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Scan & Translation of Hungarian BRAVO Mag's Interview with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 1, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, March 01, 2012

Banitz Virág: How do you react to those gossips about you that are not true or offensive?
Adam: I just laugh at them sometimes, but I think it’s important to make those things clear.

Brigitta Bánfusz: As we know, you’ve won a lot of awards. Where do you keep them?
Adam: On a shelf, in my office.

Alice Bloggergirl Carror: How it feels to be a role model? Many people look up to you, is it a charge on you?
Adam: It feels amazing! I’m honored to entertain people and do what I love.

Eszter Gyurkó: Have you ever been in a situation when you were very afraid?
Adam: I don’ know, I’m not a person who gets afraid easily.

Vivien Glambert Báthori: What are the disadvantages of being famous?
Adam: Everyone has an opinion about what should I do or how should I act, and it’s really hard.

Klaudiia Kovács: How do you get rid of stress?
Adam: I listen to music that makes me relaxes, take a bath, get a massage…

Nikolett Szurikáta Tyukodi: Have you ever went through a time in your life, when you felt that everything turned awful, and you couldn’t achieve your plans the way you wanted? How did you cheer yourself up? What did you think about?
Adam: I take a deep breath and think about the positive. It usually helps me to get over the stressful times.

✔ Dorottya Boda (It’s Me!! : p) : What would you change about people?
Adam: That’s a strange question. I don’t know…

Zsófi Bangó: Is that ever happened to you that you got inspired in a completely ordinary place or situation? ( in the street, while you were shopping) What do you do in these cases? You write your thoughts down, or keep them in your mind?
Adam: I regularly get inspired while I run on the running machine. A lot of my musical tone – ideas came to my mind there.

Avril Lavigne Forever-Hungary: Millions of people look up to you, but who do You look up to?
Adam: Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson-they both did something new, they were unique and they could do anything.

Bia Pataki&Virág Csikós: Were you a rebel when you were a teenager?
Adam: No, I behaved very well and became a rebel later.

Julia Rathmann: Do you think that the Adam you were 14 years ago would be satistfied with who you are now?
Adam: In my 20s, I got more self conscious – thanks to my experience and relationships.

Thanks to @dolusglitz (Dorottya Boda aka Dorothy Glambert) and Adam Lambert Fan club!


Anonymous said...

Interesting interview.
Gotta say I've never thought of Adam as having an office. I thought he delegated office stuff.

Anonymous said...

Cute fan art:

Anonymous said...

I picture Adam's office as being more decorative than functional. Maybe he sits in there (on a comfy sofa) and writes songs after his run on the treadmill. Or, maybe he draws in ink or pencil. I know he's more the artsy type than the bookkeeper type (like me). But, you never know - Adam could be fooling us. Maybe he sits in there and checks out his scull collection.haha

Anonymous said...

nice article,glad they featured him.

Anonymous said...

OT - Will not be silenced

Anonymous said...

He has mentioned his office before and said things like when that came across my desk I knew I wanted to do it so I am sure he uses his office. I mean being a recording artist is just like ever other job you have meetings and work on project so you need a place everyone can get together.

Anonymous said...

I have never worked, my husband wanted me to be home raising our children. I cannot survive without my office. It's where I read the mail, pay the bills, answer letters or email, write birthday anniversary and Christmas cards, keep documents, prepare menus and recipes for the week, and log on to 24/7. My children know if the office door is closed, mommy is not to be bothered. What they don't know is that when the door is closed, mommy is reading the latest on Adam. What happens in the office stays in the office. See why I cannot survive without my office?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 5:07 - to me it sounds like you work a lot.

Anonymous said...

Dorottya: I'm glad that Adam was asked your question. Too bad his answer was short and to the point.

Anonymous said...


On another thread, Rosie O said she wanted Adam on her show So Bad. Today 30 employees were axed because her viewership is only 200,000.

Looks like Rosie might get the ax soon.

Anonymous said...

awww I feel bad for Rosie. She has talent and will fall into something somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Just heard on the evening news that Rosie's show is in trouble. Not many viewers. She's selling her home in Chicago. Guess just being in Oprah's old studio isn't enough. Never thought she'd like the Midwest anyway. I'll bet she moves back to the west coast, although the network says she's staying in Chicago. I like Rosie. I think she's smart and funny. Adam would be a great guest on her show.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he'll be on her show if she moves back to LA.

funbunn40 said...

I also didn't picture Adam with an office, but most people still need a place to keep personal records, computer, Sauli may also use that room to Skype Tutka with Katri. Still, it gave me pause!

funbunn40 said...

Don't know what I would do without my office to store Adam's Rolling Stone cover,"Spread the Lambert Love" 24/7 autographed poster that has gone to his GNTs and real life central to pay bills, taxes, etc. It's easy to forget that Adam's a grown man with business decisions that need his approval, along with copies of legal contracts, etc. So used to seeing his fun, entertainment side. Hard to imagine him with drudge responsibilities like the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

JAK here........just a suggestion.
When your first child leaves home call "dibs" on their room and make yourself an office. They are wonderful. Mine looks a bit like it might belong on the Hoarder's TV show, but it's great. Bookcase with all family albums, about 20 of my journals,my paint pots and brushes, pretty floral boxes filled with every kind of greeting card and exotic stationary, wrapping paper and rainbows of ribbons. An easel. Behind my favorite uncle's desk, a big oak lawyer's desk with file drawers where I keep all my poems, stories, one file marked Adam's Junk, that's where I keep the silly poems I've written about Adam over the past few years, family histories and handwritten autobiographies, plus practical ins.records,passports, medical records,etc......the sheer ceiling to floor curtains are my bulletin board with notes, appointments, photos, misc.(holiday cards too pretty to throw away) and stuff are pinned. With the desk came a big swivel chair with a fat cushion, very comfy and a good place for 'thinking'. Then there's the dress form with my wedding gown in the corner and a child's daybed. That's where I curl up in fetal position with Huey, Dewey and Louie, Barney the purple dinosaur, Mickey and Minnie, Lamb Chop the puppet and assorted other remnants of my grandson's childhood...when I have the mulligrubs and need comforting.
If my husband passes by and says "are you alright?" I say, "I will be." How can you not, when you are hugging Peter Rabbit?
Though, on occasion my spouse will ask, "how come you have 3 rooms (bedroom, I got that when second child left home, playroom (also guestroom) and an office and I have 1 room?"
I explain " but honey, you have the master bedroom and bath as it should be"....he falls for it every time! Oh yes, I think an office is really important!

daydreamin said...

Ok, I'll be the first to step up! I will be Adam's masseuse!

Anon5:07 I love your post and believe me, you DO work. You're just not getting paid for it!

@ JAK and @funbunn40, I loved hearing the descriptions of your offices, so I will describe mine too. My office has a daybed, old desktop computer, a desk and a wall of bookshelves. I have all of my crafts in there. I mostly make my own greeting cards and jewelry. I have all of my files in there as well. Oh, and a Tv and Dvd player for when I do my crafts. I love my office.

Anonymous said...

Great that there were some different questions for a change.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........fellow office lovers

You know the signs you see now "Man Cave" for a guy's hangout room? Well, I refer to my office as "Jo's Attic". Now, only those of you who read Little Women will understand that reference. It's my refuge, my inspiration room and MINE! Everything in there is something I treasure. The OLD family pictures in oval bowfront glass.....the tintype of my great grandmother Missouri Anne, I find them cosy and comforting. Peace reigns within.

Anonymous said...

Heavens above we have an office just for our Adam Lambert promotionals, collections and information. Everybody needs an office.