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Hollywood Reporter Says Adam Lambert Is 1 of 7 To Be Chosen For American Idol Judge

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 30, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 30, 2012

Via Hollywood Reporter:

7. Adam Lambert: He may not have sold as many records as any of the previously mentioned stars, but the season eight runner-up has a huge advantage -- he was on the show. Indeed, Lambert's Idol run was consistently spectacular, drawing in legions of now diehard fans still grieving that year's results, and he worked the competition flawlessly. What Idol hopeful wouldn't welcome the insight, not to mention Lambert's genial manner, during the most stressful opportunity of their life? Now that's a judge worth tuning in for.

SOURCE: Hollywood Reporter (Click on SOURCE to leave a comment supporting Adam!)


Anonymous said...

JAK here....well...if he's chosen or not, he's def running with the big dogs....veterans all!

Do click on SOURCE

Anonymous said...

He was cheated out of the title, don't cheat him again.
They lost alot of viewers for that.

Anonymous said...

Of the choices I saw listed, Adam seems to be the best one. He has been on Idol as a contestant and mentor, but most of all he is articulate, smart, and personable. He would provide constsructive criticism and do it intelligently. And of all these men, he would certainly be the best one to look at every week with his sense of style. If he is not chosen, I would hope that they would have him back at least as a mentor since he did such an excellent job the time he was on. Also, it would give him the opportunity to perform a single or two from Trespassing and just keep him visible on the music scene.

Anonymous said...

Looks like they want a rocker and Adam ain't one.

tess4ADAM said...

Just commented on SOURCE article & the comments except for a few are IN FAVOR of ADAM!! Go there & Voice your opinion for ADAM for judge!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam was cheated out of the title on season 8 of Idol although I have nothing against Kris Allen. But Adam set the bar so high during the time he was on that no one has come close to his vocal talent or stage presence since then. At least when Adam was on , I couldn't wait for him to perform each week or to see what the latest style would be in what he was wearing. Subsequent seasons have been lackluster with judges whose comments were repetitious, bland and not very insightful to contestants who really weren't that great overall either. I know the show should be about the contestants and not the judges, but with Mariah, Randy?? and perhaps Adam, I'd be willing to tune in again to see what will happen. I thought Adam had said previously that he would jump at the chance to be a judge, so I hope the "big honchos" decide to take him up on it.

Anonymous said...

to anon 2:25pm....I don't know if they necessarily want a rocker because several country artists have been mentioned including Brad Paisley. Just get someone who will be critical, constructive, and keep the audience wanting to come back to watch each week with the very best contestants from all those who try out across the country.

Anonymous said...

Their reasons for him being chosen are really good arguments

Anonymous said...

Now the new rumor is Nick Jonas and Pharell Williams for idol judges. This is getting ridiculous. I guess we will have to wait for the official announcement. I hope so much Adam sill be the judge. Please get rid of Randy. Adam and Pharell would both be really great.

Anonymous said...

AI bosses still thinking what to do:)

If they can't choose the right person to re-energize the show, it's better to shut it down.:)

It's always be Adam to blame at the end

He set the bar so high that no one can top what he did on that show.

That's insane!!! He is really impressive and smart

How can u explain that some people will tell u that Adams music is crap but millions of fans are craving and dying to see him perform?!!!

Fans just love him:)


Anonymous said...

JAK here....Pharrell is suppose to be such a hit maker...well he wrote Trespassing with Adam...if the 3rd single is Trespassing maybe his reputation for hits will continue...I hope I hope I hope!

Anonymous said...

The new jugde surely knows by now, there is so much to prepare for being tied up with being a judge. I hope it's Adam!!

Anonymous said...

So THIS is why Adam has kept so quiet about the Idol question!!!! It's still alive! I think it's an honor for him to be on the list which such big names. I'd love to see Pharrell on the show with Adam. They seemed to have great chemistry when they worked on TP together. Wouldn't it be great if they picked Pharrell and he said, "Sure, I'll do it, as long as Adam is on the panel, too." HA! There are some good people on the list who have lots of cred. But Adam has cred, too. Queen cred, for example. I'm not the least bit interested in country music guys don't interest me, but that's not to say they wouldn't be good. I wish Adam's paragraph had said a little more about his edginess and sense of humor and wit, but oh well.

DRG (Keeping the dream alive!)

Anonymous said...

Another day, another rumor out there about who will be the next judge on Idol. Is Randy in or out? And I guess they have to select people who would work well together esp with Mariah. I don't want the show to be all about the panel; it should be about the contestants and their eventual music careers. Time will tell who the new judges will be. With all these other singing and talent shows on now, they need something to boost up the number of viewers for Idol and to make the show much more intetesting and exciting to watch.

Anonymous said...

adam is the ebst choice really; if not adma will be queen lead man singer and collaborate with them make a new music. 2012-adam lambert ok but 2013 is reallya dma lambert good luck year. adam lambert ha sa leadership quality as a person ;perosnality as well a good one.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a good feeling when Adam's name was last on the list.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty to choose from.

Anonymous said...

I just want them to make up our minds for us and name the judges. Hopefully 2 new ones (replacing Randy - he needs to go - sorry Randy)

Anonymous said...

Are those names really ranked, or just random on the list?

Anonymous said...

Why is it taking so long to announce?

Anonymous said...

Well, this isn't an official list from the Idol people anyhow. Just another "opinion" list. Don't know if it really means that Adam is still a viable candidate. I'm glad he's still showing up on a list, though, and that he's considered worthy. Still seems strange that Adam hasn't tweeted a definate NO about this.


Anonymous said...

Nick Jonas? Give me a break.

Anonymous said...

Adam would bring me back to watching Idol.The season after Adam the ratings went down and have been falling ever since.Adam would bring the people back.The others may be able sing but they don't have the knowledge of music that Adam does!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you think it is significant that after his two performances in Japan in August Adam has only one gig in AZ in Oct? He is dropping off the map or perhaps he has a new job coming up that may be time consuming.....hmmmmmmmmmm?
Rumor rumor gossip gossip ^o^

Anonymous said...

maybe he is just keeping options open and people guessing. would love to see him alternate Queen and TP shows- perhaps they could be synchronized so he could travel less, and perform bigger shows.

Anonymous said...

nick jonas for tweens, country for the AI crowd, and Mariah for ?pop? I will NOT tune in, have not watched since Adam's season except when he is on. Why don't they just have an all country show and be done with it. It will never change unless the voting changes or the process changes. more of the same.

Anonymous said...

I thought country had some sort of country idol show....did it fizzle?

I don't want to see another WGWG.

BTW after TurtleGate I don't know if I want to watch "The Voice"
but I love Christina

Anonymous said...

Understand the copy cattiness the Voice & getting brad P but all the polls are saying Adamt so WTF is wrong with these ppl???? Idol is off mr radar.

Anonymous said...

without Adam BORING !!!!
I would only watch it if he is judge, other than that I an SOOOOO over idol!!
Same ole.... same ole...same ole winner , same ole music.

Anonymous said...

Right, the polls, etc., all point to Adam, but Idol seems bound and determined not the choose him. Country isn't my thing, so a country judge wouldn't lure me back.

5:02, I can't believe Adam will just sit around and do nothing after the Japan and OZ gigs. He said he'd be busy doing more TP promo. Sure would be nice if he could get on some NETWORK TV SHOWS, DAMN IT. C'mon, RCA. Get our boy out there where people other than us can see him, hear him and fall in love.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The truth on the reason for the ever-widening spate of would-be AI judges: The AI honchos have already decided as to who they want as the next Idol judge (Adam), but since they haven't inked the deal (there is just one holdout--Ryan, who has a beef with Adam, who he considers his biggest threat, as he seems to throw him off his mojo, which Adam senses it it too well), they want to extend the buzz and suspense, another way also, of psyching out the opposing party. Until then, they are taking advantage of this time to keep the subject in the limelight; hence, the endless list of ridiculous names being thrown out to keep us titillated. (e.g., GASP!John Mayer who someone described as having the personality of a wet paper towel?) Why otherwise would BB be so quiet on the subject? It's not like him to be so withdrawn about such things. Also, I believe his management is holding out for a more respectable deal. Seems also that Adam's name is always on the periphery of the radar, just to keep us Glamberts guessing. Guess they've succeeded. Oh, BTW, this is my idea of fanfic. atm

Anonymous said...

Hope you're right!

HK fan said...

I really don't think its going to happen, but until Adams tweets'no' I shall keep a little bit of hope alive.
I don't get the Nick Jonas rumour, over on MJ's all the people showing support for Nick are citing exactly the same reasons for him being a good judge that they are citing for Adam to 'not be worthy of the title'...but obviously you can't say that over there else you'd get banned...

Adam and Pharell would make a good duo. Have no idea what Parell would be like on tv, but he certainly has the credentials.

Anonymous said...

I think that they are holding the release of Adam's next single to coincide with the announcement of him being a judge on Idol. The buzz would be great for sales.

Anonymous said...

Is that MJ site an Adam hater site or something? I have heard alot of negatives things about it. just curious.

Anonymous said...

maybe TPTB want x Disney people as judges, Britney , Christina and now Nick Jonas. I don't really know him though.

Anonymous said...

I made a comment at the source of this article too and really the most people are saying Adam out of the 7 names. BTW I read on another site AI is also talking to Toni Braxton and in the history of the show there have never been two African American women on the judging panel (Mariah and Toni) together.

I really think Adam would have tweeted 'NO' to squash all the rumors by maybe his name is still on the short list. I'm still hoping.


Anonymous said...

I haven't watched idol faithfully since Adam was on. Course I have tuned in the nights he was on it to perform and when he mentored. As far as Mj's blog I stay clear of it. Adam deserves the job but whether its to be or not?


sue s. said...

They're Cuckoo if they don't hire Adam! Audience would double, and they would have a good chance of really finding an Idol!

Jadam NZ said...

In answer to the question about MJs Blog is it anti Adam?
No. If you go to the threads about Adam himself and what he has been doing you will get all the Adam fan comments etc. I have found the people on there are very well informed and positive. Just make sure you get to the right thread.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how serious AI is about Adam but the rumour about him has long legs, which must impress a lot of people (not just Idol.)

Nothing strange about his silence.
Why would he deny it? As long as his name is in front of people, all is good. Why would he say anything if it is true: the announcement would be Idols' to make.

Nice that Adam is mentioned in this article. He has a certain amount of respect, certainly.

Hope Adam hits a few more spots in Asia but he needs to be hitting the NA market hard once his new single is announced. NCOE suffered, in part, because he was away at a crucial time in it's launch.

HK fan said...

@anon 8.43pm 30july
No MJ's is not an Adam hater site as such, and usually anything Adam related still gets the most hits. But the lady who runs the site is not an Adam fan, and isn't very fair when it comes to moderating the site. There are many posters there who like nothing better in life than going to any Adam thread (or even non adam thread) and writing very negative comments about Adam which are allowed to stay. But if you say anything remotely negative back your comment will usually get deleted. So many Adam fans have left there for pastures new.
I still go there regularly though and leave the occassioanl comment praising Adam. And its still the best site for most Idol related things, and other US reality shows.

Anonymous said...

Never visit MKs anymore - obvious they do not like to promote/cite Adam news - who need it. plus not that into reality shows ad nauseum. it is funny though that Adam articles have the moat interest/comments.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan.. No idea how MJ feels towards Adam. I used to follow all pure Adam Lambert's concert thread on her blog in 2010... Unfortunately those concert threads are not there anymore because I think that MJ has to deal with a lot of other newsitems in TV land besides Adam Lambert...
and just like HK fan, I like to lurk and sometimes make a posting as well on MJ's blog... and go to other websites for the concert threads. Signed... Axxxel

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....The producers of Idol are playing their potential audience like a fisherman with a fish following his lure. Throw out lots of names and get fans aroused and hopeful, stir up interest in a show that's gone stale.

Randy def needs to go as a judge, he needed to go years ago. They need a whole new panel, diverse in age and genres of music. They have settled on Mariah as a well established mature diva type, now they need a charismatic up and comer (our Adam hopefully) and they need a producer/performer who knows what sells in todays music world.

They know who will be on the panel, but are loving the turmoil they have created. I certainly don't believe what Ryan said "I won't know till they call me the night before they announce who it is." HAH!

Anonymous said...

I agree with one of the Anon's above who mentioned that Adam Lambert may be a mentor instead of a judge... He knows exactly what those American Idol hopefuls are feeling... So he can give some behind the scene commentaries that is not necessary to be caught on camera.. Of course I would prefer Adam to be a judge but he is too polarizing... At least all these discussions about the American Idol judges will keep Adam in the news...and that is always a good thing.. Signed, Axxxel.

Anonymous said...

There would be no advantage to Adam having an off camera job on Idol. It's exposure to the public he needs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't understand why some of you actually want Adam to be a judge. The show is in a downward spiral, and I think it will take more than Adam to turn it around. While AI still gets good ratings, I think the American people are tiring of shows like that.
Another reason for him to stay away is that everyone seems so critical of what the judges have to say. None of them can get it right. They're either too nice or too mean. And if you think it will be different for Adam, you are living on Planet Fierce and not Earth. If any of you guys take blood pressure medicine, you need to ask your doctors to increase the milligrams. You're going to need it.LOL

Anonymous said...

The LAST thing Adam Lambert needs for his rising musical career is to be a judge on American Idol. I don't think that show has much left to boost it. There are much better talent shows out there now. Adam's fans only want him on there so they can see him and for no other reason. He's branching out with his part on Pretty Little Liars, which will probably garner him more shots at acting and music. His Queen performances really made people who didn't know him take notice. And his launch of the new single, which I hope is a song he himself wrote, could be the one to put him on top. AI would be a step down, down, down. Sorry, but that's my opinion, just as the rest of you have yours.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Being a judge of anything will always have its pros and cons, with ADAM on AI, ww will always have the naysayers.
IF ONLY ADAM is having radio spins, I would say better not to take the job. But EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE, EXPOSURE on that stage will circumvent radio resistance and that weighs in more than anything.
And I have so much faith that ADAM is simply irresistible and lovable and adorable when seen and heard, whether articulating or singing.
And ADAM as a fashion plate as they walk on that stage week after week, lots will fall in love with him outside of his fans.
He will gain again fans he lost and gain some more because the AI audience will come to know ADAM as his fans know him. Those who do not follow ADAM don't know how adorable this guy is. And his humility and graciousness shall win them if not his authenticity and genuineness and as a master communicator.
Resistance is futile if he is on every week twice a week.

Anonymous said...

Correct. Our attack through radio has failed, but the war is not over. We will find another plan of action to bring our leader to the masses! Courage and perserverance will win out.
We have not yet begun to fight( have to credit Winston Churchill with that one!) =&=

Anonymous said...

No No, horrible mistake! We *actually* "I have not yet begun to fight" was John Paul Jones in 1813 sea battle. Sorry, wrong war!

My History teacher would be so ashamed of me! =&=

Adamluv said...

Agree with @HK about mjs. I visit there for general info. but she is not a fan of Adams. Loves Kris. Negative comments are there all the time about Adam but she only comments and threatens to deleite if those same things said about Kris or anyother idol. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Just heard again that Nick Jonas and Pharell Williams are in the final running for Idol judges. Huh? Pharell, ok since he seems to be a hitmaker. Jonas, you have got to be kidding....boring. Adam would be the best choice out of all those rumored to be considered, but it doesn't seem like he will get it. I would definitely have watched the new season if Adam were a judge, but if not, I might just forget about it this time around. I actually like The Voice better for its format, but what has happened to their winners as far as their musical careers go. Too many of these reality music/singing shows on tv and no one that extraoradinary(like an Adam Lambert) coming from any of them. He set the bar so high as far as I am concerned that no one since then on any show has even come close to this amazingly talented singer.

Anonymous said...

can you imagine how insane this blog will get if Adam is chosen to grace one of the judges chairs on Idol??? The one and only thing that really bothers me about Adam, my obsession, is the fact that he went overboard in his zeal at the '09 AMAs..I know..three years ago..but believe me..people have NOT forgotten..the first impression was not good..not good at all..people turned off to him..they considered that he was vulgar (crotch snogging, kissing and finger to audience - not meant for audience (but how did they know that?)..these people, and there were many of them..have simply not followed his career, or given a damn about him since..this, I believe is why his album is not selling off the shelves..we, of course, know this man..and we realize that he is sweet, loving, humble, and possesses a beautiful character..but we are in the minority..others feel that he was shoving his homosexuality in everyone's face..sorry for this..but I imagine most of you feel the same way..our love for Adam is just so strong that we don't want to believe that ANYONE could ever get turned off to him..for any reason...even tho, he has stated that that particular performance would have been considered a "warm up act" in the venues in which he had previously worked..he is a grown man..and really should have known better..and I'll bet he has had more than a few sleepless nights over the whole fiasco. Wish that it could be erased from Adam's past..but, they do say that things happen for a reason..this is why he needs try and regain the fans he lost due to his sexy antics (I am NOT a prude..I LOVED beautiful men turn me on..esp. Adam Lambert)...I hope so fervently that Adam will get the major break he needs to free him from past mistakes...his current stage antics are fantastic..and that is why he is so popular among women...he just gets so turned on himself when he is up there singing...

Anonymous said...

I can only think how much I would enjoying seeing him on TV every week. I haven't watched Idol or any of the singing shows since Adam's stint on Idol. I do watch SYTYCD and am hoping they will use one of Adam's songs this season.
The TV audience needs to be reacquainted with Adam, he has changed in the past couple years and I feel certain he could win back manyof the fans who abandoned him. Time to let go of AMA!

I wish his recording career was red hot and he was much too busy to take on Idol, but that is not the case, so I'm hoping this possibility would be a good step for him. A lot of people only watched Season 8 of Idol to see Adam each week. Me for one!

tess4ADAM said...

Me for another ... without the emergence of ADAM on Idol Season 8 ... I'd probably be among those who have missed out in getting to know him. Before ADAM ... Idol was just for laughs to see who could make a bigger fool of themselves during the auditions. After ADAM ... not even interested in Idol auditions ... I've found my Idol. Without ADAM ... I will not be interested in any other hopefuls on Idol ... not unless ADAM is an integral part of the show!! The ball is in Idol's court now ... hope they're smart enough NOT to lose it!! Time will tell ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I prayed for this opportunity for ADAM to happen and it popped up. Hoping it is there for him to grab as answer to my prayers. Keeping my fingers cross praying.

Anonymous said...

Adam may have branched out with those concerts singing with Queen in England and Europe, but how many people knew about them or saw any part of some of the performances(unless you are a fan and checked the internet for all the videos.) He was amazing, but did we read about it in any print publications? Not really. He just taped Pretty Little Liars for Oct. Again, how many people actually watch the show and will know about his appearance. NCOE doesnt't get radio play. What else can be done to get this man the recognition and success he so deserves ? Maybe becoming ajudge on Idol? Appearances on the late night and daytime talk show circuit? A role on another evening tv show....I personally want to see him on Smash. I agree that the tv audience has to become reacquainted with Adam Lambert to see him for the amazingly talented performer that he is in addition to being articulate, smart, self-confident and very charming. I have been a fan since he sang that first note during the Idol auditions and will continue to support Adam in his musical career because he is just too good to give up on him.

Anonymous said...

Phillip Phillips Olympics-Fueled “Home” Hits #1 on iTunes

"Phillip Phillips’ coronation single “Home” was played during Olympic coverage of the Girls gymnastics team competition (The US won gold!) and the third time must be a charm, because tonight the song VAULTED TO the #1 spot on the iTunes chart!

JUST SHARING this what exposure on TV can do.
As ADAM said, TV is better than radio.
So, here's hoping the Idol judge is still there to grab.

Anonymous said...

@4:21, you've brought some interesting points. You are right. Adam is a very sexual gay man. A lot of us love that about him. But, you have to remember that there are a lot of people out there who don't. There are a lot of people who are afraid of such behavior. And I believe that that includes some big name entertainment execs. I believe that they just can't get over the AMA's. Yes, yes I know. It should be over and in the past, but I think some people are afraid that Adam will continue on with that type of performance or try to shove gay performance art in Middle America’s faces once again. And why would they still think that way? Well look at Adam's performance during "Fever" on the Glamnation tour. I know kissing Tommy was part of the show, but word got out and I'm sure there might be a few close-minded folks out there who are in power who will do everything they can to keep that type of thing swept under the rug.
Also, he did a very provocative dance during "Cuckoo" at Fantasy Springs. Whenever Adam's name comes up for opportunities at publicity, I believe these performances ARE looked at and considered before decisions are made. And as sad as it is, there are a LOT of people out there who are afraid of Adam's open sexuality.


Anonymous said...

Not all heterosexuals are the same either. Adam is flamboyant, some gays are more conservative. Anyway, I don't care about the AI much, because it's all about the judges and their careers and not about the contestants as it should be. I think Adam should continue to perform only to his fans, then he can do what the hell he wants.

Anonymous said...

Somehow I doubt there would be any danger that if Adam were a judge, he would be tempted to plant a big kiss on Randy or Brad Paisley or whomever. America would be safe from sex, unless one or both of Mariah's breasts should spill over her neckline and escape!

Anonymous said...

For me, if Adam gets this gig , they better pay him 20 mil!!
AI became dead after Adam's season! I just want Adam to have $$$ in da bank! He'll never have to struggle again! His voice is priceless ! Feel sorry for those who don't understand him.
Jonas? Really? Adam is more experienced!

Anonymous said...

Strange=====we are a country so set on protecting citizens from sex and so lax in protecting citizens from nutjobs with guns. Let anyone buy all the weapons and ammo they can afford and carry those weapons freely.

Did you know that Illinois is the only state that does not allow ordinary citizens to carry concealed weapons legally?

Anonymous said...

So true @7:28.

Anonymous said...

If any of you ae doing this, stop now! You might actually be hurting Adam!

Anonymous said...

Maybe its people who want to hurt Adam.

Anonymous said...

To the best of my knowledge, Adam has not even been approached by AI for this job. It's all rumor, fueled by over zealous fans, and Nigel Lithgow seems to be fed up with that. I don't think Adam was ever a consideration personally. They want big name stars to match J Lo and Steven Tyler.

Anonymous said...

And we know how great they were
..NOT !