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ITV Daybreak is ALSO Reporting that Adam has been approached for the 'Idol' job

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Anonymous said...

The news is really getting hotter indeed!

Good KARMA is right in the corner folks!

I can smell the bacon in the kitchen:)


Jadam NZ said...

Hmmm. What do they say? "No smoke without fire" I would say they have at the very least spoken to Adam. The people in the know seem to know something but wont commit officially. Not up to them I guess.
God never a dull moment.
Just read a whole bunch of statistics and Trespassing and NCOE is doing pretty well here apparently. Though I know its is the US that wants more recognition.

Anonymous said...

I need a break from the internet, this is all getting too much for me. lol Imagine what it's doing to Adam. JadamNZ that is good news too.

Jadam NZ said...

Anon 8.58 yes I am out of here til tomorrow to I am going stir crazy. LOL. Were crazy arent we, thats good crazy though.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not successful idol.if underwood or Kelly be judge that is good.

Maria Carey and other judges that been chosen is better because they sell more albums but Adam didn't.what he's thinking?seriously?

Anonymous said...

Well, I just hopped over from previous thread and there I suggested my estimated AI judge panel line-up as: Mariah signed for 18 million and Adam and Jimmy L. It's a good mix of star power, talents and critiquing abilities especially for Jimmy L and Adam, have not heard Mariah yet. Here too the AI background knowledge/experience is well represented by Adam, the only 'AI schooled' and Jimmy to some extent. Pay wise probably Adam and Jimmy L be paid 12 million or more each, which works out to 1 million a month, one year/contract...yea steady income for Adam is good...And knowing Adam he always gives more than his required field of work. :)

Anonymous said...

@ 9:22 PM,

Are u one of the 1 million moms that Adam just fucked in his twitt???

Just curious????????????? Hope not????

You don't know what u r talking about!!

Anonymous said...

There are so many stories on this,that if it doesn't happen I know I will be disappointed. So I am trying to stay calm. I know Adam said he would jump at this chance,so of course I want it even more knowing this is what Adam wants! He would be perfect!Going to Winstar to see him Friday night. Soooo excited,hope we get all the excitement that Fantasy Springs got!

Anonymous said...

More news coming in, legs, toes, fingers crossed! I don't want to go to sleep, I am afraid I will miss something.

If that's what you think, then take yourself over to Underwood and Kelly's fan site..Good Riddance


Anonymous said...

@OlvyaLicious: Wow Russian singer @VladSokolovsky admits: @AdamLambert is the best of the young foreign singers so far! #SwellTaste

Anonymous said...

9:22 PM


Anonymous said...

Zumba Music List - Top 7 Artists and Most favorite Songs

Anonymous said...

I'm not thinking about how much $$$ Adam would be paid. What is of REAL VALUE is the experience Adam would gain by being an American Idol judge. He wants to do this and I really want this to happen for him.

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!! That Zumba list!! I absolutely love "If I Had You".

V Camilleri said...

Love the pun. Cute

Anonymous said...


"Deadline is reporting that American Idol is eyeing country superstar, Brad Paisley, for a seat at the judges table.

Putting a country star on the panel would be a great idea. With Mariah Carey representing R&B and pop, having a representative from an extremely popular American genre like country makes total sense.

Besides, Brad is totally BFFs with one of Idol’s most successful graduates, Carrie Underwood. They recorded the 2011 hit country duet “Remind Me” and co-host the CMA awards every November.
Carrie is not the only American Idol connection to Brad. 2011 Idol winner, Scotty McCreery opened for Brad on tour this year. Brad knows his American Idols!

Sources also report that Fox is toying with the idea for a four-judge panel. That was a disaster when Idol expanded the panel during seasons 8 and 9. More quality LESS talk from the judges! More singing from the hopefuls, please."

HK fan said...

There's no point in getting worked up about it, we'll know when we know.!!
whilst I agree that Kelly would also be a good choice, Carrie Underwood would be boring, she is just so vanilla.
and @lam-my, I have to disagree about Jimmy Iovine.I really think the programme has changed since he's been on it and not for the better. He interferes with the contestants too much, they seem to have lost the ability to think for themselves the last couple of seasons. And while his critiques on results day are spot on, thats easy to do when you know the results and been on line so know what is being said on the blogosphere...
I'd like to see him, Randy and Nigel go, a clean sweep...
Bring in a younger, more personable produver if they have too.
Once again can't see this picture or whatever it is at the top, domain unregistered, seems to be happening a lot lately.

And Demi Lovato is getting 1million for x factor, can't see Adam getting anywhere near 12m if he is offered the job.

i would love to see him as the judge, I think he would be great, and I would love for all those non fans to see the lovely guy we all see, but I'm not holding my breath that it will happen. Although there seems to be too many reports for there not to be at least a smidgen of truth in it.

Anonymous said...

HK fan
I sort of like Jimmy Lovine's sincerity and pretty astute dissections of the singers' choices and deliveries. So as a judge he won't be mentoring so much nor changing their song choices, styles etc. but his critiques are more based on technical and artistic knowledge/know-how of the subject at hand and not so much beautiful...or you're in it to win it, baby...we hear so often. lol!. His style of critiquing is quite in line with Adam's, knowledge-based, not airy-fairy, lol! I dropped his name because it seems from what I read, the Fox executives mentioned him. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I give up "who is Jimmy Lovine?"

Anonymous said...

Adam,Sauli and Mason..the picture is so precious..just posted..omg..they are so the way Sauli is holding Mason,,thanks Alison for posting it

Anonymous said...

A four judge panel would be terrible.

Jimmy Iovine would be completely different as a judge and I think he would be an excellent replacement for Randy, if he goes. He isn't afraid to say what he thinks and they need a toughie on that panel.

As Jimmy's his "interference" as a managing mentor, Idol just used him to bring out into the open what has probably been going on behind the scenes for years. Maybe better to have that interaction recede into the background, once again. Song selection etc. is a cr*pshoot and highlighting that a good singer got it wrong...?

I am not raising my hopes any higher about Adam. How does ITV get this scoop and no one else?

BTW, I doubt that Jimmy and Adam would get anywhere near the $12 million mark. Remember,Paula was leaving because they wouldn't give her $5 million. Don't know what Adam would be worth to them but it would be very good for his career and Idol knows that.

We will see when we see.

Anonymous said...

It is a good PR move for Adam because he already has the Idol contestant tag (which is only bashed by people who are being jealous snobs, imo). He may as well have the prestige of being a judge then and make money while he is at it.
The news is getting hotter.
I will be surprised if they don't choose Adam for so many reasons.

Anonymous said...

Another popcrush poll, Adam and Gaga for best video, find it under polls, Adam is leading, but #'s are dropping, voting is once per hour...would love to see him get this one!

Anonymous said...

I agree that Jimmy and Randy should take roles. Randy has a lot of experience as mentor and I wasn't always sure he was real honest with the contestants. Jimmy is tough but not nasty and seems honest.

glitzylady said...

Here's the link to the picture of Adam, Sauli, and baby Mason [Alisan Porter's son] CUTE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Paula left because they wouldn't give her 12 million. She was making 4 per Forbes.
I am just glad they didn't give Jlo what she wanted. I bet she is pissed they gave Mariah more. At least Mariah can actually sing.
@2:51 Jimmy Iovine is a producer, that is on idol, that has taken over the mentoring roll. He has produced alot of people such as U2, Lady Gaga and apparently dicovered Eminem.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else think Jimmy Iovine looked sickly last year?

Anonymous said...

I've said all I can say about Adam and AI. I'm as excited as everyone else, but we'll just have to wait and see. It won't be long now before something is announced. I guess it would be a good idea for a country singer to be a judge, since country music is so huge. BUT, country-type contestants have won a number of times so it's not like they need a lot of help or anything. I am in no way a country music fan, not even a little bit. But if a country music person gets to be a judge, I guess that's a nice balance.

That pic of Adam and Sauli and Mason is priceless. The baby is precious, of course. Adam is stunning as always, and Sauli just gets cuter by the second. Love his hat and his striped shirt and those twinkly blue eyes. Easy to see why Adam said it was love at first sight.

DRG (Hoping for our "bargain" Adam.)

Anonymous said...

Yes Jimmy Iovine did look sickly last year.

HK fan said...

That picture of Adam, Sauli and Mason is just so precious:))))))

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I've finally come up with the perfect set of judges...sorry Mariah you didn't make the cut.

Ready? If they want to liven up the panel...Dolly Parton...Adam, of course...and will- i -am.

Now that would be fun!

I'll admit the idea came to me during a short morning catnap!

Anonymous said...

Well here are the current sales for Trespassing.
Adam Lambert, Trespassing (3,000, -9%, 144,000) (#185 BB200)
So he has doubled his debut. Hopefully the Pretty Little Liars will give him a big sales boost.

Anonymous said...

Both Adam and Jimmy Lovine would be a great judges as long as the powers-that-be allowed them to be honest.

The amount of money paid to AI judges is ludicrous in the extreme! Millions of dollars paid to these people .... for what?!?! They could save a lot of money by paying them what they're actually worth and NOT what they actually demand.

I'd rather see Kelly Clarkson as the female judge than Mariah Carey but it's a done deal now.

Anonymous said...

@7:53.the sales are not so great because by next week it will probably be off the top 200. It is so sad to me because his album is great and so many people haven't heard it. So many people don't even know Adam has a new album out. I blame that on RCA. So PLL hopefully will help and if Adam gets the idol gig. Don't mean to sound like a downer I am so frustrated with radio and NCOE should have done so much better IMO. Folks don't know what they don't hear. If Adam's next single is to be a success RCA has to put big money into it and make sure Z100 and big top 40 stations spin the heck out of it.Adam worked so hard on this album and put his heart and soul into it. He is by far the most talented male singer of this generation and yet has to struggle.

Anonymous said...

If Adam get the gig, the 1 million moms who hates him will move elsewhere for sure and the rest of us will remain loyal and adore Adam.:)


Anonymous said...

I mean @7:52. Also not getting NCOE video onto VH1 for voting didn't help. Read RCA is re releasing Trespassing in Australia with the 2 extra bonus tracks By the Rules and Map. They are re introducing NCOE also. I think they should go with another single like Cuckoo or Trespassing. Why re release NCOE when it didn't do well there the first time.

Anonymous said...

I just came across this beautiful photo of Adam and Sauli, holding little baby Mason and had to share this with you.

Anonymous said...

Whoever they pick will not be announced until they have milked as much publicity as possible. They didn't pay the insane amount of millions to not get their money's worth. Will never watch Idol again if Adam not on judges ps el period!!!

Anonymous said...

adam lambert worth 15,000,000 million dolars- his knowledgeable and etc.15,000,000 million in not 12million mnay people around the world will tune in bec. of adam will see; 2013-is adma lambert really good luck year-whever he involved this ai thing will becoem more lucky -adma lambert will bring luck to this american idol gig. lucky adam lambert by birth.(his birhtyear-month)

Anonymous said...


GOD bless your predictions!

Anonymous said...

This suspense is killing me, I so much want to see Adam get this AI job!! Hope they make a decision very soon.

Anonymous said...

What? I was counting on somemore rumors today on here or maybe the real news.

Anonymous said...

Having a bad day - some good news please - about Adam Lambert - that would really, really help right now.

Anonymous said...


On WPLJ this morning, they mentioned a rumor that idol is talking to Kenny Chesney.
Chesney's a guy who has made his feelings about reality shows pretty clear though. For instance, here are comments he made about Eric Church in Entertainment Weekly:

“There’s a difference between having a few songs on the radio and having a career,” Kenny tells Entertainment Weekly, “and the one who stands out the most to me is Eric Church. He’s a real artist. He didn’t come up on some karaoke contest.”

leilani Aloha said...

Loveeeee Jak's choice of AI judges!!!
Great tres combo:):):)

Adam Lambert - Dolly Parton - Will.I. Am

Best I've heard!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone listen to the radio show on the "On the Meaning of Adam Lambert" site lst night. They are repeating it tonight at 10pm EST. It's usually a Wed. night program but was on last night for some reason and will be repeated tonight. Anyway Michael Orland was the guest and he is the piano player for AI. He had all sorts of things to say about the whole process and about Adam. He said if he had a whole lot of money, he would produce a show in Vegas for Adam. He said that is where he belongs. Can you picture it now? He would put on a fabulous show!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture of baby Mason and the "uncles Adam and Sauli". Just so sweet.

I want the AI judging gig for Adam so much because Adam wants it and for selfish reasons too....I want to tune in twice a week and see Adam's gorgeous face and listen to him speak! That's enough for me. I'm not really a huge fan of Mariah's. I don't think I've ever heard Adam mention her like he has Christina or Beyonce for instance. In fact, I wonder how the chemistry would be between them on a judging panel? Adam is so tactful though, and he can charm anyone and puts them under his spell :)


Anonymous said...

Let's just give Will.I.Am. and Dolly and Adam a talk show. They are all hilarious. Forget about contestants!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I wish Michael Orland had a whole lot of money...cause Vegas is def the place for Adam.
Like Elvis rocked the town, Adam would set it on fire too.
Hot Stuff Baby Tonight!!!! ^o^

Anonymous said...

Latest chatter about the next Idol judge is heavily about country superstar Brad Paisley.

Anonymous said...

but they are considering having four judges, so....

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the comments about Vegas, Adam would totally dominate this place with his stage presence!

Anonymous said...

I've always thought Adam would be a great headliner in Vegas! Viva Las Vegas!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure LAS VEGAS will happen in the future for ADAM but not now or in the near future. It's for older artists.

ELVIS had stint of performances in LV only because he cannot put up a concerts outside of US because as found out later, his manager Col. Tom Parker did not have a passport or has some problems with Immigration which Elvis was unaware of. But he wanted so much to perform abroad. He only got as far as Hawaii which has no need of passport for Parker. Countries were clamoring for him to come.

ADAM can travel and he has not yet explored the rest of Europe, Brazil and South America. Those people need to experience him live and most of them cannot travel to US for not everyone can get a US visa. I would love for ADAM to have that Las Vegas stint in the future. That would be a blast and more stable earnings for him.

I pray it will happen for all the joy it will give to his fans and for ADAM's own fulfillment in being the consummate showman. ELECTRIFYING for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam judging on Idol would mean no hope for a tour of Trespassing. Personally, I'd rather see him continue to promote his singing and CD, and/or front for Queen in a U.S. tour rather than sit on a judging panel week after week. Adam has said many times his passion is performing. That would end (at least for 8 or 9 months) for him. He be a caged bird.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam could work out his performing with his Idol job. Unless you're Gaga, or Katy Perry or someone like that,there is too much to be gained from the Idol job for him to pass it up, IF he gets the offer. It's the kind of job you just don't refuse, regardless of other things you are doing. This would only strengthem him and make a tour more likely to have more fans. It could be on a bigger scale. Either way, I'm a fan for life.


Anonymous said...

adam will tour on 2013- plenty of time-hes not judging ai every night. arent they?once a week?
p;s brazil-europe and sotuh america adam lambert can do that; brazil-not to far from us.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Chesney pisses me off. Just because a person competes on a "talent show" doesn't make them any less talented than someone who doesn't. Adam is living proof. People get their breaks in many ways. What makes his friend Eric Church more talented than Adam just because he wasn't on a show like Idol? NOTHING. I'll be Kenny thinks Adam is plenty talented. Idol is not a karaoke show. Am I a huge fan of Idol??? NOOOOOO! Never have been. But it's just as legitimate a way of getting discovered as any other way. There are no gaurantees. So, shut up, Kenny. You are being snobby. Talent is talent, no matter how it is discovered. I'm really steamed!


Anonymous said...

I love you, Michael Orland, and I know you love Adam, but I DON'T want Adam labeled as a Vegas act. That's worse than being labeled as an Idol contestant. Maybe MANY years down the road, but no time soon, please!!!!


Anonymous said...

Vegas seems a little tacky for Adam. Loved the Glamnation tour just do it again. Adam hasn't had much of a chance to promote trespassing. Really makes you wonder on the singles they started out with. That album is loaded with great songs! Map is waaaay radio friendly . I still wish Adam would go back to changing up his look and wardrobe more often,but I think he will. VERY BUSY BOY!

Anonymous said...

After it is known Kenny Chesny's opinion of singing shows, how can he be such a hypocrite and be a judge for a "karaoke contest"? In making this statement, he shows a stupid bias that hopefully will bite him and get him out of contention. For a job that would seem to require common sense and objectivity, this yokel shows how unfit he is for an AI judging stint. atm

Anonymous said...

No one is suggesting Adam make Vegas his life's work. He just played a casino in CA. How about a BIGGER one in Vegas! He needs bookings. And as far as Idol tying him up, he's already said he hoped to tour sometime in 2013! His album has not had enough play to warrant a tour yet, he's realistic about that, said just recently "we're just starting".
Idol commitment is over in Spring and it's not a time consuming job, with extra press, exposure and album sales the tour would be a sure thing next summer.

Don't get your panties in a twist, he has brains let him plan his next year. Money talks in show business.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Chesney has no intention of being an Idol judge, nor has anyone said he was in contention. The country music singer mentioned was Brad Paisley, a smart and charming guy. Kenny makes more than they are paying Mariah in one of his tours! He's loaded, I think he owns his own tropical island!

Anonymous said...

A one-shot show in Vega? OK. Adam and Michael O. could put something really great together. But I just don't want his to be seen as a "Vegas" act. This Idol thing has me really edgy. I just want the real news to be announced, and then we can deal with it!

Maybe Brad P. has more brains than Kenny.


lorraine said...

Some thoughts here on a summer afternoon.....Interestingly enough, a radio station here in San Diego, 94.1 FM, has been playing NCOE regularly for the past month.Finally, some {albeit limited} recognition in Adam's hometown! No word at all on his triumphant concerts with Queen, however, and I think that is very newsworthy. Before his ventures overseas, there was a write-up in one of the local papers but I think the success of his fronting the band warranted far more coverage. So yes, I think Adam can use all the exposure he can get, if offered the Idol gig-even though I feel a little protective of him and am uncertain of this move for him. Nonetheless, I want for Adam all that he wishes for himself and I respect his decisions.
Having said all this, I wouldn't want to see Adam in Vegas. He's too classy and his voice is too beautiful for that kind of venue---in my humble opinion. The few times I've been to Las Vegas, I remember being happy leaving. I did see Elton John and Celine there in concert, but whenever I think of Elvis' performances there, {which I did not see} it brings back memories of his fall from grace,excesses, his controls and restrictions under "Colonel" Parker- and shows that he did which almost made a joke out of his stage theatrics. I know that Adam has a theatrical side for sure-but I always feel a sense of awe when he opens his mouth to sing. Besides, Adam is too young for Vegas and the world wants to see and hear him sing; he's far too special for the confines of a sleazy casino town in the middle of the desert. Oh my goodness! Can you imagine if I ever wanted to go back to Las Vegas again and someone in charge of bookings has read this post??? HA HA

Anonymous said...

@lorraine I agree with your post.

Anonymous said...

Here's hoping they will solve this AI Judge Issue ASAP - every thread here is more or less about the same topic...BORING!

Anonymous said...

from what I am reading, Randy is staying as a judge and they want to bring Brad Paisley on board..just wish Adam would let us know via Twitter that he is not in contention for job...put us out of our misery...

Anonymous said...

If Adam does NOT get the job, then we can all breathe a sigh of relief that at least it's over and we can continute supporting him in every way we can. Kinda think it won't happen, but he has gotten some press even for being considered. That's good in itself.


Anonymous said...

Brad Paisley! BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AI will definitely go down the tubes!
Just my opinion.
P.S. I think Randy J. has had his day. (I have a lot of opinions lately! sigh)

Anonymous said...

My daughter and her husband live in Las Vegas and he gets "comped" to all the new shows and the old ones also. I've been to Vegas so many times I've lost count and I've seen so many shows. A Vegas gig is NOT for Adam. A one off might be ok...just not long term. He's too good to be the next Wayne Newton.

Anonymous said...

Posters: For Pete's sake. Jimmy Iovine's name starts with an I.
I O V I N E. Think of iota (as in you don't have an iota of sense).

Anonymous said...

CMT News:July 25th
There's only one way American Idol could recruit Brad Paisley to be a judge for the upcoming season. And that is if they rearranged the show's schedule around his. I hate to be a Debbie Downer and shoot down the Internet rumors. After all, I would love -- probably more than anyone -- to see him dole out his sage advice and witty repartee to the Idol hopefuls. But I just don't see it happening. Unlike newly-signed judge Mariah Carey, whose website notes she has "no tour dates at this time," Paisley is a very busy man. He has 26 tour dates between now and November. And in November, it seems a safe bet he'll be busy all over again as co-host of the CMA Awards. (This year's awards show hosts haven't been announced, but Paisley and Carrie Underwood have presided for the past four years.)

After that, he has a string of tour dates in Sweden and Norway. Then I'm guessing he'd like to spend the holidays with his wife and two little sons. And I know he has his next album in the works and that seven songs are done, but he's still crafting the rest. So that means it would be difficult to be around much for the audition phase of the Idol games.

Anonymous said...

So it looks like Paisley is unlikely. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings abt this - on one hand I'd be ecstatic if Adam is selected to be AI judge(haven't watched AI since Adam's season) but on another, I don't want Adam to be a part of this "sinking ship" !

Anonymous said...

Surprised to know that Sweden and Norway listen to country music.

Anonymous said...

@ 6:32 P.M.......Thanks for clearing that up. May I add it's pronounced i-o-veen. I was really confused, cause there was a country singer in the early 1940's named Jimmy Lovine and I'm pretty sure he'd be long gone by now.
:) JAK

Anonymous said...

After reading some pros & cons to Adam becoming an AI judge, I'm indecisive abt it all. I was surprised to hear Adam say he would take this opportunity to be an AI judge. Because he's always said he wanted to focus on his solo career, to be his own boss, to be himself on stage. Another thing that surprises me is to hear a lot of Glamberts supporting this opportunity for Adam & are these some of the same Glamberts who complain about interviewers always tying Adam to AI runnerup ? I may be wrong.
For me, AI is going downhill & AI knows it. They do know that Adam has a loyal & dedicated fanbase.
I just hope to God, if Adam gets this job, they better make it worthwhile . Carey is not worth 18 mil, Adam is. She can sing, but she is not Adam Lambert! He is a very unique vocalists & a wonderful & inspiring human being!
Sorry if I seem negative, I just don't feel this to be in Adam 's destiny. There is something way more greater than AI , in the stars & universe for Adam Lambert!
Thank you for hearing me out 24/7 ! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

i really miss the show, but the judging has been non-existant and i think adam would be interesting...i would watch the show just to see him

Anonymous said...

@ 1:53 pm
LOL======You find Vegas tacky and didn't find GNT tacky? Glitter, purple fringe, voodoo trappings, masks, top hats, canes, eye sparkles, bindis, long black coat/dress? Dancers in various stages of undress====

GNT was Vegas! Adam threw in everything but slot machines!
I loved it but wouldn't want the next tour to be similar. Once was enough, even Adam says so.

Cheril said...

I am not surprised that Adam wants to be a judge. I am sure he sees that it is a big boost to any stars visability and brand. It would be a smart move to be in the public eye for the entire season. Adam's personality would shine. Adam is about music and he is a perfectionist about his craft. So, I believe with his unique qualification of being a former contestant and his knowledge and love of music he would be excellent. One other qualification is his engaging personality. Hopefully, we will see him sing frequently too. I think that is the draw to Duets and The Voice. Hoping to hear the announcement soon. :)

Anonymous said...

Does it seem we are always waiting as fans of Adam? Waiting for new album, waiting for Queen performances, waiting for singles, now waiting on nothing but a rumor.
Being a fan is hard work! :))

Anonymous said...


The reason he's thinking Vegas is because he's a great entertainer and has an amazing voice- not because he went fullout glam, lol. He doesn't think Adam is tacky. He thinks he's amazing.
However, Adam's way too young!
He's still trying new things.

Anonymous said...


I see this as a great opportunity for Adam. It is a great career booster for 2 kinds of artists...those who are kind of has been superstars and those who are up and coming. Adam is up and coming, and no one that new has even been considered, so that says something for Adam.
Adam already has the AI tag. He's been wise not to disparage it. He may as well have the honor of being judge.
It's time to stop bashing these shows too, as some sort of negative thing. It doesn't mean they can survive in the business, but it doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't either. It just means their talent has been recognized on some level.

Anonymous said...

The rumour has cooled. It doesn't look quite promising at this time.

Anonymous said...

I think those of us who have been rooting for Adam to be on Idol should just give it doesn't appear that there was any substance to the many rumors..I am curious as to who the second chair will be offered..and if Randy will stay..I think these questions will be answered VERY heart is broken about Adam..cause I was looking forward to seeing him twice a week and hearing him twice a week for a number of months..

Anonymous said...

I just keep praying whatever is for the good of ADAM will happen.

Anonymous said...

I know if there were real negotiations going on with Adam, the media would have gotten a hold of that news by now and that story would be all over the place..So disappointed..

@1:46, I agree..


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? I'm sorry but if they get Brad Paisley as a judge...Then I'm throwing in the towel and I won't care to watch. Mariah Carey and Brad Paisley = BORING! Adam would bring excitement to Idol which is what it needs since Simon left.