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Brian May Mentions Adam Lambert in his letter to QUEEN fans

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 6, 2012

Posted at : Monday, August 06, 2012

Via @ScorpioBert: Scan of Brian May letter to Queen fan club members, Adam Lambert mentioned.


Anonymous said...

Gee, no word of World Tour maybe no one told him about it!

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted. He's back yes! Said he was in Cabo. Hope he and Sauli had a wonderful time. Now hope we hear soon what the next single will be and any more secrets he would like to share!

Anonymous said...

Hi Hon...welcome back...we have been rumors....haha!

glitzylady said...

Tweet from Adam just now:

Adam Lambert
Cabo was great! Nicely toasted.

: ))

Anonymous said...



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Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Adam, @ 8:38 P.M. is telling a whopper! :))

Anonymous said...

@JAK Adam is not telling us the truth. You told us he and Sauli were visiting you in Florida. Guess they have to keep that secret to protect your privacy and from you becoming a huge celebrity magnet lol!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....if they ever want to come back, they'd better keep quiet about their Florida hide-away! I made them promise! Oh damn, I promised too!

I guess I blew that! Well, I've always been the kiss n tell type!
Don't tell me've been warned!.....shhhhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

@8:38 P.M......JAK here

Please forgive me, obviously I am also a tattletale! I'm so ashamed.

Anonymous said...

within the next couple of weeks he has the Japanese tour.So now he starts rehearsals, he mentioned that the band hasn't learned all the songs on the album. Might be why he has thrown in a few fillers at his latest concerts. If he has plans for his new single, he might have already done it in Cabo.Or he can usually get it filmed in one day.That wasn't long enough to call it a real vacation, at least not in my book LOL

Anonymous said...

Cabo AKA JAK :) that's suppose to be a wink, I don't know how to make a wink yet. The thing I was making looked like a cyclops.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Brian has not been well. I hate to hear that. GET WELL !!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post by Brian although it's sad to hear that he's ill. I hope he will be all better very soon.

Anne Marie said...

If he was really at JAK's place, we will know right away. He will be 3 or 4 inches taller, because JAK would be hanging on his feet, to stop him from leaving. I think Adam would be quite pleased with JAK. LOL

Anonymous said...

JAK here....he wasn't well before the 6 concerts either. An extended tour probably not a good idea at his age. I wish him well, seems like a real gent!

Adamluv said...

Love the fact that Brian is an animal lover and protector which just makes me admire and respect him even more than I did before. . . . Adamluv

Adamluv said...

Will send positive thoughts into the Universe re: Brians health. Disturbing news.

Anonymous said...

@ Anne Marie.....JAK here

What a nice thing to say, one of the reasons I liked Adam immediately on Idol was because he reminded me so much of my grandson.
He has the same humorous easy temperment. When he comes to visit me, my grandson that is, not Adam, I do cling a bit when he has to leave.....maybe that's why he's 6'5"!!! I never thought of that!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Brian's health...he needs a dose of Adam's magic to re-energize him again :)))


Anonymous said...

65 isn't old!! However, a huge world tour probably wouldn't be the right way to go. I'm an animal lover too. Brian is a gem. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is back and I'm re-energize again:)

Brian is a trooper.


Anonymous said...

@ Canadian.......JAK here

Tell the truth, which is it?
Re-energized or is it your libido

glitzylady said... aren't going to believe this: Adam has gone platinum blond....and I'm not kidding......Seriously!!!! Pap pics from the airport coming back from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico...

Holy SHIT!!

Google translation of the above article (Finland)..with pics..

"Sauli, and Adam all smiles after lemmenloman
  Sharky / Splash News
Published on: 08/07/2012 13:13

Sauli Koskinen, and Finland's own son-in-law, Adam Lambert, spent a romantic holiday in Mexico Cabossa.
Graphs bongasivat travelers return flight after the Los Angeles airport.

The holiday was clearly made ​​a good pair, as both were smiling happily and joked with each other.

Adam also showed a gentleman gestures while pulling all the luggage in tow, when the Sauli had again to walk in peace without kantamuksia.

Queen of the band recently performed as a soloist Adam was also surprised by the new light-colored hair style, although he had concealed under the cap. The man has previously been accustomed to see in black hair".

Anonymous said...

I just saw the new pictures from the airport and Adams hair is blondddddddddddddd???? Am I mistaken???

Whatever?????????????? I love and miss u Mr. Rock God;)

Remove that hat and let me see the whole thinggggggggggg:)


Anonymous said...


The truth??? OMG!!! everything vibrates in my body indeed:))

Have u seen Adams new hairdo???? He is back!!!!! Smiling and very happy!!!!

I want to hear your input regarding his new hair colour?:) I'm loving it already!!!


Anonymous said...

Lol, the reactions so far are hilarious.

I think he can do whatever he wants with his hair. It will grow back and he can dye it black again.

Anonymous said...

Adam's new hair color is awesome..he can do no wrong...want to see the whole thing..he and Sauli look so happy!

Anonymous said...

There was a pic of Adam when he was touring with "Hair" in Germany
and he had blonde hair ....cute but I like the black more dramatic and sexy.

Anonymous said...

JAK opinion.....hmmmmm
Will have to get a good look at it first. From a practical point of view, much easier upkeep than constant care of keeping it black.
If he starts to go gray, easier to hide. He's going to look like Eber (that's not bad).
Final's temporary, he'll go back to black, it's edgier! He likes to experment with his hair. I'd rather see him blond than bald! Wonder what the Japanese and Aussies will think?
That is, if it's still blond in 10 days!

Anonymous said...

Blond, black, whatever as long as it's our Adam, I'm "dying" to see it! haha!

glitzylady said...

I've been expecting Adam to do this blond thing for quite awhile..I hope he keeps it platinum long enough so we can get a really good look. He'll definitely generate some Worldwide "headlines" LOL!!! He's just so much fun..gotta love him!!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Brian was an animal rights activist. More power to him.

Anonymous said...


Check out these pics ......

Anonymous said...

WOW!! The Cabo sun didn't waste any time bleaching Adam's locks. ;-D

Anonymous said...

Any chance it's a blonde wig for privacy purposes?

Anonymous said...

JAK here....wonder what color the eyebrows are?

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... I was just wondering the same thing. In one of the photos, I could detect something blond above his sunglasses (left eye) but my eyes may have been playing tricks on me.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert goes all Barry Manilow on us. Now I know for sure he doesn't have the Idol job I don't think he would do anything this drastic right before the show. Don't really care for it.

Anonymous said...

Hair-wise, Adam just wants to shake things up a bit. It'll make the show biz news and that's media attention, even if it's just about hair. Adam has had his hair many different colors over the years. We all met him when it was black, and that's what I love best, but just wait. He'll change it again. I think he'll go back to black. It IS sexier.


Anonymous said...

Adam will look younger and with lighter haircolor. I liked his recent hair with the highlights. I think I'd prefer highlighted or brownish color that is close to his real haircolor. I don't like the Elvis hair. Adam is not an Elvis impersonator.

Anonymous said...

As long as his hair doesn't fall out with all the dying but I guess he'd wear a wig if that happened.

Anonymous said...

NO- I love adam's hair BLACK- I've never liked blond on a guy. Bring sexy back Adam. Still love him no matter what though.

Anonymous said...

It's strange how some people like a person only with a certain haircolor. Same thing with the people in this fandom who like Adam only if he's with Tommy.

Anonymous said...

When Adam was touring in Germany several years ago,his blond hair was much longer & looked ok,but I love his dark hair like on the Tres. album cover..highlighted,etc & the style he had..Now,it looks more platinum BALD..look @ THE SIDES-COMPLETELY hair there @ all..BB,did you have to go to such extremes??Your 2 shows in Japan aren't that far off..): ): hope he can dye what's left of the new growth back to black or dark brown by then.If you wanted attention,well you got it!!):

glitzylady said...

Just remember, Adam was blonde and GORGEOUS when he performed this 2008 Art 4Life version of "Crazy" as hell... and I think the first you tube video I saw while Adam was on Idol..I was just getting to "know" him and seeing this, said "OMG!!!" Just whoa! Blonde is fine..and we know he'll change it again...Love him any old way!!!

Anonymous said...

Also the blond hair matches Adam's own current music style that is more pop than rock.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:56 AM
The sides are NOT shaved..its just platinum blonde and hard to see the hair!! Here's a REALLY LARGE pic: you can see his hair seems to be no shorter than before he went to Cabo..It was already short on the sides....

Anonymous said...

Go to Adam Official( from twitter)& somebody posted a link how bald Adam's hair is on the sides w/his cap on ( maybe a tiny bit of blonde sticking thru( not sure if that is the right pic about the tiny bit of blonde under the cap,but I think it is)You may have to look for the link if lots more get posted..BB,WHY???

Anonymous said...

Lets see how long it takes before the media picks up on this lol?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam and Sauli have the same hair color now .... I guess we'll know soon (hurry up and take your caps off, boys!!). :D

Anonymous said...

sobbing happy tears.

Anonymous said...

Hope he didn't shave it too much on the sides. That's what I don't like. Like to see the whole do. Blond is fine but Adam looks sexier in black.

Anonymous said...

Hope he didn't shave it too much on the sides. That's what I don't like. Like to see the whole do. Blond is fine but Adam looks sexier in black.

Anonymous said...

happy tears for Brian May's endorsement of Adam's talent. Hope Brian will get well soon.

Anonymous said... [40 HQ Photos]

glitzylady said...

@Anon. 7:37 AM
Go up to my post at 7:06 AM There is a huge close up of Adam that clearly shows he did NOT shave the sides at all: it was short to begin with.... but here it is again...

Anonymous said...

I love dark hair, but to be honest, not hating it. It's kinda sexy!

Maybe Adam just wanted to change it up for his vacation with Sauli, if you know what I mean..(-"


Anonymous said...

Hope the Japanese fans like him blond. Those shows are coming up soon!


daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Awesome.... Thanks Dr. Bri.

Hope he's feeling better and wish the hell Adam was appearing WITH them for the Olympic closing cremonies....

Anonymous said...

So if Roger and Brian are going to be up on stage at the closing ceremony, does that mean ADAM is going to be with them...??

If not, how on earth can that be?


glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:35 PM
Again, the explanation for why Adam will not be on the Olympic stage with Queen:

He is not a British citizen...Have to be a Brit.. Olympic rules apparently. No exceptions it seems. Jessie J will be singing with them....

Anonymous said...

Give up @ glitzylady. Stupidity is running rampant.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:17 PM
Hope springs eternal : )))

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Thank you for calmly sharing your opinion with us.

HK fan said...

Someone (can't remember where) posted the articles of law of whatever its called of the Olympics, with the rules of all aspects of the games, from organising to taking part. And apparently it doesn't actually state in there that performers have to be from the host country, however, I think it is the norm that performers are. And I assume its up to the host countries to decide how rigid they want to be on it. There have been exceptions before, but it looks like the UK wants to stick to homegrown performers.

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