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PIcture: Adam, Sauli and Mason (Alisan's Baby)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, July 25, 2012

@alisanporter: Mason and the Uncles!


Anonymous said...

Cute couple with an angel indeed!!!

Another joy for Adams circle of family:)

Wishing these both with full of life and happiness:))


Anonymous said...

I didn't even realize that was Sauli for a minute. He looks so different. Ohhh what a cute baby now I want another, my youngest is six.

Anonymous said...

ADAM and SAULI are a beautiful couple indeed!

donnaw said...

SHIT!! Are they a cute couple or what!!!! AGH!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How adorable..Maybe one day they can have a little bundle of joy all of their own..


Anonymous said...

Sauli rockin a new "European" look! Trying to find his own idenity in this twosome...hardly recognized him. Lols

Anonymous said...

SOOO adorable. Mason is already checking out his very gorgeous, cool uncle Adam. Eyes straight at him and Sauli seems like such a sensitive loving person. Just beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

There showing there sweet sensitive
side. They both look so innoscent.
How cute is this.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sauli has beautiful eyes! Hi new baby!

Anonymous said...

Awww :)

Anonymous said...

@ 11:51 A.M.

I know how you feel, now I want another one too, my youngest is 50!

Packy05 said...

Is that a new tattoo on Adam's thumb?

Anonymous said...

That tattoo is the OOPTA. Sauli has one, too.

Anonymous said...

Its OOFTA =)

Anonymous said...

You can see that Sauli has had practice holding tiny babies.

Just watching a photo of these guys makes me immensely happy.

Anonymous said...

please help with voting: best video, between gaga and Adam at popcrush under polls, she's is moving up very fast!!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky Baby!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:52, Yep, you're right. I goofed. I'ts OOFTA!


coloforadam said...

Who's Alison and what is OOFTA?

Anonymous said...

Allison is one of Adam's closest friends and oofta is a Finnish slang word that is similar to "oh my goodness".

Anonymous said...

It's really used by all Scandanavian's. I've heard it thrown around by Swedes, Danes and Finns here in Minnesota. And it's sort of like "whew, glad that's over,"

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli say the meaning is special to them. My grandfather was from Norway and a farmer. Whenever he did something that didn't turn out well (something stupid) he would sigh and say Uff Da. Since the tattoo appeared a couple weeks after the infamous spat and night in the drunk tank in Finland, maybe it's a reminder to them to not repeat that behavior. Just a guess, but------

Anonymous said...

Two coolest uncles EVER!

Anonymous said...

By the way oofta is spelled a dozen different ways, including uff da, all throughout Scandinavia.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....What an adorable photo............and the baby is cute too!

Anonymous said...

Adam should have posed with the beautiful Alisan while holding Mason. that would have been a great picture.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:20 PM - You mean this is not a great picture because there are two men in it? I'm sure there will be pics Adam posing with beautiful Alisan too, but I think this pic (Adam posing with beautiful Sauli, lol) is just great because Adam and Sauli are a couple.

Sauli has practiced a lot holding tiny babies with his sister's babies; he is godfather of one of them (Emre).

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:20 PM
The beautiful Alisan took this picture and posted it on twitter. It's the one she wanted to share with everyone. I suspect there are also pictures of Adam and Alisan..etc..

And oh, yes, the picture is breathtaking. I love the image of these two handsome men, with this sweet baby boy. They look so comfortable with the baby, and like everyone, I wish them the joy of children someday.

And yes, love Sauli's new look. And even more gorgeous in person BTW. (Squeeeee!!) Still have happy memories of seeing him up close, face to face, unexpectedly, at Fantasy Springs...OOFTA!!!!!!!!!!! And in this case, that's a GOOD thing!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Listening to Map... this must be
Adam and Sauli's very own path :)

Anonymous said...

I love you glitzy lady. You are such a true blue great human as well as being a great, devoted fan of Adam.

daydreamin said...

Here is Mason's picture up close:

Anonymous said...

Just thinking how these boys' parents must feel when looking at this photo.

I'm definitely in the happy tears team!

Anonymous said...

I love this picture. Adam and Sauli look so happy holding the baby. This is a great picture of beautiful human beings. love it

Anonymous said...

Does Sauli have a "proper" job? He seems to constantly be flying all over the place with Adam. Read interesting article about Finnish musicians and artists who cannot get visas to stay in this country and someone commented about Sauli and "by having a famous boyfriend does that open the doors to staying in USA". I am sure people have wondered about this but will not say anything to avoid the screaming of the fans. However, I have decided to speak out and YES I am and have been fan from first AI audition, but have had concerns as others have about this relationship. Not my business I know but I have never seen an artist gay or straight who constantly has to have partner next to them at all times. Also, the blowing of kisses while on stage can be a big turnoff. Sorry, folks but thats my opinion. Now you can yell or ignore but just had to speak my mind.

Anonymous said...

@3:02 You're one of those Adommy fans, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

3:02 AM

Why do you care? It's not like someone has to stay outside the US because Adam lives with a foreign boyfriend. We don't know the details and it is not our and definitely not your business to question the situation or their relationship.

Katkeruus ja kateus ei ketään kaunista!

Anonymous said...

I think @3:02 was referring to this Finn Times article that said "The Finnish musicians had tough time in getting into the country and were questioned by the U.S. immigration officials, who had asked, couldn’t an American performer do the job instead."

Anonymous said...

I doubt the immigration officials would ask Adam if he could have a boyfriend from the US..

Anonymous said...

@3:02 AM
You're brave posting that comment and as predicted, you're being screamed at but you're entitled to your opinion as much as everyone else is.

Anonymous said...

Sauli was working on his visa before he met Adam (I believe Katri was as well.) They did it for the Tutka road show, which was already scheduled to come to US in spring 2011 when he and Adam met.

It's the kind of visa foreign press get. His audience is Finnish and his income is from Finland. (Can't you tell how much time he spends watching Finnish TV? He has to comment on it - it's his job.)

It is always difficult to get a visa but it's much easier to get that kind of visa because it actually contributes to US GNP - it brings foreign money into the country.

I believe his visa lasts as long as he is employed by Finnish media. He cannot earn money in the US doing a regular job -that would violate his visa.

Anonymous said...

3:48 - good point. And that is why Adam had to use a UK band for his UK performances. The general position in most countries is that, if a citizen can do the job, then you shouldn't be bringing a foreigner in. Adam's UK performances were one-ofs and would have had to be justified individually - too much time, money and trouble.

Anonymous said...

The whole immigration situation is a rather personal one. Lot of speculation going on.

Anonymous said...

3:02 - the "giving" of erotic kisses onstage can be a turn-off, too, which is why I, for one, am glad that it has stopped. The new turn of events is a definite improvement: occasional, joyful, honest and from-the-heart.

I loved the Ashley action at FS - Adam is determined to make her crack a smile and it was hilarious when he moved in on her, especially when she called his bluff and gave him a peck. She also tweeted a picture of their encounter. This girl is really growing on me. Love the Va-Jay-Jays, too.

Adam playing the drums with Isaac was so cute and straddling Tommy was all in fun. Brian has to work on his patter but he has a lovely smile.

Adam is really enjoying his band and they are getting more cohesive with every performance. Loving it.

Anonymous said...

@3:44 exactly! None of anyones business.
@3:02 What do you actually consider a 'proper job'? As to the 'turnoff' mention, hardly think so. Adam should do whatever he feels the need to do. SO glad his out the box and I love it.
Just proves prehaps Adam and Sauli need to move overseas oneday where they can be themselves.

Anonymous said...

Adam is erotic so why pretend.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:59 wrote "I doubt the immigration officials would ask Adam if he could have a boyfriend from the US.."


Anonymous said...

@ 3:02 am

Your "concern" has been posted and commented on several times and answered. Yes, Sauli has a job and he does not travel with Adam all the time. He is not breaking any laws and is guilty of being happy and making Adam happy. Why does that bother you?I have no intention of yelling at you, just ignoring you the next and the next time you again share your "concern" with us.

HK fan said...

@4.41am jul 26
I'm sure that his taking the band into England wouldn't have been a problem. England has no problem who has the jobs, certainly doesn't have to be justified to be an English person. I think it was probably more because of the cost....

Anonymous said...

That plus the fact he was going to have to use their band for the Albert Hall sense in them learning his music for one night and not being used again.
I don't think the present band is quite ready for The Royal Albert Hall!

coloforadam said...

There was a baby in the picture? Gosh, I didn't notice.

Anonymous said...

We hard-core fans follow Adam's every move, including every pic with Sauli, every little affectionate action, etc. A little thrown "kiss" from the stage to the audience is not erotic. It's just affectionate. I'll be that if we were huge NPH fans, we'd know all about him and his partner. NPH kissed his partner on the cheeck at an awards show when N won something. Nobody in the media swent ballistic. If it was Adam kissing Sauli on the cheek, it might have been a different story. Yes, Sauli has a paying job in the Finnish media. He earns a paycheck. He's busy with his own work. No one can accuse him of being a freed-loader, which is what some people want to do. He's with Adam sometimes, but not always. They are not high school kids who have to spend every waking hour together. Sauli surely knows how visas work and can handle his own issues with that. This relationship looks pretty stable and solid to me. They are working it out.


Anonymous said...

I wonder why Sauli has taken to wearing hats/caps recently. Maybe he's taking a break from styling his hair every day which is understandable. He has lovely hair (what there is of it). Maybe it's just a phase he's going through or perhaps he wants to protect his face from the sun, although there's no need to do that at night. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well there was an article from a Finnish Group in LA and Sauli was there. One of the bloggers was questioning how he managed to stay in the USA when other Finnish people could not get Visas. I've also heard that for anyone to get a Visa to work or stay here they want the person to have a BA degree. It wasn't so tough years ago but I guess Immigration Dept has tightened the rules. If you do not have a work Visa the longest you can stay is around 6 months.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please take your whining about visas and stuff elsewhere!

You should be enjoying this lovely photo and all the other wonderful things around Mr Adam Lambert :)

Anonymous said...

@8.48AM...What a nasty person you must be and so rude on top of it, what has Sauli done to you to deserve your mean comments, if you continue to treat people like this it's bound to come flying back at you in one way or another, so be careful with what you say, what comes from your mouth also comes from your heart. Sauli is a good person and deserves to be treated as such.

Anonymous said...

WoW! What did 8:48 say? The hat is cute and 8:48 just thought so. Did you get the time wrong.

Anonymous said...

The hat is just for fun and style. Good grief.

tess4ADAM said...

Maybe Sauli has taken to wearing hats b/cuz he looks so GOOD in them ... older & sexier .. IMO ... maybe ADAM 'likes' him in hats so he wears them more often to 'please' ADAM ... haven't we all changed our look at one time or another to please the one we love?? Whatever the reason ... I think he looks 'swell'!! AND ... I think this photo of ADAM .. Sauli & this Precious little boy Mason is ADORABLE!! Let's just leave the logistics of Sauli's being here in the USA to ADAM & Sauli!!! Geez!!
Why don't you all go VOTE for ADAM instead of wasting your time opining about things that DO NOT concern you?? I AM ... care to join me "TRUE" Glamberts?? Love 'n Light ...


Anonymous said...

Anyone hear about the Kristen Stewart/Robert Pattinson ordeal?
There is a you tube video from a RP fan, crying her eyes out as to why Kristen cheated on him. Getting tons of views.

I can see the Glamberts doing a 180 on Sauli, should there be a similar situation with Adam. OMG !
All the lovie dovie talk now, careful about all the gloating because you never know what the future holds for loving partners.

Anonymous said...

12:58 PM

Are you bored with you life or something?
Why bring that miserable celebrity gossip up here? And under the lovely baby picture?
Just go away and let the rest of us enjoy what we see.

Anonymous said...

@12:58, why would Glamberts turn against Sauli? Glamberts still like Bradam.

Anonymous said...

WOW they both look so happy and handsome. they make such a gorgeous couple <3. Mason is such a little cutie Congrats to Alisan on her baby. Love this picture so much:)

Ireland xxx

tess4ADAM said...

Methinks the comment by @12:58 is NOT by anyone that is a Glambert ... probably just a 'muckraker' trying to stir up TROUBLE here at 24/7 ... I DARE you to post your REAL name!! It is obvious that you are another one of those TROLLS that frequent our threads here ... PLEASE Go AWAY!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

that photo is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

2:01 pm lol

Anonymous said...

You must be totally bored or do you just need attention.

Anonymous said...

Heavens above Adam blew a kiss to Sauli and thats over the top?
Now if that had been a man throwing that kiss to a woman everything would have been OK I guess. That good old homophobia is so deep rooted in people.

Anonymous said...

@Anon. July 26, 2012 10:02 AM

I don't see that as a nasty comment. It was an observation. By screaming at other Glamberts, you make yourself appear nasty.
Don't be precious - it doesn't become you.

Anonymous said...

Adam doesn't like hate amongst Glamberts. He's said he wants people to be nice to each other, and there's not a lot of that happening here.

glitzylady said...

What the heck happened here?! The topic was about two beautiful men posing with a sweet baby. I love that Adam is so openly in love with Sauli, and vice versa. I'm also thrilled that Saui is able to live here in the US with Adam. Why anyone thinks its any of their business to know any of the details of Saui's Visa status is beyond me. I love the fact that Adam and his friends share pics that show us the "real' side of Adam and his life beyond the stage and his celebrity life. He is one lucky guy, to be surrounded by close long term, loving friends. May it always be that way.

glitzylady said...

Ooops..sorry..spelled Sauli wrong twice (typos..) before anyone calls me on it...yes, I know ; )))

Anonymous said...

Three gorgeous BABIES!!!

Anonymous said...

What blue eyes Sauli has and how lovely is Adam in every way. Proud uncles. Look how tiny that baby is - compare his little legs to Sauli's thumb. Too cute - all three of them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Alisan for this nice photo. By the way, I think Sauli is wearing Finnish design, like a proud Finn should.. :)

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