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Shirtless Photo of Adam Lambert?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 14, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, April 14, 2012

< photo removed >

Reason: Not sure if that is Adam.

From Adam Lambert Fan club:

"During the night, this SHIRTLESS Pic of ADAM LAMBERT surfaced (from an unnamed source)!"


Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam, maybe not. Have seen better ones tho. Like the one from Burning Man with leaf pants. That one is hot.

Adamluv said...

This appears to be an invasion of his privacy or someone elses. Not a fan of the whole idea. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This is cropped from an old Picture. It is not Adam he was traveling when it was taken and not at the party in was taken at.

Anonymous said...

This is a very old picture with Drake holding a poppy by the pool. Three years ago, most fans thought that's not Adam. See the full size picture here:

Another shirtless old picture of Adam here:

Anonymous said...

I think that's somebody else not Adam. Adam was on Idol tour when this picture was taken.

Anonymous said...

Yeah like anyone could slip one by any Glambert who knows every move Adam has made over the last 3 years!

Anonymous said...

The jury's out on this one. I'm not convinced, though it could be him. It's really an invasion of privacy, I agree. I wonder when it was reaaly taken for sure? Don't care for the whole over-stepping the bounds thing. Don't think Adam would be too happy about this, if it is him.

Anonymous said...

One reason why I find Adam so sexy and seductive is because he doesn't show too much skin.

I mean, almost everyone in music business poses half naked/shirtless once in a while, but not Adam. So when I see his collarbones or shoulders in pictures/videos I gasp - every time. Not kidding!

The man is sexy, I do not need shirtless pictures of him to realize that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Why would someone do this? Let's wait for Adam to decide WHEN and IF he wants to be seen shirtless.

Urethra_Franklin said...

SHAME SHAME! Really 24/7? You lose points today.

Anonymous said...

Where is this SoundCloud link to vote for NCOE? Others seem to be voting on it.

Anonymous said...

@1:55PM Here is the link. I believe the no. of plays on this song will determine how many spins NCOE will get on radios. I'm not sure about this but hey it's a beautiful song listen to it as much as you can.

I read a Billboard article that said now Billboard is using internet traffic for a song to determine it's position on their charts. I assume single sales, radio airplay, and nos. of plays and views on internet sites will determine popularity of a song. Sites that let you pick your own song and play it non-stop like soundclouds, Spotify, Rhapsody, Pandora, AOL Music, Yahoo, VH1, MTV, Youtube, Vevo, etc. etc.

The Dark Side said...

And we know this is Adam, how? Could be any number of guys! Does picture come with letter of certificate? LOL

Anonymous said...

2:15, Thanks for the SoundCloud link. I went there and gave NCOE some spins. Anything that helps this song, I'll do!

Anonymous said...

topless and bottomless I think!!!

Anonymous said...

This is an invasion of one's privacy Adam or not, please, take this photo down..

Anonymous said...

I never could understand how a photo could be shirtless or naked. Not that I'm the grammar police or anything, but I think the proper way to caption this would be "Photo of Adam Lambert shirtless?"

We've all seen headlines that say "naked photos of (pick a name) turn up." Really? The pictures are naked but the people in them have clothes on??????

Anonymous said...

Bunch of pictures of Adam shirtless and sexy:

I don't think the one posted is Adam.

Anonymous said...

Not buying at all. It doesn't look like his body and if it was they wouldn't have cropped it like that. Just BS!!

Anonymous said...

24/7 -- Why show this pic when the previous pic was promoting Adam's new single coming out this coming Tuesday. Seems like that's a lot more important!! Sometimes don't understand these "fan" sites :(.

Anonymous said...

Don't really need this type of pic because it makes me feel that Adam's privacy is being invaded even more than usual. Of course we want to see any and all of Adam, but really...only when it is under his control and he approves of it.

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin - RIGHT ON!

@24// ADMIN -
There are so many NEW, WONDERFUL THINGS happening in Adam's life - please post about them!

GGD Gal, so effin disappointed!

Anonymous said...

OT - Fan art

Anonymous said...

Been listening to NCOE on souncloud on and off for the past 3 days. Just gotta say how much I love it ,his voice and the production,perfect for radio IMO. Can't wait to see if adds start coming in next week and how quickly it starts getting played. Remember you can purchase it on itunes this Thursday!

glitzylady said...

Yes, I vote to take this down too... I just don't feel that it's something Adam would enjoy seeing...He's very body conscious and self conscious so I feel bad that this picture surfaced. And thinking its from awhile ago. He is very careful to keep himself covered in pictures and I would prefer he makes his own decisions whether to appear in public with no shirt. Its not so much a modesty thing as it is an invasion of privacy if this was a picture he didn't want published and was taken in a private setting. : /

Anonymous said...

What is the hype? This is exactly the reason why we will not see anymore topless pictures of Adam because some people go berserk over seeing his nipples or his belly button. Go watch some old Zodiac videos or as already said find some old Burning Man pictures!

Lizard Eyes

glitzylady said...

@Lizard Eyes
I don't mind seeing nipples or belly buttons, in fact I LOVE seeing those..Hell, I've been to a few Pride Parades and Festivals and have seen a lot more than nipples and belly buttons...Way more!! And I am about as far from a prude as you can get. ..I just wonder where this came from. If it's a private picture, then not sure sure its okay...I love all of the Burning Man pics and the Zodiac Show pics...And Adam in all of his beautiful glory. That's all..It would be nice to know where it came from... : ))

tess4ADAM said...

Shirtless ADAM?? How can one tell?? The face is obscured so this may be a look-a-like (OR NOT)!?! PLEASE do something constructive for ADAM ... VOTE for him ... VIEW his videos ... BUY his songs ... REQUEST his songs!! As much as I LOVE ADAM ... I do NOT need shirtless photos (maybe??) of him!!


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady it's a magnified picture which was taken almost three years ago. It's Adam's ex bf drake by the pool and supposedly that's Adam behind him. This is the full picture:

I don't think that's Adam.

Anonymous said...

@4:32PM I too love NCOE. Beautiful musical arrangement and Adam's voice shines. It's a gorgeous song and I hope radios pick it up quickly and spin it non-stop. Let's hope this Tuesday with it's release it'll break iTunes chart and stays on top for few days. Glamberts let's focus and prioritize. Share this song and let's make it a record breaking on Tuesday.

BTW that's not Adam. Looking at the full picture that person has darker skin. Definitely it's not Adam.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Adam. But, I agree, invasion of privacy.

Anonymous said...

nice nipples.

Anonymous said...

You should delete this. So uncool to post photos like this. Adam would not dig this. He is very private this way.

Urethra_Franklin said...

4:54 thanks for that full pic. Its DEF not him. I remember those pics. If I recall correctly his friends were tweeting him from that party. #outingmycray

Anonymous said...

What a waste of energy trying to figure out if it's Adam. Let's do something positive Withnthat energy. I'm headed out the door to do a benefit. Just saying'.

Anonymous said...

Tickets for Adam Lambert outdoor concert at Jimmy Kimmel Live is still available. Go to the link below. Go to page 4 under Free Ticket Finder red label. Click on Adam's picture and get your free tickets. Here:

Anonymous said...

@Urethra_Franklin I remember too he was on Idol tour when that picture circulated on twitter. I don't understand why it resurfaced again. That's not Adam for sure. He was in a different city when that picture was taken. Plus the person behind Drake is much darker and Adam has a very light skin.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam has a good turn out for his concert on the Jimmy Kimmel Live mini concert.

Anonymous said...

Tickets for the outdoor concert at Jimmy Kimmel Live is for free. Get it if you want to see Adam for free.

Anonymous said...

Get this post off. 24/7 is 95% great but this is the 5%. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

The man is gorgeous and his body is great. But this is an unauthorized paparazzi pic and Adam doesn't deserve this from a fan site. C'mon, is anyone listening on this site?

Anonymous said...

If that is a picture of Adam in the background with then doesn't look like him today. Adam is much thiner now IMO.

Anonymous said...

it is adam and it shows exactly why he is careful not to be photographed without a shirt. that is his chin and his chest. even in Zodiac photos you can see same chest. let the man have his shirt back and all of you who have been incessantly clamoring for a shot of him with no shirt finally got your wish. you know adam would be alright with showing his chest if he wanted to show it, but he doesn't, he is self conscious. please take this photo off this site, it would displease him greatly. let's respect his privacy.

Adamluv said...

@24/7 - thanks for the deleite.

funbunn40 said...

I don't know if it's Adam or not. I also don't think Adam would appreciate the invasion of privacy for any reason. He shares enough with us, which is very appreciated and it's not right for anyone to take sneeky pics to exploit him. For some reason I can't get the links. Google says respell words or no page found. It happens on a lot of the links posted on 24/7.I have no trouble clicking on any links from twitter directly. It's a mystery.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the photo. It's now been removed.

Anonymous said...

I've seen a photo of Drake holding a dog by a pool with a guy behind him. If that's the photo, beats me why it was posted.

HK fan said...

I have the same problem, about 80% of the links I try on here come up not recognised/page not found or incorrect url etc. Its a bit of a pain to say the least...

Anonymous said...

Adam is much thinner now, but he still doesn't seem to like being bare-chested. That's ok with me. He looks fabulous fully-clothed.

Urethra_Franklin said...

24/7 you get your points back for deletion. It DEF is not him and even if it was him it was totally creepy stalker pic.

Anonymous said...

men can show their boobs. women do. what is the big deal. he wanted it all out there, so that is what he did.

Anonymous said...

men can show their boobs. women do. what is the big deal. he wanted it all out there, so that is what he did.

Anonymous said...

doesn't he let it all hang out in his house? I guess he is sick of all those hot black clothes. He needs some cooling off.

Anonymous said...


This coming Tuesday 4/17, in order for NCOE to chart on top no. 1 singles on iTunes "BUY THE SINGLE FIRST, then pre-order the album!"

Anonymous said...

Uretha - agree with you about the links but sometimes I've gone to the links and gotten viruses. No more links for me!!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOve ADAM LAMBERRT,:))))))))))))