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Adam Lambert on cover of S African TeenZone May AUGUST 2012!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 30, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 30, 2012


We love him … Yes, Adam Lambert is on the cover of TeenZone’s August issue. We were told he is extremely picky, only agreeing to 10 interviews worldwide for the launch of his latest album ‘Trespassing’. Our reporter Nikita had an exclusive telephonic interview with Adam, and he is really super-cool and was so open with all his answers!

SOURCE: TeenZoneMagazine


Anonymous said...

JAK here.....oooooooo his naughty look! Isn't this from the Paris photoshoot over a year ago? His "get acquainted vacation" with Sauli?

It seems to have been successful, I hear they are seeing a lot of each other! ^o^

Adamluv said...

Love seeing Adam promoted on Teen mags, shows, etc. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Wish they had used a newer picture,but glad he is in a teen magazine.

Anonymous said...

Great pic! Good for South Africa. The magazine looks like a really good one.

Anonymous said...

oh dear God..that sexy come hither hair...wish he'd wear it like that again...

Anonymous said...

Just when I start to worry that we hard-cores are the only ones lovin' Adam, I see these mag covers from around the world and I think, "YES! We're not alone in our obsession and passion for the most beautiful, talented man in the world! There are others out there who are just as cuckoo!" South Africa, your teen are sooooo smart! Makes me confident that Adam's career will continue to grow!


Anonymous said...


It's proven that we r not alone being cuckoo with Adams charisma!!!:)))




Anonymous said...

JAK, as a true Adam fan (as I know you are), I'm sure you realize that they have been together for about a year and a half and are living together in L.A. Sauli just spent 3 weeks in London with Adam during his Queen gigs. So, yes, I would DEFINITELY say they are "seeing a lot of each other" - Ha!

Anonymous said...

@2:49 I read hitler hair.. sort of appropriate since Adam is one of them crays lol.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:27 PM I believe JAK was being facetious : ))) So glad they'll have a chance to spend time together at home before Adam heads out again.

Anonymous said...

@ 3:27 p.m......JAK here...oh yeah!

Anonymous said...

This is very funny! 10 worldwide interviews! They probably didn't understand something! Adam loves to have interviews. I think he has 10 interviews per country! Only person who hated interviews was Freddie Mercury.

Anonymous said...

@ DRG......JAK here

Just Google

christian science monitor american idol adam lambert as judge

That will take you on heading Mariah Carey joins, etc.

glitzylady said...

Someone at the remaread wrong...I think he's done at least 10 interviews per DAY at times..but I'm glad he's on the cover...Looking very....good. : ))

Anonymous said...

The more hype on Idol I hear the more I know I am done with this show. I would have watched if Adam was on but not anyone else. The couple of Picts of Mariah I have seen are horrendous. I think they threw Adams name out to get attention to the show and nothing else. Every poll I have seen gives Adam a huge margin. So ignor the public opinion and sink!

glitzylady said...

OOOOPS!!! the wrong : )))

Out of town so mostly using my phone for texting, etc..don't know where the word I used came from...

On my laptop at Starbucks for a few minutes...SO much easier

Anonymous said...

American Idol will truly sink without Adam. I for one will not watch it if Adam is not on. I hope they are just not using his name for hits and publicity. Don't they see what a hoopla magnet Adam is!

donnaw said...

I HATE John Mayer......if he's a judge that's it for more American Idol. YUCK!

Anonymous said...

JAK, Thanks again. I Googled CSM and got the article on Adam and Idol. Makes sense to me. It's ironic that all the polls, etc., put Adam up there as a favorite, but the Idol peeps just ignore it. They have a different agenda. We'll find out eventually, just like we'll find out what the next single is.


Anonymous said...

How cute the magazine said only 10 interviews, I guess that don't know how much he likes to


Anonymous said...

I have to agree!

Anonymous said...

all the pictures of Adam I wish they would have used a better one he is so great looking.I am glad that he did get on the cover of the magazine.All the best for Adam that is what I want.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Brad Paisley Headed to Los Angeles To Meet with American Idol Execs

LOL! At these posts there.

“Okay I'm starting to think Randy Jackson must have some serious dirt or blackmail on Simon Fuller. 12 years is quite a long time.”

“I wish they would just pay him (Randy) off to go away so they can hire someone else good.”

Anonymous said...

Just read this Trespassing review from a Queen fan. He liked it - He liked it!

daydreamin said...

Get ready American Idol. Here are Mariah Carey's OUTRAGEOUS demands:

daydreamin said...

Here is an absolutely HYSTERICAL accounting of someone related to 102.5 radio station who was lucky enough to be asked to drive Adam to the airport. It's nearly 7 minutes long. He is called Woz and was so excited about his experience handling Adam!

Big Ken and Colleen Best Bits (Subscribe)
Woz - Adam Lambert
Our buddy Woz got to drive Adam Lambert back to the airport and Sunday morning...his biggest concern? Luggage!

daydreamin said...

Checkout Adam at about :40 talking about his upcoming Japan show:

Anonymous said...

I looooove Adam's hair like that. Will we ever see that style again??????? HOPE so......

Anonymous said...

I hate the fact that idol use adam name for publicity! ps idol is DEAD! 2002-2009

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that the media is using Adam's name. He's out there on the web and in magazines with other stars as an equal talentwise.
Great publicity! Will he get the job? Who knows?

But he's getting a lot of exposure!

Anonymous said...

I just found out from twitter fans that Adam Lambert wasn't nominated at VMA!

That's sucks! But it's okay:)

We are more getting stronger than ever:)

Adam will always prevail!


tess4ADAM said...

OT ... Hey! Glamberts!! ADAM NEEDS VOTES ... he is slipping here ...

here ...

ADAM has NO VOTES here ...

PLEASE go to these polls as often as you can especially the last one .. it must be unknown to us Glamberts 'cuz Bieber & 1 Direction are leading with their songs ... we can't let NCOE come in last ... VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!! .. Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I have an idea ... why don't they just move AI to Nashville? Then they'll have WGWG winners every year!! Seems to me that's the direction they're headed!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert, 'Never Close Our Eyes' is at 0.39 we do better then that go over to popcrush and hit it hard guys. Show them who the King

Anonymous said...

Yes, ADAM was over 42% before but lost 5 points now at 37% at pop crush.


VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

VOTE on Do Something Music Artist on

Anonymous said...

I don't get the comment about giving only 10 interviews. Hasn't he already given more than 10? I don't see him as picky at all? Publicity is publicity, and he seems to be very willing to give interviews.

Anonymous said...

I just went to that popcrush best song poll. Adam was leading for weeks, now he's at 04% and bieber and one direction are at 42+%. There is no chance, sorry not with these tweens and they have caught on to this pole. I vote every day BTW (probably rigged)

Anonymous said...

the same few music videos are nominated in every category. and now Frank Ocean is a hero for coming out as bi/gay. something is off-base in the music industry and its constant reinforcement of the same few men over and over (bieber, drake, usher) and tween boy bands.

Anonymous said...

That Popcrush poll for best song, just give it to Bieber or 1 Direction. It's a waste of time.
Also the poll between Lady Gaga and ADAM.

But VOTE VTE VOTE on this at Popcrush:

This is the one that matters and let's not let ADAM slip further.

Anonymous said...

I am guilty of not voting lately. Too much Queen and Idol and concert stuff did me in and now the excitement over the single.I enjoyed the voting rest. Now I'm back to let you know I can really shake em dowm.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:14 am

The poll that has been up on Popcrush for 2 weeks is for best male pop artist. Adam was at 42% last week and is down to 37% now (still WAY ahead of everyone else). The poll where Adam is at .4% (way behind Bieber and One Direction) is a NEW poll for best pop song.

Anonymous said...

JAK here........HELP!

My DELL-A recently had a hissy-fit and as a result I lost my many hundreds of "favorites". I need help finding Adam's performances at an industry party of some kind...he had on the black pants, white dress shirt and loose black vest...sang several songs. Anyone have a link or remember who he was performing for, maybe I could find it thru Google that way???
Assistance will be appreciated.

Anonymous said...


Was it the Jezebel show early on in the Trespassing promo (before the album was released)?

Anonymous said...

wish I could help you JAK you are always so helpful to others.

Anonymous said...

@JAK - Hey You, hope this party & outfit you are looking for (just one example from youtube, there are many vids from the same party):

From Jezebel Magazine Party - Atlanta, GA [March 2012]

GGD Gal - feels like I’m having a meltdown, it feels like I’m losing control... :)

Anonymous said...

JAK here....YES! Thank You All!

That's the performance where I fell in love with music. And I think Adam is scrumptious in black with white dress shirt and vest!

Now I have added those vids to my "favorites" once more.
I'm doing my Happy Dance! :)))

glitzylady said...

Back to this picture of Adam for a moment...

Personally, I LOOOOVE this picture...Old, new, I do not care..The look on his face behind the hair.... Well....whats not to like??!!! Lotsa "body language" there...all in one "meaningful" look. ; )))

And oh yes, happy to see him on this teen magazine. Want him on some here in the US too. Maybe after his guest star turn on Pretty Little Liars, which is a teen show...New audience, new fans....can hardly wait!!!