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"Trespassing" Album Rankings on iTunes

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thanks Cristiano!


ghasedakx6 said...

he is number one now on us chart

Anonymous said...

Damn Glee!!


every tuesday it bumps everthing, ggrrr... love Glee, but kind of a bummer for the recording artists

ghasedakx6 said...

number 2 on finland chart,three on canada,number 1 on US its soooooo awesome

MotoMoto said...

Is that the right chart???? Glee is not number one even after yesterday's episode.....

Anonymous said...

Top 10!

choons said...

Trespassing on itunes Canada last night was #1. Today it is #3!!!!!(checked at 2:52pm). Glee is #5.
(#1 is John Mayer and #2 is Tenacious D fer gawd's sake).

Anonymous said...

Adam , if you haven't got a NOKIA cellphone by now, go and buy one asap! For Finland, please ; ))

Anonymous said...

I see Trespassing no. 1 on iTunes and yes let's buy it on iTunes to keep TP on the top until tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's Trespassing is STILL NUMBER 1 on US itunes as of this moment. This is supposed to be adam's fansite yet the capture you're showing here is not updated. Please show the capture where he is NUMBER 1. Congratulations adam!

Anonymous said...

At the moment

US #1
Finland #1
Canada #2

Anonymous said...

showing number 1 in US for 9 hours now, number 2 in Canada all day and number 1 in Finland since yesterday. I wish we could get the real picture that hould be up on this site !

Anonymous said...

Adam is #1 on US Itunes, #2 in Canada, #1 and 3 in Finland (both Deluxe and reg. cds charting). Have not checked others.
This status at 12:27 AM (May 17th).

ghasedakx6 said...

still number 1 in us and Finland,number 2 in Canada

Anonymous said...

Don't understand how glee is #1. Isn't it all just cover songs from other artists? Nothing written by any of them??? Mind boggling to me. Oh well, lets get adam to #1.

Anonymous said...

Now 9AM on May 17th in the US and Trsspassing is still Number 1 in the US, Number 2 iun Canada and Number 1 AND 3 in Finland. Also still Number 2 on Amazon.

Admin PLEASE put up a new picture :(