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Adam Lambert's TWITTER PARTY (4-17-12)

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Transcript by ALFC on FB:

Twitter PARTY!!! C'mon ask me bout this album
Glad u all are feelin the track previews on itunes!! As u know, I worked hard on this album--- for all of YOU! :) thanks u all!
Banjee Boys And Dancey Girls get down!
“@andrea__DC: @adamlambert how this album different from the previous one?” you tell me :)
“@iDanLadd: @adamlambert What was the toughest song to record? #Trespassing” Underneath is a beast.
“@JennyRunsToo: @adamlambert How much of this album was written based on your real life experiences.” is this a trick question?
“@XxMusicLuvr18xX: @adamlambert Where do you get your leopard pants? Werkkkk!” hahha I think they're old kill city jeans
“@_Tayshell: @adamlambert what's your favorite song on it??” I love them all!!
@hmbscully not sure yet doll. :)
(In reply to @hmbscully: @adamlambert When is the TOUR to support the ALBUM? ;)
“@MrDomAvalos: @AdamLambert What's your favorite song off of MDNA? :D” gangbang I think...
“@_sheldor: @adamlambert What is your favourite song to perform?” live doing Trespassing at the NNN awards, excited to sing NCOE w my band!
“@BillyCharlesNY: @adamlambert how have you grown as an artist since your last record ? #XOBC” I think you can hear it in the new songs.
“@Rebecca0313: @adamlambert What song will be the most popular on the radio?” haha I don't have a crystal ball girl, ask the radio? Lol
“@Aquarius_Girl2: @adamlambert What COLORS do you associate with this album/music?” black and yellow honey. Caution....
“@HotLikeHarry_1D: @adamlambert how many songs on the album are written by you?xoxoxo :D” I wrote on 12 out of the 15 tracks. :)
@alexanderenrico it's Totally Banjee. I thought it was spelled the other way then a dear old queen schooled my ass.
(In reply to alexanderenrico: @adamlambert Banjee? Or Banshee????)
It's not the kind of slang one finds themselves SPELLING... More of a spoken term of endearment.
(In reply to alexanderenrico: @adamlambert Banjee? Or Banshee????)
“@NICK_COLOSIMO: @AdamLambert do you plan on writing a song with @LadyGaGa anytime In the future?” ask her... I'm down. ;) dat diva fierce
@ShadowGlambert to me, NCOE is about all of US. A community. A movement.
(In reply to @ShadowGlambert: @adamlambert Are u going to have a love interest in your new NCOE video?)
“@OblaBerting: @adamlambert did you mess with the sound board in the recording studio?” no. -engineers responsibility. I'm not qualified.
“@P0NDWATER: @adamlambert You were right about the wait” Awww thanks!
“@DELeonard: @adamlambert is engineering the music something you would like to learn?” maybe someday. :)
“@blakkrrox: LOVE ur natural beauty shining thru on ur Trespassing phase @adamlambert ~ Who's doing ur cover graphics?” Cherry Multimedia!
@ChrisVllds thanks buddy! :)
(In reply to @ChrisVllds: @adamlambert You know that you're one of the best voices of Amercan idol, i love your voice, your work and your songs)
“@joannalovesgaga: Who's gonna be the director for your next music video? @adamlambert” I don't know yet but it's gonna be epic. :)
“@Glambert0124: @adamlambert how did the word glambert get started?” I think the media started it during idol? I dunno
“@Canadian_Paula: @adamlambert What is the role of executive producer?” creative overview. Keeping everything within a cohesive vibe...
“@breathless2: @adamlambert did joy come in and change your vision?” yes Mary... Such Is life. .
“@MeganGlambert: wait............ @adamlambert is releasing a vinyl record?!” yes!! It IS going to be available on vinyl.
“@AdamzLoverDH: @adamlambert @meganglambert Sorry but whats vinyl?” hahahaha.
@Dsilb37 hell yeah!! ;) thanks.
(In reply to @Dsilb37: @adamlambert yooo brotha! "naked love" turned out awesome, super pumped for the album, great work!!)
Thanks Glamberts! :) gonna make some dinner now. #popstarsgottaeat!/adamlambert


Jadam NZ said...

Whoa,Have been busy pre ordered Trespassing thru AO changed to deluxe. Ordered Deluxe for my Grandson, on Itunes, on laptop,then went to my PC and tried to order again cause it was the same account wouldnt let me pre order again, thats okay I ordered the other one. Will also buy hard copies from store to. Says released here in NZ 18th May.
NCOE is already at 69 on Itunes NZ, that will be the first hardcore fan buying now we wait till the momentum builds and after idol appearances and Queen etc, there will be another leap.

Anonymous said...

Did they release NCOE on Canada Itunes? Does anybody know? I'm sure it will be at #1 in Canada!

Anonymous said...

I luv Adam for inviting us to these "parties"! Now if only he would reply to one of my tweet questions! What's a girl to do?! I try and try and try, till I run out of questions!

But I'm not giving up! It's on my "bucket list"...getting a tweet reply from Adam (sigh)! Of course, first on my "bucket list" is an Adam hug!!! (sigh again)!

Seriously tho, he is so generous and loving with his fans. Having these twitter parties just makes me feel so connected and loved by him!

Ok, now back to my fave snippet...that naughtly sexy "Shady"!!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy these twitter parties I learn little tidbits each time

Anonymous said...

Jadam NZ
I asked this on another topic. How do you upgrade from a standard version of Trespassing to the deluxe version? When I pre-ordered the standard version, it said I was eligible for upgrades but I can't see on Adam Lambert Official Store where to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I love Adam's Twitter parties. :)

Anonymous said...

This morning Trespassing still #1
iTunes Finland and NCOE #2 song!!
Saw BTIKM musicvideo yesterday on TV, Voice music channel (finnish).



glitzylady said...

Did you get an email from Adam Official? Mine was linked directly to my previous order and all I had to do was click on the upgrade that I wanted (The Boxed Set in my case) and that was pretty much all it took. You might want to check your email Spam folder.. sometimes things show up there for no good reason! Or maybe they haven't sent yours out yet??? So good luck..Hope you get it soon!

glitzylady said...

@M 10:46 PM
YAY!!!! Exciting!! Finland loves Adam!!

Anonymous said...


Yes we do!! And we do our best from our <3 to Adam (and Sauli)

Have a nice day!!!!


Anonymous said...

Why is twitter diminishing Adam's followers by the hundreds. I noticed yesterday that his followers reduced by over 300 and when I checked last in a span of twenty minutes they had reduced again by 11 people???? I don't know what is up with that.

I loved the twitter party but feel that Adam has been asked every question imaginable so must be hard for him to come by an original one. Has NCOE been played on US radio yet????

Anonymous said...

Australia is going nuts too!
Incredible album!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that there will be a vinyl version of TRESPASSING also. I grew up with vinyl records and still have most of my favorite albums. Loved the album covers. From the snippets we have heard, I can't wait for my copy of the deluxe album to be delivered in May. Since I am not on Twitter, I love reading all the questions and Adam's replies. He is so connected to his fans and feels extremely proud of this new album that he worked so hard on writing, collaborating and producing. I was actually sitting in a restaurant last night and heard BTIKM for the first time in the background. I couldn't believe it and had a smile on my face as I tried to listen amidst the talking around me. Hopefully we will hear NCOE more often than I ever heard anything else from Adam.

Anonymous said...

I love the music production sound of TRESPASSING album. It is so fresh, new, and current. Reminds me of Thriller album so much. There isn't anything that I don't like on this album. I truly can't pick a favorite. Adam Lambert, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

As to the Twitter numbers, I read on another site and some Gaga fans misunderstood Adam's "Dat Diva Fierce" comment and took it as a diss to Gaga. Apparently, they thought it was a slam and stopped follwing Adam on Twitter. Adam loves and repsects Gaga and would never say anything against her. He's gushed about her for a long time. Maybe we can lure back these Gaga fans and explain that Adam was actually complimenting Gaga, not disrespecting her. Kinda wish Adam would say something on Twitter himself.


Anonymous said...

I bought the vinyl album which comes in that Deluxe Box Set Excl. package on AO but I gotta find out how to play it. My goodness before Adam, I even stopped buying CD. Now I buy CDs, Vinyls, etc. well only Adam's music. Other artists iTunes is my best friend.

Anonymous said...

How could Gaga's fans misinterpret Adam's "Dat Diva Fierce"? That ridiculous. They must be very immature, hyper-sensitive fans. Everyone who follows Adam and Gaga knows that Adam thinks the world of Gaga .... at least everyone who follows them should know that. IDK, there's no pleasing some folk.

Anonymous said...

when is Slash and Adam gonna make a record????!!!! that would be hot!

Anonymous said...

when is Slash and Adam gonna make a record????!!!! that would be hot!

Anonymous said...

cause i'm feeeelin' sooooo shaaaaaady laaaaately!

Jax said...

I just played the album preview for 3 Anti-Lamberts, 2 Neutrals, 4 Glamberts. THEY UNANIMOUSLY BELIEVED, GIVEN THE RIGHT PROMOTION THIS COULD BE THE NEXT "THRILLER"!

Not to mentione they wanted to repeat it almost 11 times and they all repeatedly asked: "THIS IS LAMBERT?!!!".

Their Fav tracks: Chokehold, Underneath, Trespassing, Outlaws of Love, Shady, Kickin' In & Broken English. THEY SAID THESE WERE VERY ORIGINAL but the other tracks are very good tracks that u may hear on others' albums yet Adam has managed to turn them into masterpieces with his shear talent.


Anonymous said...

Jax, That's the way to market Adam! Get the non-fans to see the light. There's no way in hell that even a non-fan could say that Adam's vocals on these songs are not fantastic. So glad that you converted a few people. Now, if you can get them to buy the album, that would be something!

Anonymous said...

Wow weird that Gaga fans would take what Adam said as a negative. How old are her fans anyway! Well he'll be getting lots of new followers with this amazing album and I assume lots of Bruno's followers because of NCOE.I do hope Adam will tweet out something to let Gaga fans know he didn't disrespect her.

Anonymous said...

If Adam Lambert does not have a mega hit with this new album TRESPASSING, then there is something wrong with the listening audience and very little hope left for the music business. It seems he has poured his heart and soul into the making of this album letting us into the deepest, darkest parts of himself with all the frustrations, disappointments, issues and emotions he has faced as an adult. He also seems to be at his happiest now and lets us see that with the uptempo, energetic songs on the album. Adam has taken us on a journey with his music and given us a personal look into his life as expressed through his music. There is just something so special about that voice like no other in music today. From the snippets I have heard and now with NCOE, I can't wait for May 15th to listen to the entire album and explore all that Adam has given us through these songs. This new album, several appearances with Queen and any promos Adam does in the future should make 2012 the best year for him both professionally and personally. He certainly deserves it!!!

Anonymous said...

@JAX or give them the Trespassing album as gifts when it's out on 5/15. If money is an issue don't be shy to ask fans to chip in to buy your buddies Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

Is it true Queen + Adam two concert tickets in UK are sold out? I'm not going so I don't follow up with all the news about this. I think I came across it somewhere but I don't recall. Has anyone heard anything about this?

Anonymous said...

@3:54 I totally agree. Not only is Adam's voice the best, but these songs are really great!

funbunn40 said...

@JAX, Good work!Each of us can make a huge difference, even if it's one person at a time. I've even talked Adam up to catalogue order takers over the phone and as a patient in the ER!I never let a great opportunity pass me by. I just make sure I don't overdo it. haha

Anonymous said...

How come everybody suprised that GaGa's fans are upset? I knew they will be furious when I read this tweet.
I hope Adam & Queen will have fantastic shows. After all, Adam need to get much more fans than he has right now. Just research the numbers on Itunes charts and compare them with yesterday results.
Very sad.

Jax said...

@ DRG > That would be great but unfortunately I live in Iran and there's absolutely no market, of any sort, that we can buy Adam's album from! :D But I'm kind of a music reference here for my friends so they'll eventually gain access to his album maybe a day or two after its earlier release. AND... there's always my facebook page for promoting. :)

If we could have a way that Iranians could buy his album, he'd be instantly no.1 on our charts... We love him.

@ Annon 4:00 pm > Sweetheart, tnx for your kindest offer. It's more complicated than that as I explained for DRG, but yet your offer makes me deeply happy for being in the same team with you. Adam should be proud. You rock...

@ funbunn40 > You sure did! I may have just started posting comments here but I've been observing and constantly appreciating your love and support for Adam from the very early days of FYE... ;) WHY ER THOUGH?! Is everything ok with you?!!...

Jadam NZ said...

Glitzylady, maybe you misunderstood me or it is my jumbled way of putting things, because yes I did up grade thru Adam Lambert Global Store they sent an email to update to Deluxe just with a click, which is what I did.
It was pre-ordering the Deluxe on itunes I couldnt do twice. But once its actually on itunes I will be able to get it.
Thats 3 albums so far and no doubt I will buy some for friends and family when its in stores.

Jax said...

A few insights and expressions from non-fans and neutrals after hearing the snippets:

Just quoting, not commeting.

- "This is the exact reason I stopped liking him. He has so much talent and with tracks like Voodoo and Down the Rabbit Hole on his album goes off and releases If I had you! This album is incredible, I wish he does it right this time."

- "I guess he's not that gay! He's more of a Freddie Mercury gay though rather than a douche gay. A cool one, Starting to like him."

- "Seriously! This is LAMBERT?!!!"

- "I'm not that shocked, I knew he could make such an album. His choices to be accepted by the masses and the mainstream media is my main problem. No one had any doubt he is a genius and DIFFERENT, he just doesn't want to accept it."

- "Wow! I'm still confused why he went pop, but this album is very MJ!"

- "There are many artists who can scream and wail like him, BUT HOW THE HELL DOES THIS DUDE CONTROL AND PLAY WITH HIS NOTES IN THAT HIGH REGISTER?!!"

- "I knew I'll get to love him again. (she was crying after hearin Underneath). :) )

- "I feel like him he's sexually harassing me with his raspy voice, AND THE IRONY IS THAT I REALLY LIKE IT!!! Am I sick?!!!" =))))

as much as I tried to be angry with them sometimes for being too stubborn to admit Adam's greatness, I more felt like they are like nagging children who love their parents but just love to be cold with them to attract their attention! :)


Anonymous said...

Adam's TWEETS to AmIdol Jessica S and to his buddy Kris Allen... - read from bottom up:

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
@JSanchezAI11 Werk!

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
@KrisAllen : Excited to hear you sing Vision of Love tomorrow night!

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Sanchez!!! Holy fuck daaaaaaaym

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Gotta say, ALL these kids are dope this year. Love all the young musicians onstage too. Great energy.

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
Jessica Sanchez better sing. Jeeeeeez. That first run was nuts. #futurepopmegastar

GGD Gal - Love Adam, always so supportive!

Anonymous said...

Yep watching the AI from overseas and have to say Jessica Sanchez is in a league of her own for sure. Noticed they pulled the Adam in the last three last week her. Back to boosting the ratings again! One wonders just how fixed a lot of this stuff is.

Anonymous said...

Would be nice if Adam got a nice positive nod from Kris. Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

The talent on AI is extremely good this season, but Adam Lambert set the bar so high during season 8 that I seem to compare everyone else to him. That voice, his stage presence, his style and overall look...there is just no one in his league since then. And as we can see, you don't necessarily have to win to be a success. With all these"reality" singing shows on tv, we are being inundated with so many who want to become successful in the music business, but as we have seen it is very difficult. Look at some of the winners of AI, the Voice and the X-Factor. You really do not hear anything about them now. It's a tough business and very few become major performers with longevity.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I need an Adam Lambert fix, I go to the Jezebel party in
Atlanta vids from 3/8 that I saved. He performed Trespassing, Chokehold,Cuckoo and several others from FYE. Adam looked great, sounded terrific with the new songs and had some sexy,relaxed special moves. If this is any indication of what we will see when Adam puts together his new tour, get ready for an amaaaazing experience. It will be nothing like the Glam Nation Tour; this will be totally different for the new album is my guess. This will be an exciting year for Adam with the new album, the Queen concerts, Elton John and whatever else he has on his agenda. As Adam would say:It's all good.

Anonymous said...

I am not on Twitter, but I love to catch up when his comments are published on this site and a few others. Adam is so good to his fans and tries to keep them in the loop about most things involving his career. We already know so much about him personally, perhaps more than we are entitled to. Sometimes I feel that I know more about him than I do some of my own family and friends. But it is fun and interesting to keep up with the latest. And this blogsite keeps all of his fans informed about anything related to Adam and his music. So for most of the population not following Adam in some way, it would not be unusual for them to know anything about him and the latest in his career with this new album. I just sent a friend all the snippets so she could listen to them from the new album since she really didn't know anything about it. Hopefully now she will buy the album when it is released in May. I already have my order placed and can't wait for it to arrive next month.

Anonymous said...

2:25, You are right about the general public not know about Adam and his talent. That is why he needs to do more NETWORK TV appearances that the general viewers more likely watches. Casual fans or non-fans will not know how to seek him out on small channels or special events. Mainstream TV covers LOTS of viewing categories.

HK fan said...

@anon apr19 6.31 am
i can believe that Jessica was in the bottom, and I think she has a good chance of being there again this week.
Whilst I think she has an amazing voice, for me she just doesn't connect. I always feel she is acting the emotions of a song not feeling them, she has obviously studied 'all her life' to be where she is, but at the expensive of her own identity and personality.
And reading other comments on blogs a lot of people feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert should show those people on American Idol this season how to SANG! they have no personality:(( blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert looked professional on American Idol. Everyone else looks amateur. he played the camera for all it was worth. Eye sexing every chance he got;)

funbunn40 said...

@JAX, So interesting to hear what non fans think about Adam and his music. Things seem to be shifting slowly in his favor and I think the more people that hear Trespassing will change their minds about preconceived notions. Not everyone could relate to the glitter and glamand This album shows a more grounded, genuine side that may be more easily accepted. I would be glad to send you his deluxe cd if you can't purchase it in Iran.I miss the days in the US where you could browse hundreds of music items in a record store. Thanks for asking about my ER visit. Just a middle ear glitch that made me extremely dizzy, but fine now. Just lack of sleep trying to keep up with Adam news and videos! No hope for me!

funbunn40 said...

I've been watching Idol and when I see any of them covering a song that Adam has done I can't help comparing and try not to be biased, but no one can compare. Adam will always own A Change is Gonna Come and Whole Lotta Love and Randy saying someone "can sing the phone book", that term was first used describing Adam. Now that I've got that off my chest I'll be fair and say that the ones left are all so talented and much better than past seasons and I'd hate to see any of them leave. It's apples and oranges now. I like Phil Phillips. He's a Dave Mathews type and feels what he sings and lets it flow. Jessica and Holly have the voice, but need more connecting experience.I see Colton maybe recording for a Christian recording co. being played on the same radio stations. Elise is good, but I see her more playing in clubs or lounges in Vegas. Joshua is talented too, but something about the tone of his doesn't stir me. Adam has really spoiled me. I also noticed that since Adam was the first to have lasers during his What Do You Want From Me performance they now have them on the show! Adam always the innovater! He also was the most compelling artist to walk down those stairs! I know I'm being shallow and biased, just can't help myself! I'm getting jaded.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert set the bar so high during season 8 of IDOL that I compare all contestants since then to him...and no one can equal that voice, his stage presence or style. Adam has the "IT" factor that makes him one amazing performer. I realize most of this season's performers are young and inexperienced and don't really have a stage persona yet. They get different comments from Jimmy Iovine and then the judges so it must be very difficult to find the right balance as they perform. Kris Allen did a nice job with his new single, but LMFAO was sheer garbage. This is what you want these young people to strive towards??? Where is Adam? When will he be on IDOL to show them how it should be done? I can't wait to see him perform NCOE; I am certain it will be something special.

Jax said...

@ funbunn40 > Glad you're feeling alright. ;)
Your completely right, this album will eventually garner him a wider fan base. I just hope everything goes right.
Thank you so much for your sweet offer! I really appreciate it, but I don't think it'll be that easy. Your friendship and kindness is much more worthed...


Anonymous said...

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