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Adam Lambert signing at the fence (Des Moines, IA 7/28/12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Via kumuluskld:

Adam signing at the fence by his bus after his performance. Right before that, it appeared he did a small M&G on the other side of his bus before coming over to meet fans. It was getting dark so the video is grainy, but it turned out better than I expected. I was pretty much happy to get anything. Love his smiles! Such a sweetheart!! Thank you, Adam, for a fantastic show and for all you do for your fans!!


Anonymous said...

I just lovE this Man!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I needed that, as fleeting as it is. Am I crazy?

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting. great fun!!

Anonymous said...

Among other things, he has a really great profile =&=

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this.
I was there! I was there! I was there!
He was beautiful, gracious and loveable!!!

Anonymous said...

@11:19 yeah a beautiful profile,a beautiful man all the way around!

Anonymous said...

Now I read bunch of rumors flying around on twitter.

Adam as Idol judge, Adam with Queen for closing of Olympic, and Adam with Queen / David Bowie at closing of Olympic.

Hope at least one of them to be true!

Anonymous said...

Adam generates so much excitement! What a star! IMO he will not appear at Olympics as I believe you have to be a British citizen.

Shiggles said...

Pssst...Adam...I've got a great idea for you. May I whisper it in your ear? Be watchful, I may just nibble a bit on your earlobe. (Delete that last sentence!)

Ahem. I heard you say in an interview that you had recorded over 50 songs while putting Trespassing together. Why don't you release an EP with 4 or 5 songs that didn't fit with your vision for TP. Totally divorced from TP, this EP should be catchy, show your vocal range and let us all know you were smiling while recording these special songs. Then do a video showcasing one song and the world will be at your feet and the EP will hit the top of he charts. It can't fail because every TV host will want you to perform it daytime...late night...late, late night...who cares?

You know the old show biz adage "always leave them wanting more." An EP will be EPic.

Anonymous said...

Adam's dream come true would be to perform with BOTH Queen and David Bowie together! And OUR dream come true, too. Oh, these rumors are SO delicious! If he got to play with Queen at the closing ceremonies, I wouldn't give two hoots about Idol. I have to believe that Brian and Roger wish Adam was performing with them, too.

Love this little signing video! Thank you so much. He is a doll, isn't he? Beautiful inside and out. The profile, the eyes, the lips, the nose. He wants to give everything he can to his fans and make each moment a perfect memory. I've never been to a meet and greet, but someday.......


Anonymous said...

Adam is such a sweetheart of a guy.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous man! Love this fleeting glance of his smiles....he's so patient with his fans. I love Adam!!!

Wish any of those rumors would be true..but just rumors still.


Anonymous said...

I got to see him pretty close up at Six Flags New England,but not THIS close. Luck person@11:32 U WasThere! so cute

Anonymous said...

I was sure that Adam said he WAS gonna be w/Queen in the Olympic closing ceremonies.Maybe that rule of being British may only apply to the opening ceremonies..It seems like he told somebody in an interview that..not sure now,but it would be great if it's true..Maybe Roger & Brian have found a way for Adam to sing with them then.If David Bowie could also sing,that would be so's Adam's dream!I doubt that will happen w/Bowie,but it would be EPIC,as some people say!

Anonymous said...

Since Adam is not a British citizen, he cannot perform wit Queen at the Olympic closing ceremony. It doesn't matter that he was so great with them at the six concerts they just finished. Rules are rules...but it would have been something special if he had that opportunity. Maybe there will be some Queenbert concerts here in the states later in the year if Adam can work it out with them and into their schedules. I know he is involved in promoting Trespassing, but maybe this dream concert will happen. If not, I understand there will probably be a cd and/or dvd of the concerts from London and Europe. The next news we will probably hear about Adam is the concerts in Japan and I believe Australia. But the best news would be to learn that he has been selected as a new judge on Idol.

Anonymous said...

I guess it could still happen for BB to be a judge on Idol,but it looks like they want Brad Paisley now..Will Randy stay as a judge or be a mentor?Paisley is a nice guy & all,but Adam has more experience on an Idol type show..They don't seeem to need a country judge to have country winners,do they?( Scotty McCreery,the girl runner-up to him,etc.I think even Lee Dewyze is considered country also now-I wonder if he still has the same record deal)

Anonymous said...

@CT - you put it so nicely:
"Love this fleeting glance of his smiles"... Me too!

What does he say to the woman who asks if she can take a picture with him... and then (at 1:06) he makes this GOOFY face by sticking his tongue out...Always so adorable & adorkable!


PS. Must get new specs (or new head) - read first that the headline says "Adam Lambert SINGING at the fence" and thought WTF...

Anonymous said...

latest is Nick Jonas..the names being bantered around sound so damned boring....without Adam the show surely will go down the tubes..the execs over there are clearly misguided..I stopped watching after season 8, and Adam is the ONLY person I ever voted for (my fingers are still sore from pounding the keys on the phone)...Adam is the only person I have ever been so enamoured of..he has that "IT" factor in spades...

Anonymous said...

@2:30PM I read somewhere that few non-Brits artists will perform at Olympic closing ceremony. So I don't see why Adam can't front Queen at the closing!?

daydreamin said...

Anon 3:40 I posted in another thread that there is a South American band playing at the Olympics, so apparently the rules are not what they used to be?

Anonymous said...

Jessie J is singing with Queen for closing Olympic ceremony We Will Rock You.

Adam is flying to Japan that weekend for an appearance in Tokyo on the 15th. Add'l performances to follow and then on to Australia.

Anonymous said...

Adam was so sweet to the fans to sign after that show in Des Moines..I wish more non fans could come to know him better.I watched E! news tonight--not one word about any new idol judges on there.It may not be announced til after the olympic coverage now..but I wish they'd hurry up & announce it already!!

Anonymous said...

@6:11 That is why it would be so great to have Adam as a judge on idol. People will see how sweet and special he is. Unfortunately some people have a misconception of Adam and don't want to give him a chance.

Anonymous said...

I hear he never kisses women through the fence or anywhere for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I hear he never kisses women through the fence or anywhere for that matter.

Anonymous said...

is it true that Cyndi Lauper is performing with the Clash? Rock the Casbah.

Anonymous said...

did he have crotchless panties on his microphone the other night? yellow lace trim?????

Anonymous said...

all three Jonas brothers will judge American Idol. NO Mariah NO Randy. that sux

Jadam NZ said...

No matter about the VMAs I sure as hell wont be watching all the crap that is on anyway.
So sick to death of same ole same ole and I know Im not the only one.
Love the Chris Brown "Review"

Anonymous said...

VMAs are a big joke. they will have Bieber, Rhianna and Katy Perry on the show every single year. So over it!

Anonymous said...

I think yellow lacy panties with a CAUTION strip across the crotch would be sexy. I wonder if someone will have the same idea? hmmmm

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