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Videos and Pictures of Adam Lambert at Logo's "NewNowNext" Awards 2012

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 5, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, April 05, 2012

Adam Lambert posing on the red carpet and talks about his new album "Trespassing" at LOGO'S "NewNowNext" Awards Red Carpet Arrivals at The Avalon in Los Angeles, Ca USA April 5, 2012.

ADAM LAMBERT on the NNN Red Carpet (Longer Version Video)

@brianlondon: Just finished #NNN show with @adamlambert! You killed it dude!!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam, squashed between two beautiful big ladies...a very strong exciting picture. And Adam's fierce expression blends in nicely with the ladies' effervescent smiles and style, a wholesome sexy picture. This photo is really well-framed; dominant black against yellow spotlight in the trees and the yellow 'Trespassing' strips hanging on the ladies' arms. Like it very much; a lot of attitude too, beckoning, look here! :)

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is Adam getting waaay too skinny. He looks so beautiful and happy and content but I kinda liked him with a little meat on him :D

The leather pants in the performance were practically painted on...he looked so hot can't wait for it to air so that I can watch the whole show. I love the big beautiful Soul Sisters (apparently they were Jill Scott's back up singers)...seems Miss Thang made an appearance tonight haha!!! So excited for the AI performance now!!!

Anonymous said...

How much hotter can Adam get!
We have a superstar here.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves his fans and treats them affectionately like close friends
Answering all their questions as best he can and then sings his heart out for them
Such a well-loved person, simple, humble, handsome, thoughtful, creative; no pretence
Now, that Sonisphere has been cancelled, he'll have more time to spend
With Sauli, and his family who are the cornerstone of his success and strength
Adam, Trespassing will be a boon, an inspiration, an awakening, galvanising, worldwide trend
That'll stir, melt and touch the hearts of many, accelerating their passion; spark their zen
Topping the charts, sending others tumbling like tumble-weeds to circumvent
Trespassing songs, so vibrant, fresh, meaningful, with drum and sexy beats unrelent
Splish Splash Splosh
Trespassing is arriving in a torrential slay of unstoppable electricity-laden force
That'll rake in a bumper harvest, a couple of millions to fill your coffers and vault
Knowing Adam, he never closes his eyes or turns his back on any charitable cause
Tangible or intangible, he is a viable vibrant human resource, who lifts many a down-trodden, so distraught
At this point, I'd like to express my immense admiration and concern for those fighting tooth and nail for their lives, just to stay aloft
So hop onto your crazy train, Adam, roll in and trespass into our cities; let your voice wander, explore, caress, emancipate and rise on the concourse


fanatapan said...

heres the first vid we've got of the performance - AMAZING!!

enjoy while u can, it probs wont b there for long.

fanatapan said...

o and OT: not sure of the validity of this, but according to an unsupported wiki statement ( ) Adam will be performing Cuckoo on Idol on May 10th! WOOOOO!

ok, i'm done bombarding the site now lol :p

glitzylady said...

Adam looks AMAZING and just's a picture of him tonight...Looking quite fit and has just the right amount of...meat..on his my humble opinion..And having seen and hugged him less than two weeks ago, I had the time to personally assess that!! LOL!! ; ))

glitzylady said...

Well, my next two posts were going to be the vid of Trespassing at NNNAwards and the info re Adam performing on American Idol on May 10th, but @fanatapan beat me to it..

I'm pretty sure I believe the May 10th Idol performance item ..makes perfect sense to me...Wonder if Cuckoo is the new single?? Hmmmm

And yes..view the vid quickly, it might be pulled by RCA or NNN soon..

fanatapan said...

lol @Glitzylady, great minds think alike as they say! i hope the AI story is true, and since its a more commercial platform than NNN i imagine Cuckoo probably is the new single. they are both my favourites of the new snippets, so i dont mind either way. although, i think Cuckoo is more suited to the pop market, but then again what do i know?!

Anonymous said...

Adam is just so gorgeous!Just love his latest look!

Anonymous said...

catch the it....haven't seen Kevin lately?????

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear all songs with the whole band...

Anonymous said...

Adam and Trespassing ..I love it..cannot get

glitzylady said...

Oh, and here's a nice pic of Adam.. : )

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely gorgeous. Pants aren't too bad either :) But, yeah, he is thin enough. I better bring him a pizza. BRB.

Anonymous said...

My Good Friday video (Trespassing)!!!

Oh! My!!!!!!!!!!!! Forgive me!!!


Trespassing is my first choice to rock the world then the rest of the songs will eat us alive indeed!!!

What a voiceeeeeeeeeeee.....


HK fan said...

Love the red carpet videos and the performance. But I'm not digging the backing singers, and I know this isn't very pc of me, but purely for their looks, they just don't look like they fit in with the rest of the band :(

Anonymous said...


but just that i spot raja and sauli sitting together in the crowd... raja is totally clapping and dancing, while sauli just stood there. and in today's pic, sauli didn't smile as well. are they fighting?


Anonymous said...

Here is a more up close video.

Anonymous said...


Where u there?????

Your initial is perfect for your question. MEOWWWWWWWWW always intriguing.............. Get a mouse for your snack.

Anonymous said...

The back up singers are prob just for that show. They prob work for NNN not Adam.

Anonymous said...

I don't know they may be part of the band now.

Brian London ‏ @brianlondon

Welcome to the family! The new singers 'The Girls' @KeishaRenee and @SincerliOctavia! @adamlambert

Brian is Adam's new musical director.

Anonymous said...

Here is the closeup video!

Anonymous said...

I know I am so biased, but I love everything about this performance

Anonymous said...

LOL! Brian didn't say "welcome to the glamily!" Maybe they'll be around for the AI performance whenever it happens.

The two pics of Adam & Sauli sitting together are to-die-for. Is there a cuter couple on the planet? Sads about the confetti at the end - we couldn't see Adam in all his glory but the actual TV show will deliver that and more, I'm sure. Great evening.

Anonymous said...

@CAT I wouldn't worry about Sauli, I think he was overwhelmed by his BF's performance he could only watch in awe :D

I think everyone is used to him smiling all the time that when he looks serious people think he is unhappy. He is soooooooo gorgeous and they make the cutest couple EVER!!!!

As for the person who said they didn't like the back up singers...why?? Because they are fat?? Anyway I don't think they are permanent maybe for a couple of performances.

Anonymous said...

Damn Blogger... made my comment disappear! What was I saying?...

Those ladies are tall, aren't they? I just love that picture. I hope someone use the idea for an art photo or, better yet, for the cover of his future biography: “Adam’s Angels” or “Glam Angelitude”... or “Glam Angelogue”...
One Mr. Lee Cherry is needed here. Pronto!
HaHaHa. That’s my Half-Skirt Man! My holy(..woodish) epiphanic moment! Love love love it!

PS: Blogger, behave!

Anonymous said...

Good Blogger! GLb

Anonymous said...

hope Adam has the back-up singers on tour. The band looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

Love the performance, of course, and the back-up singers were great, even if they're just for this show. Where are these pics of Adam and Sauli sitting together?

Anonymous said...

I personally LOVE the back up singers, they are so fierce and I think they add smth new to the performance. I'm liking Brian London so far especially after that performance...sonically they sounded amazeballs. So is Kevin gone now or what?? Can't wait till the next performance to see what they do next!

Anonymous said...

On that wiki page, it says Adam will perform Cuckoo on Top 3 result show which is May 17th not 10th. May 17th is 2 days after release of his album. I love Cuckoo. He will be amazing. He was amazing last night and I can't wait to watch it on my T.V. on Monday night. Yay!

Anonymous said...

I love the back-up singers. I think they blend so well with Adam but at the same time not too overbearing so all can hear Adam's amazing, powerful vocals shining through!


glitzylady said...

About Adam's future appearance on American Idol:

Yes, after looking at the American Idol Season 11 here:

and realizing that there is an EXTRA WEEK built in for the non-elimination "JUDGES SAVE" which can only be used until Top 5, the date for the Top 3 episode is May 17th..Makes perfect sense..The schedule shows two Top 6 weeks..but is a result of the non-elimination week.. A twitter friend and I realized that earlier this a.m. because of the inconsistency of date and Top 3 week..and I was coming here to correct that earlier May 10th date estimate..

Wiki page for Season 11 showing Adam singing Cuckoo on Top 3 episode. Still not officially confirmed but what a PERFECT time for Adam to guest..Two days after Trespassing the album drops in the US..and by then they'll have chosen his new he can perform it..Not sure that Cuckoo is the new single tho..Because Adam says that hasn't happened yet..or he isn't saying..Either way, guess we'll see. I would bet the Top 3 date is correct tho..the song listed, not so sure...

Anonymous said...

The closer the finale, the greater the honor. This timing is PERFECT for the release of the album. Whether he sings Trespassing or Cuckoo, it's all good. He is THE MAN. Rumors are out that Queen has something cooking in June w/Adam. We'll have to wait and see. Have I mentinoed lately that I love this guy?

Anonymous said...

I was so hoping adam would sing NCOE on idol. Any chance of that one? Of course, I'll be happy with anything as long as I see adam on the my t.v. again. I think david cook is performing on may 10th.


glitzylady said...

Anything is possible! And according to the WIKI Season 11 performance schedule I posted above, David Cook is performing on May 10th...Guess we'll see how this all pans out...So happy that Adam appears to have the "Top Spot" of the Idol it should be!!!!

Hmmm...I believe you probably have mentioned that, but it always bears repeating..

funbunn40 said...

Adam always looks good, but he looked healthier at the Moscow concert. He looked so manly and strong, chest and shoulders nicely filled out. He has a more model lean look now, and is still breathtaking. He'll need to have stamina once the tour starts and hope he doesn't get any thinner. Sauli looks pretty lean too. Juicing's fine, but you need some bulk in your diet too. Didn't mean to get off on that, as long as he's healthy that's what's important. The leather pants still is an attention grabber!Loved his stage outfit. Every inch a superstar!

funbunn40 said...

May 17th! I'll be in Cancun!Hope there won't be any sporting events to mess up my DVR. Just my luck!

Anonymous said...

Not Loving the back up singers, they just don't fit well with the rest of the band, very distracting and sooooo out of place. Is Adam a new age singer or is he a gospel singer? Adam is modern, new age singer with edge and the back up singers are anything bu that. I was distracted the whole time by the black flowy gown in the back and couldn't get the whole thing as a one show but two different show going on..Adam made a big mistake having back up singers, took away the edge and attention from Adam and his flawless vocals. JMHO. I want Adam to have big success with this CD and no distractions or mistakes like this should take place, everything needs to be top notch and back up singers were not that.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Adam got his AI-owed-him load of confetti raining and pouring down on him; and that all-out Adam yell to the heavens is the climax of a stunning performance! At least now I have a glimpse of an idea of what should have been. I guess the nice lady backup singer is a sort of reminiscence of their civil rights movement a long time ago; in tune with the present day, gay rights movement. Trespassing carries a message and vibe to these idealogies. Just my opinion. Back to Adam, you nailed it big time Dude! I'll be googling for a close-up version. I love this song, so strong and a special tone to his voice makes it bluesy. Beautiful. :)

Anonymous said...

As regards his NNN fashion, avant-garde; he sure is leading the way as a men's fashionista. The droopy translucent black sash suits Adam's fluidity and he stands way out alright. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam's shirt and lace-crotch pants are very very fashionable, especially the long sleeves, with special brocade. Goodness, Adam, you look like you just emerged from another more advanced planet. Yea like what I said in my poem...a torrential slay! LOL! :)

mimi said...

I still hope that "Trespassing" is the new single---it is just so darn good---I know that it is a message song, but you can't help but like it --it just sticks with you and keeps spinning around in my mind. I think it would be the perfect next song to release--great for radio play, It is an instant likable song --don't have to listen two or three times to see if you like it -----it's instant like!!!!

HK fan said...

@anon 8.12
yes, if I'm being honest (and I'll probably get blasted for this), it is because they are extremely overweight. I'm sure they are lovely ladies with great voices, but personally for me, they just don't 'look' like like they fit in with Adam and the band, who are all young, fahionable and good looking. Asthetically speaking for myself I would rather see, attractive, younger slimmer back up singers and dancers (like Sasha and Terrance, loved them).
And as another poster said, I found them quite distracting in the big black outfits. But its Adams decision, I don't have to agree with everything he says or does, I will just have to try extra hard to keep my eyes trained on him.....:)

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......I like the back up singers, they give an earthy "we're here to party" kick to the performance. A sort of "Get down tonight" air of joy and celebration. As usual our opinions are all over the place and that's part of the fun of being able to "share" on this site.
Fortunately we can ALL agree, Adam was FANTASTIC!

Anonymous said...

This is the big time now and backup singers are needed.Adams performances can never be critised.
He is an breathtaking performer with vocals that hit the heart.

Anonymous said...

^ Just why are backup singers NEEDED?

Anonymous said...

Adam was and is fantastic I read one comment saying the ladies was to heavy I quess that was one of the ignorant people Adam talks about because the ladies looked good happy and proud in their skin that is what Adam is about shame on any one that says different.