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Adam Lambert Featured on LA Times!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 15, 2012

via @MadLove4Adam: Here's what greeted LATimes readers this morning!!! @adamlambert on Overdrive with New Album, Queen gig!


Anonymous said...

Amazing so proud! I never thought be following anyone as I do Adam I can't believe how he moves me. I have to check daily just to see what he is up toooo! Album drops in Australia on the 18th I can't wait!


Jadam NZ said...

Hey Mosie, Lets hope Australia and NZ can do Adam proud, we will sure be doing our bit wont we?
I saw Adam at the Enmore in Sydney I will never forget it.
Album drops here on the 18th to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jadam NZ
I hope we do him proud too....
I saw him at Brisbane he was amazing and I to will never forget it. No matter how good he sounds on a CD which is the best he is even bettera live do you agree?

Anonymous said...

great picture and not a puny one either.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the saviour of music in U.S.

Who always invaded the music in their country?? The British!!!! Just recently Adele right???

Now it's time to acknowledge that Adam is the true American singer that will explore the world of real music without auto tune!!!


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....

where does one describe a happy heart? Perhaps by saying out very very proud...
those of us who've watched him from the very first day...and cheered and defended and encouraged along the way...from that cold morning in San Francisco there was an indication...that someday, someday there would be vindication.

And now...charts or not we can have a celebration, enjoy our elation, his year long endeavor is a sensation. His stubborn inspiration has created a stunning presentation.

"I Can't Get No Satisfaction".....
Oh Adam, I think you have!

Anonymous said...

HMV Toronto store at 272 Queen Street West is offering a free autograph session / M&G to the first 200 people who purchase the new Trespassing cd at their store. Only 50 sold yesterday, so Toronto Glamberts are spreading the word - it will probably be open until at least lunchtime tomorrow.

M&G will be on May 28th!!!

(They didn't do a great job at promoting - I heard about it on the phone.)


Anonymous said...

I'm just here in Toronto on a visit. I will get a copy of Trespassing this afternoon so I can be there on the M & G this 28th. Yeah!
Finally I will have my chance!

Anonymous said...

I received my new Adam CD yesterday so close to my birthday! Yay!!!!!! This is the greatest collection I have ever heard. All of them are my favorites but, Underneath stands out as so special - the lyrics and THE VOICE! It was worth the wait ADAM - SO PROUD OF YOU!!!THIS IS IT BABY BOY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK - love love your comment..yes indeed our guy is amazing and so great to my album yesterday and 2 more today..think I have another one coming ,,can't remember how many I ordered..

Anonymous said...

the album is truly wonderful and a great artist was worth the wait,,love it

Anonymous said...

If you haven't bought Trespassing (Deluxe) on iTunes, please buy it so Adam stays on No. 1 position until tomorrow night when he performs on American Idol. Here is the link to iTunes:

Adamluv said...

Already have this article clipped out and saved in my Adam box with the picture up in my "Adam" office. As I commented yesterday, this was a very positive article focusing on his MUSIC!!!! Go figure? . . . Adamluv