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Adam Lambert at Jezebel Mag Transformation Party (3-8-12 Atlanta GA)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 1, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, April 01, 2012

Thanks to GaleChester and Adam Lambert Fan club!


Anonymous said...


And ADAM is the ONLY man who can look THIS FAB wearing a cap or truckers' hat...!/photo.php?fbid=3291718285241&set=o.252558399090&type=3&permPage=1

GGD Gal, NOT loving the caps, LOL

Anonymous said...

who is that with the most gorgeous man on earth? is it Kris Kristoferson?? OMG Adam is so gorgeous always..always

Anonymous said...

Def not Kris K.

Anonymous said...

Must be some Rock Star . . long hair and leather pants . . . LOL

Anonymous said...

Mam. If I was selling toothpaste Adam would be my choice. WHAT A MILLION DOLLAR SMILE!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant MAN that smile does things to me!

Anonymous said...

Adam could sell toothpaste, teeth whiteners, fashion of any kind, a book on his life and how to live yours, cosmetics, hair care products..most of all he can sell himself (not but in any venture he would choose to undertake..he could rock it..

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert just has the gift of gab. He is so personable and charming during his radio promo interviews. The man exudes charisma, intelligence and a great sense of humor. He has been looking fabulour lately. I do like the cleaner, fresher, less glam and glitter look. Who wouldn't want their picutre taken with him? He makes everyone look better.

Anonymous said...

What is Adam holding? Did they give him some kind of an award that night?

Anonymous said...

He must havr been at event sponsored by Karma Tequila,that's what he's holding.