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TheFabLife Interviews Adam Lambert at the NewNowNext Awards red carpet

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, April 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, April 09, 2012


Anonymous said...

Adam, politics is not your cup of tea; but you make an absolutely brilliant leader because you don't just talk it, which comes so so naturally to you, but most outstandingly, you live it! And like a brightly lit-lamp, you must be put high on a lampstand for everyone to see and find their way. By the way Adam, Sauli's angelic smile when you were doing your Trespassing thing, is the ooze of love! Radiant. :)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my I am so jealous of your comments, you write beautiful!! Has anyone heard from JAK, the witty, true fan JAK lately?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much! Yea, where's JAK...her sense of humour is wry. Hey JAK, Adam may be rowing across the Atlantic afterall! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Loved the Mitt Romney comment! Adam picked up on it immediately. I love when an interviewer is at least half as smart and quick as he is. And yes, Sauli's face at the concert was priceless. Talk about love.
And yes, I hope JAK is all right. When we don't hear from her for a while, we get worried.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Perfectly said!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam said that he is only person who looks normal. And it made him different in this drag queens show! Cause nobody else looked as superb as Adam
Sorry, but I think ADam is out of their league.
His performance was brilliant. Adam is the biggest and brightest star of our time.

I think PH lost his mind. Sorry, I complimented him.Cause he doesn't have any!

Anonymous said...

'There's a lot of hair' .... Adam, you have a lot of hair and I absolutely love it. I also love his look ..... aaahhhhhh, flailing here. <3

Anonymous said...

A politician has NEVER looked this SEXY!!!!!!! :-D

Adamluv said...

Every time the camera showed Adam in the audience he looked so stunningly beautiful. Loved seeing him close up during his performance. Also fun seeing Sutan having such a good time. Very pleased that Naya R. (Glee) Josh H. (the Hunger Games) and Andre (the tall male model) all won in their categories. Need to get back to my TV since Adam will be on again in about 10 mins. - oh how I love the cable channels that repeat their shows! Will get to see this performance many more times this week! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

You brought up an interesting notion; Adam always says he is different under 'normal' circumstances but now you're saying he's different in a 'different' sort of circumstance. That makes him doubly different...very complicating! Adam, how do you remain so normal under such opposing circumstances. Even just by talking about it, I get all twisted! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

I've just read that Queen have been asked to take part in the Olympics' closing ceremony .....

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Row Adam Row...on with the Olympic show...The viewership is billion+!

Anonymous said...

Estimated TV viewership for 2012 Olympics: 4 billion, more than half the world. Massive exposure.

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough - the choice of Mitt Romney was a good, smart one by the interviewer, good for her, because oddly there is a bit of a resemblence, LOL. Aside from his current national aspirations, Mitt's Massachusetts days have me well acquainted with his mug, and yes, witty comment by the interviewer!! And of course AL didn't miss a beat with the reference, sexy sexy brains!!!


Anonymous said...

Regarding the Olympics, gah, I can't even let my mind go there for fear of Adam not being the front man. The viewership numbers, gaaaahh... must push the thoughts and excitement of this away from my brain!

Anonymous said...


Adam's sexy brain is ONE OF THE reasons I am so in awe of him. The ease with which he answers questions,his advanced articulate vocabulary and his ability to speak/respond in full sentences..... extremely sexy!!

Now add quick-witted,breathtakingly handsome,ridiculously talented.......almost too much 'sexy' in one man.....Not fair to others.

Anonymous said...

I PRAY that Adam does perform with Queen at the Olympics, but I'm trying to control myself until we see the confirmation. OH MY GOD!

Anonymous said...

MGF, so wholeheartedly agree with everything you say about Adam. On top of which he seems to be so humble about his sexiness, aware of his effect on others, but as astonished about it, much like the innocent, but naughty child that he is. Savvy but ingenuous, fierce, but compassionate, wild but controlled, unschooled but intelligent, Adam is full of the contradictions that keep us guessing, therefore intrigued. The effect is that he keeps us wanting, until we embarrass ourselves and come to our senses. Alas, as this is just a temporary state, until like a drug, his memory tugs at us again.

Anonymous said...

@ MGF..........JAK here

You put it so well....:)))....he is like a drug. Definitely addictive.

To all who Adam would say "Aww, that's sweet". I am okay, well, moderately okay. Spent
some time in emergency room and in hospital room over the weekend, not an Easter Egg in sight.

Note to physicians....if you have a patient who has adverse reactions to more than 11 NOT switch them to 3 new medications at one time on Thursday, then go on vacation! Whew, what a weekend!
Someone set the "crazy train" on fire and let it speed thru my chest and back for 3 days! Somewhere there is a voodoo doll with my name on it and it is being needled on a regular basis!

Now I'm playing catch up on Adam news again. Trespassing performance was perfection...I like The Girls, nice to see some color on stage. News of possible collabs with Queen this summer has me giddy with hope and anticipation and we heard from's all good! :)))

Anonymous said...

As usual, you put it in such a light-hearted way but it still sounds intense to me. :)

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun my friend in Jesus
Whoa! I thought JAK's hellspital treatment of 11 kinds of medicines was bad enough; but oh my goodness, what you are going through is a lot lot more intense. Hey but you still write so well, like before; shows the brain is only physically in hellspital but mentally still here at 24/7 CC, Cuckoo Club or kuku as Icon meows it. Hi Icon, good to hear from you; I heard you had special sardine barbecued for your birthday. Happy belated 2-year-old birthday! :)

lorraine said...

Jak-Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Of course, it is only your physical well-being that needs looking after. Your mind,as always, continues to sparkle.
And-speaking of minds,I couldn't stop laughing at Neil's twitter request to his brother yesterday;he put in an order for 2 of those "trespassing dresess asap!"Those 2 must have been a hoot growing up together!

Anonymous said...

@April 10, 2012 2:26 PM/Anonymous - brilliantly said!

& April 10, 2012 7:25 AM/Anonymous - you too!



Anonymous said...

OT @ MGF Well said, as usual. Always gladto see you here!...@JAK, So sorry for more medical problems and missed Easter Bunny visit! I also take several RX,all saying take once a day. I chose to not take them all at the same time (after informing my MD who agreed)I take 3 in AM and other 3 in PM at the same time every day. I'm not mixing them together all at once, creating a rx Frankenstein monster. Hope all is well now, as Adamland will be picking up and we need your input!

funbunn40 said...

Adam always is alert and quick to respond with wit and intelligence. He always entertains and so good to look at! Thud!