every thing.

Anonymous said...

@Jak- That was really creative and good, well done my fla glambert!


IMO not the best photo shoot of adam, but I don't care, I know how drop dead gorgeous he really his!

Anonymous said...

this is definitely not his best photo shoot..should not even be and clothing are awful..but he, of course, is beautiful..btw, Amazon says the album is releasing spring/summer..summer officially begins June 21st...

Anonymous said...

Spring/Summer? WTF?

Anonymous said...

@3:03 So now now we have to create another new adam month maprijune???? lol I guess that covers it! sounds like a juicer?


Anonymous said...

WOWOWOWo so well done! Loved it! Hope now that ur writing means ur feeling much better!

Love ya,

tess4ADAM said...

@JAK ... Really LOVED your poem ... you bard, you ... LOL!
Wish I had your gift of words ... have lots of ideas but they die before I can put them in writing.

@brownie ... I agree with you ... no matter how bad the photo may be ... the SUBJECT will always be BEAUTIFUL to me. ADAM's inner beauty comes through in every pic I see of him ... he radiates GORGEOUS-ness & you can't hide THAT!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

These don't look like the final shots that would be used in a magazine. I don't think they will be. He does lots of photo shoots that don't wind up being published. Adam always looks fine to me. His skin is what it is. He handles it well. It there was some sure-fire way to treat the problem, I'd sure he'd do it. We all have things we just deal with.

Anonymous said...

MINNIE MOUSE here......JAK is back in hospital, I saw her yesterday and told her you liked her maypril poem. She'll be home soon and chatting with you all. She said to tell Lam-my her doctor is a beautiful Asian Angel almost as pretty as Adam!

glitzylady said...

@Minnie Mouse
Thanks for letting us know about JAK..I hope she is able to go home soon...I'm so sorry that she's in there again. Being in the hospital is a drag but having a good looking doc is always a plus...I had to have an unpleasant minor outpatient surgical procedure done a few years ago..and my very very handsome and funny doctor made it go a WHOLE lot better than it might have otherwise...He was very distracting... ; ))) I told my husband that If I had to do that again, I was requesting Dr. Gorgeous...

My best get well soon wishes to JAK..may she be chatting and writing poetry here again very soon..and be home bed-dancing to her muse Adam Lambert...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but did you people wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what? I'm sure a not so good picture of Adam is way better than most of us humans on a good day. Lay off Adam!
Feeling grumpy myself,

daydreamin said...

Thanks Minnie Mouse! I am so glad you are able to keep us filled in on @JAK's status! We always know when she goes missing! Please send her my love and well-wishes!