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Adam Lambert's Interview with Australia's Samesame website!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, August 9, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, August 09, 2012

CLICK HERE to read this awesome new interview!


Anonymous said...

Like that picture! Platinum Adam on a white horse. Dark haired Adam on a black horse. The Knight in shining armor either way!

Anonymous said...


There's the cover, now you write the book!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! What an exotic, heroic, prolific picture...Adam riding out from a wild desert on a unicorn...can't get any fiercer! lol! Horse is my favourite animal...oooh thanks Artist! You can do a comic series on! That means this picture shows my 2 favourite animals; in Science, we humans are classified as Animal as opposed to! Also like the shooting stars in the sky; yea Adam is a shooting star, and the orangy rock cliff, Australian outback. :)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely superb interview. Adam puts his whole heart and soul into everything he does - even an interview. That's why he is our Platinum God riding into our lives on a Unicorn, and he has our undying devotion.

glitzylady said...

Picture is great...but be SURE to read the article.

Its one of those that is respectful to Adam, and he of course is the intelligent, articulate, introspective, grateful, humble, man that he is...If I was not a fan of his (which we know I AM!) I would be a fan after reading this wonderful article. But coming out of Australia, I would expect it to be just that. We need more of these here in the US, in major publications.

An EXCERPT from the article (be sure to read both pages..), this about HIS FANS, THE GLAMBERTS....

"Something else Lambert is known for is his somewhat dedicated, some might say obsessive, fan-base, many of whom refer to themselves as Glamberts. The man himself, however, is not one to rush to judgement where his followers are concerned.

“The way I look at it, it’s a case-by-case thing,” he muses. “Have I gone online and come across some stuff that freaked me out? Absolutely. It’s the same with some people after shows, but I think all fans are different. I’ve met fans that were really rad and that, you know, I’d absolutely sit down and have a drink with because they were down to earth and cool. And then, you know, I’ve also met some fans that made me a little uncomfortable. But, really, I think the bottom line is that, despite that discomfort, I know it’s coming from a place of love.

“I think one of the things that something people don’t understand is what it’s like being on the receiving end of that type of energy. One doesn’t always know how to receive it. I appreciate that I am being celebrated for what I’m contributing and that people like what I do. Before I had this career, before I had this public profile, I obviously had no experience of being treated that way and so, if I am really honest, it all still feels a little strange. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve it. Sometimes I feel like, ‘Oh, I’m not really there yet, so how about you save that for when I really hit my stride?’”"

Anonymous said...

loved the article.

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady It really is a great interview. We do need more interviews like this in U.S. publications so people can see what a wonderful human being Adam is. The picture ain't too bad either lol!

Anonymous said...

Wow- what a great article. i want to go to australia!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful article! And agree completely with glitzylady's comment - " he of course is the intelligent, articulate, introspective, grateful, humble, man that he is". However, I find myself being a bit sad knowing that Adam never gets this kind of interview nor understanding in his own country. As he said, the mainstream media HERE usually sensationalizes his sexuality, but his talent and voice and are rarely emphasized. Such a waste ....

Anonymous said...

Great interview! Now about the horse with the hood ornament, unicorns looked more like goats than horses. I know I know it's fantasy, but check out medievil tapestries. Go ahead yell at me I deserve it! It really does look like a paperback book cover doesn't it?

Let me think......a series maybe?

Adam Lambert and the Red Planet
Adam Lambert and the Golden Idol
Adam Lambert and the Temple of Zeus
Adam Lambert and the Jade Tiger
Adam Lambert and the Crystal Cave

1:18 A.M. here, I feel a dream coming on......JAK

Anonymous said...

and here I thought that picture was a real snapshot of Adam on the beach in Cabo horseback riding with Sauli or on a cliff overlooking JAK's pool.

Anonymous said...

Cliff? I wish! Have you ever been to Florida? It's flat as a pancake....flat....flat....flat.
Every year I run away when I can no longer stand it and head for Tennessee and mountains!!! Big beautiful mountains!!! JAK :)))

HK fan said...

I read this article this morning, so nice to read such a well written piece of journalism. Agree the majority of articles in the US are very short, and almost always focus on his sexuality.

Anonymous said...

Thank you samesame (in my country) for this wonderful interview and that photo is fabulous. So looking forward to seeing and hearing Adam in less than 2 weeks now. I'm all of a dither already!! lol :D

Anonymous said...

So refreshing to read this great article.

The photo looks as though it depicts (apart from Adam, of course!) one of America's magnificent canyons or one of their national or state parks. I've visited a lot of them and they are absolutely breathtaking.

Anonymous said...

SameSame are awesome in Oz!
Fantastic interview setting the intelligent pace for all those dull, boring, repetitive in the box interviews ADAM has to put up with far too often.Oz adores Adam and Glam Nation there was totally breathtaking. ADAM even shed some tears at the Enmore venue because the crowd were so in love with him!
Adam is an adopted Aussie without any doubt. Plus, Japan loves him
with a passion too. This is going to be quite an off the planet platinum promo!

Anonymous said...

@2:44am Proud to be an Aussie too
Dittering here likewise.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that could make that picture better is Adam with dark hair. :D

twyla said...

Outstanding article!

Anonymous said...

Another articulate, intelligent interview from Adam. He knows exactly who he is and what he wants in life and puts everything into whatever he shows in this new album. If only the American media and some of the public would focus on his music and not his sexual orientation. He is the best vocal talent in the music business today and yet he has had to fight his way to be recognized and have his songs played on the radio. Adam seems to be accepted more on the international level and the comments he made about Australia prove that. And Japan just loves him also. Wake up America. How can you listen to untalented, crass, auto-tuned performers when you have the best right in front of you with his powerhouse vocals.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so dangerous to US conservative "right" because he is sooooo damn likable, lovable, admirable, reasonable... all those "ables"! And smart. And unapologetic, non-conformist. That is the issue at the heart of it. He is not "safe" homosexual male like a Neil Patrick Harris, and even so, even being his left of center self, he (Adam) is sooooo likable. Dangerious example in the eyes of conservative right (amazing example to reasonable well rounded people!) Yes to whoever posted above that he, Adam, is encouragment for people to be themselves, not cookie cutter, etc... not-cookie-cutter and not conformist causes problems for Conservative Right. Adam is so appealing to a "demographic" that the "right" thought they had all sewn up in a pretty little bow: 30-60 year old smart reasonable influential woman who are rearing children, and grandchildren... and turning their families onto Adam's brilliance, in and outside of music... a very very dangerous notion to the "right" conservative!! They simply can not have that. Progressive forward thinking, they simply can not have that! My way of dealing with it: continue to expose everyone around me, especially my tweens, without being a total kook about it :), to Adam's musical prowess and musicianship as well as his prowess in being a good human being, a good citizen of this planet!! JMO. :)

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with Anon 9:15am
U took the words out of my mouth:)

Anonymous said...

If the US could love with acceptance, Adam would have been superstar status already. Unfortunately beating the whole darn blinkered, uneducated minded religious system is a feat that even the President has to contend with. Outside the US the pressure if off.