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6 Million Views!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, August 2, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 02, 2012

Adam Lambert's "Never Close Our Eyes" have surpassed 6 million views on Youtube's VEVO channel! Keep watching! Let's make it to 10 million!


Anonymous said...

I love this video and song big bunches. Anne

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad that NCOE never got on VH1 for voting. A great video with a lot of thought and hard work that the viewers didn't get to see. Much better than a lot out there. Then again so is the song and it didn't do that well,except on the dance charts. Here's hoping the next single flies up the charts both on the radio and VH1.

Anonymous said...

Do you think we could get through this thread without mentioning either current rumor which shall be unspoken by me. Let it rest for a whole thread?

Anonymous said...

no I will talk about what I want.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't NCOE mv make it on VH1? Do they post the criteria or just make it up as they go along?

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I have something slightly OT to "share". Some of you may remember that I posted about my 15 and 18 yr old grandnephews calling me from their San Antonio home after they got home from seeing Adam's concert. They teased me "Aunt J.A. we just saw your boyfriend!" They said they had taken lots of photos and would send them to me.

A fat FedEx envelope came today.
36 beautiful black and white photos
(and you know how good Adam looks in black and white) that are stunning. The boys must have been about 10 feet from stage. Head shots, full body shots, mid dance shots. I called my daughter and told her and right away she said "Mom, I'll pick them up tomorrow and make you a scrapbook."

She's one of those Martha Stewart types, has a whole room filled with scrapbooking supplies...for any and all occasions. I said "and what would I do with one of your scrapbook wonders of Adam, display it on the coffeetable? Everyone would think I was nuts!"

There was a long pause and then she said "Mom, everyone already thinks you're nuts!"

So......should I let her do it?

Anonymous said...

Isn't suppose to be something like 60,000,000 for today? As less? You guys are weird

Anonymous said...

Go for it JAK. :)

Anonymous said...

@ 8:50

Wouldn't that be nice. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

@ 9:05

Apparently VH1 makes it up as they go along. When the video came out it was #1 most popular on the VH1 website for over 2 weeks and had more views than a lot of the other videos on the top 20 but they never put NCOE up for people to see and vote for on the countdown. A lot of Glamberts were quite upset. Sad really... oh well.

glitzylady said...

My family of Adam Lambert fans thinks I'm a little what the heck!!! I do have one autographed picture of Adam with my family pics in my TV sitting area off the kitchen...(the Charity Water pic..) and no one says a word....Everything else is in my nightstand : ))))))

So nice of your grand-nephews to take all the pics!!! I didn't hear that story..So what did they think of ADAM???

lorraine said...

@JAK Of course let your daughter make that scrapbook for you-and display it with pride on your coffee table,for all to see. If I ever was fortunate enough to visit you across the nation, it would be the first thing I would ask for when I walked in your door!
As far as anyone thinking we are cuckoo--who cares??? My son and daughter- and everyone else ,for that matter,already know that -and here I am, still roaming around as free as a bird {a cuckoo bird!}
You have a very sweet family....

Geo. said...

I wrote about this on my blog and I gave ya credits! Hope that's cool, I'd like to collab with you! Let me know what ya say, you can find me on the chat, in my blog! Nice day in there! : )

daydreamin said...

Here is a picture of Brian May and Adam at what looks like a restaurant even though the title says it's a bar. Looks far from a bar to me, but what do I know?

Anonymous said...

I like this mv but my fave is BTIKM. Adam is dang good actor in this.

HK fan said...

yes, let her make the scrapbook for you. And how great of your nephews to send the photos....but you've never come back and actually told us what they thought of the concert???

Anonymous said...

LOL! @JAK, I really like your wit and humor.
Why care what others would say?
You know very well you're N-U-T-S !!!


Anonymous said...

abc news reports about Adam as a judge for AI:

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady
@ HKfan..........JAK here

The boys are quite familiar with Adam's music. The Glambert in their house is their 7 yr old sister Lexi! Her dance class uses a lot of Adam's songs. They had a great time and said there were a lot of family groups with young kids that all sang and danced along to the music.....but I thought this was interesting......they said the kids all quieted down and listened quite intently to Outlaws of Love.
They felt the emotion of it, even if they didn't understand it's significance....How about that!

Anonymous said...

Found this on twitter about one of Adam's ancestor:

I googled @lucyyhale,found out some1 named Lucy Lambert Hale existed in d 1800s,daughter of a US senator @adamlambert

Anonymous said...

Don't get too excited that abc article was July 9 and news of judges leaving was not even a sure thing at that time. It wasn't a statement, it was a question and at that time it was a rumor even to Adam, or so he said.

Don't get our hopes up like this, my heart can't take it.

Anonymous said...

My fave clip is the BTIKM video too. Adam's acting is SUPERB in it.

Anonymous said...

I am cuckoo too for Adam and yes all my family, friends and co workers know it and I am fully embracing and loving it!

Anonymous said...


Yes you are nuts, cuckoo in a train wreck indeed and we love you for that!!!!

Please tell your daughter that we appreciate all the things you share here in this fandom he!he!


Anonymous said...

So lucky 2 have a family the embraces U and ur love 4 Adam!! I look 4 ur posts all the time bc they bring such a smile 2 my face. U go girl!!

Love 2 U,

Anonymous said...

adam is getting alot of radio play in the dc area on fresh 94.7

Anonymous said...

@ Canadian.....JAK here

Completely OT....All my young life I wanted a sister, even made up an imaginary one ( called her Heidi since that was the first book my mother read to me). From the age of four we traveled all the time, we were a military family during wartime so I would go to school in 5 or more different schools in different states in one grade. Never staying anywhere long enough to find a best friend, but I had my Mother and Heidi! I prayed for a sister....but alas no sister.
When I had my first child I was thrilled it was a girl, then 3 yrs later another girl! Prayer answered.

I enjoyed being Mom, but when they were grown up our relationship became twofold. Sometimes I'm Mom and sometimes I have the sisters I always wanted. We've been blessed, we've camped in the Smoky mtns of Tennessee, watched eagles soar over glaciers in Alaska, dangled in cable cars over the Alps, drifted in gondolas in Venice
feed sheep on a mountainside in Ireland, got wonderfully lost in Paris. My girls are my best friends, my sisters and in my heart still my little girls. I am the most fortunate of women and I hope I have time for a few more adventures! :))) BTW several adventures took place in your beautiful country!

When the three of us get together we def ride the crazy train.
Our husbands just shake their heads and smile and wave goodbye as we leave for another adventure!

Anonymous said...

JAK, I'm so happy you got the pictures and will be getting an album made! Go ahead and display it! I have pix of Adam on my fridge (some early faves clipped from magazines from just after Idol. So when I'm stirring soup and baking a cake, I can glance over and there he is. A coffee table album would be heaven! My family is good about Adam. They get my passion and tease a little, but they like him, too.

Canadian, I am lucky to have three sisters (and one brother). We are all close. One of them is on the Adam crazy train with me (not AS crazy, but still aboard). My sistera and I get along so well. We can talk about anything, and we do travel a little together w/o the husbands. I have two sons, no daughters, but I have two lovely nieces. So glad you have such a great relationship with your daughters!

Great to hear about the big view numbers for NCOE on Vevo. Adam is being played worldwide whether we hear about it or not. The next single will be BIG. We will make it so. Amen.


Anonymous said...

I really believe that cuckoo is gonna be "THE ONE" its been my favorite song from the start!

Anonymous said...

Trespassing Deluxe got another big bump this week on Amazon. Up 132% this morning. Happened the other day also. So it is selling and hopefully with PLL and what ever else Adam has in store for us,the sales will continue!@5:43 94.7 Fresh has been playing NCOE,so if anyone lives in D.C. or Maryland area please request!

HK fan said...

Heidi was my favourite as a small girl too, I still have my copies of the Heidi books from when I was little, and read them to my daughters as soon as they were old enough. In fact my son is named after the Alm Uncle, at least I wanted him christened the full name, but husband won out with the shortened version!!!
your relationship with your daughters sounds wonderful.

Anonymous said...


What does up 132% mean?

Anonymous said...

@8:45 Up 132& means the amount of slots the album climbed. For instance if an album was at #100 and went up to # 50 that would be up by 50%. It reflects how many albums are being sold. So this is a great thing. If you go to Amazon Music and see Movers and Shakers Trespassing Deluxe will be on there. Unfortunately is still is out of the top 100,but any increase like this in sales is a great bump. Hope I explained it clear enough,math is not my strength lol.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if there's a particular reason that Trespassing is on the rise, but I don't care why! I'm just glad it's happening!


Anonymous said...


Yes you explained it very well, and thanks for posting that type of information about his album, keeping us informed! Thanks..

Anonymous said...

iTunes. Pop albums. Adam reappears at No. 92.

Anonymous said...

I bet sales increase of the album is caused by all the rumors that floating around on news outlets. Even nothing is official about those rumors the buzz helped the album sales. That is a good thing in my book.

Anonymous said...

@11:02 That is great news,thanks for letting us know. I haven't checked itunes in a while because Trespassing was off it for some time now. It is such a wonderful CD it deserves to have great sales. Yes I believe the sales could be partially due to all the rumors. Also Adam did do quite a few small concerts and hopefully new fans liked his music and bought it. I am excited to see what happens after PLL,lots of teenagers watch that show. I pray his next single does super well. Adam needs a radio hit,
then I can breathe easier.

Anonymous said...


132% means 132 out of 100 = 132/100

132/100 x last no. of albums sold will give you the new total sold and you can see the increase very easily by a simple subtraction of the two sales nos.

Another method:
If you just want to know the actual increase, then...32/100 x the last sales no. (not increased one) and if you add it to the original you will also be able to get the final total sales. :)


Anonymous said...

I really think if Adam is kept in the news (media) his sales will go up. He has been in the news (media) this past month, so it does make sense that there are more sales..This is great news..Yes.


Anonymous said...

Decimal method:

1.32 x last no. of album sales = new total sales

0.32 x last no. of album sales = increased sales

Lam-my :)

Anonymous said...

NKlovesAdam, Yes!!! Adam being in the media for almost any reason, AI rumors, Queen rumors, etc. keeps him in the public eye and sales tend to rise. This is why it's still important to vote in polls, spin the videos and request. Some polls might seem pointless, but they do keep his name out there and shows the rest of the world that he has a strong fanbase. SO happy about the jump up for NCOE.


Anonymous said...

Then how did they arrive at 132%...

Increased sales no. divided by original (last sales no.) x 100%

Lam-my :)

tess4ADAM said...

Here are some voting sites I frequent ... don't speak the language so I don't know how many times I can vote in a 24 hr. day so I hit them at least 4x a day just in case .... I know ... but it doesn't hurt to keep trying just in case they are going through ...

MTV Serbia =

MTV Greece MTV Hit List

Unistar = Http://

I hope you will all go to these sites & vote even ONCE a day will put NCOE & BTIKM (incl. at Unistar) further up on their lists ... ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam performing at the Closing Ceremonies rumor is over?


Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Wow I am impressed. Were you a math major? OT Phillip Phillip's or also called P2,his song Home is still #1 on itunes. It is because of the great exposure it has being played during the Olympics. Interscope is very good at getting their artists heard. Of course now that it is #1 stations including Z100 are starting to spin it. It's not even really a pop song,but they will play it because people want to hear it. Obviously P2 and Scotty both have definite genres and easily fit into a box. Adam does not nor does he want to fit in a box and I love him for that. Of course he can sing anything well. It may make it a little harder for Adam and IMO RCA has to step up to the plate. Us fans certainly do our part but it is not enough. Believe me if I won the lottery I might throw some money to Z100 to spin his next single in power rotation lol!

Anonymous said...

Thank you...I studied and enjoyed Maths but not as a major. :)

Anonymous said...


Is Interscope a record label?

Anonymous said...

Q102 Philly is having a poll vote for who you want to see perform at Jingle Ball 2012. You can vote for Adam,it may help him get to perform there,thanks!

Anonymous said...

So sad- adam not performing with queen- they tried to get him! I like jessie J- but Don't see the fit at all, I wouldn't want to be her after adam's 6 rave review performances with Queen. There is a petition out there now to still hae adam perform because he not a solo artist and thier rule should not count!

Anonymous said...

@ CT and everyone else

GEE What a surprise, Adam's not performing at the Olympics with Queen!

Seems mean of me but "I've been telling every thread that for weeks!" I couldn't see why no one would accept facts. Sorry for the SCREAMMMMMMING but it was driving me crazy. Cuckoo to the max.

Adam may be Brian and Rogers favorite frontman but he won't be their only one. He is not a member of their band, just an occasional treat.

His focus has to be on his music, I'd certainly love to hear Queen play some of Trespassing or love for them to write together. But don't see that happening.

Now if Idol would quit taunting us to build up interest in their coming season and spill the beans we could be done with rumors for a short time. Que sera que sera.

Anonymous said...

All those who have heard Adam sing with Queen will find it difficult to accept another front singer. Queen+Adam have become synonymous with rock music perfection...rock band+rock singer. Brian, Roger and Adam are irreplaceable as a rock team.

Anonymous said... jealous ...I never got my charity water signed photo....even if I see Adam again
I don't like to approach I was hoping for that photo.

Anonymous said...

@12:59 Yes Interscope is a record label. Jimmy Irvine the mentor on American Idol is the head or in some high capacity. So Phillip Phillips and Scotty Mcreery are signed to Interscope. Lady Gaga is on that label. Interscope is known for being very creative,smart and driven to get their artist up the charts and selling. RCA seems too laid back and obviously has made some poor choices with songs. Adam is the most talented artist out there,hopefully this fall they will have Adam on every T.V. talk show imaginable to debut his new single.

Anonymous said...

Jessie J is a huge star in the UK and a best selling artist.
Petition? Why don't we just let the host country choose who they want? That's the tradition. UK all the way!

Anonymous said...

MSN from UK is reporting that JJ will not be performing with Queen. Read pages 16 and 17 with Adam mention:

Anonymous said...

OK, I was ready to put the exciting rumor about Adam performing with Queen at the closing ceremonies behind me since my earlier post, but now, MSN UK, seems like a believable source, is saying maybe??? My heart is skipping a beat.....again:) Please let this happen for Adam!


Anonymous said...

Adam will not be performing with Queen at the Olympics, let's quit whinning about it. Jesse J will make a good fit for one or two songs. She is solo performer like Adam. HMMMm, however the Idol rumor is still lurking in my heart slightly.

Anonymous said...

I love it that these rumors are going in and out of circles with news media. Keep it coming news people. More visibility for our rock god, Adam, which translates to album sales. How do we get these news on TV entertainment news? Maybe we should tweet this latest MSN news to Insider, Access Hollywood, ET, E!, etc. true or not who cares. The more visibility Adam gets the better his sales nos. the sooner he will have his Trespassing tour. We want Trespassing tour!

Anonymous said...

USA is winning most of the medals and it would be a travesty not having any US performer. With all the fantastic reviews of the six concerts Adam interprets Queens songs better than any other performer in the world.

Anonymous said...

Read this MTV article and write your comments:

Anonymous said...

JAK - re: that your family thinks your nuts ... I think many of us experience the same thing with our families. I've converted my daughter, having taken her to 3 Adam concerts (one in Hawaii!) and my middle granddaughter is a huge Adam fan. I have a pic of Adam, personally addressed to me, proudly framed and displayed in my house. My son-in-law was the sound man on Adam's shoot for the Oprah show and he explained that I was a huge fan. Well, Adam, being the sweet man that he is, promptly asked his manager for a pic and signed it for me. He then proceeded to sign one for my granddaughter - the other big Adam fan. I thought that was the sweetest thing and it was all Adam's idea. No wonder we all love him!

Anonymous said...

@1:41pm. I think you are JJ fan not Adam

Anonymous said...

How can any 1:41 be called anything but an Adam fan? She made a factual statemrnt. It's this sort of nonsense that makes Glamberts look silly!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:20 pm on this after further thought. It IS rather presumptuous of Glamberts to publicly pressure Great Britain on Twitter no matter how much we'd enjoy seeing Adam up there in the international spotlight.


Anonymous said...

Have to ask. Is Trespassing being re-released here in the states with Map and By the rules on it? I was listening to Map on youtube and someone commented that. Anyone know if it is true or not?

Anonymous said...

oh please lay off the twitter and petitions Glamberts. We are becoming pesty at times. BTW I am the second 1:41 and def not a troll.No offense taken tho, I get into alot of trouble on this site calling out posters I think are trolls so I got a taste of my own medicine. lol

Anonymous said...


Off da Grid. Talk to ya Next week! ;)


Anonymous said...

@3:30 Map and By the Rules are on the U.K. CD. purchased it on Amazon U.K. with my Amazon U.S. account. Love those two songs so had to have the U.K. version!The deluxe U.S. version is not going to be changed,bought quite a few of those lol!

Anonymous said...

How can I purchase Map and By the Rule. I have I tunes can I get it through there? Anne

Anonymous said...

I read a comment on this site days ago that said TP'ing is being re released in Australia. I don't know how true it is. I have a copy of TP from UK Amazon and Map is a killer.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam would put Map and BTR up on US iTunes.

Anonymous said...

any guesses JUST FOR FUN where off da grid is? I'll say some beautiful penthouse in Las Vegas hand picked by Sir EJ.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are taking a trip and so they are off the grid. You can't reach them I think Adam is sick of all the rumors. He is not doing the olympics or amer idol.I don't know how many times he has to tell us.

Anonymous said...

@3:54 You must be able to purchase Map and By the Rules on U.K. itunes.@4:50 How is that by Adam taking a weekend off it means the rumors are totally not true. He and Sauli are just taking a little weekend getaway and want to be alone and no internet. They deserve that, Adam has been working so hard. Until he gets back next week we still haven't gotten any definite confirmation about anything!

Anonymous said...

Another rumor floating on twitter that Adam is off to an island in Italy and then he flies to UK to front Queen for the Olympic closing ceremony.

Anonymous said...

I bought Trespassing UK edition from here:

SG said...

I leave you alone for a minute and now you want to run for Major!??Tell me the name of the village I have to visit it!! Hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

One more rumor: Adam might stay in UK afterwards to record a new James Bond movie sound track with Queen.

I love this rumor the best.

glitzylady said...

I think Adam just wants a little time to rest and relax with his love Sauli, something they will both enjoy after the craziness of this year... I suspect he doesn't mind the rumors at all. : )))

SG said...


Of course the bad joke was about you running for MAYOR, not major!'s almost 3am and I wrote that with my phone....
btw...I'm sure you would be a great MAYOR!!LOL!!
I can almos see the merchandising!!:))

Anonymous said...

I take all these rumors with loads of humor! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Just sharing what EXPOSURE can do:

"Phillip Phillip’s coronation single, “Home” is predicted to have a huge sales week in the period ending on August 5, according to Billboard. The big sales are fueled by recent exposure during the women’s Olympic gymnastics coverage on NBC."

“Home’s” Olympic exposure may be over. It was not played during tonight’s (August 2) all around gymnastics competition. Still, “Home has been sitting at No. 1 on iTunes since Tuesday night (July 31). With the release of the music video tonight, the wave begun by Olympic coverage may continue even without continued coverage."

Home could sell around 200,000 downloads by Aug. 5, the end of the sales week. In the most recent week (ending July 29), only Flo Rida’s “Whistle,” sold more than with 237,000.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the UK head of the closing ceremonies has buckled under pressure and has fired Jessie J and given the gig to US performer Adam Lambert.

No, you got that wrong, Adam is not recording for James Bond theme song, he actually has a role in the upcoming JamesBond film! Daniel Craig is going to be outshone by the gorgeousness of our BB.

It's only right that the country leading in medals get to choose someone from their country to sing with Queen. Thank God, it's USA and not Narnia!

Yes, Adam and Sauli have gone away on a weekend trip to an island in Italy. They'll have a couple hours there to relax before they have to head back.

Is there any money to be made in spreading false rumors? I may soon be as rich as Mitt!

Anonymous said...

Here's another example what EXPOSURE can do to this other Adam who is now acting in some episodes of American Horror Story.

Adam Levine Slams Critics, Talks Tattoos in Inked Magazine!

We've got an exclusive sneak peek at the latest issue of Inked magazine -- where Maroon 5 bad boy Adam Levine explains his love for tattoos ... and why he hates music critics.

"Music critics are all f**king idiots," Levine proclaims at the very beginning of his interview, taking a stand against some of the negative reviews of his band's latest album, "Overexposed."

“There’s obviously a certain balance between pursuing an audience and pursuing what you love to do, 
but I love what we do," he adds. "I would never put out a record I didn’t want to listen to.”

And when it comes to criticism that the band has sold out, Levine admits he loves having major, mainstream attention."

Anonymous said...

As much as I'd love to see Adam perform with Queen at the Olympics (and have said so many times), I do think that it would not reflect well on Queen (and Adam by association) if JJ was pushed aside for Adam. I don't think Adam will be doing it anyway. Nobody wants Queen or Adam to be perceived as bullies. JJ will do a good job. So be it.

Interesting info about Interscope. They seem to be aggressive in their promotion strategies. Hmmm.. I know Adam has another single coming out, but I wonder if he's looking beyond the promotion Co. he has.

Levine and Lambert feel like most artists. They want their artistic integrity but also want commercial success. Makes sense. Lots of singers remain "true to themselves" and never make it big. If our Adam can get one of his great songs promoted and HEARD, like Levine has, then there is justice in the world. Levine can't hold a candle to Lambert vocally, but he sure got the exposure on AI. Good for P2 on his new song. I have no interest in him, but he sure did have lucky timing with the Olympics. This is what happens sometimes. Perfect timing.

Glad that Adam and Sauli are taking a vacay. I know they want to be alone, but I sure wish that some photographer somewhere gets one little pic of them together. I know I'm selfish, but I can't help it.


Anonymous said...

P2 got great promotional support from Interscope with great timing and that song for sure is made for his musical talent. He is a talented artist and well educated as well. He has his college degree in Industrial Technology. I don't doubt we might hear 'Home' again on Olympic.

Anonymous said...

ha ha DRG I was thinking the same thing just one little picture. I am a little selfish too.hee he

Anonymous said...

Can Someone help me please. .99 in euro is what in the states?

daydreamin said...

Oh I do love those rumors. I love the MSN article too! Thanks for sharing all you posters!

Anonymous said...

@7:08PM Just googled it for you and here it is:

0.99 euros = 1.2253 US dollars

daydreamin said...

$1.2265 is the conversion to US Dollars.

daydreamin said...

Oops sorry anon 7:20 you posted while I was typing I guess!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin You're Welcome! I posted fun rumors floating on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Yup the timing was great for P2,but Interscope has the smarts to have found and pursued his song Home to be played at the Olympics. If you don't hear a song you don't know it's out there. That was the problem with NCOE,so few stations spun it enough. I kind of like Home,but P2 cannot even come close to Adam's vocals. No one can right now IMO.Of course P2,like Scotty is young and cute to teenage girls,like the boy next door,so that doesn't hurt.Adam is one of the sexiest men ever IMO!!!!

Anonymous said...

I got 1.53 left on my itunes gift card. So I could purchase Map without any extra charge since different country? Anne

Anonymous said...


Adam and Sauli will spend time somewhere and we are here waiting if there's any pictures will pop out:))

Don't worry you are not alone dear, I'm also thinking about it:)

It's a long weekend here in our country and friends from the border will visit and watch the Caribana Festival.

Thousands of American come to Toronto during this time to enjoy the Caribana:)


Anonymous said...

For the first time I heard 'Home' on Idol I said to myself my God this song sounds a lot like Coldplay songs. Remember they even had Coldplay on the show.

Coldplay is my favorite band and one of the reasons I fell in love with Adam was because they played Coldplay Viva La Vida song during his audition on Idol and I used to listen to this track everyday on repeat.

Yes, timing is a key for a success of a song to become a hit and great promotional support. For sure, Interscope knows how to support his clients.

BTW I read or heard awhile ago, like over two years ago, that Jimmy Iovine approached Adam to sign him up but he was already signed up with Idol. I believe Monte talked to one of the fans about this. Does anyone know anything about this?

Anonymous said...

NCOE is moving up on dance charts and in europe. still moving, some of these dongs (incl Levine's) took forever to get going so. ;call me maybe; is not that special, I do not get why this is a #1 song...:(

Anonymous said...

Call Me Maybe is so special because Beiber and Selena backed Carly Rae Jansen. I think Beiber discovered her,lets just say there was a little power behind pushing that song up the chart. Like Adam has said in the past it is sometimes who you know.

lorraine said...

@JAK I knew there must have been another reason I feel a special connection to you--besides our Adam , of course, and your wonderful, creative writing skills.I too , fell in love with Johanna Spyrii's novel, HEIDI as a child. Thus, my only daughter, my Adam "concert buddy", my forever friend ,is named Heidi- and she has the joyful personality of that storybook character from the moment I first held her in my arms.....

Anonymous said...

Both Bieber abd Carly Rae Jepsen are Canadians. She won 3rd place on Canadian Idol. When JB heard her song and of course because she's also Canadian, he tweeted his 25Million tweeter followers why it went up the charts. Then Jimmy Fallon had her as guest and they all played that song to the hilt with Fallon een joining them. The power of Bieber with just 1 tweet.

Anonymous said...

You deserter! You left without a word so in my spare time waiting for you to return, I ran for mayor, yes a nice petite, rustic village by the bay. You're right, my load of Adam-related merchandise flew off together with the roof and all. Hey where have you been...huh still dreaming on cloud 9 with Adam! lol! :) Thanks for coming back! Absence makes the heart grow fonder is such a great inventive proverb. But don't disappear too long or it can turn into...Out of sight, out of mind! But not to worry, the latter won't happen as far as you are concerned because you are such a live wire! Can get electrocuted, you know...:)

Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars should give support and promote NCOE with his followers on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Where has Bruno Mars been hiding? I like him alot but have been hearing zero of him lately.

SG said...

Maybe you will need a "straigh jacket"!?? Hahaha!!
I'm sure you gonna rule that village perfecly!Using all your wisdom and knowledge for the best.Sorry for leaving you for a while.Come to Twitter PLEASE!btw..still in the intention to land!!LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I actually looked up straight jacket and was pretty shocked people were subjected to such dehumanising treatment. Don't you dare put me in one, all hell will break loose. lol! Another weird thing was I thought it was used to control someone from being unfaithful. lol! Come to think of it, you may be right about me needing a straight jacket for the first reason only. lol! I heard Adam say he might like to come up with a straight jacket fashion, hmm...maybe his next tour. His next tour will be something off limits and super energising. Hey SG, remember we talked about Adam descending in a hovering helicopter...see what happened at the Olympics opening, even the Queen likes my idea! lol! :)

SG said...


With Adam I think we all gonna end up with straight jackets! BUT I call for the Dragon Atttack "straight jacket"!LOL!!He's next tour is gonna be a MIND BLOWING experience!!I can't wait!!About the helicopter, YES!007 put a "bug" on your mind!! and then get the Queen into it!!Hahaha! That moment, Mr. Bean and Queen was the best of the ceremony. The rest was boring and really slow.The Barcelona opening ceremony is still the best and also L.A 1984!!;D

Anonymous said...

Yes agree, the Barcelona Olympics opening, though I faintly remember, was very impressive and spectacular. The 2012 Olympic rings dripping with fiery flames were very beautiful, but maybe I'd like to keep the tradition of one athlete lighting the cauldron. I prefer one person simply dipping his torch into the cauldron to light it and one fierce flame flares out from the cauldron rather than the slowed down complicated version. Some traditions cannot be broken because they have been so deeply etched in the mind. Adam should sing Runnin from that helicopter and slowly lowered down into the arena...whoa dream on... :)

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine.......JAK here

More alike than you know! You have your Heidi...I named my daughters from my favorite childhood book as well...Little Women! I have an Amy and a Beth!
I would have kept going hoping for a Meg and Jo or even a son named Laurie, but my sensible husband said "let's stop at 2....4 people fit in a booth!" Family planning in the 60's! :))

Anonymous said...

JAK again....The scrapbook of Adam's Texas concert is a go! #1
daughter and I bought a scrapbook yesterday (black and white cover) and I turned over the stack of photos....all but the one of Ashley in her torn fishnet stockings (My nephews are 15 and 18naturally Ashley drew their attention!)

Can't wait to see what she creates, her scrapbooks are superspecial, her husband, who is my BFF, has written me Adam poems a couple times, hope she includes them!

Our family with one exception, #2 daughter's husband, are all riding the crazy train. He is our resident genius and Dr. of Pharmacy, which comes in handy. He's very serious but sweet and when our group are together sits quietly and observes us as strange and exotic specimens. He's from a very formal family, none of whom have what my mother used to call a "sense of silly!" I think he married my daughter cause she appears a bit ditzy, think Zoey Deschanel. Opposites attract!

Anonymous said...

Adam has not come out and dismissed the rumors about Queen and Idol...wish he would..and maybe he will next week..the Olympics are over next weekend so, no matter, we will know positively then..for sure Nick Jonas will be on Idol...I can understand they want the younger demographic..but, alas, I will not tune in for the show again..Idol jumped the shark after Season 8....

Anonymous said...

Brian May's blog about the Olympics didn't mention anything about Adam performing with them at the closing ceremonies. It's been set up to be JJ and Queen will perform with her. It would be pretty tacky to change it to Adam at the last minute, even if they could. Would make Queen AND Adam look bad. I want Queen and Adam to look classy about all this. I want the Glamberts to look classy, too, and to accept it all with grace.


Anonymous said...

All those viewers Hey viewers request his song on radio where he need plays. Radio is so fixed these days. Thank goodness for total loyal fans. Those radio stations have to be taking payola baby.

Anonymous said...

@JAK I feel I can rightly assume you were in heaven when Adam sang Beth on Idol.....Even today, when I want a little "pick me up" or touch of beauty in my day-I put on that video and watch that magnificent rendition of Kiss's song....still almost brings me to tears.

lorraine said...

@JAK above entry is from Lorraine; I clicked the wrong identity tag---

Anonymous said...

Clear Media and Entertainment supply their 850 stations nationwide with songs played on a loop everywhere. You can't break into it, DJs have no say. Adam's not on their list. Not their type!
They have a stranglehold on radio.
Their type is Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. GET IT?

Anonymous said...

There was never a question about Jessie J being the one to sing with Queen. It was announced ages ago. The stupid rumor was started and couldnt be killed. God knows I tried but no one would listen. Queen did not ask Adam it was never considered, it's been Jessie from the start. Some peoples heads are made of concrete, they won't see, hear or believe what they don't want to. Kind of scary.

Anonymous said...

Adam said he was not going to sing at Olympics because he wasn't British. It can't get much clearer than that and it was odd that people let their wishful thinking go wild. Adam is good at squishing unfounded rumors as they surface which is why I still have a glimmer of hope for the Idol gig.