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Adam Lambert with Michael Orland (5/17/12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 17, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, May 17, 2012

@MichaelOrland: "Just watched his fantastic rehearsal. Now I can't wait for the big @AdamLambert performance tonight."


Anonymous said...

Glad to see Adam back with Michael Orland. Being a gay man himself, he "got" Adam. Can't wait for AI tonight knowing Adam is going to knock the socks off the audience again and get a big bump in sales of TP.

Hoping Joshua is in the final two; then he will win for sure with that powerful, soulful voice.

donnaw said...

OMG!! How GORGEOUS does Adam look?!! I can't wait for tonights performance too!!

Anonymous said...

Remember that AI goes internationally (not just the US) and so Glambert's ALL over the world are bonding together and partying with Adam as he takes AI off the planet today!Watch those ratings soar...and make Seacrest smile! Good luck to Jessica, Joshua and Phillip...from the other side of the world.

Anonymous said...

OK Glamberts .. where did we see this shirt?

Anonymous said...

Michael Orland knew ADAM was a gem.
A star beyond belief. Can't wait to watch AI and see JLO'mesmerised by a superstar, Randy still on the fence and pretending to be Adams best friend and well, Steven Tyler being as cool as he ALWAYS is - as Adam performs. The level will raise tonight.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be something if AI had higher ratings tonight than it does for the final next week? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Love the reflection in the mirror.
Two musically talented guys.

Anonymous said...

Michael Orland and Adam really respect each other. They both recognize talent when they see it. Orland has predicted Adam's longevity in show business, and, of course, we all think he's right.


Anonymous said...

Oh, he's wearing the Crowley t-shirt. Remember these pics from 2 years ago? :)

Anonymous said...

Any Glamberts who are lucky enough to be in the AI audience tonight, PLEASE report back to us about your experience!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited to watch Adam perform tonight,even some little flutters in my stomach. I know he will do amazing though. then let's watch NCOE soar up the itunes chart tomorrow!Adam you show them how it's done tonight baby!!!

daydreamin said...

American Idol livesteam:

Adam tweeted to his fans:

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert
Wow! My fans are the best! Let's take Trespassing #1 everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Adam performed awesome on Idol

Anonymous said...

Aargh!! Just saw the AI performance on the east coast. Adam was incredible, as always. And I like the back-up singers. But the mix was all wrong... the women were practically drowning him out!

Adam... please turn your mic up, and everyone else's down... we want to hear EVERY NOTE of your voice!

Now would somebody please post his performance on YT, so I can watch it over and over again... I don't have a DVR...

Anonymous said...

OH! my !!!!!!!!!!!

Hes performance tonight was unbelievable!!!!!!!

The audience were freaking out !!!!!!

Unbelievably AMAZING INDEED!!!!!

I can't wait to see him on May 28th at HMV


Anonymous said...

Adam was on fire ... brilliant performance!

glitzylady said...

Adam on Idol tonight via Neon Limelight

glitzylady said...

Michael Orland is a complete sweetheart. He's on twitter @MichaelOrland and is one of the celebrities who will very generously respond to your tweets...A very kind and lovely man..I noticed that he was on last night, and I asked him if he had heard Trespassing yet..He said he had just downloaded it and was listening right then, in anticipation of seeing Adam today. He had previously heard the snippets, etc..and some live performances, courtesy of some other fans (and moi!!)..He just loves Adam and is so in awe of his talent...Every once in awhile I tweet him and he always responds..Its usually about Adam but occasionally about the Idol contestants. He is such a positive and caring man. Another reason Michael and Adam respect each other so much..they are very much the same in that way. If only the rest of the world was like those two!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert blow it out of the ball park. People were just in awe.Adam looked so happy up there and did you see, did you see that proud look on Adams face. That smile, it was so cute. It made my heart melt. I just got flutters in my stomach. So very pround of you baby boy. We love you so much. YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY UP. I could just keeping typing and saying all nice things.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link to Adam's American Idol performance if you missed it. Watch it before they block it.