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Can you spot Adam Kissing Sauli?

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, August 19, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, August 19, 2012

Apparently, if you look closer at around 0:08 into the video, you can see Adam kissing Sauli. This video was recorded at Osaka's concert earlier today.


Anonymous said...

JAK that's what he's doing when he lingers off stage while the band fills in time! :)

Anonymous said...

No. The only kissing pic we will ever get is the blurry pic taken in Finland the night they met.

Anonymous said...

LOLS!!! And this matters why? They are obviously a couple so they kiss. Do we need to see it?

Anonymous said...

Damn!!! Adam kissing Sauli???? I hope so?!!!:))) Spread the loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)

Lovely couple and they can kiss anytime they want ha! ha!

I can't wait for him to spill the beans when he is back from promoting the album...

Back to school and I'm worried that my daughter will ask me to stop using her new laptop:(((( Oh! Dear!

I'll be stuck again with my old ones he!he!

I need to buy a new one or else I'm gonna miss the updates!!!!


Jadam NZ said...

Think I saw it, but feeling a bit ashamed like a stalker, but still couldnt resist.
What were they singing? Was this just a little aside or a whole song?

Anonymous said...

I doubt the kiss would have much impact if it happened now. It should have happened much earlier. Adam is cautious because of the Bradam and Adommy fans' opinions, I think. Their opinions matter to him. It does not give a good impression though, because their fans have used the situation to mock Sauli.

Anonymous said...

The song is by sly and the family stone

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone's opinion matters to Adam as far as kissing goes. But when you have something real and meaningful you don't necessarily want to share it with the whole world watching.

Anonymous said...

I just watched one of the pop ups at end of this short video. It was an interview from at least 5-6 months ago, Adam answering mailed in questions. I don't know how I'd missed it, but it was charming. Just Adam on camera chatting away and scratching his head, probably hair spray itch!

He was asked what phrase would be his philosophy. He said "Live and Let Live", stay out of other people's business.

Boy, do we all fail at that BIG TIME !

Anonymous said...

Of course they mock Adam too, whenever the relationship get attention in the media, or there are pap pics. But tabloid pictures of any other gay couple is perfectly alright to them.

Anonymous said...

no,the peeps on youtube said they were just standing side by side..& that was sooooooooo fast when the spotlight hit them for a nano-second!!!It really doesn't matter,tho..I think they just want to keep some things private..They don't want to talk personal things.Adam did say his homelife was pretty "vanilla" the past yr.I heard that more than once in interviews( & they were very domestic and saw friends & family often)It's their life,& they can do what they want.

Anonymous said...

Fans drew conclusions when Adam didn't mention Drake on Trespassing. Like he didn't mean that much to Adam. I kind of wish he had left out Sauli too from the thank you list.

Anonymous said...

Drake was not a deep long lasting commitment. They split because Adam was going to be touring with Idol. They were dating not in love. Parted friends.
Brad was a deep commitment that didn't last. Parted friends after a period of heartbreak.
Sauli is a deep commitment we'll just have to wait and see won't we?
But for the present Vive L'amour!

Anonymous said...

I don't get Brad's humour really. He has the same type of humour as Neil.

Anonymous said...

Drake and adam were still dating when the AI tour was going on. I met him in Dallasat the concert in July. They split because Drake didn't like all the fame and attention from the Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is a much deeper commitment, and the only one to actually live with Adam. When you live with some one you really find out all about them, you cannot do that by just dating. I am glad that Sauli has made many friends in LA, and also works for a paper in Finland. Adam makes his money by himself also. It wouldn't be right if Adam didn't take care of Sauli financially also. Sauli said he is not a housewife, or ever will be a housewife, but I am sure he does a lot more house stuff and laundry and cooking than ever Adam does. Adam always had his mother come over and take care of things.

Anonymous said...

I too think that Sauli does most of the domestic work, also the so called mens work, while Adam is busy with his career.

Anonymous said...

Hey folks!!!

Don't miss to watch Adam singing cuckoo in OSAKA, He is VOCALLY MASTURBATING!!

Awesome and funny!!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Couldn't see the kiss. Too dark and obviously the moment passed very quickly. Big deal, anyway. Adam can kiss whomever he likes as long as they're willing to be kissed by him.

Anonymous said...

What have Brad and Drake got to do with this? Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Well, some Bradberts say Adam should keep his relationship out of sight.

Anonymous said...

I mean it is quite rude to call Sauli an attention whore. There are a lot more pictures of Brad for example. Double standards much.

Anonymous said...

There are still Bradberts???? Are there any Drakeberts????

Anonymous said...

I think they are all filberts!
That's nuts to you!

Anonymous said...

JFC, did some of you not see the tweet from Adam? He may not be able to block you here but he is obviously tired of all the negative comments and now here are a bunch more about his personal life. Why can't people just enjoy Adam's music and leave his personal life to him.

Anonymous said...

It looks like Sauli made Adam to kiss him. Sauli is the luckiest dwarf on earth.

Anonymous said...

There are some Kradams too who dislike Sauli but they like Tommy.

Anonymous said...

@1:46 yes, they must be very patriotic Glamberts.

Anonymous said...

@9:55 PM Adam has voluntarily talked about his relationship, but some fans can't tolerate it. He don't have to talk about Sauli or kiss him in public. There's no pressure from the fans who approve the relationship. When Adam was single the fansites were full of Bradam and Adommy pics and it never crossed my mind to complain about it. There is not as much talk about Sauli, but there is no need for the amount of worship Bradam got either.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't see the "kiss," if it really was one.


Anonymous said...

In this video, still blurry, but it looks like Sauli is making Adam to kiss him at :25 sec.:

tess4ADAM said...

Well ... this is my first day back & I see nothing has changed here ... thing is ... I know we all really LOVE ADAM in our hearts no matter who his partner is. ADAM says Sauli is the one for him & that's good enough for me. Didn't see the 'kiss' ... don't need or want to ... that is ADAM's private life & I don't 'belong' there ... JMO
Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I saw nothing because there was nothing to see.

Anonymous said...

What is all this "stuff" about Drake and Brad? Who cares! Adam and Sauli seem commited to eachother and Adam is in love. You can see it when he talks about Sauli and just in his general demeanor. He just seems to be in a better place and so happy with his personal and professional life. If Sauli did not like the arrangement with Adam about living together and what each one does or does not do in that partnership, then he could leave. I don't think any of us really knows what goes on in their personal lives and how they each handle daily responsibilities and it is none of our business. Let's just enjoy Adam as the best vocal talent in music today.

coloforadam said...

That beautiful picture in Paris where Adam held Sauli's face in his hands - passionate and tender and new and full of the joy and wonder Adam had been quietly seeking. That's the only picture I ever need to see to know that he is in love and has what he so richly deserves.

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