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Adam Lambert's Interview with The Voice POP

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Anonymous said...


Here is a list of radio stations. Use the Top 40 and Hot AC sections.

Anonymous said...

Adam you suck me in on all your interviews. Everyone of them so interesting.

Anonymous said...

I think BTIKM, the song and video, is exciting and like a mini Adam movie. And at its core is Adam's expression of his feelings and aspirations through his sparkling voice. It actually doesn't matter to me, if it does not fare so well on some music charts because it compensates itself and does extremely well in other quarters. I personally think it's a beautiful piece of art. Now, yearning to see what the NCOE video is all about! Adam has said it's something special. :)

daydreamin said...

I have several bits of info to share. One is @LAMBERTLUST won the Adam autographed guitar. I met him at my last San Francisco Meet and Greet and had dinner with him and some other friends. He met Adam for the first time at this M&G and was so excited to meet him finally. I am so happy for him!

2nd, Adam is coming to San Francisco again and will do an outdoor free concert with several other bands June 24th in Golden Gate Park. Last years crowd was 26,000!! I can't wait! I'm already making plans..

Lastly, anon 6:19 on the IheartRadio thread posted a link to a Serius Radio chat. I thought it needed to be re-posted in a newer thread. Everyone you need to listen especially starting around 4:04. They talk about Lee Dewyze that was actually pretty funny (AI winner last year). They also mention Adam aparently blew out his voice singing last night and is on Dr's orders to rest it!here is that Sound Cloud link (Thanks anon 6:19 on the IheartRadio thread!)

Also, did we know one of Adam's vocalists left and he now has another girl? I don't remember reading anything about it here so I thought I'd put it out there.

Also on a previous thread there was some confusion as to whether Adam was #1 or #2 on Itunes. I just checked and his album is indeed #1!!! I am so proud of our Adam!! Today is a great day in the Glamworld!

daydreamin said...

OOPS, forgot to repost that link:

Anonymous said...

I ADORE Adam's BTIKM video clip. I see something new in it every time I watch it. He brings so much pathos to the clip on the Dark Side and gives me feelings of joy on the Light Side. I've yet to see a video clip as good as this one and I've been around for a long, long time and have seen many, many video clips.

daydreamin, thanks for letting us know about the new girl in Adam's band. Hopefully we'll hear more about it in the not too distant future.

Anonymous said...

This review needs POSITIVE comments ....

Anonymous said...

Another RAVE review -

Anonymous said...

HMV Toronto store at 272 Queen Street West is offering a free autograph session / M&G to the first 200 people who purchase the new Trespassing cd at their store. Only 50 sold yesterday, so Toronto Glamberts are spreading the word - it will probably be open until at least lunchtime tomorrow. (They didn't do a great job at promoting - I heard about it on the phone.)


Anonymous said...

3:53, That review is really quite thought and fairly positive. It's just not over the top gushing. I was expecting a real put-down of the album, but it was actually fine. Thanks for posting.


Anonymous said...

Somebody at MTV is a fan :)

Anonymous said...

daydreaming, did you forget about Scotty McCreery last year? DeWyse (WGWG #3) was 2 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Somebody at MTV is a fan :)

Anonymous said...

I am in tears. This tweet is from Adam's dad. Look at that picture. 24/7 post this for everyone to see.

Miles Tougeaux ‏ @milestougeaux
30 year old fantasy comes true: Holding my son's first LP

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the Aol contest winner essay. Very touching story.
Daydreamin you are welcome I am the one who posted in the other thread.

Anonymous said...

Just because we seem to like to remind A. Levin who A. Lambert is ;)
Karma's a bitch :)

From itunes:

Biggest climber (up 83 places)
#1 Adam Lambert - Trespassing

Biggest faller (down 39 places)
#92 Maroon 5 - Songs About Jane

Anonymous said...

Is this Voice POP an advertisement of the album Trespassing? There was a translation text in my own language when I watched it, and also some info boxes about Adam's music history. It worked very well as an advertisement :)

I like this video a lot, I think this song works well with the video. I like it much more when I watch the video, it's so honest and touching, the lyrics and the story - Adam's confession in a way? His interpretation of the lyrics he didn't wrote?

So much to watch and read, all my comments are at least 24h behind... :/


Anonymous said...

If you type in Adam on AMAZON, Adam Lambert pops up first. If you type in Adam on YAHOO, our Adam pops up first. GOOGLE will get there eventually.


Anonymous said...

Octavia, the other female back up singer has to be replaced because of health problems with her being overweight. She is so sad about this turn of events and blames herself for not doing something about it way before having this great job with ADAM which she regrets now. I believe it's on doctor's order and now it's her resolution to begin her way to health. Maybe she should begin juicing.

Anonymous said...

Just to add to 8:53, all 3 women are backup singers together for Jill Scott.

Anonymous said...

Any follow up on Adam's voice after what the DJ said?

Anonymous said...

I bought the Deluxe Trespassing from Best Buy yesterday for $12.99...and today,the other 2 came that I ordered from Barnes & Noble( also the deluxe versions)..LOVE the whole album!Adam,please rest that voice so we can listen to you again fairly soon.I thought that schedule in NYC was very tough w/o enough rest.BB,take care~~

Anonymous said...

I doubt Adam "blew his voice out" -- the expression used by the SIRIUS DJ. I think (and hope) "taxed" might have been a better word. I noticed he did not sing the bridge in BROKEN ENGLISH that has the middle-eastern vibe. He knows he has to save his voice for Idol tomorrow night. Planning all this activity for this week just seemed so wrong, but it is album-drop-week, so I guess there was no way around it. My heart twists for Adam because he wants to give EACH song its due, and it must be so hard to do those vocal gymnastics on one song after another, especially one night after another. Remember Cara Giaguardia (sp?) on Idol saying WHO on earth is able to do that?


Anonymous said...

I also noticed he was saving his voice in iHeart. But still very great performances :)!

Monday schedule was very tough... Interviews and performances from the early morning to the evening. Let's hope everything gets ok!


Anonymous said...

Adam will always have to watch his voice and work with vocal coaches.He cannot do the songs on his album exactly like the album day in and day out but he will still do them so darn good.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a professional and he knows what is at stake with the care of his voice. He won't take huge risks for fear of damaging this voice. He knows how important rest is. He'll be awesome on Idol and the following shows.


Anonymous said...

awww I feel bad about Octavia. I wish her a speedy recovery and to get back to the glamily fast.